MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 76 Run after you finish

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"Scratch, this is what his mother wants to play with Laozi!" Lin Huang did not expect that he had just been happy for a few days, and he received this task that was difficult to commit suicide. "Little black, you release this kind of task, you will Will not be uneasy?!"

[No, because I have no conscience at all. 】

"..." Lin Huang suddenly did not know how to answer the question, and he only returned to God, and his face was righteous and remarked, "I refuse this task!"

[Can't refuse, can only give up. Abandoning a task is considered a task failure and directly performs task punishment. 】

[Are you sure to give up the task? 】

"Not give up……"

Lin Huang strongly resisted the urge to burst out. If there is no epic dragon blood card, he really does not want to forget the forest. But giving up this task is too costly, and a 20% chance will make you lose black charcoal.

As long as there is an advanced card, white and tyrant such a rare card is not difficult to cultivate, an advanced card can be done. But black charcoal is not just an epic card, but also a dragon blood. The black attribute of Lin Huang’s previous game play, this time lost, I don’t know when I can get this card again.

"Little black, the remaining few task cards, can I return? Can't return, can I change other cards?" Lin Huang is really afraid of being stuck in the task card.

[All cards, once produced, will not be returned! 】

"Then can I throw it myself? Or you can crush it for me and convert it into card fragments." Lin Huang then asked.

[All cards are bound to the host. If the card and the host exceed a certain distance, it will automatically return to the host. The task card belongs to the function card and cannot be shredded! 】

"I don't want to do it, it's too crowded!" Lin Huang was speechless.

Reluctantly received the reality, this only looked at the task card, suddenly found the three task cards before the statistics before the black, there are only two. One is activated and one is inactive.

"How is one less task card? I remember that it was an activation before, two were not activated." Lin Huang whispered.

[Each task content modification requires an additional inactive task card. The reward for completing the task after the modification is also doubled, and the penalty for the task failure is doubled. 】

Xiao Hei gave an explanation soon.

"Fortunately, there is only one left. After the end of this mission, when I return to the stronghold, I have to quickly activate the remaining task card." Lin Huang immediately made up his mind.

After removing the activated task card, Lin Huang viewed the task in detail.

On the golden task card, the blond woman wearing a black maid costume is still in the air.

“Congratulations to your little brother, your mission card has been modified due to special events!”

"Now, let me release you a new mission!"

"The new mission is as follows: enter the depths of the forest, look for the missing cold moon heart, bring her back to the city of worry-free! Task time limit: 20 days."

"Task completion reward: one item card (treasure), one advanced card."

"If you fail to complete the task within the specified time limit, you will be punished: randomly deduct two existing monster cards!"

“Task release is complete, task map and other details can be viewed on the back of the card.”

After the task was released, the blonde girl resumed its state of motion.

"Is there a mission map?" Lin Huang is having a headache. How to find the cold moon in such a big forgetful forest, I heard the last sentence of the blonde.

Turning to the back of the card, Lin Huang pressed the card with his finger, and a three-dimensional map was projected in front of his eyes.

He saw two coordinate points on the map, one white point is himself, and the other is a yellow dot with a small line on it, "The last position that the cold moon heart appeared before the disappearance."

There are also several question mark coordinates, which are written in the area where the cold moon heart has stayed.

"Can you display their position of Li Yanxing?" Lin Huang gave instructions.

[Not a mission target person, unable to locate. 】

Lin Huang frowned slightly. "It should be able to mark the chronological order in which the cold moon heart appears in these coordinate positions."

Lin Huang’s voice fell, and several question marks quickly became numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Seeing that several numerical coordinates are near the last missing coordinate position, Lin Huang can basically determine that they should be looking for something.

"The length and route of the mark and my current coordinates." Lin Huang gave instructions.

Soon, a crooked red arrow was marked.

"There was actually 300 kilometers away..." Lin Huang's brow was locked again.

Staring at the map projected by the task card, I saw it for a long while, Lin Huang noticed that the barbecue on the plate was already cold.

