MTL - My Pet is a Snapping Turtle-Chapter 17 You are called Overlord

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  Chapter 17 You Are Called Overlord

  Suddenly, Liu Yong was a little nervous and worried.

  Will my pet snapping turtle be unable to stand the seawater environment and rush out of the water at once?

  Standing by the sea, Liu Yong thought so in his heart, and his heart was hanging all the time. After several minutes, he didn't see the snapping turtle coming up, and he felt a little relieved.

   "Little snapping turtle, how are you doing?"

As soon as it entered the sea, the snapping turtle was completely excited. It didn't care about other things. It swam fast in the sea. At the beginning, the sea was not deep, and the bottom of the sea was mainly sand, gravel or silt, and there were no fish or anything. Seaweed or something.

  This is Huahai City. Due to the impact of industrialization, these things have long been absent. After a quick swim, the situation seems to have changed. There are reefs on the bottom of the sea, fish and shrimps, and occasionally some seaweed.

   At this time, the snapping turtle received Liu Yong's message, and immediately slowed down, saying happily: "Master, this is bigger than Ink Lake, and it's really fun to swim."

   "This is the sea, of course it is bigger than Ink Lake, how do you feel, can you adapt to such a seawater environment?"

   "I don't have any problems, I don't feel any discomfort."

  You are awesome!

  Seawater environment can also adapt.

  Liu Yong was relieved a lot, and gradually became happy. He was able to adapt to the seawater environment.

   In addition to being happy, I also opened the pet panel and looked at the situation of the snapping turtle with satisfaction.

  Name: Mutant Snapping Turtle.

   Strength: 82

   Constitution: 75

   Dexterity: 71

  Weight: 65.5 kg

  Average speed in water: 42 kilometers

  Skills: Tortoise Shell Art Level 1 (passive), Turtle Breath Art Level 1 (active), Super Perception Level 1 (passive)

   Liu Yong was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't that the snapping turtle's attributes had been greatly improved, or that it had grown to 65.5 kilograms, but that it had gained a new skill.

  Super perception is still a passive skill.

  This skill is not bad. Clear sea water is fine, but turbid sea water will block the line of sight and greatly reduce visibility.

  As the depth increases, at a depth of two or three hundred meters, even if the sea water is extremely clear, it already appears relatively dark, and at a depth of four or one hundred meters, nothing can be seen.

  Super perception can clearly perceive everything within a radius of 100 meters no matter how dark or turbid the sea is.

   It's a bit like the release of divine thoughts in comprehension novels.

  This one is more awesome.

  The cheerful voice of the little snapping turtle sounded in Liu Yong's mind, "Master, I have mastered a new skill. I can sense all the surrounding situations clearly."

   Liu Yong said: "Congratulations, but this is the sea, you should pay attention to your own safety, and you can't swim too far."

  The snapping turtle already weighs 65.5 kilograms, whether it is big or small, and of course there is nothing that can threaten it in Ink Lake.

  It is different in the sea. There are still many things that can threaten it. All kinds of large carnivorous fish, including sharks, can threaten its survival.

   "Little snapping turtle, we will make our home in the sea from now on. In addition to paying attention to safety, I also want to give you a name."

   "Okay, okay, I want a name." It was as happy as a child.

  Liu Yong thought for a while and said: "I hope you will become the overlord of the world's oceans in the future. Your name will be 'Overlord'. How about it?"

   "I like this name, from now on I will be called Overlord."

  The snapping turtle was as happy as a child again.

   Regarding the name of the snapping turtle, Liu Yong started to think about it two days earlier. He originally wanted to call it Xuanwu, but he also wanted to name it Black Dragon. After thinking about it, he decided to call it "Overlord".

  From today onwards, it is called "Overlord", and I hope it will become the Overlord in the sea as soon as possible.

  Bawang's attributes are good, I want to share attributes with it.

  If an adult also has attributes, the attributes such as strength, physique, and agility are generally between 30 and 50, and those that can exceed 50 belong to the strong man level, which is very strong.

  The current three attributes of the little snapping turtle are 82, 75, and 71, which are far stronger than the average strong man. It is estimated that the king of special forces or a top athlete has similar attributes.

  The key is that this attribute can be increased. As the Overlord grows, the attribute will also increase. It is estimated that it will not take long to break through 100.

   This is terrible, sharing attributes with Bawang, sooner or later Liu Yong will become the most peak person in this world.

   Implement attribute sharing!

  Liu Yong found that his whole body seemed to be surrounded by a stream of heat, and it took two or three minutes for the heat to dissipate gradually.

  My whole body seemed to be full of strength, as if one punch could kill a cow, Liu Yong shouted in his heart.

  At this moment, Liu Yong couldn't contain his excitement at all, and it took several minutes to calm down.

   "Overlord, be safe and don't go too far."

  After some explanations, Liu Yong got into the car and left with peace of mind.

  At night, before going to sleep, Liu Yong communicated with Bawang again and asked about it.

  Bawang can fully adapt to the seawater environment. It has been almost a day, and basically does not feel any discomfort. In addition, it has temporarily found a place to settle down.

  About 20 to 30 nautical miles from Huahai City, there is a small uninhabited island with a cave below the sea surface, which has become Bawang's new home.

   the next day.

  Liu Yong did not go out for the time being, and checked the waters near Huahai City on the Internet, whether there were any shipwrecks in history, and planned to send another sum.

The few million in hand seems a lot. After buying a car, there is less than five million left. It is not enough to buy a house. I can only buy a two-bedroom apartment in a slightly off-site location. I want to have a good location. It is simply not enough to buy a big house in this location.

  After checking the shipwreck information for a while, there was no result for the time being. I accidentally saw the pair of dumbbells under the bed, and I couldn't help being interested.

   This is a pair of 10kg dumbbells that I bought on a feverish mind. After practicing a few times, I felt that they were too heavy. I regretted it a bit. I wish I had bought 5kg dumbbells.

  After the physical attributes were greatly improved, Liu Yong wanted to try the pair of 10kg dumbbells, so he took them out, wiped them clean, and started exercising with each hand.

  Hey, why is it so light!

   It feels a little bit wrong.

   Stopped and looked at the pair of dumbbells carefully. Only when I saw the words "10KG" on them did I know that there was nothing wrong with the dumbbells, but that my physical attributes had improved.

one two three

  Liu Yong started exercising one after another, but after dozens of exercises, he didn't feel tired at all, and he felt a little excited again.

  I'm so good!

  I used to say that I couldn’t stand it after 20 or 30 reps, and I couldn’t keep going. Now I’ve done dozens of reps, and I don’t feel the same strenuous effort as before.

   Two hundred blows!

  After a full 200 times of exercise, I finally got a feeling, where is the limit? Is it 300 times or 400 times? Liu Yong is not going to verify it.

  Put down the dumbbells and do dozens of push-ups.


  At this moment, Liu Yong has a feeling that I am a superman wearing shorts.

  (end of this chapter)