MTL - Omni-Magician-v8 Chapter 668 The noble princess has turned into a female silk for Mao.

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"The most terrible demon on this continent is about to be resurrected..." Legolas showed a worried expression, his voice seemed to be constantly shaking, "Human, Orc, and even any living in this world." The creatures will be destroyed by Illidan's endless desire for life, the world will usher in his last days, Illidan...Ilidan is about to be resurrected..."

Ye hangs down and looks at Legolas’s fear that even some gods are stunned, but he can’t help but turn his eyes. Ok, well, it’s a very strong opponent. The fallen elf in the name of the devil has the power to absorb the breath of life...

Soon, Ye Ding felt that he was better. His weakness was only temporary. The bite of Lier drew a lot of his life, but Ye Ding was physically strong and the weak state quickly recovered. Come over.

He moved his wrist and rushed to Thrall, and Gloria waved his hand and walked into the cave.

"Wait!" Legolas quickly stopped in front of Ye Ding. "What are you doing? We should now inform other elves as soon as possible to hold a parliamentary parliament to discuss how to solve this matter, Mr. Hammer, you Should also participate in this parliament."

"Ilidan has controlled Lil, but he has not completely controlled Lil's body. I will rescue Lille from this opportunity." Ye said with a deep voice, "I want to kill this Illidan!"

"Kill? I personally participated in the battle against Illidan 8,000 years ago. Mr. Hammerhead, you don't know how terrible Illidan! No one in the world except the devil can fight that kind of power!" Legolas Said shocked.

"Oh, unfortunately, I didn't think that the Emperor had anything great." Ye sneered, he directly missed the side of Legolas, "Saar, Gloria, you go with me, Longbao, you don't It is suitable for the following activities, stay with Kara and take care of it."

Gloria, Thrall, Cara and Longbao immediately agreed to the arrangement of Ye Hang.

"Wait a minute..." Legolas saw Ye Hang immediately preparing to take Saar and Golia into the cave and hurriedly shouted.

Ye slammed his body and his body filled with a strong breath. Under the powerful force, Legolas involuntarily stepped backwards two steps. His abdominal wounds had already healed quickly and could be affected by the sag. The wound cracked again, a lot of blood flowed out, and Legolas’s face was horrified. He knew that the leaf was very strong, but the pride of the former prince’s prince made him not put the leaf in his eyes. At this moment, he really felt the horror of the leaf sag, especially the leaf sag at this time is still extremely angry.

"If you stop me, then don't blame me for being rude to you."

"No... I am changing my mind now. I want to enter below with you. I am still familiar with this and can help you find Illidan as soon as possible!" Legolas quickly put on a sincere expression and said, " If it is you... maybe you can kill the current Illidan!"

Ye sects Legolas, confirming that Legolas has no other plots but really wants to help him find Illidan. The elves are not good at lying. They are self-proclaimed races, in front of Legolas. Since it is the prince of the dark forest, not to mention, so he nodded: "Okay, but all our actions must be based on the rescue of Lil!"

"I understand." Legolas nodded. "She is a royal elf after all. Now the elf race is dying. I won't see her in any case."

Seeing that Legolas said this, Ye Ding also nodded, and the body jumped out of the cave, and the black lacquered, the leaves swayed and waved the "light coming" magic spell, a group of light The diffuse is in all directions, attached to the wall, and the light shining below is as bright as white.

Looking around, Ye Ding found that it was not really a black cave, but a dusty corridor. There were four volumes of hallway and portholes. Obviously it was originally a palace on the ground, but it sank into the ground for some reason. This is the same as Ye Hang’s previous guess.

"This was originally the royal palace of the Grey Valley Elves. It was sealed underground with Illidan eight thousand years ago." Legolas jumped from the ground into the cave, and the mouth explained.

“What happened in 8,000 years ago?” Ye squinted and looked at Legolas, waving in his hand, and Gloria, who was about to climb down from the cave, was dragged down with a wind element.

Thrall followed and jumped from above.

"Ilidan was sealed here, come with me." Legolas knew that he still hadn't got the full trust of Ye Ding. He took the lead and walked ahead to lead the way. The mouth explained, "Ilitan is mine. Father, his original name was Thrandil, and he was with him when he was behind the elves to represent the devil's name Illidan. He was a beloved elf king, but he was in the Elven Council thousands of years ago. He was wounded by the Emperor, and his life was at stake. He had already reached the edge of the Elf Reincarnation, but he did not want to reincarnate and tried every means to heal his wounds. Then he found the last blood elf in the world..."

"Blood Elf?"

Ye Chui once saw the blood elves in the secret world of the emperor. The blood elves are the races behind the elves. In ancient times, the elves spread green to cover the forest, but because of the prosperity of the human race, they began to deforest on a large scale. Let a certain elf race have resentment, they began to **** human blood to gain powerful power, so they are called blood elves.

In the secret world of the Emperor, when the group of Ye Hang was a guest at the camp of Orc leader Brocks, the headless knight Selti suddenly appeared. In the chaos, a blood elf tried to attack Debbie, and the result was the golden body of Debbie. The state directly collapsed a mouthful of teeth...

Now think about it, Lil bite the leaf and it is indeed very similar to the blood elf.

So Yeh asked: "Your father wants to heal himself with the blood elves sucking human blood to harvest life?"

"Yes, but the blood elf is a very evil existence. After taking a breath of life, it will have a desire for this wonderful power. My father only took some blood from human criminals at first, but the life is gradually corrupted. He, he has a great greed for the breath of life, the most terrible is that he found that the elves with eternal life, our own life is more refined than humans, he gradually becomes more than those blood elves More evil, he began to secretly use the way of absorbing life to punish the wrong elf, and the greed is gradually getting out of control. Finally, when he is visiting the Ashenvale Forest, he can no longer bear the breath of life. The temptation of temptation, he killed all the Ash Valley elves, a huge life gathered on his body, his skin turned into deep purple, and his head also grew a double horn, completely degenerate into evil Demon..."

