MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 132 Faith power

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The flesh is too old to burn, and the water does not rot. After the fine, the knife and gun on the human side are also difficult to deal with. Once you go to the mountain, it will definitely cause a great disaster in the city.

But now, it seems that this is too old to go down the mountain.

It is difficult for human beings to deal with the flesh. It is not easy to deal with hungry ghosts, but hungry ghosts are not the same as people. They are not afraid of being beaten, they are numerous, and with their innate karma, they can entangle with the flesh and age. Go on.

For example, at this time, the densely hungry ghosts were covered with a layer covering the body, and looked far away, as if a huge white pudding was covered by ants.

There is a torch in the hungry ghost, and the machine is fired and burned too old, smelly, secretly smothered and smoked too old, the needle is hungry ghosts do not have this skill, but can bite and catch, but there is no scorpion to eat, but also contribute.

This picture is not very good, but the crisis has been lifted.

Yu Zhengdu does not forget to remind the Xishan ghost mother: "You organize it, don't throw the materials after the class..."

The ghost mother is more than an ok gesture: "I know, dipped in egg liquid, wrapped in bread crumbs, fried to golden on both sides..."

"What are you looking at every day!" Yu said that he was squirting. "I mean drying up, the price of meat Ganoderma lucidum is very expensive, so big, you can sell a lot of money!"

The flesh is too old to know if they can understand their conversation, but obviously they have felt that their situation is not very good. The soft flesh of the whole body began to tremble, shaking hard, actually began to sink, it seems to be retracted. The old home is underground.

But this time it wants to go back, the hungry ghosts can't agree.

"Want to run?!" The ghost mother snorted, her arms raised upwards, the cloth ruptured, and her body swollen rapidly, and soon became taller and taller. Her skin was black and thick, and it was covered with sarcoma. Tiger feet, eyebrows, and strange.

Her huge arms hugged the body that was trying to get into the ground, too old, and pulled it out, and immediately hugged it too.

The old man trembled even more, the chassis stretched out countless small meat poles, trying hard to get enough ground, but to no avail, the hungry ghosts had already drilled underneath, grabbed the small meat stick that stretched out and cut again and bite again. Burned up.

Ghost mother "haha" laughs: "Create income -"

Hungry ghosts: "Create income and generate income -"

The air is filled with a happy atmosphere.

At the peak of the impermanence, the ghost emperor looked at the body without dignity too old: "..."

"You can use the plaque of Shang Yang." He took a deep breath and turned his eyes to Yu, some accidents, "I really look down on you."

Yu is arrogant and modest: "Thanks for the prize."

"But after all, it is the power of Shangyu." The ghost emperor said that he understood that after the ghost king was printed, he was no longer in the heart, using the power of the merchants to separate, so the strength was limited. After all, Shang Yang must concentrate on fighting with him.

On the contrary, the brows of the merchants glimpsed a little, and the face flashed a trace of doubt.

The doubts flashed past and did not attract the attention of the ghost emperor. At this time, their battles have become hot, and no one can distinguish the extra mind.

The eighth Bodhi floated, and the land under the foot of Wei Yu trembled slightly. He looked down and saw the land of hungry ghosts appearing on the slabs of the Peak Square. More trees and wildfires appeared around. .

The enchantment between the hungry ghosts and the human world is even thinner.

Luofeng staff group:

Employee A: [What happened? How did the hungry ghost show up? 】

Employee B: [I am going, a lot of hungry ghosts! 】

Staff C: [They are so thin! ! ! 】

Lu Lingxi: [Businessmen Yu Yu, the bosses, what happened? 】

Seeing a panic in the group, Yu had to take time to return to the message:

Yu Zhengdu: [The big thing, I and Shangyu are solving, you are always on standby. 】

Yu Zhengdu: [Zhao Ruola, you pay attention to the system with the technical department, don't make a bug]

Yu Zhengdu: [What is the current situation in Fucheng? 】

Kang Jin: [The mortal can't see the hungry ghosts and the hungry ghosts, but they can feel the problem around.]

