MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 196 That knife!

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"You finally came out, this time you see where you are going to escape!" Dongmen Ying Yang snorted, volleyed, he thought that Ye Chen was fired and could not stand it.

"Hey, let's play again!" Ye Chen watched the east gate eagle, and sipped a sigh of relief. The soul of the golden armor re-aggregated. At this time, the gold armor, before There are some differences, the golden armor on the body has a faint purple light, and the purple fire is even more on the long knife. In the eyelids, it is also the purple fire.

At this time, the gold armor, the strength is only slightly inferior to the peak of Tianzun.

A raccoon once again integrated his soul into the Golden Armor. The white fire burned, the purple fire was even stronger, and the strength of the Golden Armor rose again, reaching the top of Tianzun.


The Golden Armor issued a violent roar, waving a long knife and slashing toward the East Gate Eagle!

Although the East Gate Eagle Yang has some vague feelings, this Golden Armor is a bit wrong compared to before, but he would not have thought that Ye Chen would improve his strength in this short period of time. When he wanted to come, he passed such a small At the end, Ye Chen estimated that even the wounds are still not good, how strong can the strength be?

Overlord collapsed!

The right leg of Yingmen Yang of the East Gate, like a meteor, squats down, and the sharp gold system breaks open the air, and makes a "sweet" friction with the air.

This leg contains all the mysterious power of the Tianzun Peak, which is absolutely overbearing!

The gold armored soldiers looked at the air and did not evade. They waved a knife and slashed toward the east gate. This knife merged into some mystery of the martial arts of the king. - In a flash, the golden armor became a purple The light group is like a purple sun, the light is shining, the knife tip contains infinite mystery.

At this moment, Ye Chen’s eyes suddenly reflected the pattern of the movement of nine planets. The star print on the left palm seemed to be alive. One by one, the mysterious seals circled around Ye Chen’s body, while on the shoulders. A raccoon, the whole body is also full of rich white light.

This knife seems to cut the space!

Ye Chen feels like being in a world of stars, empty, innocent and vast.

This knife contains the infinite insights of the Tao.

The golden armor screamed and flew like a burning purple meteor, dragging a long tail and cutting it out.

boom! ! !

The sound of air bursts seemed to shatter all the eardrums of the people.

The horrible force was instantly released at the tip of the knife, and it collided with the tyrant of the East Gate Yingyang. The collision between the spirit and the gold sacred air was like a missile explosion. A tyrannical impact airflow instantly circumnavigated. Swept out.

A figure flew out, like a kite with a broken line. It flew to a few tens of meters away and fell into the trees.

After the horrible impact of the airflow swept past, the Golden Armor was still standing proudly in the void, clenching the long knife, there is a kind of sacred solemnity that cannot be said.

Because standing behind the gold armor, Ye Chen and A civet were not affected by the impact of the air, just like the same wind smashed, the robe hunting, breathing and stagnation.

In the distance, the East Gate Eagle Yang was all black, and the purple fire of the Golden Armor swept through him, swallowing his pure yang, and causing him a heavy blow. He slammed a big tree. When he stood up, he couldn't understand why he died. After Ye Chen disappeared for a while, the Jinjia soldiers suddenly became so strong. From the middle of Tianzun, they suddenly became the peak of Tianzun. He should not be underestimated. The gold armor is confrontational!

The mysterious body of the whole body has already consumed 7788, and many parts of the body have broken the meridians and suffered serious injuries.

The East Gate eagle has a hint of hatred in his eyes. He has killed countless people. The master who defeated him is also ignorant. I didn’t expect that today I was folded in the hands of a 17-year-old boy. I can’t follow this ghost thing again. I’m going to fight, or I’m afraid I’m going to die here. I’m going to sneak up and want to escape. I saw the gold armor in the sky rushing down, the speed is amazing, the purple flames in the hand are falling, the fire shines, the East Gate The eagle’s eyes showed a look of fear.

Then, with the bang, the East Gate Eagle was swallowed up by the purple fire.

After Ye Chen urged the Golden Armor to launch the final blow, he finally couldn't stand the strong consumption, his head was dizzy, fell to the ground, and gasped for a big mouth. In fact, in the previous battle, his energy was exhausted. If the East Gate Eagles are not dead, the loss may be Ye Chen.


Ye Chen showed a weak smile. He didn't know what happened to the winglet. He had no strength to help the winglet, and he could only sit on the ground.

The consciousness is a little fuzzy, and the body is extremely tired. It is the expression of excessive use of the soul.

Ye Chen's running Xuanqi resumed his physical strength. A raccoon recovered faster than Ye Chen, and several jumped into the woods.

