MTL - Mission Flow-v2 Chapter 331 close relationship

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Chapter 331: Close Relationship

Sinan Mansion is located in the center of Shanghai. Cao Su crossed the Huangpu River from the Bank of China Building in Pudong by car. The road was smooth and he arrived in less than half an hour.

There was still about an hour before the dinner appointment, so Cao Su asked for a villa at the Sinan Mansion Hotel to rest.

He came early because he was afraid of being delayed by traffic jams on the road. But you definitely can't go to Jingpuhui's box and wait in advance. That would be too condescending!

After checking in, the female manager at the front desk politely returned Cao Su's ID card to him, "Mr. Cao, is there anything else you need?"

Cao Su said: "Give me a card for your spa! I'll use it as a gift."

The female manager looked about twenty-seven or eighteen years old, wearing a suit, very professional. He smiled and said, "Okay, Mr. Cao.

This pre-consumption card can also be used in our hotel restaurants, bars, health clubs, swimming pools, and spas. How much do you need to top up? "

Cao Su handed over the bank card of Shenzhen Commercial Bank that he often used, "200,000!"

The female manager quickly finished the matter, and exchanged the bank card to Cao Su with a sweet smile. Then come out from the front desk, take the first step, and send Cao Su and Song Qiuli to the guest room at the back. The guests didn't seem to have much luggage.

Passing through the winding garden, you will soon arrive in front of a Republic of China-style villa in the hotel. The female manager sent the two of them to leave politely, "Mr. Cao, I wish you a pleasant stay! Goodbye."

"Well, goodbye!" Cao Su waved his hand. When he used to stay in a hotel in Shencheng, he would tip the waiters and managers of the hotel with one hundred dollar bills. Now there is no cash in the wallet, and the assistants will help him check in. He usually checks in directly with the room card. It's not a habit now.

In fact, the service fee is calculated in the final bill.

"Oh..." In a two-story villa, the lobby on the first floor is elegantly furnished. Song Qiuli stood in the living room and looked at this elegant villa that blends the past and the present, and couldn't help but marvel.

She is charming and sexy, and has many suitors in school, but she has not confirmed her boyfriend, and she is still a first-time girl. And her family is average. Where did she stay in a five-star hotel like the Sinan Mansion in her junior year?

Cao Su smiled, and gave Song Qiuli the consumer card he had just applied for, "Xiao Li, this is for you! I am very satisfied with your recent work!" The year-end bonus is still a bit far away. I have to calm my beauty assistant's unhappiness as soon as possible!

In fact, the most effective way to comfort her is to hold this charming and graceful beauty in her arms and gently kiss her. He knew why she was upset! After all, in terms of appearance and figure, He Yutong is far behind her!

But Junior Yutong is a coquettish and superb beauty! Special score 99. Since he met her, he would definitely take Yutong Xuemei away.

Moreover, Cao Su had an agreement with the beauty mole before: he would not pick on her, and let her work by his side with peace of mind.

Now, of course, we must abide by the agreement! When she took the initiative to chase after him, it wouldn't be considered a breach of the agreement, right?

Song Qiuli was a little surprised. She covered her small mouth with the back of her hand, looked at Cao Su with bright and beautiful eyes, and said coquettishly, "Brother Cao, is this a hush money or a year-end bonus?" beside. I didn't expect this card to be for her.

Cao Su dotingly said: "It counts as a hush money!"

Song Qiuli's mood improved after holding back the whole day, the corners of her mouth turned up, and the beauty mark added a bit of charming and coquettish charm. If she becomes a real woman, how charming this style will be in the future!

"Brother Cao, thank you!"

Cao Su smiled and said, "It's unfounded! Xiao Li, go make a cup of tea. I'll go to the second floor to make a phone call."

Song Qiuli glared at Bai Caosu coquettishly, her petite appearance was extremely charming, she stepped on high heels and slender waist and went to the kitchen to boil water and make tea.

Cao Su went to the second floor of the Republic of China style, pondered for a while, and dialed the phone number of Zhao Yu, the daughter of Xie Shu, the sister-in-law of the Xie family.

For the piece of land in Yangcheng, the bidding will be held at the end of this month. And it is estimated that Fang Wenlong and Fang Dong will be looking for funds through him when they return to Shencheng this Saturday! If he invested 2 billion in it, he would definitely not do it! However, Fang Dong has helped him a lot, and he is still willing to help him if he can. Therefore, he now needs to ask the details of that land.

Find out how to solve this upcoming puzzle!

Before arriving in Shanghai, I used Zhao Yu to vent my anger to Aunt Xie, the vice president of Sun Yat-sen University, and went to visit her after returning to Yangcheng.

His sudden emergence in Shenzhen City and Guangdong Province is something worthy of attention for the business community in Guangdong Province! And he is a pure newcomer, taking the path of today's Internet upstarts: a creative + venture capital.

