MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 131 The body is too old

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Shang Xiao was too lazy to pay attention to the surprise of the ghost emperor. When the enchantment broke, he took the wrist of Yu Zhengdu. This time, he couldn’t even close his eyes. He only felt like a flash, and the two appeared in the mountains. The top of the mountain.

The top of the desolate mountain peak originally had a huge palace view. Later, for well-known reasons, the offering activities stopped for several decades, and the palace view was transformed into a visitor center.

Now, the huge flat land in front of the palace is once again arranged into the law field, the cloth is flying, and the round yellow paper floats in the air.

Yellow paper and facial attire are just some of the images of the future that Yu said to see.

The ghost Emperor sat cross-legged in the middle of the court. His face was paler than before, and he was wearing a white vestment, but because his body was too thin, the vestment looked empty and the wide sleeves agitated in the wind.

The ground is centered on his location and is painted with strange symbols. He is carrying a cliff behind him, and there is a huge bronze incense burner in front of him.

The masters of the two masters of Buddhism and Taoism were all present, sitting on both sides, and at first glance, there were at least fifty or sixty people, more than the number of people who participated in the Battle of Siling.

When Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu were present, these masters all lowered their heads and fell into a drowsy state.

"It’s the law." Shangyu said, looking at the symbol on the ground.

Yu is not good at heart: "What is the law?"

The Shangyu wrist turned over and the long sword raised: "A thousand years ago, I was sealed into the chaos of the chaotic environment."

The ghost emperor looked up and looked at Shang Yang. He gently licked the bodhi on the hand, and his tone was somewhat unexpected: "I didn't expect you to be so fast."

He didn't show a smile, his eyes looked ahead. "But you are still a step late."

In front of him, above the huge incense burner, one person has such a thick scent that has burned to the end, and the ash has fallen.

The sky suddenly darkened, and Yu said that he would look up and see the sky on the top of the mountain. It was a huge black whirlpool. The dark clouds overflowed from the whirlpool and quickly spread around. They could be seen as if they were covered by a huge black curtain, and they were covered with a gap.

The desperate mountain seems to be the secret of darkness. It is in the darkness before the eyes of the arrogant, and nothing can be seen. At this time, his wrist is grasped by the familiar hand, and the singer whispers: "I am."

Then, the sky was filled with a sullen thunder, a red fireball like a meteorite falling straight into the bronze incense burner, "Boom--", like a bonfire rising, will turn the dark peak again bright.

Through the fierce fire, the face of the ghost emperor flickered and smiled with a victory. "I didn't expect you to attract a lot of fire. It is the son of Luo Qishan. It can still be so arrogant. The power of Luo Yishan."

"But what about it?" The fire shone in the light, and the ghost's wrist moved, and a bodhi was pulled from the string. "Since people are different, why not..."

Shang Yang did not pay attention to his words, the right hand rose, the black sword flew away, pointing straight to the ghost emperor.

At this time, the ghost emperor took a finger, and the Bodhi floated up against the sword's tip.

"Shangzheng, all this, very familiar, isn't it?" The ghost emperor looked up at the sky, and the dark clouds were as thick as solid, pressing like a huge lead block on the peak, almost engulfing the desolate mountains. It makes you feel breathless when you look at it.

A thousand years ago, Shangyu was so sealed into chaos.

A thousand years later, when the heavens and the earth were destroyed, there were no ghosts, but the ghost emperors still borrowed the power of human religion. The usage array attracted the power of chaos and recreated the original scene.

"Yeah." Shang Hao's look is unchanged and his tone is still calm. "But you don't have the power of the three realms, you can't sleep me."

"I don't need to trap you, I just want to hold you down." The ghost priest picked up the second Bodhi. "Just like a thousand years ago, you couldn't protect the ghost town. You can't protect the floating city today. ""

The palm of his hand was turned over again, his face was slightly white, and he only heard a clear metal sound, and the bodhi that broke the sword tipped to the ghost emperor.

