MTL - My Pet is a Snapping Turtle-Chapter 18 two war slags

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  Chapter 18 Two Wars and Five Scums

  Liu Yong stopped the push-ups, as if there was some information on the phone.

  After washing his hands and wiping his face, Liu Yong picked up his phone and looked at it. The message was sent by his younger sister Liu Lan, "Brother, stay home, I'll come to your place today."

   "Don't you have class today?"

   "Hee hee, you are confused, today is Saturday."

  Liu Yong was dumbfounded. He hadn't gone to work for such a long time, and he even forgot what day of the week it is. Yes, today is Saturday.

  The two brothers and sisters are in the same city, and they take good care of each other. Liu Yong often goes to Huahai University, and Liu Lan occasionally visits Liu Yong.

  After crossing over and becoming the Liu Yong of this world, then accept everything, Liu Lan is my own sister.

   "It's not easy for you to come here, let me come, you wait for me at school."

   "Alright, then I'll wait for you at school."

  The two made an agreement in this way, and Liu Yong also went out, planning to go there now. Huahai University is relatively far away, and it may take nearly an hour to drive.

  Go out the door, go downstairs, and walk towards the big G parked not far away. Before reaching the front of the car, shouts rang in my ears.

   "It's him, finally found him!"

   Liu Yong turned his head and saw two people walking towards him, one of them was Cai Houping.

  Not long ago, Liu Yong made a small fortune, and Cai Houping tried to steal the money, but was beaten up instead.

   Those few bricks hit my body, it was so sour, it was bruised and purple, and it took several days to get better.

  When did he suffer such a big loss, he always wanted to trouble Liu Yong, and finally found out that Liu Yong lived here.

   It was a coincidence that he and his brother had just arrived here when they saw Liu Yong who was going downstairs.

   "Boy, do you remember me?"

  Liu Yong stopped, even though there were two people on the other side, he was very calm, "Remember that little **** who tried to steal my money ten days ago."

"you wanna die!"

  Cai Houping relied on the fact that they were two people, so he didn't pay attention to Liu Yong at all, and hit him with a punch.

   This punch seems to be fast and has some strength, but in Liu Yong's eyes, it is nothing at all, it seems to be slow, with no speed at all.

  Bawang is growing every day, and its attributes are also improving every day. Liu Yong and it belong to the same, and their physical fitness is far better than ordinary people.

   This also wanted to hit me, it was a dream.

  Do not dodge, do not hide.

  Liu Yong stretched out his hand, grabbed Cai Houping's fist without difficulty, and then squeezed it hard.


   Cai Houping cried out in pain, his fists seemed to be clamped by iron money.


   Liu Yong sent him off hard, and Cai Houping was pushed several meters away, and then fell to the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

  His companion was more insidious, sneaking up without saying a word, swinging a stick in his hand, and smashing towards Liu Yong's back forcefully.

   As if there were eyes growing behind his back, Liu Yong dodged with ease, and then kicked out.


   Right on the target, Cai Houping's companion was kicked hard, kicked several meters away, fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

  So can't help but fight!

   It's completely the five scum of war!

  Liu Yong looked at Cai Houping and the others with disdain, walked towards his big G, opened the door to get in the car, and drove away.

   Cai Houping and the two were left dumbfounded.

  God, how can he have more than one million big G?

  Like the two of them, they hang around all day long, racking their brains and trying their best, but they just get enough food and clothing.

  He drives a car worth more than one million yuan.

  The huge contrast has dealt a big blow to Cai Houping.

  His companion was also very angry, "Cai Houping, your head is flooded, you are sick if someone drives a big G!"

  They are just street thugs, just bullying the weak. Those who are rich and powerful generally don't dare to provoke them, and they know they can't.

  Cai Houping didn’t think about it for a long time, how could Liu Yong drive such a good car, and how could he be so rich.

  Liu Yong ignored Cai Houping and the two, and drove away feeling refreshed and in a good mood.

  Not only has Cai Houping been taught a lesson, but he is also very satisfied with the attribute sharing with Overlord. If there is no attribute sharing, he may not be able to beat Cai Houping and them.

  Drive to Huahai University.

   This is the 985 college, and it is also the best university in Huahai City. The area around the school gate is very lively.

   Originally wanted to drive in, but the security guard said no, so Liu Yong had to park the car in a nearby parking lot.

  Everything is good in Huahai City, except that there are many cars, sometimes it is not easy to find a parking place.

   "I've arrived, waiting for you outside your school gate." Liu Yong sent a message on WeChat.

   Soon, Liu Lan sent a message back, "I've already left the dormitory, and I'll be there in about five minutes."

   Sure enough, Liu Lan came out in about four or five minutes, and there was a young girl with her, that was her roommate Wu Hui.

  After transmigrating to become Liu Yong in this world, today is the first time I see Liu Lan. However, I have inherited a lot of memories, and I recognized this sister immediately.

   "Liu Lan!"

"elder brother!"

   Seeing Liu Yong, Liu Lan looked very happy, as if she had endless things to say, and of course, she did not forget to introduce her roommate.

   "Brother, we will have summer vacation next week, do you have time to go back with me?"

"It might work."

   "Great, my parents will be very happy when we go home together."

  While walking, chatting.

   Liu Lan seemed to have a message on her mobile phone, so she took it out to check.

   This is a mobile phone that has been used for many years. It was bought by Liu Yong when he was in college. After graduation, he paid his first month's salary to buy the current mobile phone. The previous mobile phone was given to Liu Lan.

  Liu Lan is very sensible because of the economic conditions at home. She has been using this mobile phone during college, but changed it to a pink mobile phone case.

   Seeing this mobile phone, Liu Yong was quite moved, and his nose was a little sour.

   "Brother, I have kept the two thousand yuan you gave me, plus the hundreds of dollars I have already saved, I am going to buy a laptop computer, can you accompany me?"

  College students generally have laptops, which are mainly used for study, but Liu Lan does not.

  Originally, she planned to use the summer vacation to work and buy one after earning money. With Liu Yong's two thousand yuan, she can buy one now.

   It’s just that a laptop worth more than 2,000 yuan is a bit low-grade.

   Liu Yong said: "We really should buy one, let's go, I will go with you."

  The entrance of Huahai University is a bustling commercial street, with all kinds of things, including laptops, mobile phones and other things.

  I didn’t drive, because it didn’t take a few minutes to walk there.

   "Where is there a Huawei experience store, let's go and have a look."

  Liu Lan hesitated a little, and reminded: "Brother, we only have more than 2,000 yuan, and we can't buy a Huawei laptop."

  (end of this chapter)