MTL - Omni-Magician-v8 Chapter 669 Suddenly feeling tired...

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"What happened to Lil? Lill? Can you hear me?" Seeing Lil, who turned into a fallen elf, Ye Ding quickly released his spirit and tried to contact the spiritual world in his petite body. Hope You can find a way to let Lille wake up again.

But what makes Ye Ding feel surprised is that his consciousness instantly wrapped Lil’s body and entered Lier’s head, but he did not feel any consciousness in the body, there was empty, there was Lil seems to be a beggar, and the spiritual world is empty, even if the chains are completely gone.

Not only did Liel’s consciousness, even the consciousness of Illidan who manipulated her, disappeared completely.

However, Ye Sheng is very convinced that the body is indeed Lil, it is indeed Lil.

How did Illidan do it?

"You don't have to worry about it. This body is now completely owned by me. Human beings, you will be punished for your arrogance and rudeness!" Ril's two-voiced voice said coldly, she extended one Only a small hand, burning a burst of pale green flame in the palm of your hand.

"I am very sure that Lill's consciousness is still somewhere!" Ye hang also said coldly, "Give her back to me!"

"That little thing has completely disappeared from this world. The only thing left in this world is this body. She should feel honored, because I will borrow her body to complete the supreme glory of the elf race. The world belongs to the elves!" The fallen elf sneered and said loudly.

"You are no longer an elf, you have become a demon completely!" Legolas, who has been silent since coming here, shouted at this time, he was seriously injured before, but the elves have a strong healing power. The time has completely recovered, and the words are spoken in the mouth. He quickly bows the string, but there is no arrow on the string, but when he pulls the delicate wooden bow into a full string, an emerald illusionary arrow The shadow appears on the bowstring, which is the arrow that is completely condensed by the wind element.

Legolas shouted and shot the arrow of the wind at Lear.

"Stop!" Ye hangs out his right hand, and an illusory right hand quickly condenses out and grabs the arrow of the wind in his hand. "The body is Lil after all, I said, all actions must be guaranteed. Lear safety is a prerequisite!"

"Lille is no longer there. Her presence was already obliterated by Illidan when Lil appeared on the Godu Shepherd." Legolas said heavily, he copied an elf dagger in his hand. Slightly arched, revealing a pair of upcoming offensive appearances, "Mr. Hammerhead, I know that you are a wise person. I told you so much before, that is to tell you the horrible things of Illidan, I hope you You can make a choice. Your strength may be able to defeat Illidan. For the peace of the future of this world, you must make sacrifices!"

To make peace for world peace... fart!

The face of the leaf has become extremely gloomy: "Legolas, I won't let you hurt Lier's hair!"

"Mr. Hammerhead, I have already made the worst plan before coming here, you can't stop me!" Legolas said, his body instantly turned into a green shadow, rushing to sit. Lil on the throne, the cold light flashes.

"you dare!"

Ye screamed and his body followed. He immediately teleported to the throne, and his right hand banged out and slammed directly on Legolas. Although this punch seemed casual, it actually However, it is very technical. When this fist is blown out, Ye Hao immediately constructs several magic matrices. Through the surging of the wind elements, the movement track of Legolas is locked, and then Lego is predicted. The orientation of the Ras attack.


This punch has a heavy temperament in the martial arts novels. Legolas screams and the body falls backwards, directly overwhelming a table and chair.

Seeing Ye Hang and Legolas suddenly fell apart, and Lie sitting on the throne was so uncomfortable. The sound of the two-channel voice made a big laugh: "Ha ha ha, really stupid human, ha Haha..."

Then her voice suddenly stopped.

Because the leaf hang suddenly turned around, the seal matrix of the road was released instantly. The seal of the layer was followed by the release of Lier’s body as if it were completely free of money. The ice seal, the space seal, the earth seal, The wind thunder seal...has the sentiment of the source of magic. Ye Ding is almost handy for all kinds of seals. He has already built dozens of seals in his memory before he came here, and he will put a full set of seal magic in one breath. come out.

These seals can absolutely block any existence of the world, body, spirit, soul, magic, everything will be invisible under the seal of the leaf drop, completely sealed!

Lil is controlled by Illidan. The kind of control is not just a simple mental control. It is not easy to completely eliminate it. Therefore, Ye Dang has already made plans for it. First, use the seal to completely control Illidan, and then find a way. Remove the control of Lier.

As for the previous argument between Yet and Legolas, it was actually just a play, in order to let Ye Hang have a chance to get close to Lier. This scene has not been discussed with Legolas, after all, here. They may not be able to pass through Illidan in all their words and even spiritual exchanges, but Ye Ding believes in the noble qualities of Legolas. He has promised that the premise of this action is to ensure the safety of Lier, then he will I will definitely do this, so Ye Hang is very convinced that his previous behavior is a kind of disguise, so that the leaf can smoothly approach Lil and release the seal.

I saw that Ye Hang and Legolas suddenly made a mistake. Saar and Gloria felt that they were at a loss. When they saw Ye Hang’s sudden shot, they understood the intention of Ye Hang. A pendulum hit the next Legolas, spurting a blood in his mouth, thinking that the leaf is really fierce, but looking at the sealed throne, his face showed a smile, the plan was successful!

Dozens of seals condensed together and turned into a crystal, firmly freezing Lil and the throne under her body. The powerful seal power even made Legolas feel terrible.

Such a seal may not be worse than the eternal crystal seal that was jointly exhibited by the Seven Elf Kings...


"Stupid humans, do you think that this little trick can seal me? It's ridiculous!" A petite figure suddenly appeared on the side of the leaf.


