MTL - Raising Evil Spirits-Chapter 8181 :boor

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"Bring it to you!" I hooked my finger, and the shackle flew towards me uncontrollably!

The Dao Demon was so frightened that he tried to control it and pull it back, but the flail was completely out of his control, and even under the infusion of his power, it was directly absorbed a lot!

Blue Amaranthus, who was originally passive, watched this scene in astonishment, and was obviously a little speechless.

After I got the reading rules of this flail, I lost its original form, and the flower bone in both hands became the head of the flail. The Mie Ri Zhu Shen has evolved again, and now they have more energy to swallow the world properties!

"How is that possible! My God-swallowing Beast Stick!" The face of the Daoist demon turned green with fright, he borrowed this thing!

"Haha! That's great, do you know how powerful you are now?" Lan Cheng suddenly became excited, and seeing the opportunity to fight back, she said in a voice: "My lords, it's time to fight back now, don't let these Dao demons Break through our defenses! Drive them back to Zhenhai Demon Region!"

Everyone raised their arms and shouted, and launched a counterattack with great morale!

Without the God-swallowing Beast Stick, Lan Cheng's two divine swords immediately put the opponent under tremendous pressure. Various ice-type attacks came one after another, and the opponent could only defend. The round will perish!

My magical weapon has evolved into a chain hammer, and the heads of the two flower bone hammers have turned into ghost heads. When I throw it out, I immediately chase after the demons around me!

These ghost heads are extremely fast, and they themselves are compound laws. They are either directly invisible and transformed, or they have a freezing effect, which makes it difficult for the enemy to resist.

Daoist demons ran away when they saw me, and after Lan Chan had dealt with the strong enemy, he also started to lead everyone to fight back. Not surprisingly, there is no big suspense in keeping here!

Two hundred Taoist demons quickly turned defeat into victory. With the efforts of Lan Cheng and I, we killed one hundred thirty or forty demon demons, and several raised law beasts, which laid the foundation for the victory over the enemy!

Seeing that the enemy was invincible, the tide naturally dispersed. Some flew to the surrounding gods guarded by Ye Xuan, and some retreated, for fear that they would be targeted by us if they ran too late.

"It seems that the second floor has been held, thanks to your Tiantong Xianjun!" Lan Cheng said gratefully.

"It's nothing, it's all brothers' gods, and we should help each other. I don't know what's going on with Ye Xuan. If we can hold on, we should be able to force the enemy back this time," I said.

"Well, although I hate that guy very much, I really don't want him to fail, and that side should be the main force of the opponent. I plan to go to help the fairyland over there now, so can I ask you to guard this place?" Lan Cheng asked.

"Why don't you guard here, and let me rush to help Ye Xuan, how about it?" I suggested.

"But..." Lan Cheng hesitated for a while, and then said: "You seem to hate him, is it really okay to help him?"

I smiled and said, "You underestimate me too much. In front of the big picture, it doesn't matter who you hate."

"Okay..." Blue Amaranthus breathed a sigh of relief.

I immediately turned my head and prepared to fly towards Ye Xuan. I also encountered many fleeing enemies along the way. I took care of the ones that got close, and I simply let go of the ones that were far away. It is meaningless to kill wandering enemies. , Ye Xuan should be under a lot of pressure!

But only halfway there, I realized something was wrong. Dao Ji's strength actually began to plummet. The original bonus of 30 to 40% suddenly dropped a lot, almost no bonus at all!

I was shocked in my heart, knowing that there must be a second-tier array eye that was destroyed!

Is there something wrong with Ye Xuan?

Or is it the blue amaranth?

After thinking about it, I think Ye Xuan's side is definitely doomed, and the meaning of defending on the side of Blue Amaranthus is actually not great. Instead of protecting the remaining bonuses, it is better to concentrate on returning to the main God's Domain!

Fighting an enemy may not know the time difference when no one is guarding the second floor. Focusing on dealing with the main force of the enemy army heading to the main domain of the gods should be able to play an unexpected role!

But just when I was about to turn my head back to the blue amaranth, a lot of stars appeared sporadically in the sea ahead!

My face changed. The difference between the deep sea and the sky is that the deep sea is dark, and when flying, you can see the energy light flickering from a distance. With such dense starlight, could it be that the Taoist immortal who failed to defend the domain escaped?

If it's what I thought, then leading them to the main God's Domain now can save the time of turning back, so I immediately faced these starlights!

However, what I didn't expect was that what I ran into was about three hundred Dao Demons!

You must know that there are about 400 or 500 Dao Demons who attacked Lanzhu, and now they have escaped a lot!

And what do these three hundred or so Dao demons mean? It is equivalent to half of the number that attacked Ye Xuan's fairyland!

But this is not the key point. If I were the devil master, it would be natural to take down Ye Xuan's forces, and then divide the army into Lanzhu's fairyland, but the key is that there is still a long distance from Ye Xuan's fairyland!

Instead of saying that Ye Xuan could not defend the Immortal Realm and retreated to the God Realm, it would be better to assume that he had no intention of defending the God Realm from the beginning!

As for the Demon Lord of the Zhenhai Demon Realm, he realized that there was no need to attack the Immortal Realm, so he directly divided his troops and went to the Immortal Realm where the blue amaranth was located!

Thinking of this, I felt a little more angry.

Seeing that I was actually coming towards me, many Dao demons couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hehe, this reckless man is really too stupid, maybe he thinks we are reinforcements?"

"Haha, it's very interesting. The demon lord has brought all his brothers to attack God's Domain, but they are still in the dark!"

"God Realm will soon become a vassal of my Zhenhai Demon Realm!?"

"Isn't that? It's just cheap Ye Xuan, but the devil really agreed to give up that lowly slave Lan Ran to him?"

"Our Zhenhai Demon Realm is not suitable for survival in the God Realm, so it is only natural for Ye Xuan to help us manage it."

"Look at this reckless man, he is so scared that he can't move! Haha..."

More than three hundred Dao demons surrounded them while mocking them!

There is no need for me to hide my strength here, since there are no other forces besides Dao Proving Demon anyway.

I canceled the two chain hammers, and a golden blue tower appeared in my hands, and Mie Ri Zhu Shen climbed on it, playing with Dragon Ball!

At this moment, Mie Ri Zhu Shen is no longer its original color. Among the red and blue, there are more lines of blood red. This is a sign of the fusion of the swallowing beast just now!

Seeing that instead of running away, I dared to take out the innate magic weapon, hundreds of Dao demons were all happy, and greedy green lights shone in their eyes.

"Hehe, have you ever thought about a possibility, for example, that none of you can escape?" I smiled coldly, the tower in my hand hovered, and then began to expand crazily. Taller!