Put away the task card, Lin Huang will reheat the barbecue and continue to eat dinner.

Because he always thought about the problem, he ate very slowly. At the end of the dinner, the time was close to 8:00, and the day was completely dark.

The tableware was cleaned up. Lin Huang summoned the Qinglin wolf and ghosts to watch the night, and he got into the tent early.

Lying in the tent, he did not sleep, but used the Emperor Heart Network to view the map and compare it with the map of the mission card. By the way, I also queried the news about the Forest of Forgetfulness on the Internet, and found that there was no news about the forest in the near future.

Until eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, Lin Huang sent a message to the Iraqi night language, "Did you sleep?"

"What?" I night language almost seconds back.

"Nothing, just a little something to ask you." Lin Huang sent another message in the past.

"Haha, have you failed to promote the black iron?? I have already told you not to find the six-armed enchantress to be a target, you can't listen!" I night returned a bunch of words, and finally with a series of gloating The smirk expression.

"You guessed wrong, I have been promoted to success, there are other things to ask you." Lin Huang replied, with the talent of the pickpocket, he obviously felt that the speed of his own message has improved a lot.

"You continue to edit." The words in the night language of Iraq are followed by a grin.

"I want to know, is there any special thing happening in the forest?" Lin Huang finally found the opportunity to raise his own question. "I can't find relevant information on the Emperor's website and the Hunter's official website. Your gold hunter's authority is higher, so I will ask you."

"I will help you to see." After the words of the night language were issued, it took a long time to dial the video directly.

Lin Huang hesitated for a moment, still connected.

On the other side of the video, Yi Ye language sat on a luxurious sofa with a red drink in his hand. Seeing the environment in which Lin Huang was in, she obviously stunned. "You are in the wild?"

"I am still forgetting the forest." Lin Huang nodded and smiled.

"Take a tent in the four-level wilderness forest? You are crazy?!" I didn't think that Lin Huang's courage was so big.

"I am only in the peripheral area, it doesn't matter." Lin Huang still smiles with a sly face.

"You still have to leave the forest of forgetfulness. Now it is really unsafe to forget the forest. What you said just now, I checked it for you. I didn't find anything. I am afraid that I have insufficient authority and I am looking for my brother." After all, the result is that there is really a message that is temporarily uncertain. The expression on the face of the Iraqi language began to be serious.

"What is it?" Lin Huang browed and asked, he vaguely noticed that it should not be a good thing.

“The monitoring bureau found that there has been an unusual wave of fluctuations in the central area of ​​the forest in the recent period. It is possible that monsters will be promoted in the recent past, and according to the intensity of the fluctuations, the monsters promoted at least are mutant monsters, even It may be a secondary mutation monster! Regardless of the accuracy of the judgment result of this news, you are best to withdraw from the forest of forgetting, whether or not you are promoted to the black iron, do not continue to stay in it." The news that was being investigated was said.

"Well, I understand." Lin Huang nodded. "Thank you, I am beautiful, I will start early tomorrow, and I will hang up first."

In the video of the Iraqi night language waved, Lin Huang directly hang up the call.

"Hang me a call?!" The opposite video such as Yi Ye language was completely dark, and this was reflected, and the expression on the face was a little weird.

Lin Huang didn't think too much. The reason why he didn't look for Yizheng was because he felt that Yizheng in the big night saw that the man's communication number had more than 90% chance of ignoring it. At least Lin Huang would do this himself. . Therefore, he chose to call the night language. I didn't think about it. He ran after he finished, and made the night language a little crazy.

After hanging up the call, Lin Huang inquired about the unusual fluctuations on the Internet, but still found nothing. Looked at the time almost until midnight, he only covered the quilt to sleep...


[Thanks to the tens of thousands of money rewarded by the sin of V! Thanks also to other friends who are rewarding. There were 49 people who won last week. I wrote a few words of thanks on Sunday. When I uploaded the chapter, I forgot to copy it in. I didn’t say much if I was wrong. In short, thank you all, thank you for all. Friends of Monster Paradise! I will try to write the story, this is the best feedback I can do. 】