MTL - Modify Super God-Chapter 936 Fighting equals dating!

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, the fastest update to modify the latest chapter of Chaoshen!

Boom boom boom!

The huge skyship covering the sky and the sun is slowly advancing, and the large number of cannons deployed on it are constantly roaring violently.

At the same time, a large number of explosions continued on the ground, causing great casualties to the Alliance army!

"Damn it!"

God Fist Taylor yelled angrily: "The Black Knights actually made such a thing?! Are they going to fight Star Wars?!"

It's no wonder that God Fist Taylor is angry, because this aircraft carrier floating in the sky is really too buggy!

Floating in the air is very high from the ground, and the range of the magic cannon mounted on it has become very far because it is condescending.

Moreover, there is a magic shield on the outside of this huge air fortress.

The alliance's various missiles hit the past, but they were basically blocked by the magic shield, causing almost no damage to the hull!

What is especially terrifying is that the front end of this thing is equipped with a huge main gun!

It was the main gun before, and it wiped out an alliance base with one shot!

Now there is only a huge impact crater left on the original site of the base, and the impact crater is filled with extremely fine sand!

"Never let the enemy's main gun fire again!"

The general in charge of commanding the battle has issued a death order, but how should it be carried out?

At this moment, a blue light suddenly crossed the sky and went straight to the huge battleship!

Immediately after, a fancy mecha carried the remaining members of the hero team to the battlefield.

Seeing these figures fighting with the legion of puppets constantly dropped on the spaceship and gaining the upper hand as soon as they appeared, the morale of the alliance was instantly boosted!

"It's the Hero Squad to support us!"

Accompanied by the shouts of excitement, the soldiers of the Alliance, whose morale had been low, mustered up their fighting spirit in an instant, clenched the weapons in their hands and fought with the dolls again!

At the same time, Sui Yu, incarnated as a blue hero, pushed the jet magic under his feet to the limit, and approached the huge battleship in the sky at an extremely fast speed.

Realizing that Sui Yu is a top expert, many magic cannons at the front of the giant ship aimed at Sui Yu's position and fired one after another.




Amid the continuous roar of explosions, Sui Yu skillfully sprinted through the explosions, drawing a beautiful zigzag trajectory from time to time.

Although it looked extremely dangerous, Sui Yu himself was unscathed!

After penetrating the bridge between heaven and earth and gestating the magic core in the body, the total amount of magic power in Sui Yu's body and the magic power that can be used have not only increased, but basically there is no need to worry about the lack of magic power. At the same time, Sui Yu's perception has also been improved. raised dramatically.

It is really easy for Sui Yu to quickly predict the trajectory and damage range and dodge in advance.

No, in just a few seconds, Sui Yu easily broke through the giant ship's barrage and came to the spaceship's main gun.

At this moment, a huge green magic shield suddenly appeared to block Sui Yu's way.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Several missiles roared in, and then hit the shield!

The special fluctuations spread, and the green shield suddenly became very unstable.

brush! !

Slash with one sword!

Sui Yu, who had already calculated that the jamming bomb would hit the target accurately, shook his hand and summoned the long sword, which was a sweeping blow!


The huge sword energy swirled and bombarded the same huge magic shield!


*** How can the magic shield that destroys the magic structure of the disruptor block the fierce sword energy of this blow? !

In an instant, the huge magic shield shattered!

Whoosh whoosh!

Immediately afterwards, several intercontinental missiles stepped on the spot and flew towards them, directly passing through the position of the original magic shield and hitting the main gun of the giant ship!

boom! boom! boom! !

The huge explosion forced Sui Yu to pull away


Of course, just in case Sui Yu volleyed and threw several shots of sword energy into the smoke and dust of the explosion, presumably even if the main gun of the giant ship withstood the explosion of the intercontinental missile, it is estimated that after these few shots of sword energy it would not It's almost ready to be declared scrapped!

Turning his head, Sui Yu looked at the other magic cannons on the huge ship.