As Kang Jin said, although the floating city people at this time can't see the hungry ghosts, they can clearly see that the environment around them is completely different from usual, cold, fear, and the burning sensation caused by the flames of the torch. Very bad bad breath from the stinking evil spirits.

The one that scares everyone the most is suddenly the cloud that has shrouded the city and crushed it.

The whole city turned into darkness, all the buildings were turned on, and the street lights were eagerly lit, but the thick clouds were as solid as the lights, and the lights seemed to be wrapped in black, and they could barely illuminate a little around.

Traffic is rampant, there is a big chaos in the city, emergency brakes, horns, and quarrels fill every corner. Slowly everyone finds something wrong. Everyone raises their head and looks at the dark clouds that have been pressed to the top of their heads.

There were white smears everywhere on the street. The vehicles were parked on the road in a messy way. The passengers ran down the bus. The driver poked his head out of the window. The huge floor-to-ceiling windows of the office building were full of people.

Everyone is asking:

"What happened? How is it so dark?"

"It won't be the sky?"

"It's so cold, my whole skin is picked up!"

"Rely, your tone is heavy, stay away from me!"

"You said in a mess, I just finished eating chewing gum, where is the tone?"

Next to what they couldn't see, a thin, stinky, hungry ghost waved his hand and typed it on the phone: What is chewing gum?

Yu Zhengdu points | Well-being, fortunately, Luo Feng and Zhao Ruola sitting in the town, she looked out the glass window, full of the park's coat, the tree that rose from the ground, and looked at the hungry around Ghosts, only feel that the eyes are involuntarily bloated.

She pinched her nose, and Ms. Science opened her eyes: "Hungry ghosts overlap with people..."

Outside the glass window, the slate ground of the park is intertwined with the land of the hungry ghost road. The two circles are constantly blending and overlapping. When you look at it, the ground is like a split, and the slate and the soil are mixed.

The hungry ghosts looked up and showed a white, gray-purple face.

Hungry ghosts are controlled by Luo Feng, but suddenly appear in the world, they do not know what happened, see strange and fresh human landscape, it is inevitable to be excited, one by one wandering in the city like tourists, and The hungry ghosts glared at the mortals and couldn't see them. They passed through the flesh with impunity, curiously pulling on the human world, and the handcuffs used their pointed nails to poke the glowing streetlights.

In the eyes of mortals, there is no endless alternating heat and cold, the bulb suddenly ruptures, the trash can on the roadside falls inexplicably, and industrial waste flies everywhere.

At the peak of the imperial peak, the ghost emperor was forced to retreat by two steps. The back just arrived at the huge bronze incense burner. The infinite fire broke his back through the bronze incense burner, and the raised pattern on the incense burner was burned into him. The flesh and blood, his face was white, almost unable to support.

But his face still showed a smile: "Shangzheng, I didn't expect you to have such a strong force, but I said, even if you were a thousand years ago, you can't save this world..."

Around them, there are countless hungry ghosts appearing, wandering in vain, and the humiliating voices from the mountains are coming from the direction of the city.

Yu Zhengdu is standing on the edge of the cliff at this time, looking at the floating city in the distance. The place where it is seen is completely covered in black. It can be seen by clouds and ghosts, but he knows that the two overlaps. Hungry ghosts appear, and the city buildings are mixed with the land and jungles of the hungry ghosts. They are crumbling and are likely to collapse at any time.

He frowned deeply: "The scenes I saw, the future... is still coming..."

The ghost emperor finally reacted afterwards, and he showed his doubtful eyes: "Do you really see it?"

Yu Zhandu turned and looked at him, and he shook his face and shook his official mask.

The ghost emperor seems to understand a little, but still does not understand: "Even if there is a magical ability to jump over the official, the mortal can not see the future."

But at this time, no one can say this question. For the ghost emperor, it is no longer important. He smiles again: "Since you see it, you should be ready to accept the facts?"

Yu argues with a cold face: "Be prepared to stop you."

