MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 194 Spiritual fusion

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Ye Chen Chaofei flew inside, the East Gate Eagle Yang chased after him, A raccoon also followed the leaves of Ye Chen, Ye Chen soul felt that the East Gate Ying Yang should be a strong peak of the Tianzun, but the top of the Jinzun Tianzun should not How long does it take, the strength is too much compared to the Mingwu Emperor, but it is not the current Ye Chen can deal with, even if Ye Chen releases the soul, but the Tianzun is only in the middle. As for his own strength, Ye Chen and A civet are all respected, and they are too far away from Tianzun.

The East Gate Eagles rushed to chase Ye Chen and the rest of them were still holding the ropes, trying to trap the winglets.

After the winglet received Ye Chen’s instructions, the brow that was screwed together finally stretched out. If he changed back to the body, he would not be afraid of these guys! Ye Chen passed him, and he couldn't change back to the ontology. He still remembered it in this sentence, so even if he was trapped for so long, he still maintained the human form.

When Si Yiyan, Lei Yutian and others watched the winglet, they suddenly found something wrong. The body of the winglet suddenly rose wildly, and the body grew a piece of blue scales.


Tianma was broken in a snowy area. It was only a moment of effort. The winglet turned into a huge winged snake with three pairs of transparent wings on its back.

"My God, is a monster!" Looking up at the huge winglets, the priests and other people are scared of the soul, such a big monster, do not know what level of monsters, my God!

It is rare to hide the human form into human beings. It has only been recorded in the book, and even has been compiled into many romantic stories about the love of the shemale. Generally, the masters will sneer at seeing such things, but today They saw it with their own eyes.

The winglet vomited and spit, and within a few hundred meters of the circle, it was covered in a mist of blue sè. Whether it was Lei Yutian and others, or those masters of the tenth-order peak, they did not have time to react, and they fell down one by one. On the ground.

"This mist is poisonous!" Si Yiyan and two masters of the land immediately ran to run out.

The huge tail of the winglet smashed in the past, "嘭嘭" two sounds, I saw that the two masters of the land fell out of the five or six hundred meters, still "banged" and broke several trees before they stopped. It’s already dying.

The priest smoke was scared by this scene, volleyed, and fled frantically.

The winglets three pairs of wings danced quickly. Although the body was huge, it was still very fast when flying.

The priest smoked in the heart, waved the iron fan, and a sharp piece of iron spurred out, hitting the body of the winglet, "叮叮叮", those pieces of iron not only did not cause any damage to the winglet, but also bent in an instant. Broken.

The smugglers are complaining. These iron pieces seem to be ordinary. In fact, they are Beiming Black Iron. They are extremely sharp after being made into a hidden weapon. Their hardness is far more than the four-pronged Lingbao, but even then, the powerful body of the small wing is still ineffective. !

One person, one snake, in the jungle, you chase me.

Although the body of the winglet is strong, but the speed of movement, strength, etc., is still much different from the peak period. Although it has the upper hand, it can't help the sergeant.

On the other side, Ye Chen and A raccoon rushed in the jungle, and the east gate eagle behind him was already getting closer.

Dongmen Ying Yang noticed the movement behind him and found that the giant winged snake in the sky was chasing the priest smoke, and immediately understood what had happened. The big heart shock, the original child, was the great winged snake, no wonder sharp. The hidden weapon and the powerful smoke are all invalid for that child!

Now how to do? Si Yiyan seems to be unable to die for the time being. First kill this Yechen and kill Ye Chen, you can make a difference to the king! He did not expect that there were so many variables in the ambush Ye Chen.

Looking at the back of Ye Chen, the East Gate Eagles made a sigh of relief, and the speed increased by a few points.

Ye Chen kept running wildly. If he was chased by the East Gate Eagle, he would definitely not be his opponent with his own honor!

Ye Chen suddenly turned back, and the spirit came out of his body, turning into a tall golden armor, wielding a long knife and rushing toward the East Gate Eagle.

The East Gate Eagle Yang was chasing behind Ye Chen. Suddenly he felt a heat wave hit him. When he looked up, he found the golden armor who was thrown like a **** in the void.

"What is this?" Dongmen Ying Yang has experienced less than a thousand battles, but he has never seen such a thing. He found that the Golden Armor has some illusory, is it a gold armor, a kind of ghost-like thing?

The purple fire is burning, and the long blade has been slashed.

The gold armor is five or six meters high, and the huge long knife in his hand gives a heavy sense of oppression.

The East Gate Eagle Yang was scared by the majestic momentum of the Golden Armor. He did not dare to confront the Golden Armor. He flew back and sneaked out to the side.

Bang! ! !

The landslides were generally cracked, and the golden swordsman's huge knife gas fell down. There was a huge pit on the ground. All the plants that touched the knife gas were immediately swallowed up by the purple fire.

The East Gate Eagle Yang turned back and saw that the ground on the back was a bit of black, and the face suddenly changed. Even if it was the peak of Tianzun, it could not be cut off with such power. The horrible purple fire that swallowed everything, let the East Gate The eagle is frightened and scared.

