MTL - Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love-Chapter 2323 Swear

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Shocked by his face, Ye Mengmeng, who was incredibly unbelievable, was holding Hong Ying, who was Yemeng Mengmeng. Hearing Huang Xuan's words, the corner of his mouth was just a slight tick.

"I asked General God of War that he loves the people like a child, is sympathetic to his subordinates, and is very much loved by the soldiers !? Now, you are not going to save your soldiers !? Are you not afraid of stink!

Hong Ying spoke, and in the end, the eyes on Huang Xuan were full of ridicule and hatred.

After all, he hated the man in front of him.

If it weren't for the man in front of them, how could their Loch Tribe destroy the tribe! ?

In order to help revenge for the Luoshi tribe, they kept assassinating this man. Helplessly, this man was highly skilled in martial arts, even if all the warriors of the Luoshi tribe could not deal with it.

Today, he is the only warrior of the Loch Tribe.

He now really wanted to eat the man's meat and drink the man's blood.

Relative to the hatred of Hong Ying, Huang Xuan stared at Hong Ying's eyes full of hate, as if he knew Hong Ying's thoughts, but the corner of his mouth was just a slight tick and a low smile.

"Oh, Hong Ying, are you now a general ?! If this is the case, the general advises you, or don't waste your time. Your Luoshi tribe would have subordinated us to the Xiangling Kingdom, but in the end it killed more. In the end, it ’s just that your Snail and Lion tribe is too restless and unpopular. Now, you are still delusional, using these small soldiers to win the General, do n’t you think it is funny !? "

Huang Xuan spoke, and in the end, the eyes that fell on Hong Ying were full of mockery.

When he heard Huang Xuan's words, Hong Ying's hazy face was gradually replaced by anxiety.

Just now, they were in an ambush nearby, just to take the man's life.

Unexpectedly, this man was highly skilled in martial arts. After a while, except for him, the entire army was wiped out.

Looking at his partner one by one, Hong Ying was shocked and hesitated.

After all, their snail horde was extinct and he couldn't die!

Therefore, when he saw the soldier in the camp, he rushed to the hospital to hold the soldier.

Then think of this General of God of War, who has always been sympathetic to his subordinates. Perhaps he could save his life by holding this soldier.

Just now ...

Is the rumor false? ?

Hong Ying was disturbed, panicked, and Ye Mengmeng's thoughts were exactly the same as him.

Before, she had heard a lot about the man's mighty deeds and compassion for her subordinates.

It is said that this man is affectionate and is excellent for his soldiers.

Why now, this man is so ruthless! ?

Is the rumor false? ?

If so, she won't die this time! ?

Thinking of this, Ye Mengmeng was shocked and wanted to cry without tears.

Now, Ye Mengmeng just wanted to swear.

She just made the food for the man just now!

Had known, she spit in this man's dish.

And just now, she was still worried about the safety of this man. Her head was really caught by the door!

Now, this man is better, but he is dead.

Oh oh ...

Don't die for this, don't!

Ye Mengmeng thought so, she wanted to ask for help.

But for a while, she didn't know who to call for help.

There were many soldiers outside and surrounded them.

However, the soldiers remained silently there because everyone listened to the man's instructions.

Her only hope was in this man.


"Oh, Hong Ying, you don't have to waste your time in vain. Anyway, today you can't escape. Since you want to find a back, General Ben can help you!"

Huang Xuan spoke.

Then, he saw Huang Xuan beckoning towards the soldiers beside him.

The soldier standing next to him immediately noticed and quickly prepared a bow and arrow.

Seeing this, Huang Xuan just took the bow and arrow gently, and then slowly pulled the bow.

The man's behavior was slow, as if playing something interesting.

However, when seeing the man doing this, Ye Mengmeng had a heart, but she suddenly mentioned her throat!

Because this man's bow and arrow is not facing Hong Ying behind her, but facing her!

Seeing this, Ye Mengmeng's pupils suddenly frowned, and her eyes were rolling down from her eyes.


This man doesn't have to save her, now, even kill her! ?

This is really ...

Sincerity and horror in the heart, accompanied by a strong sense of anger, quickly came to mind.

Thinking of the sufferings these days, Ye Yemeng was about to collapse.

After all, she has survived till now, but she wants this man to shoot an arrow! ?

Thanks to her, she was so good to this man just now, he cooked for him, wiped his back, and cared about his safety.

The more I thought about it, the more angry Ye Mengmeng was, and finally, a bang, it broke out completely.

"Huang Xuan, you are abominable! Thank you everyone for praising you and saying that you are a general of the God of War and a compassionate general. They are deceiving people! Are you not a martial arts high-powered !? You ca n’t even save yourself! Isn't it your life !? Now you are helping the enemy to kill me !? You murderer! If I die, even if I become a ghost, I will haunt you every day, making you unsafe! "

Ye Mengmeng spoke, the volume was loud, and it rang through the sky.

Even the soldiers waiting on the sidelines were shocked and stunned.

After all, everyone looks at this boy, who looks soft and weak, but never thinks that he is full of energy.

Keke, this is not the point. The point is that this boy dare to insult the general so much! ? Really eat the bear heart leopard gall!

As the soldiers were stunned and shocked, Ye Mengmeng was now mad and irrespective of others.

Anyway, she's going to die now.

At the moment when Yemeng Meng was angry, Huang Xuan, who was holding a bow and arrow standing not far from Yemeng Meng, was also forced by Yemeng Meng.

After all, he never thought that this boy would actually yell at him.

Although, he also knows that this boy misunderstood that he wanted to kill him, but ...

Thinking of this, Huang Xuan's thin lips could not help but stun.

Although Huang Xuan never said anything, it was just that the sigh of anger that emanated from him was showing that the man was angry.

In this regard, wouldn't Ye Mengmeng be aware of it! ?

However, this man was angry when he was angry, and he was going to kill her. Couldn't she be scolded by her! ?

Besides, scold him, he will not die.

She waited, but she would die!

Thinking of this, Ye Meng spends time, and feels wronged and wronged.