MTL - One New Rule Per Month Globally-Chapter 16 "My name is Tutu, you can call me Atu, or

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  Chapter 16 "My name is Tutu, you can call me Atu, or Brother Tuer."

   "Brother Yi, what are you thinking about?"

   Seeing Chen Yi frowning, Tutu asked curiously, "Does it have a headache?"


  Chen Yi frowned and pondered for a while before he opened his mouth and said, "This 520 limited-time gift pack with 88 points is currently the only way to obtain props, and it also gives five skill fragments."

   "It can be said to be a very cost-effective gift package."

   "We now have nearly 10,000 coupons in our hands. If we buy up the purchase qualifications in other people's hands, after deducting the handling fee, we can still get about a hundred gift bags in vain."

   "Then why hesitate?"

  The consumptive rabbit's eyes are shining: "It's such a bargain, buy it."

   "That's the problem."

  Chen Yi shook his head, sighed and said helplessly: "Didn't you realize that what happened so far is too similar to a domestic page game?"

   "Whether it's the title above the head that can't turn off the special effects at all."

   "It's still the familiar taste of the 520 limited-time event, or the exaggerated damage number on the boss's head."

   “They all look exactly the same as domestic web games.”

   "And there is a particularly bad thing about domestic web games, that is, before there is a special discount event, the web game planner will often come up with an event that is more favorable than usual."

   "Use this event to consume all the points accumulated in the players' hands."

   "Then when this special discount event appears, if players want event rewards, the only way to go is to continue to recharge."

   "That's right."

   Tutu nodded approvingly: "It's just that I never cheated on me. When I used to play games, I was that Pixiu. I always only store things in my backpack and never consume or consume anything."

   "According to your guess, brother Yi, there will be a more favorable event when the version is updated on June 1. What we need to do now is to save points?"


  Chen Yi patted the dust off his body, and then said: "I think so in my heart, but this event is really hard to put down, so I will buy ten."

   "Make ten consecutive draws."

   "I will definitely not buy the remaining coupons, save them all, and wait for the version update on June 1."


  The claw knife in the hands of the consumptive rabbit stuffed into his bosom, muttered and got up and followed Brother Yi: "This conversation sounds familiar."

   "What did you say?"

   "It's okay, it's okay, Brother Yi, let's go now."

  Chen Yi, who was walking on the street from the basement, looked at the noisy crowd on the street, and stood there expressionlessly without saying a word.

  The situation outside is similar to what he thought.

   After Cupid died, his body turned into white light and disappeared, leaving no corpse behind.

   I heard that some props are dropped.

   was taken away by official people.

   During the entire process of besieging the boss, only a few people were injured. The medical staff came to bandage them and left. There were not enough beds in the hospital.

   When it fell down, several cars from the crematorium came.

   Once touched by Cupid's bowstring, there is basically no concept of injury, and it can be buried directly on the spot.

  At this time, those who had just participated in the battle were trembling uncontrollably at this time, but they were full of excitement and pride and told the people around them loudly about the battle process just now.

   Enjoying the admiring eyes of those people.

  No one knows, these people rushed up to fight the boss without hesitation just because of what was in their hearts.

   But from the violently shaking legs of these people, it can be seen that the adrenaline of these people is in a state of high, and they should also have some fear in their hearts.

  The whole street is very lively.

  Many people hiding in the house also came out to inquire about the situation.

   Of course, it was originally very lively.

  When Chen Yi came out, he changed completely.

  The street suddenly fell silent for a few seconds, and then everyone turned their gazes to Chen Yi, to be precise, to the title above Chen Yi's head!

  Blue and luminous words in the night.

  Like a firefly with a bearded face, it is extremely eye-catching! !

  Everyone on the street slowly opened their mouths wide and looked at Chen Yi in shock.

   "What is this?"

Holding a dagger, Han Yu, surrounded by his family members, looked enviously at the title above Chen Yi's head, secretly clenched his fists, and whispered: "One day, I will also get this title .”

  Han Yu is the one who ranked second in the injury ranking just now.

  The dagger in the hand has the ability to add unlimited bleeding damage.

   "Don't talk nonsense."

  Standing behind Han Yu, a charming middle-aged woman tapped Han Yu's head with some unease: "I just want you to be safe, and don't do such risky things in the future."


  Han Yu pushed the woman's hand away with some dissatisfaction, and retorted with his back straightened: "Have you heard a saying? Those who dare not sit at the gambling table will never lose, but they will never win!"

   "The world pattern is obviously about to change. From today onwards, I will sit at the gambling table for this family!"

   "I'm going to keep winning."

   "And didn't I win just now? I took the second place and got a lot of rewards."


  He tilted his head to look at Chen Yi enviously: "It's just that he didn't get the last blow, and he didn't get that title."

   "You child."

  The woman said with a slightly anxious expression: "No one will win forever, isn't your dad just?"


  The man standing behind interrupted the woman's speech with a calm expression, put his hand on Han Yu's shoulder and said, "You're right, the world pattern is about to change."

   "From today on, your dad and I will go to the gambling table with you."

   "Don't worry about your mother, what does she know as a woman, I don't know what will happen after that."

   "Now that it remains unchanged and becomes stronger, I may not know what grievances I will suffer in the future."


  The woman was a little angry, but it was not easy to show anything in front of the child. She just turned her head and looked aside to express her dissatisfaction.

   It's not that she doesn't understand these things.

  She just didn't want her family members to die, and several people died just now.

  Chen Yi sighed lightly, and didn't say too much, but started to ask Tutu to find someone willing to sell the limited-time gift package qualification.

have to say.

  Consumptive rabbit may not be a good sale, but it is definitely a good annoying sale.

   I saw the consumptive rabbit rushing to the crowd with excitement on his face, and the words in his mouth kept popping out like a cannonball.

   "Give me a brief self-introduction."

   "My name is Tutu, you can call me Atu, or Brother Tuer."

   "Have you bought the limited-time gift pack of 88 points?"

   "If you didn't buy it, can you transfer the gift package qualification to us?"

   "In return, I will give you a certain reward, how about 3 coupons?"

   "Is it low? What about the 5-point coupon?"

  (end of this chapter)