Dongmen Ying Yang did not know that the gold armor of Ye Chen’s soul was only the strength of Tian Zun’s mid-term. He even thought that the gold armor was at least Xuanzun! If you encounter a master of Xuanzun's primary, the East Gate Ying Yang may not be so nervous, but the gold armor in front of him is not human. The solemn face of the Golden Armor, in his appearance, even a bit of horror.

Ye Chen did not know the shock caused by his Golden Armor to the East Gate Eagle. Seeing the East Gate Eagles evading, it is natural to pursue the victory.

"嗖", the Golden Armor flew for dozens of meters, and it was cut down.

Fast speed!

Yingmen Yingyang found that when the Golden Armor was traversed, it seemed that he did not need time at all. He came over in an instant. Even if he is a master of Xuanzun, there may not be such a speed! Even the fascinating monk of Dongmen Ying Yang, in the face of such unknown things, seems to be somewhat fearful. In the face of the long knife cut down by the Golden Armor, it is volley.

The gold armor warrior waved a long knife and cut it down with one knife and one knife.

The East Gate Eagle Yang was constantly dodging. When the Golden Armor came over, he almost didn't have time to escape. He was cut in the hair, and the hair was suddenly burned by the purple fire. The purple fire touched. After the skin, the burning sensation made the East Gate Eagle scream.

"Damn!" The East Gate Eagle was so embarrassed that he looked at him. When he looked back, he found that Ye Chen stood there motionless and immediately realized that this gold armor must be Ye Chen cāo vertical, Ye Chen’s body should It is the weakness.

I felt that the Golden Armor had been cut down, and the East Gate Eagle Yang turned and avoided. He was in the wrong direction with the Golden Armor, and the volley rushed in the direction of Ye Chen.

"Not good!" Ye Chen was shocked and quickly urged the Golden Armor to return to rescue.

"Go to hell!" The East Gate Eagle snarled, and a tick of iron fists to Ye Chen, punching and screaming.

If it is a squat on the East Gate Eagle, I am afraid that it will be shot by a fist, Ye Chen spirits move, the Golden Armor has been traversed by tens of meters, blocked in front of Ye Chen, toward the East Gate Eagle The punch is slashed.

Rumble! ! !

The confrontation between the boxing spirit and the soul of the soul, the impact of the moment instantly destroyed dozens of trees around.

Like a thunderstorm on the ground, the horrible echo echoed in the valley of Qingyun Mountain for a long time.

The East Gate Eagle flew back a distance, standing in the air, and some wolf-like.

On the other side, the Golden Armor was turbulent and became a little thin. Ye Chen was like a white paper and almost spewed out blood.

Ye Chen’s soul, at most, is the strength of Tian Zun’s mid-term, and he has reached the limit he can bear with the master of Tianzun’s peak.

The East Gate Eagle did not expect that the Golden Armor could actually return to the rescue in that case. He was shocked by the movement speed of the Golden Armor. After confronting the Golden Armor, he suddenly realized that the Golden Armor was not so terrible. The most powerful is the middle of the sky.

"It turns out that the strength of this ghost thing is just like this. See how the old man cleans you up!" I thought that I was shocked by the Golden Armor and ate a dark loss. The East Gate eagle raised her face like a cannonball.

Seeing the East Gate Eagle rushing over, Ye Chen had to bite his teeth and urged the Golden Armor to rush.

Seeing Ye Chen’s enemies, but the East Gate Ying Yang, A thief was anxious, standing on the shoulders of Ye Chen, also spurred the soul. The soul of A raccoon can't be shaped, there is no substantial xing's fighting power, but the raccoon cat's ethnic talent can be used to strengthen the illusion with the soul.

Just as the raccoon spurred the soul, the strange scene happened, and the sacred soul of the raccoon became a white sè. The flame of a white sè was coiled around the golden armor, and the golden armor of the purple fire was followed. The fire of the white sè began to merge.

The process of integration is not so smooth, not complete, the soul of A raccoon, only about one-twentieth of the amount merged into the soul of Ye Chen, the fire of the Golden Armor is even more blazing, and the strength has some obvious improvement.

"What is going on?" Ye Chen was shocked and felt that the white sè was above the fire, with the smell of a raccoon. Can the soul be merged?

After the soul of A raccoon was merged into the soul of Ye Chen, the soul of Ye Chen was obviously enhanced. The purple fire and the white fire mingled, and circled around the body of the Golden Armor, which set the Jin Jia soldiers to be extraordinarily solemn.

Looking at the East Gate eagle Yang punches and punches, Ye Chen spirits move.

"Come on!" The golden armor’s eyes were shining.

It was also a "bang", the Jinjia soldiers and the East Gate Eagle Yang hit a blow, swayed, and continued to scream at the East Gate Eagle. Before the integration, if this is the case with the East Gate Eagle, Ye Chen will definitely be shocked, and the effect of the fusion is still very obvious. (To be continued)

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