At the same time, the second Bodhi floated in the air, and the dragon sneaked into the front of the eye, and the long sword stabbed to nothingness, and then the scenery of the entire peak changed.

The sly trees are in the sky, the cyan and blue smoldering fires are all over the wild, and a black river runs through the trees.

Hungry ghosts.

Yu argued that they were brought into the hungry ghost road by the ghost emperor. However, when he looked at it again, he found that the footsteps of the top of the mountain were still on the top of the mountain. In the midst of slumber, the huge bronze incense burner stands in the middle of the law field, and the fire is burning.

Yu contends with a brow: "What happened?"

The black long sword floated in the void, behind the flesh of Luo Wanxiang, a tall bishop's tree was silhouetted, the canopy was covered, and the thin white man was shrouded under it.

Luo Wanxiang’s eyes turned pale and the Buddha opened his eyes.

"Since people and ghosts are different..." The ghost emperor said through the mouth of Luo Wanxiang, "Why don't you go the same way?"

Shang Yan’s face became paler: “The enchantment between the hungry ghost and the human world has broken.”

Yu Zhengdu’s eyes slammed into the ground: “The enchantment collapsed?”

The hungry ghost road and the sun are on the same earth, but because the enchantment is separated, the two circles do not interfere with each other. Once the enchantment is broken, it means that there will be a real overlap between the two worlds.

The human world appears on the land of the hungry ghost road, and the hungry ghosts of the hungry ghosts appear in the world.

Just like this time.

"People are ghosts, why bother to fear again?" said the ghost emperor. "It is better to let the sentient beings in the hungry ghosts come first to appreciate this red world."

Yu Xingdu’s mobile phone is mad again:

Kang Jin: [What happened? How is it so dark outside? 】

Lu Lingxi: [There are masks everywhere, and the park is also flying all over the place! 】

Yan Guangzhao: [I am going, what happened? The end of the world? 】

Zheng Yan: [Yu Zhengdu, Boss, you are coming back! I can't bear it alone - Erkang hand.jpg]

Zhao Ruola: [Shut up, you have influenced my work! 】

Zheng Yan: [You are a work machine that is so emotional.jpg]

The merchant’s hand was a little empty, and the black long sword flew back into his palm.

Luo Wanxiang’s eyes of the Buddha looked into the void and saw the reality: “Shangzheng, the enchantment of the human world and the hungry ghost road has broken down, and the floating city is destined to become a ghost town...”

“Is it?” Shang Yang said, the black eyes that never reflect anything turned into blood, and the black sky curtain that was covered with the sky suddenly burst into numerous cracks, and the lightning bolts illuminate the entire peak.

Immediately after the "bang--", the thunder and thunder rang through the heavens and the earth, and the people who shocked the entire floating city jumped in their hearts and couldn't help but look up.

"It's useless, you are stronger and you can't save a city with your own strength. What's more, you are not the same as you." The golden eyes turned to Shang Yang.

The third Bodhi floated up. "You can stop me, but you can't stop the mortal beings in the hungry ghosts. They... are more eager to occupy the world than anyone else."

Yu Zhengdu does not know what the ghost emperor wants to do, but he can guess from the words that it is not a good thing.

His face changed slightly, and he almost looked up subconsciously. Only then did he discover that the heavy cloud had almost pressed onto his head. He suspected that he could reach the cloud as soon as he reached out.

The clouds became a whirlpool, tearing out a huge black hole, like a huge mouth opened by a beast.

In the direction of the engulfing of the giant mouth, the Bodhi swayed the strange power, and a figure emerged from the darkness, but it was a woman wearing a cloth around the apron.

Women seem to have a trace of doubts about where they suddenly appear. The first reaction is to look around and then look down on Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu. Her eyes are bright and she greets enthusiastically: "Commercial General, Yu Zong, Long time no see, what is this?"

Yu Zhengdu:==

Yu Zhengdu coughed and waved at her: "Ghost mother, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The person who appeared in front of him was the mother of the hungry ghost, and the singer of the mountain and the mountain.