"Are you stopped?" The back of the ghost emperor was grilled by the hot bronze pattern. The white vestment was burned through, and the flesh was glued to the bronze, but he still kept a calm smile. "Even if you give hungry ghosts." How can the Internet pass? You can’t stop the hungry ghosts from occupying the world...”

The golden Buddha's eye passes through the thick black of the layers, looks at the city of the world, and sees the truth... Then, the ghosts slammed the earth: "What are the hungry ghosts doing?"

I saw the city, the people who should have been in the world, and the hungry ghosts who caused the chaos in the world were lined up in an orderly manner, walking in the same direction, passing through some overturned trash cans, not forgetting Get up, by the way, pick up the garbage.

At various intersections, there are small vests wearing red vests and red armbands waving small red flags, and they are directing traffic to the hungry ghosts.

Look carefully, the hungry ghosts are all holding mobile phones in their hands, one by one looking at the mobile phone, from time to time to identify the direction, some do not understand, just ask the red armbands on the roadside.

Ghost Emperor:? ? ?

Yu Zhengdu received the information of Zhao Ruola: [I used the system to send information to all users of Hungry Ghost Road, asking them to follow the route planning service provided by the life planning app, go to the designated location for concentration, wait for the company's notice and arrangement. 】

Zhao Ruola: [If you encounter an emergency or see a hungry ghost who does not cooperate with the work, press the [Emergency Help] button to notify the company in time, directly arrest, and permanently imprison]

Yu Zhengdu sighed with a deep breath: "It is still useful to give hungry ghosts a network."

Ghost Emperor: "Hey--" An old blood sprayed directly.

Although the hungry ghosts overlap with the humans, the hungry ghosts did not cause great chaos in the end. Instead, they followed the route planning services provided by Luofeng System and smoothly went to the designated locations. Under the arrangement of Luofeng staff, they arranged well. The good team sat down and waited for the notice while playing the mobile phone.

Even connected with the ghosts of the world.

Ghost: "You are hungry ghosts, poor seeing, slimming like this."

Hungry ghost: "It's okay, it's much better now, and there are mobile phones to play."

Another hungry ghost: "The right pair, and we have a good class, I looked at the app tips, and I will be able to reincarnate in five hundred years."

Ghost: "Oh, come on, I will reincarnate next month."

Hungry ghost: "It's good, what is your birth?"

Ghost: "When you say it, I lived in 嫖|娼, the afterlife **... By, what do you mean by drooling?"

Hungry ghost: "Sorry, I think of fifty practices of chicken..."

Ghost: "You are a beast!"

Hungry ghost: "You are also a beast soon!"

The floating city quickly recovered its calmness. Except for the land of the hungry ghosts, the Heihe River, the wildfires and the jungles, and the thick clouds that were pressed against the top of the head, everything seemed to be no different from the usual.

"You are a madman, even the hungry ghosts have to be educated." Ghost Emperor said, picking up the ninth Bodhi.

But at this time he had reached the end of the strong, Shanghao did not give him another chance, the black sword broke the barrier built by the nameless force, and Jianfeng wiped it from Luo Wanxiang's wrist.

The bodhi string was broken and the remaining bodhi fell to the ground.

Shang Xiaodao said: "There is no class to teach."

Luo Wanxiang's golden Buddha's eyes slowly closed, and the body slipped softly along the bronze incense burner. The whole person fell to the ground, revealing the hot black back of the hot bronze pattern. The flesh opened and shocked.

Then, a huge illusion stood up from the bones of Luo Wanxiang.

He wore a red robes in the sky | clothes, embroidered with auspicious clouds on the plaque, wearing a beaded crown on his head, holding a seesaw in his hand, this is the true body of the Northern Emperor.

"It’s a pity that the chess is bad." The great emperor sighed long.

The long sword of Shang Yang floated in the air, watching the Emperor of the capital indifferently: "Are you still not dying?"

“How come to heart?” said the Emperor of the Great, “Shang, do you know what I saw?”