About half an hour later, Xiaoyi appeared in the sky above Ye Chen, turned into a child's appearance, and fell to Ye Chen's side.

Ye Chen opened his eyes, his physical strength recovered, although he has not recovered his peak strength, but at least it is no problem to continue on the road.

"Little wing, how is that person?

"He kept playing with me, he ate a lot of medicine, fell asleep when he hit him, and then I came back." Little wing was a little confused, he didn't understand why the guy was sleeping when he was fighting. Like what I thought of, Xiaoyi smiled. "But I robbed him of his things!" Xiaoyi took out a Qiankun bag, and some of them were proud.

That barbaric master can never be easily let go! Ye Chen’s soul hunted the past in the distance, and found that more than ten miles away, the savage master of the country was lying there quietly, and there was no breathing. This guy seems to have used a lot of medicinal herbs to improve his strength. , exhausted the body potential.

Ye Chen took the soul back and looked at the innocent and good winglet, saying nothing.

Looking at the little wing curiously looking inside the Qiankun bag, Ye Chen couldn't help but laugh, the little wing this guy, like Ashi, became a financial fan!

Just thinking, a white figure flashed past, A raccoon came back, I saw a raccoon's mouth, actually smashed seven or eight Qiankun bags, eyebrows bent and smiled, there is a kind of incomprehensible state.

Ye Chen patted his forehead and he was speechless to the two financial fans.

"We have to hurry, there is such a big battle here, maybe it will lead the master." Ye Chendao, A raccoon jumped and jumped to Ye Chen's shoulder.

The winglet followed behind Ye Chen, and the three figures were hidden in the jungle.

The chaotic scene finally subsided.

After half an hour, several people wearing golden armor appeared in this jungle. The leader was a middle-aged man in his forties, and the tenth-ranked peak.

"Check it out, what are the origins of those who died?" the middle-aged man asked quietly.

"Reporting the generals, these people are masters of the country, and several are the spies of the country, and we have been stalking for a long time." One of them echoed.

This middle-aged man is a feathered gold armor and is still a general.

"What are the identity of these masters of the country?" The middle-aged man asked, the man who died in the country, his frowning brow stretched out, and there were so many people dead on the official side, he thought it was quite The people of the country are messing around here.

"According to the information under the inspection, the one that was burned by the fire was called the East Gate Eagle Yang, and the Tianzun Peak was strong. As for the whole body bone broken into powder, it was called Si Yanyan, Tian Zun Mid-term. There are also five places. The master of the honor, and the bloodstab of the eight tenth peak!" The man replied cautiously.

Hearing the report of his subordinates, the middle-aged man’s heart was shocked. He was actually a strong man of two heavenly ranks. He immediately felt that this matter was quite a trivial matter and asked sharply: “Are you sure the information is accurate?”

"Yes, the general, there is absolutely nothing wrong!" The man replied with a hard scalp, but if it was wrong, he would be decapitated.

The middle-aged man felt that the heart had jumped a few times. This is the two heavenly strong, the five strong and the ten tenth peaks, all of them died here. Who is this? Or is it done by a group of people? Even if the two sects join together, I am afraid that there is no way to eat so many masters so easily!

"Immediately send a message to the engraving report!"

Several communication figurines flew up in the air.

At this time, Ye Chen, A raccoon and Xiaoyi, have already opened in more than ten miles.

Qingyun Mountain is endless. After leaving the official road, the road is more rugged and walks through the forest. Gradually, the sky is already a bit late.

Not long after, Ye Chen and his entourage entered a valley, and the wind ran through the valley.

"A raccoon, little wing, we are afraid to stay in the wilderness tonight." Ye Chen smiled bitterly, this neighborhood is not in front of the village without the store, it is really difficult to find a place to rest.

The mountains are continuous and horizontal, and the five or six hundred miles are all mountains and mountains. How can I get out?

"Oh." A raccoon is a bit distressed.

The winglet is also pulling his head. He wants to sleep in a hot bed, but in the wilderness, where can I go to find a hot bed? He forgot, he used to sleep in the cold ice caves.

If you can only sleep in the wild, then the raccoon and the winglet can only accept the fate.

Ye Chen looked at the arm guard space. Fortunately, there were still some things in the arm guard space. You can set up a simple tent in the wild and stay for one night.

If you can find a flying monster in this forest, it will be much easier to hurry tomorrow.

"A raccoon, winglet, we look for a flying monster." Ye Chendao, the soul spread, began to search in the valley jungle.

"Ye Chen brother, I can change back to the body, with Ye Chen brother and A raccoon sister fly out of the valley." Xiao wing said, he does not mind Ye Chen and A raccoon sitting on his back.