MTL - Modify Super God-Chapter 743 tricky! Magic field!

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The light and shadow changed in front of him, and with Sui Yu constantly sighing in his heart, "Nine times out of ten things are unsatisfactory in the world", he stepped into the portal with Jessica.


What appeared in front of the two of them was a small mountain village that looked simple and simple.


Jessica looked around and whispered to Sui Yu, "Will that fallen magician be among the crowd?"

"It shouldn't be." Sui Yu tried to sense it: "I can't feel the magic fluctuations beyond the level of ordinary people."

There are many ways to hide magical power fluctuations in the world.

For example, a special force field is formed to reduce the fluctuation of magic power.

Like Sui Yu's Haina Baichuan Gong, it can greatly reduce the fluctuation of magic power and prevent the huge fluctuation of magic power in the body from being detected.

However, the force field generated by the practice method can only weaken the magic power fluctuations according to a certain proportion because its energy itself is the magic power in the body.

The best way to hide is to build a confined space, and a basement is usually the best option.

By engraving inscriptions on the walls of the basement that block the transmission of breath, no matter how violent the fluctuation of magic power, as long as it does not reach the level of attack magic, there is basically no need to worry about it leaking out.

But the disadvantage of this is that it cannot be moved.

In short, the methods of concealing magic power fluctuations have advantages and disadvantages as a whole.

Moreover, in the eyes of experienced investigators, if the use of the practice technique is not used well, it will reveal the clues - the magic power fluctuations on the body are weaker than ordinary people, what is it? Are you going to pretend to be a dying wounded person? !

For magic masters, even if the magic power fluctuations are hidden, the magic power fluctuations on the body will definitely be higher than ordinary people, which can only have the effect of making the opponent slightly careless.

And Sui Yu probably felt it, and found that there was no abnormal fluctuation of magic power in this village.

Even if the opponent is a master of magic, he may deliberately control the fluctuation of his magic power to be equal to that of ordinary people, but Sui Yu doesn't think that in this ordinary small mountain village, the opponent has such a reason to suppress it.

That being the case...

"Hi." Sui Yu greeted a young man with a **** with a smile, and then asked with a smile, "I'm an adventurer. I heard that there is a fallen magician nearby..."

Hearing the three characters of the magician, the young villager boy who was approached by Sui Yu immediately showed a look of horror on his face and subconsciously took a step back to keep a distance from Sui Yu.

"You... ah no, you... you are the friend of the sorcerer?"

Well, it's hammered.

It seems that the villager in front of him really knows the information of the fallen magician, and it seems that he was persecuted by the magician very badly.

"No no no!"

In order to get the help of the villagers, Sui Yu shook his head with a smile and said, "As I said, that guy is a fallen magician! And we are adventurers sent by the Adventurers Guild to kill that fallen magician!"

Well, the adventurers of the Adventurer's Guild are very free professions in general fantasy works.

As long as you pretend to be an adventurer in the magical world, you can basically solve the problem of identity.


"Adventurer's Guild? What is that?"

Well, no one stipulates that the settings of all magical worlds must be the same, only the trolls will fight with the settings of different works...

"Cough cough."

Sui Yu coughed lightly and explained, "This is an organization that was formed recently in the big city where we are located. Its main job is to engage in various dangerous jobs, including the elimination of violence and safety!"

"Because..." Sui Yu tried to make a proud expression and pointed to himself with his thumb: "We are all adventurers who dare to take risks for our beliefs!"

"The adventurer is so handsome!"

A little kid who was listening to our conversation cheered happily.

"That's it!" Sui Yu continued to maintain a proud attitude.

This time, Sui Yu paid special attention to the wording.

Originally, he planned to say that he came from the capital.

Because no matter what the king's capital in this place is called, it should be fine to say that the king's capital is theoretically no problem.


What if there is no country in this place? !

If it is a society in the form of a tribe, if you say that the king is the king, you will be exposed.

That's why Sui Yu said vaguely that he was from a big city.

The subtext is "you don't even know the name."

Sure enough, the male villager opposite this time had no doubts.

Phew, it's nice to be simple.

If modern people have been exposed to all kinds of knowledge on the Internet since childhood, I am afraid that they are still doubtful and dare not believe themselves easily at this time?

It's great that the other party is a simple villager!

Just when Sui Yu sighed in his heart, long live the simplicity, the male villager pointed to a small hill outside the village that looked unremarkable and whispered to Sui Yu, "Actually, that hill is the witch's lair!"

"The entrance is behind a boulder on the back of the mountain."

"When the moon is at its fullest, our village must prepare tributes and send people to bring things in."

"Otherwise that witch will start a massacre!"

The man hugged his body in fear and shivered: "When I was a child, I experienced a witch runaway!"

"At that time, there were monsters everywhere!"

"Everyone cried and ran away and was easily killed by the monsters chasing after them!"

"In addition to the screams and cries of the relatives in my ears, the rest is the terrifying laughter of the witch."

"It's terrifying! It's really terrifying!"

Hearing the words of the male villager, Jessica's eyes were obviously filled with anger, "It's really depraved to even take action against the commoners!"

And Sui Yu analyzed rationally: "According to the description it seems that our opponent this time is very difficult."

"The other party seems to be able to envoy a large number of summoned beasts, and usually hides in the magic position most of the time and cannot escape."

"This is a problem..." Jessica also had a headache.

A magician with a magic field is completely different from a magician without a magic field!

God knows what means are arranged in the magic field. Even if the magician is not high in his own magic power, the magic field that he arranges may even be able to fire the forbidden spells.

And a magician without a magic position, no matter how strong his magic power is, will at most use the magic power in his body and the props he carries with him.

If you use technology to make an analogy, a magic field is almost equivalent to a fully-armed spaceship, and an ordinary magician is equivalent to an ordinary soldier carrying an RPG.

At this time, Sui Yu and Jessica were facing a magician who had arranged a magic position!

Moreover, the other party started to dominate the villagers when the young man in front of him was very young and regularly asked for tribute materials to continuously improve the magic position.

It is conceivable that at this time, the unremarkable hill must have become a Longtan Tiger Den!

"That's a little tricky."


Sui Yu discussed it with Jessica for a while, and felt that the chance of winning was not high.


Which is the easiest task of washing the red name? !

Even if the overall level of the opponent's magic position is not high, I am afraid its combat power should be similar to that of the previous high-tech city!

All in all, you can't get in there!

"Then next..."

Sui Yu glanced at Jessica, and Jessica's eyes lit up and immediately said, "It seems that I can only choose to lure the enemy into action!"