A few green tree vines emerged from the ground like tentacles, and instantly entangled with the leaves.

The leaf hangs into a white light and rushes back to Goliath and Thrall.

"Failed..." Legolas said with some shock.

Ye Ding also frowned. He confirmed that he had completely sealed Lier before. His seal was basically centered on Lier’s body. If Lier escaped before the seal, his seal would also It won't succeed, but the truth is, he sealed Lil, but Lier escaped from it, and even the seal of the leaf is still intact...

How did she do it?

"Legolas, when the seven elf kings sealed me, you were there, but at that time you fainted to the ground because of the breath of life, I don't know how the seven Elf kings played in that battle. You don't know how terrible my power is now. Just relying on my own strength and this all-round magician will seal me back? It's childish!"

Lier’s two-channel voice continued at this time: “Now, I will let you taste how terrible my power is!”

With that said, she suddenly stretched out her hands, and the green mist of evil spirits instantly filled his hands.

Ye hang hurriedly exerted space defense to block around the pedestrians. However, the green fog was not attacking them, but went directly to the elves in the hall, followed by the elves. Come over, they still maintain the texture of the wood, but the green shimmer in the eyes, and the roar in the mouth.

"Mu Ling..." Ye Xuan suddenly thought of the Muling magic in the Green Forest, the display of the spirit of Gaila Delil, she can directly turn the trees into a fighting wood spirit, now Illidan is showing this Elf magic, but he is not a normal tree, but a wooden image transformed by the elves.

There are at least hundreds of statues of elves in this hall. At this moment, the statues are completely alive and they are quickly coming to the leaves.

"The Elf wood statue that was resurrected by Muling has at least 90% of the fighting power of this elf!" Legolas said nervously to Yeh. "The original Gallarder was the most proficient elf, but she You can only control up to ten wood spirits, but now that Illidan has manipulated Lil, you can control so much... these wood spirits will be very troublesome!"

"After the Gallarder Elf turned to Lil, Lill's elf magic became completely different, but after Illidan controlled Lil, could he use the magic of Gaylelelli?" Another thing.

Looking at the wood spirit warrior used like a zombie, Gloria asked her face with a nervous look: "Mr. Hammerhead, what should we do next..."

"Hey, we don't have time to deal with so many mobs, all of them have been cleaned up!" Ye Ding's voice is full of cold and arrogant words, as if in the words, they don't put these mobs in their eyes. .

Legolas was beheaded with a wooden bow and prepared for the battle. He heard the words of Ye Ding: "All cleaned up?"

"Ha ha."

Ye Chuiyun smiled lightly and took out a key-shaped thing from the Lord of the Rings - that is the key to control Hippo, which has a matrix of some sort of soul rule power that can be summoned remotely. Lil, borrowing Lill’s destructive power, can be said to be a very powerful magical creation.

Although these Muling warriors are powerful, they are still far worse than the restoring power of Shi Boer.

Hehe, the sword of the destruction of Hippo is enabled. It only needs a sword to be completely destroyed.

Ye ́s heart faintly thought, then activated the contact matrix on the key, then he gently swung the key forward.

Then there is the moment to witness the miracle...

However, nothing happened.

"Mr. Hammerhead, is this thing broken?" Gloria was looking forward to seeing Ye Hang, a wood spirit that completely destroyed all of them, and asked quickly.

Legolas and Thrall also looked at the leaves with a strange look.

"No..." Ye hang quickly used his finger to play the key and tried to activate again. This time the key finally got a motion, and the sound of a conversation came out from inside -

At the beginning, it was the voice of Debbie: "Hu! I feel big and happy, I am really lucky today!"

Then came the voice of Hippo: "Come back, I am not convinced."

"Hippo, you just have a clear card, this red is just making up..." This is Freya's voice.

"Hippo is powerful but playing mahjong is still a novice." Dajinsi continued.

"Hehehe, playing mahjong is also a talent, you don't forget to give money back!" Debbie said, Ye Hang seems to be able to see the little girl sitting at the table in front of the red light.

"I have no money, Debbie borrows you five hundred gold coins." Freya followed.

"I will borrow another thousand gold coins from you," Dajinsi continued.

"Give it, take it and take it..." Debbie was cool, then suddenly the voice changed. "Hey, wait, I’m so lucky today, how the gold coins in the wallet are gone... Dajin Sifulei How many gold coins have you borrowed from me? Can’t borrow any more. If you borrowed me, I’m sorry to ask you to...”

"Xiboer, have you heard any embarrassing voices on your body?" Dajinsi said suddenly and curiously.

Hippo: "Is there? Don't worry so much, let's come again. I already know how the mahjong is played. I said in a tone of disapproval."


Listening to these conversations, the line in the Elf Hall is: "..."

"I knew I shouldn't teach them how to play mahjong..." Ye hangs a sweat.

Standing in the evil version of Lil not far away: "Oh..."

At this time, Muling Warriors have already organized them to get up. Thrall is fighting high this time. He waved the Doomhammer in his hand and said coldly: "It’s just that there are no big deal in the area." I am now completely different from before!"

After saying that he screamed, he rushed up and rushed to the wooden spirit.

Ye slamed in a hurry and said, "Let's wait..."

But it is already late.

Thrall was directly smashed to the ground by a few wooden spirit warriors, followed by a fat cockroach... Although he had a sword-level combat power, it was a special case, and the usual Sal was ruined. The hammer is only the level of a senior swordsman.

Ye Xuan is a faceless speech and covers his face.

"Suddenly feeling tired..." (To be continued.)