MTL - Never Fade Skull Flag-Chapter 22 Buck

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It had been five days since they left the headhunter island, and the pirates had returned to their previous state of sailing. The watchman Hawkeye stood on the high observation deck, sighed and cursed.

"I can't even see a single ship! It seems that the channel will be changed in the future!"

"Which of the merchant ships in the Sea of ​​​​Storm now does not know that our Goddess of Despair always appears on this channel? If it is not a lunatic who dares to take this route, or it is not the Imperial Navy."

"The imperial navy is also good, at least you can kill yourself! Let's spread the name of the goddess of despair even further!"

Hawkeye muttered, he didn't really want to go to the Endless Sea, it was too dangerous, and if he encountered a powerful sea beast, he could not guarantee that he would survive.

However, Captain Zack can't change him. After all, the goddess of despair is sailing in the direction of the endless sea. Hawkeye can only hope to meet a merchant ship full of goods on the way. Maybe this will make Captain Zack change his mind.

But for five days, there seemed to be only one ship, the Goddess of Despair, on the sea.

Andy didn't have the time to pay attention to Hawkeye's thoughts. He recently discovered a very strange thing. The talkative Buck has become more and more silent these days, and it even seems to be a different person.

Andy just did a divination yesterday and confirmed the safety of the next few days. There is nothing to do now, so he is very interested in Buck's changes.

When Andy went to find Buck, he was leaning on the side of the boat, looking at the endless sea.

"Big man, what are you looking at?"

Buck turned his head, looked at Andy, and sighed.

"What's the matter? Tell me, maybe I can help you."

Seeing that Buck's expression seemed a little sad, Andy couldn't help asking. He was very curious as to what happened to this carefree guy.

"Little guy, I'm just... just a little homesick."

Buck's tone was a little weak, and it seemed that he had used up all his strength to say these words.


Andy was stunned for a moment. He really never thought about this possibility. Buck has been out at sea for more than ten years. It stands to reason that he has long been used to such things. How could he suddenly feel homesick?

"Andy, look over there, that island, have you seen it?"

Andy nodded. The island was very far away, so he could only vaguely see its outline.

"That's my home. There are cannibal natives living on that island. I grew up there."

said Buck, with memories flashing in his eyes.

"Is that your home? You can talk to Captain Zach, I think he will allow you to go back and have a look."

Andy thought about it and said, although Zach is usually cold, he is very kind to the crew.

"I can't go back. I was kicked out of the island by the chief. I'll never go back."

The black man who was more than two meters tall actually shed tears, which caught Andy by surprise.

Buck took the jug from his waist, and regardless of his own rum stock, he took a big sip and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I can be your audience, if you want."

Andy said in a timely manner, and patted Buck on the shoulder, but he was obviously not tall enough, and he had to stand on tiptoe.

"Then... it started when I was a teenager."

Buck looked at the island in the distance and fell into reminiscence.

The young Buck was full of curiosity about things outside the island. He would stand on the beach every day to watch the passing ships in the distance. After a storm, Buck found a survivor.

He settled the survivors, learned Continental Mandarin there, and learned about the bits and pieces of the ocean.

The more he learned, the more Buck wanted to leave the island that restricted him for more than ten years.

Finally, one day, the opportunity came.

The chief found a lifeboat among the wreckage of a wrecked ship, which he regarded as a collection.

And Buck took the opportunity to steal the chief's lifeboat and wanted to leave with the survivors, but he alarmed the clan.

The survivors were used as food by the clansmen, and Buck was placed under house arrest. The clansmen believed that he was bewitched by the evil **** and was preparing to perform a sacrifice.

At the sacrifice, Buck confided his heart, quarreled with the chief, and was kicked out of the tribe by the angry chief. Because of the destruction of the sacrifice, he was cursed by the gods believed by cannibals, and he could no longer set foot on islands with cannibals for life. .

Buck floated on the ocean for a few days in a canoe. Fortunately, the chief prepared food for him so that he would not starve to death. Later, he encountered a pirate ship and joined it.

Later, the group of pirates was defeated by the Goddess of Despair. Captain Zach admired Buck, who performed well in that battle, and took him into the Goddess of Despair. It has been more than ten years.

Although Buck couldn't go back to Cannibal Island, he was very concerned about it. It wasn't until he found out on the chart a few days ago that they would pass that island on their way to the Endless Sea, and his heart became more and more Buck, Why would you rather quarrel with the chief and suffer his wrath than leave the Cannibal Isle? "

After Andy listened to Buck's story, he felt that maybe Buck would become his partner in the future. Buck seemed to like gold coins because he wanted to get more rum. As for his purpose as a pirate...

Buck fell into deep thought. After a long time, he looked at Andy and said, "Maybe just like you, I am also pursuing something. The novel and vast world in the eyes of a child is what you call... freedom!"

"What about now? Are you still curious about this world?"

Andy asked.

"Now? Little guy, now I only like rum. Although I hated Cannibal Island when I was a child, I have to admit that I really want to go back and see it over the years. Apart from these, I don't think I need anything."

"Don't you want to go to other sea areas? Devil Sea, Crystal Sea, Ghost Sea in the central sea area, Rakshasa Sea in the east, Tianlong Sea... There are so many places worth exploring."

Andy said, looking at Buck hopefully.

Buck was taken aback for a moment and sighed, "Andy, I'm not young anymore, I don't have the blood and energy I used to have, I just want to enjoy the next time, and I'm not in the mood to pursue those secrets, after all, we It's a pirate, and the destination is not to die on the ocean, or to die on that **** gallows!"

Buck patted Andy on the shoulder, "Andy, the ocean is so big that even if it takes a lifetime to lift her veil, don't have those **** dreams."

Andy nodded in disappointment, left the side of the boat, and walked back to his cabin.

Bakla held the cable, closed his eyes, and leaned forward, as if in this way, he could get closer to the cannibal island...