Apart from anything else, Sui Yu clenched his long sword and lowered his head, easily dodged the continuous shelling and quickly approached a nearby magic fort.

Quickly approach, a vertical sword strike!

when! !

At this moment, a black figure suddenly stood in front of Sui Yu and easily received Sui Yu's powerful sword!

"Oh? Looks like you've grown again!"

Although he tried his best to put on a condescending posture, Sui Yu clearly felt the strong concern in Jessica's tone.

"Well, thanks to you."

Sui Yu's words seemed to be taunting Jessica, mocking her because her sparring made him stronger and stronger.

But in fact, it reassured Jessica and let her know that she was a blessing in disguise!

That's right, the things that Jessica found were all good things after all. Even if Jessica made a lot of good things very strange because Jessica didn't know alchemy, the effect was still there.

It seems that because Sui Yu got the blessing of super high luck value after summoning the game character, although he committed a lot of crimes, but in the end, Sui Yu really took advantage of it!

"That's it!" Jessica breathed a sigh of relief after understanding Sui Yu's words.

Then suddenly exerted force, accompanied by dazzling sparks, Jessica forced Sui Yu back.

Then, after drawing a safe enough distance, Jessica raised her sword to challenge with high spirits: "Last time, because your companion arrived in time, I didn't have time to make up the knife! This time we must have fun fighting!"

The translation means that the last date was interrupted by unexpected circumstances, this time we must have a good date!

Hearing this, Sui Yu pointed to the mountains in the distance: "The scope of our battle is too large, so how about going there for a decisive battle?!"

"no problem!"

It seemed that he was afraid of Sui Yu, even though there was a huge magic cannon fort next to him, but no one dared to fire at Sui Yu at this time!

Similarly, although the fighter formations of the alliance military also rushed to the vicinity at this time, all the missiles fired by the fighter group deliberately stayed away from Jessica.

Because they knew that the missiles would not hurt Jessica, and shooting missiles at her side would only make it easier for Jessica to intercept the missiles.

And if one fails, it will attract Jessica's hatred, and the fighter formation will be in danger by then.

Boom boom boom boom!

The missiles exploded continuously on the outer armor of the huge airship, which was very spectacular.

At the same time, the magic cannon on the airship continued to roar, exploding around the formation of fighter jets flying in the sky!

The shell of the airship was seriously broken, and several magic forts were destroyed!

There are also a large number of fighter jets in the fighter formation that explode into pieces and fall into the sky!

War is extremely tragic!

And above this tragic battlefield, Sui Yu and Jessica were hovering rapidly in the sky at this time, and they were flying in the sky, drawing beautiful heart-shaped trajectories one after another.

Although the trajectory looks very beautiful, whenever the two of them get close in the air, there will be a fierce metal collision sound, followed by a terrifying shock wave spreading around!

Occasionally, military units from both sides tried to approach for support, but when they approached, they were blown away and smashed by the shock wave!

Fortunately, the two fought farther and farther, and soon disappeared from the sight of the combatants.


Standing still in the air, Sui Yu brandished his long sword and made a beautiful ring above his head.

Then a large number of runes filled it, and in a short while a gorgeous magic circle was unfolded in the air.

"Phew! Done!"

Sui Yu smiled proudly, and said to the black knight Jessica who came over: "The helmet can be taken off, UU reading I have already constructed the phantom magic

. "

"The improvement in strength is really fast." Sui Yu also comforted the anxious Jessica by the way: "You see, I don't need to arrange a magic circle in advance to cast phantom magic."

Relieved, Jessica took off the helmet: "That's great, I'm so worried these days!"

"In that case..."

Jessica waved her hand and summoned the miniature dragon to deliver a familiar basket: "I made some more food, you can try it."

In an instant, Sui Yu's face changed!

Love is war!

Combat is dating!

Although Sui Yu understands this truth, but his own battlefield called love is a bit too dangerous, right? !