The ghost mother asked: "Is you calling me?"

Yu is arguing and waving: "No."

"Do you know?" There was some surprised voice from the ghostly man behind the ghost mother. Then the ghost emperor came to see the look of ignorance. "Oh, yes, a thousand years ago, Shangyu went to the hungry ghost to solve the mistake. The sorrowful ghost."

The ghost mother turned to look at him, and the eyes slightly picked up and recognized it, only to be surprised: "Yu Dudai! You are still alive!"

"It's me." The ghost emperor nodded. "Ghost mother, I summoned you."

Emperor Yaodu used to lead the people in the underworld. In theory, the hungry ghosts belonged to his jurisdiction. The ghost mother kept his instinctive respect and politely asked: "What do you ask me to come over?"

The ghost emperor smiled and turned to indicate that the ghost mother looked around: "You look, where is this?"

The ghost mother has actually looked around, but until then, she finally dared to be sure, she could not help but reveal the shocked look: "Human!"

"Yes, you didn't always want your devils to return to the world? Now I give you this opportunity..." The ghostly voice is faint, with unlimited power. "Go, Xishan ghost, with Your devil, go to occupy this land..."

"Nervous disease!" The ghost mother hurriedly interrupted him when he finished speaking. "I warn you not to talk about it, I never thought about it!"

She said that she turned to the merchants and showed a charming smile: "Commercial, you should never listen to him nonsense, I love hungry, I will never want to leave the hungry ghost."

The Shangyu, who has been indifferent to the face, was so cool at the moment: "Know it."

"Rely, you said that the helper you want to call is a ghost mother!" Yu Zhengdu squirted out and stroked his chest. "Scared me!"

The ghost-like smile disappeared and looked at the ghost mother incredulously: "What do you mean? Don't you want to be in the world?"

"What's good in the world! The network of the world can't be used by ghosts!" The ghost mother and the village woman squatted with a sigh of relief. "There is no meaning in the ghosts who can't access the Internet!"

Ghost Emperor:? ? ?

Ghost Emperor: "Is it possible to go online with a hungry ghost?"

"Of course, and the signal is super strong, watching the food video will not be stuck." The ghost mother said that she stretched out her hand and went far away. "Look."

The ghost emperor looked in the direction she pointed, then: "..."

In the distance, as the hungry ghosts and gangs collapsed, they appeared together in the world, not only the dense forests of the hungry ghosts and the Heihe River, but also... two tall signal towers.

"Oh." The ghost mother patted her belly. "This ghost pregnant woman is not afraid of radiation, how strong the signal is."

The whole face of the ghost emperor is green, and he looks at the business: "Do you even give the hungry ghosts a network?!"

"To comprehensively promote informationization and modernization in remote areas is the goal of socialism and the concept of our new era." Yu Zhengdu humbly responded.

"That is." The ghost mother can support the current leadership, and immediately follow the words of Yu Fei. "Under the leadership of Xindi, we are not only through the net, but also organized the re-education for the devils. Under the dual guidance of the food class and the socialist core values, our education curriculum has achieved good results. I believe that soon after, the devils will be able to re-enter the cycle smoothly..."

The ghost mother estimated that there was no less class, and finally he was very skillful in giving his words a sublimation question: "Hungry Ghost Road can achieve today's face, thanks to Luo Feng's wise leadership!"

The ghost emperor did not expect that the first step of his meticulous plan had suffered such a big setback. It was called a textbook-like singer who died before he died. For a time, he didn’t know what his face was. He only took a deep breath: "Xishan ghost mother, do you really want to go to the world?"

"I don't want to, I don't want to." The ghost mother is smashing.

"emmm." Yu Zhengdu coughed a light, a neighbor persuaded the muzzle, "Ghost Emperor, do you forget it?"

