MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 195 Advance in the middle stage! (830 monthly tickets plus more!)

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"What happened, it suddenly increased a lot!" After the East Gate Eagle blasted a punch, flashed a knife of the Golden Armor, leaping and jumping, a side kick, pure Yang suffocating and flying.

Hey! ! !

The Golden Armor had a hard-hitting attack, and he took a few steps back and swept the past.

Dongmen Ying Yang has always had some doubts about this gold armor. What kind of ghost thing this golden armor is, looks like a ghost, but when attacking the past, it is like playing in the entity. It is not like a ghost at all.

If it is a ghost, encounter the strong yang strong, and the sun sh sh, should be quickly evaded, which will be as fierce as the gold armor!

Looking towards Ye Chen’s direction, Ye Chen’s body, a purple smoke rising, is like a burning flame, and the raccoon on his shoulder is also emitting white smoke. Qi, weaker than Ye Chen’s purple smoke.

The white sè flame that lingers on the gold armor is supposed to be released by the civet cat. No wonder he can obviously feel the strength of the gold armor.

This thing can still be integrated!

The East Gate Eagle Yang tried to get rid of the Golden Armor several times and attacked Ye Chen and A raccoon, but the Golden Armor was like a bone-bearing scorpion, so that he could never get close to Ye Chen and A raccoon.

If it is only the gold armor of the middle of the Tianzun, it can't stop the East Gate Eagle. Let the East Gate Eagles fear that the long sword of the Golden Armor will cut some purple fire from time to time. This purple fire is very strong, even if it is It’s just a splash of shè that is so ignited, and it’s also possible to instantly melt away part of his pure yang, which is really overbearing.

Hey! ! !

Rumble! ! !

The gold armor and the east gate eagle are in the air, and the collision is like a thunder. The nearby trees have been smashed. Even if they are only hit by a smashing force, the thick trees will be smashed into powder. The ground is covered with various large pits, the rocks are flying, and the earth is cracked.

Even if the souls of Ye Chen and A raccoon are merged together, the Golden Armor and the Tianzun Peak are still a little worse. The East Gate Eagle’s punch is a blow and a hit, and the actual bombardment on the body of the Golden Armor, if not In the Stars of the Stars, the purple Mars lions fought and tempered the soul, I am afraid that Ye Chen’s soul has long been unable to withstand such a violent attack.

It is a pity that the soul of Ashi is not yet fully integrated into the soul of Ye Chen!

Ye Chen face is like gold paper, and the nine stars of Dantian are running at a very fast speed. The spirit of the mysterious spirit keeps rising into the air, blending into the body of the Golden Armor, but still can't resist the consumption of the battle. Under the violent attack of the East Gate Eagle, the Golden Armor became a little thin.

The peak of Tianzun is still too strong.

"No, I can't hold it!" Ye Chen bit his teeth, jing God screamed, while urging the Golden Armor and the East Gate Eagle to fight, while planning how to retreat.

The east gate eagle is like a violent beast. The upper body and the clothes are broken, revealing the thick and sturdy muscles. The gray skin is shining like a metal under the sunlight. Every punch and every foot will inevitably cause The amazing vibration of the muscles contains the power of xing.

"Ghost things, go to hell!" The East Gate Eagle screamed and suddenly jumped into the air, his right leg lifted up high, and the golden scent quickly condensed into the right leg, slamming his legs. Like a huge steel knife, when the air fell.

Overlord collapsed!

The East Gate Eagle Yang's skills, six martial arts, the gold system has always been known for its fierce attack power. The six martial arts tyrants, the tyrannical tyrants, contain infinite power, strong tyrannical, can be one foot The hill is divided into two sections.

The gold armor suddenly felt a strong tyrannical force, and it was too late to avoid it. He immediately lifted a long knife to stop.

The sound of "嘭", the long knife handle should be broken into two pieces.

The East Gate Ying Yang's overlord broke the Yue, the power is too overbearing, and he saw that he was about to kick the chest of the Golden Armor. This shot would definitely kill the Golden Armor.

The East Gate Ying Yang suddenly felt the foot empty, his legs screaming and screaming, bombarded on the ground, suddenly rumbling loudly.

What happened, this shot is empty?

Then look at the gold armor who is still suspended in the air, the figure has gradually faded away, turned into a virtual shadow, dissipated out of thin air.

At the time when Dongmen Ying Yang was about to kick the Golden Armor, Ye Chen suddenly took back the Golden Armor and escaped the attack of Dongmen Ying Yang.

"A raccoon, let's go!" Ye Chen Shen sighed, took a scent from the Qiankun bag and ate it. Several rushing rushed toward the depths of the jungle. So far, the soul has not been too serious. Injury, after this fierce battle, the nine-star overload operation of Dantian, he faintly felt that his own mysteriousness has reached a critical point, is it that Xuanqiu is going to enter the middle of the land?

I am still suffering from injury. It is not the opponent of Dongmen Yingyang. Let’s go first! Ye Chen bowed his body and ran like a cheetah between the jungles.

"Want to go, there are no doors." The East Gate Eagle sighed and screamed, volleying, followed by Ye Chen, like a goshawk in the sky.

The speed of the East Gate Eagle is much faster than that of Ye Chen. Soon, it is getting closer and closer, slamming down, palming into claws, and catching it in the air.