"I know." Yu Zhengdu took off his mask from his face. He looked at Shangyu, and his eyes showed endless sorrow. "They are going to disappear..."

The 100,000 city people spent a thousand years with a soul, and now they finally can't hold on.

The Shangyu had a sudden loss of consciousness. In this moment, the Emperor of the capital of the capital reached out and the Bodhi, which was scattered all over the place, floated again. "Shangzhen, you will always fail, and your heart will be soft."

The black clouds over the city sank as if the rain began to fall.

"It's raining."

"Hey, how is the rain red?"

"Mom, what's the matter?"

"This pollution is too heavy?"

"I rely, how do I feel that this water looks so bloody?"

The heavy red rain caused panic again in the city, and passersby sneaked into the buildings and cars.

The rain grew bigger and bigger, and it merged into a stream on the ground, and it became a pool of water. It didn't cross the road, and the whole floating city quickly became like a red sea.

Yu Zhandu looked at the heavy sky and witnessed the split: "It is the sea of ​​the sea..."

The enchantment of the hungry ghost road and the human world is not a simple collapse. After the enchantment collapses, the hungry ghost road also folds. The Heihe River squats upwards and leads to the sky above the city, where the ghost sea reveals its outline. .

The entire **** sea was actually buckled above the city, looking from the summit, as if the entire city was submerged.

The roar of the evil spirits came from the sea, and the huge shadows of the hands were chained in the sea, and they were struggling to go to the world.

Yandu Emperor smiled slightly: "Shangyu, you can attract a lot of fire, but no amount of fire will not dry this sea."

His seesaw flew to the merchants, intertwined with the black sword in the air.

The power of namelessness is swaying, and the hungry ghosts that overlap in the human world are looming.

In the wind, in the hunting wind, Luo Qishan Ghost King finally showed his original shape.

"Be careful." Shang Xiao said softly to the metaphor, and then took his hand to his shoulder.

Yu Zhengdu did not react, he found that he left the ground, and the higher he was, the more he looked down and found himself standing in the palm of Shang Yang.

The merchants illusioned the huge real body that was grounded in the sky, wearing a black armor, and the red cloak danced in the wind.

Yu is arguing over his head, you can see his black crown, and...

"Wow, you actually have two horns!!!" Yu Zhengdu sighed.

Luo Zhenshan, the real body of the ghost king, has a pair of pointed black horns on his head.

Shang Hao’s face showed a slight unnaturalness: “Shut up!”

"It is a handsome horn." Yu Zhengdu gave a high degree of certainty.

Shang Yan reached out and put him on his shoulder. "Hurry up, don't fall, I can protect you."

"Stabilized." Yu Zhengdu sat on the shoulders of the merchant's shoulders with his legs hanging, and grasped the collar of the merchant's collar with one hand, compared with an "ok" gesture.

"Shangzheng, too late." Yudu the Great said quietly.

Shang Yang did not care for him, only asked Yu to argue: "How long can you resist?"

"Not long, try to be." Yu Zhengdubian said on the mobile phone.

The long sword swayed to the capital of the capital.

The coffin of the Emperor of the capital of the capital flew into the air, and the huge array of invisible margins was formed, and it was heavily pressed.

At the same time, almost all phones that have searched for Sagittarius's keywords and open computers have a recommendation: Sagittarius band live.

Jiao Shanlu gave Zhao Ruola a black expression: [I am dying to help you spread the virus, if I have a long and two short, you have to come out and sin! 】

Zhao Ruola: [If you don't spread the virus, now there are three long and two short]

Zhao Ruola: [You have done a good job, very accurate]

Jiaoshan Yu: [Smoking.jpg, who can think of this, the biggest project of my cross-era top laboratory so far is to send viruses to the people of the country! ! ! 】

Zhao Ruola: [嘘.jpg, you have to face, whisper]

This virus is pretending to be very good. Most people think that this is just an ordinary link, and it is a recommendation for the fans of the Sagittarius band. The Sagittarius band is so popular that it is the first time to broadcast live, and fans can’t wait to be there. opened.