"Don't think about it." Luo Wanxiang's golden scorpion once again gave off a slight light, and the ghostly voice sounded. "You don't think that hungry ghosts are my only arrangement?"

The spirit of Yu Zhengdu was alive.

Shang Yu’s long sword could not shake and whisper.

The fourth Bodhi lifted off, and the strange power swayed again.

The peak of the desperate mountain trembled slightly, and the sound of "shasha" came from a distance. It seemed that something had passed through the dense woods and was coming to this side.

Yu Zhengdu looked at the sound with the sound, and saw the towering trees fall down one by one. It seems that there is a huge, yellow-white thing moving to this side.

He was surprised: "What is that?"

The long sword of Shang Yang turned in the direction of mid-air, wrapped in the force of Wan Hao to fly to the huge yellow and white.

He said coldly: "The body is too old."

But the long sword failed to reach the yellow-white thing, and the fifth Bodhi emerged, once again against the tip of the sword.

The ghost emperor said: "Shang, you can't stop this millennium..."

The power of Luo Qishan and the power of chaos are colliding, and the fluctuations that make people feel tremble.

Yu Xingdu almost stood unsteadily and could only skillfully grab the shoulders of Shangyu and hide behind him.

At this time, the body is too old to reveal its true face.

I saw a huge pile of yellowish white soft meat slowly squeezing through the jungle. The soft meat blinked at first glance like a huge piece of meat. It looked very slippery, but it had extremely powerful strength. The big tree fell under its push and was uprooted.

Soft meat appeared in front of everyone with an unparalleled momentum. It was about two stories high. It spread out like a fat, extending the size of a gymnasium. The meat was layered and exuded. The mucus does not slip.

Too old, also known as meat and Ganoderma lucidum, is called "visual meat" and "poly meat" in the mountains and seas. It looks like a soft meat gathered together, head and tail. Modern science generally thinks that too old is a large sticky bacteria complex. Body, vitality is extremely powerful, and free cutting can regenerate, so the meat ganoderma has survived billions of years of vicissitudes and has been proliferating ever since.

The color of Ganoderma lucidum varies from red to brown, white to fat, black to lacquer, green to green, and yellow to purple.

And this is too old to be summoned by the ghost emperor is yellow-white like fat. Although too old, although life is tenacious, it is very rare. People who occasionally dig into the baby's arm size are enough for the news, and this is too old to be underground. How many years have elapsed, it has grown to such a large size, and it has become refined.

The flesh is too old to cover the sky, the fire is not dead, the flooding is not rot, it is an extremely difficult monster to deal with.

"Go ahead..." The ghost emperor fingered down the mountain. It was the direction of the floating city. "Too old, and go to the world..."

The huge body flies up again at the age of too, and follows the direction of the ghost emperor, rolling in the direction of the mountain.

Shang Yan’s eyes became redder, his wrists turned again, and the long sword split into two. One sword turned to the ghost emperor, and the other sword flew to the flesh.

"Useless, you and I are evenly matched." The ghost emperor said, he slowly stood up and went to Shangyu.

In the bronze incense burner, the innumerable fire burned, and the face of Luo Wanxiang flickered.

The Bodhi floated again, blocking the sword that was chasing the body too old.

The ghosts of the emperor pushed their hands together and pushed them forward.

But the power has just swayed, and the figure of Shang Yang swayed, and the sigh of sorrow on his shoulders was a flower, and they found that they had already flashed behind the ghost emperor, facing the huge flesh.

Standing at the age of the flesh, he feels the monster's size and horror more intuitively.

The ghost emperor seems to have some accidents. He turned around: "Shangzhen?"

Yu Zhengdu also did not understand a bit, but only instinctively, there was some danger, and the subconscious made a whisper: "Xiaoshang?"

"Can't let the old age go down." Shang Yan Yin face, the black long sword volley, illusion of a huge virtual shadow, the hilt is facing the sky, the tip of the sword is down, pointing to the flesh is too old.