Ye Chen ran wildly, while running the nine-star Tianchen, he recovered the injury in the body as soon as possible, and felt the sharp momentum behind him. His heart was shocked. At this moment, the star of the left palm was printed, and Ye Chen suddenly had a light. Flash, spurred the soul, a slam, Ye Chen and A raccoon disappeared in place.

The East Gate eagle looked at Ye Chen and suddenly caught it, and Ye Chen, who was in front of him, suddenly disappeared.

With a bang, the East Gate Eagles couldn’t stop, and they grabbed a stone on the ground and grabbed it into powder.

"What happened?" Dongmen Ying Yang looked around and couldn't find Ye Chen. Is it illusion? He was engrossed, and his eyes flashed in his eyes, and he screamed, "Give me broken!"

It is still empty around.

Not an illusion?

Dongmen Ying Yang jing 惕 原 原 徘徊 徘徊 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Really, I don’t know what secret method I used. He searched nearby.

At this time, Ye Chen, who was in the starry sky, nervously looked at the outside with the spirit, and saw that the East Gate Eagle could not find himself and was relieved.

I don't know if the East Gate Eagle will not find himself after the meeting, and can't waste time. Ye Chen quickly sat down and resumed Xuanqi.

A raccoon also began to practice.

"Kid, look at you so embarrassed, is it a strong enemy? If you can't beat, let the lion go out, the lion can slap him into a meat!" Purple Mars lion stunned.

Ye Chen opened his eyes and snorted at the purple Martian lion: "Give me shut up!"

"For thousands of years, no one has ever dared to talk to me like this! Kid, I want to eat you!" The purple lion's front paws slammed the ground with anger and anger, and wanted to break free of the law. Bondage.

When Ye Chen’s soul moved, he saw that the tactics quickly moved up, and the roads were printed with bursts of light, floating in the air, and rushing toward the purple Mars.

Boom! ! !

A road sign was printed on the purple Martian lion, causing the purple Mars lion to make a wailing sound.

Ye Chen now has some understanding of the legal array in the Tianxing Yinli. Although it is impossible to completely control the phalanx, it is still possible to mobilize the phalanx. Once the purple Mars lion wants to break free from the squad, he can immediately drive the suppression of the squad. !

"Tell me to shut up!" Ye Chen glanced coldly at the purple Mars lion.

The purple Martian lion is full of anger, but he does not dare to stimulate Ye Chen any more. He does not understand that Ye Chen did not let the star print the Lord for a long time, but he could slightly promote the squad. This is how the kid knows how to control the star. Printed?

The purple Martian lion was shocked and angry. It had to break the seal of the Faction, or else Ye Chen completely controlled the Stars, and his future would be dark.


Ye Chen runs a nine-star Tianchen 诀. When he urges the star-studded squad, he feels that the mysterious seal of the left palm touches, affecting the nine-star movement in the body, and the whole body's air machine starts to run quickly. It’s up.

The Xuanqi on the flying knife quickly entered Dantian, and Dantian gradually swelled, and a loud bang, a loud noise in his mind, Xuanqi crazy surge.

It has been a long time since the beginning of the land.

Ye Chen’s heart is full of surprises. From the beginning of the flying knife, Ye Chen knows that he has embarked on a road of cultivation that is different from ordinary people. He has made breakthroughs in the first and second stages, and has achieved many cultivations in the past six months. The realm that people can't reach for a lifetime, I thought that after entering the realm of the land, the speed of continuing to ascend will slow down. I didn't expect to reach the middle of the land in such a fast time.

The amount of sacred gas in the body of Dantian is more than 50% higher than that in the early stage of the land. Dantian has expanded a lot. With the improvement of cultivation, the soul has also made some progress.

Looking down at the raccoon, A raccoon just experienced the fusion of the soul, the soul of the soul through the purple fire of the quenching, but also some improvement, the soul of the soul and Ye Chen more and more close.

The purple Mars lion has been paying attention to Ye Chen and A raccoon. It was only a few minutes after the discovery. The injury of Ye Chen has been restored. The repair has also improved a lot. The whole person has a different contrast from the previous one. Breath, his heart shocked, the speed of cultivation of this kid is too fast!

Ye Chen stood up, and the spirit of the gods revealed the star-studded seal. The Dongmen Ying Yang was still far away from the vicinity. Actually, many woods were piled up together and a raging fire was set.

"A raccoon, let's go, then go to the meeting, the East Gate eagle!" Ye Chen Shen sighed, it was running the fire system Xuanqi, with the raccoon together, out of the stars.

When the fire was shining outside, Ye Chen found out that he was in a raging fire. However, after running the fire system, these flames were nothing to him, and he sipped a low voice. Boom out.

Dongmen Ying Yang looked for a long time outside, and could not find Ye Chen’s position. He thought of using this method to cut off all the surrounding trees, pile them together and then ignite them, forming a flame and wanting to put the leaves. Chen burned out.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that Ye Chen’s breath was strong and strong, and he was about to take some action. He only felt that the surrounding sighs were surging, the bang, the flames blasted, and the burning trees were all excited. Mars is flying around.

I saw the piece of scorched earth in the zhongyāng of the fire. Ye Chen stood proudly and arrogantly. A raccoon stood on the shoulder of Ye Chen, a pair of eyes with eyes and staring at the East Gate Eagle.

~~ There are still more than twenty sheets to smash the front. Do the brothers have monthly passes? How many of you come, there are fewer snails! ! !