MTL - Modify Super God-Chapter 935 Someone snatches the marriage application? !

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When I opened my eyes, what I saw was a strange ceiling...

"Where am I?"

Sui Yu clutched his head and sat up while trying to remember how he fell into a coma.

But it seems that the memory before coma is very terrible, so the brain refuses to recall that terrible memory!

"Sui Yu! Are you awake?!"

"Darling! You scared me to death!"

"Brother Sui Yu!

! "

The body was shaken vigorously, and Sui Yu followed the prestige and saw three girls crying with pear blossoms and rain.

"What's wrong with me?"

Hearing Sui Yu's inquiry, Elena wiped away her tears and replied: "We don't know either, we only know that when we saw that the battle on your side was over but you didn't come back for a long time, we rushed over to check, the result depends Until you fall to the ground with your eyes closed!"

"I was scared to death at that time!" Ai Fujiwara burst into tears again: "I thought Brother Sui Yu died!"

"Yes!" Yue Zishan also said with a look of fear: "It was really scary at that time."

"Is it so scary?" Sui Yu was prompted by everyone, and scenes suddenly flashed in his mind.


"Wow! It's really scary!"

Although I feel refreshed and full of strength after waking up, at the same time, the magic power in my body is running more smoothly than before, and it seems that I have successfully condensed the magic core in my body, referred to as the magic core.


It's really scary!

"What the **** happened?!" X3

Pressed by the three girls, Sui Yu finally told the truth.

Then he heard that Sui Yu actually ate an indescribable food, which led to him falling into a coma. Although it turns out that Sui Yu was a blessing in disguise, he definitely suffered a lot.

So Elena persuasively said: "Is it worth it? Is it worth it for you to do this? We all love you very much and are willing to give everything for you! Willing to give you the best! But why don't you want to marry me?" ?”

Seeing Elena's affectionate appearance, Sui Yu couldn't help feeling a strong sense of guilt.

"Otherwise, I've already brought the marriage application form, and I've already pressed your fingerprints for you when you were unconscious. As long as you sign again, Darling, I'll go and register for marriage!"

After the affectionate confession, taking advantage of Sui Yu's guilt, Elena took out a marriage application very naturally and handed Sui Yu a pen for Sui Yu to sign.

For this...

Sui Yu just wanted to sigh, the rule that in addition to pressing the fingerprint of the official contract, the rule that requires the person to sign to take effect is really great!

If there was no way to implement this strategy because there were many illiterates before the alliance was established, if just pressing the fingerprints would have legal effect, Sui Yu might have become a married person now!


Sui Yu decisively tore up the marriage application, and then, under the watchful eyes of the tearful Elena, threw it into the trash can that Ai Fujiwara brought over.

"Why is this so?!" Elena cried out in despair with a look of despair.

Pushing Elena aside, Yue Zishan took out a document from his bag and handed it to Sui Yu: "Since you're awake, sign the list of hospital expenses, and I'll pay for it for you."

Hearing Yue Zishan's words, Sui Yu was a little embarrassed: "How can you pay for it? I'll just pay for it!"

After a quick look, although I was only in a coma, I was in a coma for three days after going through a lot of examinations. The hospital also spent a lot of material and manpower in these three days, so the cost is not small.

But Sui Yu is not short of ten thousand yuan.

So Sui Yu held the pen and planned to sign it.


When signing, Sui Yu suddenly found that the payment slip was a bit thick, as if two pieces of paper were glued together.

In particular, the color of the paper inside the form box of the signature box is subtly different from the color of the paper outside the form box.

So Sui Yu gently rubbed the paper feet and then peeled off...

The payment slip on the surface was uncovered, revealing the familiar marriage application form below!

Filling in the content is not bad, plus the fingerprints that were obviously pressed in a coma...

The biggest difference from Elena's marriage application form was that Yue Yeshan was filled in the woman's column instead of Elena!

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"Zishan, can you explain?"

Hearing Sui Yu's gloomy question, Yue Zishan showed a rare flustered expression and shouted to Sui Yu loudly as he waved his hands profusely with sweat: "No! Sui Yu! Listen to my sophistry!"

Sophistry? !

At this moment, Fujiwara Ai suddenly put something in the bag.

Seeing this, Sui Yu couldn't help but ask her, "Xiao Ai, are you planning to find a way for me to sign the marriage application?"

"No! No! I didn't secretly press my fingerprints!"

After finishing speaking, Ai Fujiwara hurriedly raised her head and tried to make a gesture of "I am a passerby" while whistling.

Of course, Fujiwara Ai couldn't whistle, so she whistled for a long time, but she couldn't whistle at all.

Anyway, it's a solid shot!

"take it out!"

Seeing Sui Yu's extended hand, Ai Fujiwara sighed and took out a dozen of marriage applications from her bag!

And each one has Sui Yu's handprint on it.

I looked at my thumb, it was blood red!

"No!" Sui Yu laughed angrily: "When I'm in a coma, you won't play with my finger and press the handprint when you're bored?!"

"No way!" Elena raised her head and whistled: "How could I do such a thing?!"

"Yes! Yes!" Yue Zishan agreed with embarrassment.

"take it out!"

Seeing Sui Yu's hand stretched out, Yue Zishan had no choice but to make a phone call. After a while, assistant Xiao Liu walked in with a suitcase used to hold money in the movie. When he opened it, it was full of Sui Yu's money. Yu handprinted marriage application.

It seems that because Yue Zishan has no time to fill in, these applications are all blank.

But blank is scary!

"that's it?!"

Hearing Sui Yu's question, Xiao Liu was startled and seemed a little flustered.

Keenly noticing Xiao Liu's panic, Sui Yu chased after the victory: "Xiao Liu! What about the others?!"

Pressed by Sui Yu and seeing Yue Zishan lowered her head with a helpless expression, Xiao Liu had no choice but to tell the truth: "This box belongs to Miss Elena, and the other box of marriage application belongs to my lady."

"However, it seems that because the security work was done a bit too much, it may have been regarded as something of very high value by others, but it was robbed by a group of criminals during the delivery."

"Because of this, the gang of robbers killed several people!"

Several people died, and a box of blank marriage applications was robbed in the end? !

Sui Yu suspected that the group of people might have gone mad with anger at this time!

Just thinking about it, Sui Yu felt sorry for those robbers!

"Forget it! That's it!"

Sui Yu was lying flat on the hospital bed, UU reading he was too lazy to care about these **** things!

But Eileen followed up and asked: "Darling! Don't you change your mind now?"

"Yes!" Fujiwara Ai also said to help: "You have been in a coma for three days, and the alliance is publicizing that you were seriously injured in order to protect the motherland! Have you not changed your mind?"

Good guy, eating a picnic and almost being chased into a fierce land is awesome!


"I don't regret it!" Sui Yu replied firmly: "There is nothing worth mentioning! I chose the road myself. Since I have chosen it, I must go to the end without any scruples!"