"Shang Shang, are you sure you have to deal with the flesh is too old?" The voice of the ghost emperor came behind him. "Then don't blame me for being rude..."

The seventh Bodhi floated into a blade.

"Mom, how are your beads still not used up?" Yu Xingdu couldn't help but roar. "The Dragon Ball is not bothering you!"

But his roar can't stop the action of the ghost emperor, and the nameless blade goes straight to the back of the merchant.


Yu is arguing over the alarm bells in his mind, and pressing **** the shoulders of Shang Yang: "Small business, you deal with the ghost emperor, the body is too old to let me come!"

The ghost emperor heard the words "haha" and smiled: "The mortal people in the district are also willing to let this big talk!"

From the beginning to the end, he did not put Yu Yu in the eyes, but it is a mortal, more like a cumbersome side of the business...

However, Shangyu listened to this cumbersome words. At the same time, Yu Jian’s phantom changed direction, and at the last moment stopped the Bodhi’s Bodhi Blade.

The ghost emperor is not angry, but smiles and looks at him: "Shangzhen, you want to be clear, you have to stop me, but you can't stop being too old..."

It was too old and sticky, and it looked like a mudslide.

"The competition can be." Shang Hao said.

"He?" The ghost emperor showed a ridiculous expression. "Shangzheng, you are a ghostly king, even put your hopes on a mortal..."

Yu is too lazy to pay attention to his cynicism and say to the ghost mother: "Ghost mother, you will call out your sons, and the harvest is coming!"

The ghost mother did not respond for a moment: "What harvest?"

Yu Zhengdu pointed to the flesh and was too old: "That is a good material for soup. Are you always worried about the ingredients of the food class? It can be used for many days!"

"Shen Nong's Herbal Classic" records: meat Ganoderma lucidum, non-toxic, supplement, benefit essence, increase wisdom, cure the knot in the chest, long-wearing and not old.

"Oh, I almost forgot, this is a good thing!" The Xishan ghost mother screamed and screamed at the woods. "Children, come out soon"

"Mom, I am coming!" The hill-like needles of the hungry ghosts "咚咚咚咚" ran out of the woods, followed by a bell-like eye, and looked at Yu Chengdu’s happy saying, "Milk tea brother , let's meet again!"

Yu Zhengdu is not very satisfied: "How come one?"

The body is too old and so big, and the light needle is hungry.

The ghost mother said with apologetics: "Other devils are far away and come over for a while."

"Ah, then let me try." Yu Zhengdu said, starting the ghost king of the Fa, and then shouting, "Hungry ghosts, all out."

As his voice fell, and the trees of the hungry ghost trees that overlapped with the humans, the heads of the yellow-skinned ghosts came out and shouted: "Yu, what do we have?"

"Hey, where is this?"

"Yu total, you wait for me to finish this game, plant wars zombies are really fun!"

Take a closer look, they all have mobile phones in their hands... It’s not what it used to be!

The ghost face changed: "Can you summon a hungry ghost?"

"Thanks to the old annihilation of the hungry ghost road, you can't call it." Yu Zhengdu pointed to the flesh and said that the hungry ghosts said, "Small, go, cut the piece of meat!" ”

Ghost Emperor: ... How is this person like the King of the Mountain?

The doubts in his heart have not disappeared. The hungry ghosts have already shed their eyes, showing sharp nails, and some have pulled out the pans and knives and forks. They are so densely rushing to the flesh that they are too old. After a while, they will be surrounded by the whole age. It’s up.

The ghost emperor was stunned and said with anger: "Hungry ghosts can't eat anything, what are you doing when you cut too old?"

"The materials used in the food class." Yu Zhengdu explained.

The ghost emperor is simply a question mark: "Why do hungry ghosts go to food classes?"

Yu is arrogant and solemn: "This is the self-cultivation of the hungry ghost."

The author has something to say: Too old: Autistic.

Ghost Emperor: I should not summon the Xishan ghost mother, should not get out the hungry ghost road, now regret it, regret it! 2k novel reading network