MTL - Portable Space Can be Summoned-Chapter 876 Battle of Qianqi

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"General, something is wrong this time. The people of the country seem to be hanging us. Will there be an ambush ahead?"

A Qi army officer found something unusual.

Because he was more experienced in dealing with MI than his generals.

He had also encountered an ambush by the MI Department before, but he was lucky and was not injured.

Based on his several experiences with the Ministry of Military Intelligence, it is speculated that in the case of running but not running like this, there is a high probability that there is an ambush ahead, and the Qianguo people want to lead them there!

That's why he ran over to remind the general.

General Qi was still very angry, and the reluctance to recover a little sanity could not make him turn back.

"It's alright, Ganjun's ambush circles are all aimed at small groups of troops. I brought so many people this time. Even if there is an ambush ahead, we can still disperse them!"

"But the general..."

"No but, keep chasing!"

General Qi and his 1,200 soldiers chased dozens of MIIT agents all the way to the south.

After chasing for half an hour, General Qi's angered mind gradually calmed down, and he also realized that something was wrong.

"Do the Chinese people run so far every time they run away?"

Qi Jiang pulled the reins, stopped the Mahler, and asked his subordinates.

The Hundred People Commander, who has experience in many battles with the Ministry of Military Intelligence, hurried to the general's side.

"My lord, when we hunted down the people of the country, they would flee very quickly, either using the terrain to ambush us, or quickly fleeing without a trace, the situation like today's running for half an hour has never happened! "

Now Qi will completely calm down.

When things are abnormal, there must be demons. What do these people from the country want to do this time?

General Qi was qualified until Jian Yu existed. He got an explanation from the commander that Jian Yu had already suppressed the military intelligence spies. Even if they wanted to ambush me, how many people would there be?

General Qi still had anger in his heart, so after analyzing the strength of the MI Division, he decided to continue chasing after him.

"No matter what conspiracy they have, I don't believe they can swallow my thousand soldiers and horses!"

"Keep chasing!"

After chasing for less than half an hour, the Qi army soldiers became out of breath.

Usually, they will conduct training, and occasionally there will be marching training, but the high-intensity marching for an hour is still very tiring.

Ordinary soldiers have no horses to ride, so how can two feet outrun four?

But aren't the MIIT agents also have two legs?

They were still running ahead, and they couldn't tell that they had been running for nearly an hour.

"General, take a rest, the soldiers can't hold on anymore!"

A school captain walked over to General Qi with a worried face and said in a low voice.

Qi Jiang looked down at the soldiers in front and behind, panting, eyes blank, and his face pale, he really couldn't continue chasing.

If you chase it any further, some soldiers will be left behind.

An army that can maintain a rapid march without leaving soldiers behind is already an elite force.

Qi Jun is.

But no matter how elite soldiers are, they should also pay attention to the consumption of physical strength. Fighting is not only marching, but also fighting.

"General, if there is an ambush in the country, we have to leave some strength for the soldiers to fight."

Seeing that the general had been silent for a long time, the colonel stepped forward and said again.

General Qi knew that if he ordered to stop the march at this time, it was basically impossible to catch up with the MI.

But he thought that if he was really ambushed by the people of Ganguo, the soldiers without physical strength would be a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

"Order, the entire army stops marching and rests in place."

"Two quarters of an hour later, return to the camp!"

Since he was ordered to rest in place, there is no need to continue chasing the people of the country. If the people of the country of Gan haven't escaped his sight after they have rested, it can only mean that the people of the country of Gan have a conspiracy.

A huge conspiracy!

The Qi army stopped marching and rested in place.

The Ministry of Military Intelligence, who had dragged Qi Jun for nearly an hour, also stopped.

"Team leader, Qi Jun is not chasing after them. Should we wait for them?"

The team leader glanced at the spy who had just spoken and wondered how he got into the MI.

"Could it be through the back door?"

The team leader shook his head in his heart and abandoned the idea.

There are times when Qian Guo's officialdom talks about human relations, but there are absolutely few people who dare to go through the back door and enter the Ministry of Military Intelligence.

Originally, the Ministry of Military Intelligence was not a place where there was plenty of oil and water, and the work was leisurely. When you entered this place, you had to work hard.

Moreover, the rules of the Ministry of Intelligence are very strict, no one will take favors and spend money to find a place to suffer!

But what he said just now was really unprofessional, wait for Qi Jun?

Qi Jun is not a fool, I am afraid that the moment he sees them, he will understand that this is a conspiracy.

"Let's go, an hour's distance is enough. Even if the Qi army in the camp finds out the battle here, it's too late to support."

There must be a reason why they brought Qi soldiers here today. They wanted to come to Boda.

"Small fights every day can't make Qi Jun's heartache after all. It's time to make more noises and make Qi Jun's muscles and bones hurt once, so that they can feel what real heartache is!"

So this premeditated battle plan began to be implemented. The first step was to attract a large enough Qi army instead of a hundred troops.

This depends on the luck of the generals. If you are lucky enough to find the spy from the Department of Military Intelligence, you have to be in a bad mood or have a natural temper. Otherwise, if you see the spy from the Department of Military Intelligence, you won't personally bring someone to chase after him.

To be able to meet such a general Qi, not only must the general Qi be lucky, but also the luck of the military intelligence department!

The MISI had a very good luck, and the fish would be hooked before a few bait were cast out.

More than 1,000 Qi troops are not too many, but they are enough to make Qi Jun's commander feel heartbroken.

In the past, there were dozens or dozens of casualties. Although the total number has already exceeded one thousand, the impact of one thousand casualties on the army is different!

The mission of the military intelligence spies has been completed. They successfully lured Qi Jun to chase them out. They can participate in the next battle or not. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The Xuanwu Army scouts found a section of the river where they could secretly cross the river, and Du Ming sent 2,000 people to sneak across the river in the dark, preparing to ambush the Qi army.

No matter how many, it is not impossible, but it is easy to be discovered by the Qi army, and it is not easy to retreat.

Two thousand soldiers and horses are enough to fight an ambush battle. As long as the Qi army attracted by them does not exceed three thousand, they can successfully complete the ambush.

The Military Intelligence Division attracted only over a thousand Qi troops, which was far from enough for the Xuanwu troops to give up.

The rested soldiers of Qi Army did not continue to pursue the MIIT agents, but turned around decisively and returned to the camp.

General Qi's temper is a bit hotter, but he is not a fool.

It is not clear whether there is any problem now, and if we continue to pursue it, there will definitely be problems.

General Qi called his deputy to him and instructed: "When you are on the road, send more people to investigate the surrounding situation, and don't be attacked by the Gan people!"

After calming down, Qi Jiang's IQ recaptured the high ground, recalling the situation when he was chasing the spy from the Ministry of Intelligence, and he felt more and more that the Qianguo people had bad intentions.

His vigilance didn't save his life, but it gave him a chance to prove that he was not a waste.


When passing through a pass, the soldiers of the Xuanwu Army started with bows and arrows, and then rushed out with swords and spears in their hands.

The Qi army was suddenly attacked and had no time to form an army formation, so they could only meet the enemy in a panic.

"Enemy attack!"

"Don't be chaotic, form a formation on the spot, and repel the enemy!"

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