Telling these things, Legolas finally sighed deeply.

"So the other elves raced together and tried to seal him." Ye Hang continued.

"Yes, there were only seven Elf kings who had existed in the world to fight against Illidan. Illidan, who turned into a demon with the magical magical magic, was sealed in the eternal crystal. I was only five hundred years old and witnessed the battle. I don't know how many elves are killed. The Seven Elf Kings also died two, and the fifth one was seriously injured, including the Green Elf King." When it came to this, Legolas paused. Just, "If there is no guess, the little Elle, is the daughter of the Green Elf King?"

"Yes..." Yep nodded. At the time of Greenson, Yeh found the secret of Greenson. The mercenary Abena tried to get the secret of eternal life and led his mercenary group to attack Greenson, Green. The Elf King lost to Abena and eventually died. He left an eternal curse to Abena. Now think about it, Abena was only the realm of the Holy Sorcerer and the Great Swordmaster. It is probably not an elf with his power. Wang’s opponent was right, but he caused the destruction of the Green Elf. It seems that the main reason is that the Green Elf King had already been seriously injured in the Battle of Illidan.

"The prestige and power of the elves began to weaken, starting with Illidan. He fell for the elves to regain their prestige, but eventually caused the ultimate weakness of the elves..." Legolas was full of bitter sighs. The tone, then went on to say, "After Illidan's battle, the major elf races gradually began to enter the hidden state. Therefore, we do not know the changes that Greenson suffered, after the end of the Queen's ceremony. I personally went to Green Forest, and I realized the big things happening there."

"The Green Elf is left with only Lier. He is the new life after the reincarnation of the Elvis Presbyterian daughter, the Gailard Liel." Ye said in the mouth.

"Gailardel... I thought about it for a long time, I met her long before." Legolas sighed, he suddenly thought of something, his eyes looked suspicious, "I know Gallarder is a dignified and elegant elf princess. Although the memory will be completely lost after the elf reincarnation, the character should be left behind, so why does Lill...will become like this?"

Do you want to ask the noble princess to create a female silk for the hair?

"Green's Forest was sealed for two thousand years, and Gallarder was directly hungry and became a foodie..." Ye replied in a simple and concise manner.

Legolas: "..."

"The elf prince, I don't understand a bit. Will Illidan have to use the blood of the royal family that the Elven royal family has to be resurrected?" Gloria asked this time.

"Yes, the blood of the royal family contains the most powerful life, that is, the life atmosphere makes the royal elves have the ability to reincarnate, which is the key to the resurrection of Illidan!" Legolas explained, "I think Mr. Hammerhead should have seen the process of Lill's reincarnation. It should be understood that the Elf King will turn into a new forest. The dark forest is the forest that Illidan first created when the elf reincarnation, and the Godu animal husbandry for Illidan As if it were his own body, any blood of the royal family who set foot on the Godu animal will be perceived by Illidan and even directly affect the blood of the royal family."

This explains how Illidan confuses Lil, and Yeh has exhausted everything to protect Lil, but Lily is still controlled by Illidan.

"What about you?" Gloria then looked at Legolas. "You are also the blood of the royal family. Why didn't your father control you?"

Ye Ding also looked at Legolas, which is also a question he wants to know.

"After 8,000 years ago, my father... No, Illidan, he has absorbed the life of the elf that can be reborn in my body. Although I still have the title of the prince, I am not a royal elf now." Russ said bitterly, "In fact, there is no king in the dark forest now. It is the elf regent king of two eminent elves, the Elves of Light and the Elves of Dark, because of the fall of Illidan, the dark forest. The Elf Tree has not produced a new elf for thousands of years. If there is no Elf race, the Elven Tree will soon dry up, and the Elven race will soon die. The dark forest is because it has a strong The strength has only persisted to the present, but it should not last long. The twelve elf races of ancient times have only five remaining now..."

(The ps: 281 chapter appeared in the Dark Elf King, and the 289 chapter also explained that there are only five remaining Eleven races through Freya's story.)

Yeh has long known that no new dark elves have been born in recent years. This is the main reason.

At the same time, Ye Ding also knows that these words that Legolas said are the secrets of the elves' absolute secrets. He is now telling Ye Ding truthfully because he wants to win the trust of Ye Ding.

"It's here!" At this time, Legolas, who led the way, suddenly opened the door of a palace. He waved a certain elf magic, and a layer of pale green light ball quickly floated into the huge palace. Sprinkle a soft light, shining the brightness of the palace, and seeing the situation inside the palace, the leaves are stunned: in the empty hall, there are statues of elves, the statues are vivid, just like real people. general.

"Elf cemetery..." Ye Ding thought of the experience in Green whispered that after the death of the elves, the body would be transformed into a wooden statue. Every statue in this hall was once It is an elf.

"Lille..." Gloria whispered in her mouth, pointing to a throne seat in the center of the main hall, which was the seat of the Grey Valley Elf King, and now a petite figure is sitting on it.

It is Lil.

This is the current Lier skin presents a weird deep purple, her small forehead stretched out on the forehead, giving a scent of evil spirit, of course, because the petite body sitting on that too On the wide throne, there is a weird contrast in the whole picture...

"You are coming to die..." Lier's two-voiced voice sneered at the leaf pendants who walked into the hall.

"..." Seeing this situation, Ye Peng’s only feeling is that the bear child who is not sensible wants to slap on her little butt.

Ask for a ticket for a monthly ticket~ (to be continued.)