MTL - Never Fade Skull Flag-Chapter 21 storm is coming

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A gust of sea breeze blew over, and Andy took a deep breath, smelling a dangerous breath in it.

The sky over the island was still clear, as if nothing had happened, but the pirates stopped making noise, stood on the beach, and looked into the distance.

At the edge of the sea, piles of dark clouds were like black flames, burning fiercely. From time to time, thick purple lightning flashed across the clouds, as if a demon had opened his eyes in an instant.

One side is night, the other side is day.

One end is hell, the other is heaven.

This was Andy's most intuitive feeling. He suddenly understood why the pirates were so afraid of storms.

Even Andy, who was thousands of meters away, could clearly see the huge waves blown by the strong wind. He had no doubt that even a big ship like the Goddess of Despair might be overturned.

"It's a big storm."

Roger said lightly, he didn't know what to think, and there was a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

"Andy, stay away from the coast for a while. It's not safe here. Storms can move. Of course, it's much better than in the ocean."

"I understand." Andy nodded, staring intently at the angry sea, "It's spectacular."

"Yes, I don't know how many people will be buried in the sea because of this storm."

Roger felt a little down. He stepped aside, lay down, and put the three-cornered hat on his face.

"His brother died in the sea because of a storm. That poor little guy was only a teenager, just like you."

Andler walked over from the side, glanced at Roger, and said to Andy.

"That little guy thought he could conquer the storm, and secretly ran to the deck without Roger. By the time Roger found out, he had disappeared into the depths of the ocean."

Andy didn't speak, he felt sad for Roger.

"Everyone has their own story. Those pirates who have been wandering the ocean all the year round, each of them's experience is an epic adventure."

Andler suddenly said this for some reason, he looked at Andy, "Andy, I know what you want, you are full of curiosity about the ocean, if you try to understand them, you will get what you want. ."

Andy didn't speak, just stared at the sea.

The island is surrounded by darkness, and only by means of lightning can the surging waves in the distance be seen clearly.

With the passage of time, the sea surface became less and less calm, and the dark clouds gradually moved towards the island. Day and night seemed to be replaced in seconds.

The strong wind and rain came inadvertently.

The storm has moved to the island, but the sea in the distance has begun to calm down.

The waves hit the small shore of the island one after another, and the tide rose and receded. The Goddess of Despair did not leave the beach because it was bound by thick cables and heavy iron anchors.

The huge waves rolled and threw a lot of shrimp, crabs and fish on the shore, and then another huge wave swallowed them back into the sea.

The pirates took their jewels and rum into the jungle, hugging the tree tightly against the strong wind.

The coconut tree was blown to the ground. The waves hit the shore, and even Andy, who was dozens of meters away, could feel the vibration. A strong force pulled him and wanted to take him into the ocean.

The leaves clattered, lightning struck the trees and ignited flames, which were extinguished by the rainstorm.

"It's really bad."

Andy was wet, and he felt a chill in the rain, as if it came from the abyss.

I don't know how long it took, the dark clouds receded, and the long-lost sunlight shone on the island. The whole island seemed to have experienced a catastrophe. The trees were crooked, but there was a new vitality.

"Andy, how do you feel?"

Andler tossed his wet long hair and walked over.

"It feels good, but I don't want to try it anymore."

Andy's clothes were completely soaked, and so were the pirates. They walked to the beach without hesitation, stripped themselves naked, leaving only sackcloth shorts, and their clothes were placed on the folded branches. UU reading www. and then filed into the sea, screaming loudly.

"Andy, together? Go for a swim in the sea!"

Andy turned around and found that Andler had stripped naked. His muscles were beautiful and explosive.

"As you wish, sir, I will become a fish in the sea."

Andy laughed, dried his wet clothes, and walked into the sea little by little.

Maybe it was just after a storm, and the sea was a little cold, which shocked Andy's spirit.

"Hey, I caught a fish in the sea! Hahaha!"

A pirate shouted, holding a white fish tightly in his hand, with a proud look on his face.

"Wait, Hatch, my water is no worse than yours! Let me catch one bigger than you!"

Every pirate has forgotten the horror of the storm just now, maybe they are celebrating their escape in this way, Roger, Andler, Buck... All of them rolled in the sea as if they were a fish.

Andy smiled, shouted loudly, and plunged into the sea...

The afternoon sun was not very poisonous, but it was still very warm. In the afternoon, the pirates' clothes were almost dry.

At high tide, Zach stood on the boulder and called the pirates together.

"Gentlemen, the carnival is over, now, immediately, put on your clothes, and release our baby into the ocean! Next, our goal is the endless sea!"

"Roar! Roar!"

The pirates became excited, and they couldn't wait to do something.

Unwinding the cable and pulling up the anchor, the pirates pushed the Goddess of Despair into the sea little by little, and then climbed up along the fishing net ladder on the hull.

"Lift the sails, the target is endless sea, set sail!"