The public city's advertising wall, subway TV and other public screens are also linked to the live broadcast of the Sagittarius band, which is aimed at non-fan groups or viewers who don't understand the Sagittarius band.

In the live footage, tightly the Luo Jin song dance, Ma Tau male said with a passionate drum beat: "Old irons, let me feel your love for me, as long as ten minutes, I let you see my true head!! ”

This sentence is more powerful than any performance. If there is a Zhao Ruola ready to hold in advance, the live broadcast is estimated to be paralyzed.

The woman is tight and silent: "I feel... endless love and faith!"

In the distant Jintan Town, the land temple in front of Yu’s Ancestral Hall shines brightly, and the town’s and even the surrounding residents rush to tell: “The land is publicly visible – it’s obvious—”

All who could get to the front of the ancestral rushed over, and when they were too late, they began to pray in the direction of the land temple.

Fox fox Hu Xiaoyue "scratch" to take a picture of himself, sent to his own more than 200 ex-boyfriends: [I still love me? 】

Former boyfriends: [Love, love, love, love, love! ! ! ! ! 】

All Luofeng users have received the same message: [Pray for Peace in the Floating City]

In the sea of ​​ghosts, the ghosts of the sea are tumbling, and the evil spirits are like wild beasts, causing a long roar to the sky, and then struggling for a glimpse of the chain, the stars on the chain, the Mars on the chain, falling to the city.

Among the cities, the people who sheltered from the rain shivered, and if they felt it, they looked at the sky with doubt.

"What will happen?" The Emperor of the capital looked at the world, and there was a trace of grief in his eyes.

Once the little god, tight Naro, the land public, and the fox who is not really God's sorcerer, the power of human faith has opened a huge barrier in the air of the floating city.

The fireball and the chain are all blocked by the invisible power.

Extremely evil ghost: "...?"

He seems to be unbelievable, and he quickly lifts the chain and slams it hard. The world is clearly close to the feet. Those who are born, ghosts, and hungry ghosts are just ants.

However, he just couldn’t get it.

The evil spirits have to jump on their feet, and the huge footprints are hardly stepping over the city, but they can't step on it.

"Human beliefs are very powerful." Yu said.

Just finished, a phone call from a little girl suddenly appeared on his mobile phone: "Dad -"

Yu Zhengdu was shocked. When he saw the mobile phone, it turned out to be a small video sent by Kang Jin. In the video, a little girl wearing a princess dress glanced at him with a pitiful look.

Yu Zhengdu: "...Peqi?? How did you become a person?"

Kang Jin: [Just Peggy has also been broadcast live, the performance is too wonderful, received too much love, if you are not careful, it will be shaped...]

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

Peggy has been practicing under the guidance of Shang Yang, but according to the calculation of Shang Yang, she has to have at least five or six years to successfully shape, I did not expect...

Human faith is really too strong!

The author has something to say: 酆都大帝: I can't think of it, I really can't think of it, smoking.jpg

Listen, it’s the end of the sound!


1. Collect author column, harvest happy and good text.

2. Collection of pre-collection, harvest... or happy and good text.

The next one is to open the "The scum plot causes comfort", or the sand sculpture fat house happy text.

I always wanted to write the scum, but there are a few stalks that I can’t choose. In the end, the adult decides to have it all. Write it quickly!

One of the worlds:

Ten years ago, Xie Dian and Fang Hui, who had just debuted, contributed the first national cp

In the case that all cp powder feels that it is true, the party looks back to the future and chooses to avoid it.

Ten years later, the two great kings of the century have broken ice.

Reconstructed at a platform festival and sang their "definite music"

Cp powder collective boiling

Looking back at the status of the party, I can't help but miss the past and the dyeing of the past.

Fang looked back to Weibo: That year dyed

All Weibo are waiting for the thank you response

Xie Dye: What? Why do you want me? Cooperation is just because the platform gives a lot of money, thank you platform!


When the copy is open, change it a bit more! 2k novel reading network