This is how Dragon Ball Live has rapidly grown bigger and stronger. The business community in Guangdong Province basically didn't know about him until he got the venture capital from Sequoia China and other venture capital institutions.

So he is no better than Hu Junfeng, and he has no backer. For him, the Xie family, a wealthy business family in Guangdong Province, has two different views on him, one is to suppress him, and the other is to make friends with him.

The reason why the Xie family paid special attention to him as a "rookie" was that his assistant, Song Jingying, was the ex-granddaughter-in-law of the Xie family at the gathering party of the industrial and commercial circles in Shencheng a few years ago. Just imagine, who can tolerate this?

Aunt Xie's husband Fan Yanjing and Yu Xian's father Yu Zhiming are good friends. He and Aunt Xie are on the side that is friendly to Cao Su.

"Ah... Uncle, you actually took the initiative to call me." As soon as the call was connected, Zhao Yu's deliberately exaggerated scream came from inside.

Cao Su didn't know whether to laugh or cry, as if I was old. Zhao Yu, a beautiful and slender chick, is not like a nineteen-year-old girl, she has a very mature mind.

He's been teased by her: taking him to dance on the bar's dance floor, arousing his interest but refusing to go with him to the hotel. So now he basically doesn't believe what this chick says.

"Zhao Yu, I want to visit Principal Xie in Yangcheng on Sunday, what time is more suitable?"

Zhao Yu was having dinner with his classmates in the restaurant outside, waiting for dinner. She is currently in the second semester of her sophomore year. There is only one big class this afternoon. This will call Cao Su on the snack street outside the Guangdong University of Finance and Economics. Of course, said: "

Of course it is night! My mother usually doesn't participate in the dinner party very much. But she is busy with work during the day. "

"Okay. Then I'll contact Principal Xie's assistant and make an appointment. You give me his phone number. I'll go back to Yangcheng and treat you to a drink."

Zhao Yu giggled coquettishly, "Uncle, just contact me. It's convenient for me to talk to my mother. Is it still a matter of the land for you to find my mother?"

Her mother asked her to keep in touch with Cao Su less, and let her aunt's son Xie Tang contact Cao Su. Because this kind of phoenix man is a scumbag, not a good match. But she likes to contact uncle! Because the uncle is handsome enough! She wants to be his girlfriend.

Cao Su didn't hide anything: "Yes."

Zhao Yu said: "Okay, wait for my call. I'll call you later. But, uncle, just buying me a drink is not enough, you have to treat me to dinner!"

Cao Su agreed: "Okay. You can choose any place when the time comes."

Zhao Yu said coquettishly, "Uncle, then I want you to treat me to a candlelight dinner."

Cao Su: "..."

Zhao Yu giggled and hung up the phone.

Zhao Yu didn't call her mother directly, isn't that just scolding? She called Sister Cai, the assistant to the vice principal, and conveyed Cao Su's wishes. After getting a definite answer, notify Cao Su and make an appointment to meet at the office at 8 o'clock on Sunday night. UU reading www.

At this time, Song Qiuli brought tea from downstairs. She brought the tea with her car. She was drinking tea while standing at the door of the French window balcony on the second floor. She asked curiously, "Brother Cao, do you really want to spend 400 million yuan for Lin Wanjun?" ? Tsk tsk!"

Those who love beauty do not love country!

Holding the teacup, Cao Su smelled the fragrance of the beauty mole, and could feel that the relationship between the two was closer than before. "Isn't this still undecided? I want to see Lawyer Xu's plan. At the same time, I need to get an answer from Lin Wanjun."

"The system checks, if I pay this money, do I have consumption experience?" Cao Su thought to himself.

System: "Chenghui, this query requires 10 million consumption experience."

Cao Su: "..."

In the end, Cao Su still paid the fee, and the result of the inquiry was: Yes. This made him feel good. If he has no consumption experience, he will definitely not do it.

Song Qiuli gave Cao Su an angry look, "Brother Cao, her husband will definitely not refuse your offer. You can see that he has never been in prison. I heard from our seniors at Fudan Law School that the environment in the detention center is worse than that in prisons." too much."

Cao Su was angry: "Xiaoli, what do you call that? I abide by the law and do my duty, but I won't go in and sing behind bars. I don't want this kind of experience in the future."

Song Qiuli covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly, her bright and beautiful eyes looked at the distant sunset flexibly, "Brother Cao, you haven't answered my question yet."

Cao Su smiled slightly and said, "Xiao Li, just think of me as a womanizer."

Song Qiuli pouted.

While the two were talking, time passed quietly. Song Qiuli received a WeChat message from Fang Kun's assistant and said, "Brother Cao, it's almost time." Bookmark the previous chapter and bookmark the next chapter