MTL - Portable Space Can be Summoned-Chapter 877 Battle of Qianqi IX

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General Qi had a fiery temper. Not long after the failure of the pursuit of the MI Division, the ambush of the Xuanwu Army made him furious again.

"Despicable bugs only know sneak attacks!"

"Brothers, kill me!"

Qi Jiang took the time to look around. The Qianguo people had more troops than him, so they would definitely not be able to escape from passive defense.

The reinforcements don't know when they will arrive.

There will definitely be reinforcements. The commander will send cavalry to patrol the border. Sooner or later, the battle will be discovered here, but when will it be discovered, and when will the reinforcements arrive?

General Qi didn't want to give his life to the reinforcements, so before the reinforcements arrived, he had to do his best to fight for his life.

Taking the initiative to attack is the only way to survive.

General Qi not only has a fiery temper, but he is also very good at it. He is a tiger with a long sword dancing, and the fighters of the Xuanwu Army are really not easy to get close to in a short period of time.

Two soldiers of the Xuanwu Army got closer because they wanted to make meritorious deeds.

The other warriors were not afraid when they saw General Qi being so ferocious. They just became more cautious. On the battlefield, they could not have the slightest negligence, otherwise they would lose their lives.

General Qi's ferocious performance inspired the soldiers of the Qi army around him. The generals were so fierce, they couldn't fall behind.

Some Qi soldiers gave up passive defense and followed Qi to attack the Xuanwu army.

It's just that not all of them are generals of Qi. They don't have the skills of generals of Qi. Once they lose the help of the team, they will immediately fall into a disadvantage when facing the soldiers of the Xuanwu Army.

This is not a competition on the school ground. If you are inferior, you will die.

When General Qi saw that the soldiers around him had been beheaded by the Xuanwu Army for taking the initiative to attack, he felt anxious.

They can't be allowed to rush out without thinking, the soldiers suffered too many casualties, no matter how brave he is.

Xuanwu Lake can kill him by besieging him.

A fierce tiger can't hold back a pack of wolves. Qi Jiang's fierce tiger looks a little scary, and the Xuanwu Army won't be afraid of him if he really wants to fight.

Don't look at the fact that General Qi looks very powerful now. After a while, his physical strength will be exhausted, and a few ordinary warriors will be able to take him down!

After seeing the dilemma of his soldiers, Qi Jiang wanted to direct them to change the status quo.

But his command ability is obviously not as good as his personal force.

Facing the pressing force of the Xuanwu army, he could only encourage his soldiers to stick to the defense, and reinforcements would arrive soon.

As for how many times he commanded the soldiers to form a counterattack formation to break through the siege of the Xuanwu Army, it didn't work.

He simply couldn't pass orders to every soldier in the chaos of battle.

Qi's return to defense made the Qi army's situation better, and the casualty rate of soldiers decreased.

But overall, they were still at an absolute disadvantage, and Qi soldiers fell every moment.

The generals of the Xuanwu Army also knew that this was the territory of Qi State. Once the delay was too long, the Qi Army reinforcements would arrive. For example, to annihilate this Qi Army, it would be impossible for them to retreat safely.

We must destroy this Qi army before the Qi army reinforcements arrive, and retreat to a safe place.

They came here to frighten the Qi army, not to give them credit.

The military intelligence spy rested for a while, then turned around and followed the retreating Qi army to this pass.

Seeing that the Xuanwu Army's strangulation of Qi's army seemed to be a little troublesome, they immediately joined the battle to help the Xuanwu Army deal with Qi's army.

Half an hour later, the Xuanwu army completely wiped out the Qi army.

Only a few soldiers of the Qi army got into the forest and escaped with their lives.

Neither the Xuanwu Army nor the Ministry of Military Intelligence went after the Qi Army who escaped.

They have more important things to do, retreat!

The Qi army's cavalry patrol had already discovered the battle here, and the spies from the Ministry of Intelligence had prevented them from approaching several times to find out the situation.

"Alas! You can't bring more armour when you crossed the river last night, otherwise this Qi army would have been dealt with long ago!"

The general of the Xuanwu Army was very dissatisfied with the performance of his battalion headquarters. It took half an hour for two thousand to fight one thousand, and he still had the help of the Ministry of Military Intelligence.

A large part of the Xuanwu Army's combat power lies in its sharp weapons and sturdy armor, as well as those sophisticated bows and crossbows.

Without the blessing of these external forces, the combat power of the Xuanwu Army would be a little stronger than that of the Qi Army, and they could not overwhelmingly feel that they had defeated the Qi Army.

"Fortunately, the Qi army has been wiped out, so let's go back to the West Bank first."

The Xuanwu Army successfully retreated to the west bank of Cangshui, so that the reinforcements from the Qi Army who rushed behind failed to catch them.

The head coach Qi Jin was very angry at the actions of the Xuanwu Army, so he sent a small group of scouts to harass me, but he even sent troops across the river to ambush my 1000-man battalion.

Does Qian Guo want to go to war with us?

Commander Qi Jun had a solemn look on his face. He reported his speculation to the capital, but he had not received a reply from the capital.

Is it war or peace?

There must always be an explanation.

Isn't it a bit of a joke to let him, a frontier army commander, decide the war concerning Qi's national fortune?

In fact, he thought a bit too much, and it was not his turn to make a decision in the war between the two countries.

Whether or not to fight, Gan Guo decides when to fight. Qi Guo has to wait for Gan Guo to attack if he doesn't want to take the initiative to attack.

What the coach of Qi Guo was worried about was not only the repeated provocations of Qian Guo, but also the general attack of Gan Guo who did not know when it would come.

There is a long border between Qian and Qi, and Qi has garrisoned troops at key positions, but the Qian army can still launch attacks from any position on the border.

No amount of Qi's army could block the entire border. The feeling of not knowing when the enemy will attack, and feeling anxious every day is very bad.

Commander Qi Jun wished that Qianguo would come to fight today. He would rather have a fight with the people of Ganguo now than worry about every day and sleep well!

Du Ming didn't make him wait too long.

Because he found out how ruthless the Qi army was, he sent 2,000 people to Qi to ambush a Qi army of 1,000 soldiers, but there was no magic weapon to retaliate.

"It's unimaginable!"

"If this were put in my country, the coach's head would have been dropped a few times!"

How many times?

Once is enough.

People have several heads that can be dropped. If anyone doesn't cherish his own head, Yang Yuan will not help them report it.

Du Ming looked down on Qi Jun's reaction, but he was very excited about Qi Jun's reaction.

This shows that the war has not yet begun, and the Qi army is already timid.

By being timid before a battle, the probability of Qi's victory being reduced by another 50%.

Du Ming occupied a favorable geographical position, and this time he was 100% the head coach.

Qi Guo is rushing to give him credit!

They are all good people!

Du Ming could not live up to the good intentions of the people of Qi, and immediately decided to launch a phased general attack.

To conquer the northern part of Qi country, relying on the Xuanwu army is definitely not enough. Yang Yuan's support for Du Ming is already halfway there, but Du Ming can't wait.

He saw the weakness of the Qi army, and wanted to make more contributions before the reinforcements arrived, so that he could receive more awards after the war.

The Xuanwu army attacked, but the Qi army's commander still couldn't fall asleep. As soon as he closed his eyes, he had to think about when and where the Gan army came from.

Now, as soon as he closes his eyes, he is the fierce Qianguo Xuanwu Army. He really doesn't need to think about when the Xuanwu Army will attack. What he has to consider is how to block the attack of the Xuanwu Army!

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