MTL - Raising Evil Spirits-Chapter 8182 : chain hammer

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Originally screaming and preparing to eat people, the law beast saw the huge tower in front of him, and the Mie Ri Zhu Shen who was several times bigger than them, and couldn't help shrinking back in fright!

Even the reins of the Proving Demon riding on it can hardly be held back!

All the Dao demons present were shocked, and the original ridicule and sarcasm seemed extremely mentally retarded at this moment!

When the hunter becomes the prey, the fear brought to them is doubled!

Mie Ri Zhu Shen let out a roar, and two beams of light blessed by the Fog Blue Bead and the Zhenhai Bead shot out instantly!

Chi Chi Chi!

Dozens of Daoist immortals who gathered in the crowd were hit by dozens of moves in an instant. They were either frozen or their entire bodies were disintegrated. God can do it!

The sounds of ghosts crying and howling wolves came one after another, and the tail of Mie Ri Zhu Shen was also dispatched. Dozens of flying red and emerald tentacles swept across the battlefield.

The more than three hundred Dao Demons seem to be a lot, but they are actually nothing in front of Mie Ri Zhushen, and they don't even need to be added. It's like destroying the sky and destroying the earth!

I control the Golden Pagoda to release the sword energy of good fortune, and the ocean is full of blue-gold light. The demons and strange beasts present were penetrated into their bodies by the sword energy, and their movements were already a step behind. Destined to become the nourishment of the God of Exorcism!

With the law of devouring beasts, the slain beasts and enlightenment magic began to be swallowed into the golden tower, including innate and acquired qi, which were also continuously absorbed. This was almost a battle of crushing and slaughtering!

Those who were far away were all wiped out by the light beam of Mie Ri Zhu Shen, those who were close were also chased by Fei Hong Ta Cui's tail, and more than 300 Dao demons and strange beasts were beheaded by the Golden Pagoda for most of them!

When I recovered the golden pagoda, there were not many demons who were able to escape, and they all had strong escape capabilities. These guys are highly alert, and I believe they will not run back to God's Domain to die.

It didn't take much time to go back home, Lan Cheng saw that I had gone and returned, and asked why.

Except for the matter of killing the Taoist Demon, I did not hide the fact that Ye Xuan was a spy.

As soon as he heard that the God Lord might be replaced by Ye Xuan, and Lan Ran would be captured by the other party, Lan Ran became an ant on the hot pot!

"Let's give up here now and rush to help cousin!" Lan Cheng immediately looked at the surrounding immortals after finishing speaking.

There was hesitation in the eyes of the immortals present, and one of the female immortals said anxiously: "God Lanzhu! How can you believe his family's words? Immortal Ye Xuan is definitely not such a person!"

"That's right! Immortal Ye Xuan must have devised a plan to trick those demon bosses from Zhenhai Demon Realm!"

"Exactly! What are you talking nonsense for? Ye Xuan has such a good relationship with the divine master, why is it worth cooperating with the demon immortals of Zhenhai Demon Realm?!"

"I'm afraid you are the spies from the Zhenhai Demon Realm, right? Leading us to abandon the Immortal Realm here is a shame!"

There were quite a few doubting voices from the Daoists, and many of them were Ye Xuan's loyal fans.

I frowned and said: "What I'm saying is true or not, you will know when you return to God's Domain, you can come if you like, or not."

"God Lord Blue Amaranthus, don't trust this beast!"

"Tiantong Xianjun may just be deceived by the other party, but we can't give up the big formation here!"

Everyone looked at the blue amaranth.

Of course, Lan Cheng chose to believe me, and immediately said: "How about I lead some of the immortal families to the God's Realm for rescue, and the rest stay in this guardian formation?"

I thought in my heart that the fairy families here are not in harmony, it must be because of Ye Xuan's people, but it doesn't matter to me how many fairy families go to help, even if I am alone, I will not feel the slightest pressure.

Sure enough, most of the immortals felt that I was imagining things, which shows the status of Ye Xuan in their hearts.

It was an outsider, except for those who worked under Lan Cheng these years, after all, only dozens of immortals were willing to go.

"The enemy's army has already gone to God's Domain. If we also go with a large army, it may be too late to rush to help. You come later, and I will go ahead with God Lord Blue Amaranth!" I suggested.

"Are you deliberately trying to make the God Lord Blue Amaranthus an order? Everyone, don't believe the God God Tong Tian!"

"The spy should be Tiantong Shenjun! Everyone can't trust him!"

When I heard this, my face instantly changed: "It's fine if you don't go, but you are still here to disturb the morale of the army?"

"So what..."


The other party wanted to refute it, so I shot instantly, and the Huaguduo Chain Hammer that suddenly appeared killed a fairy directly!

The other was about to run away, but the hammer that chased him blew his head off again!

This scene made the immortals present feel like a chilling cicada. I was so decisive that the voice of questioning immediately stopped.

In the face of strength, the voice of clamor seemed extremely small.

Ignoring the immortals present, I took the blue amaranth and headed towards God's Domain first!

As I expected, before going far, the bonus effect of the surrounding sea water disappeared. Blue Amaranthus looked at me, and his face turned pale.

"Hehe, it seems that spies are everywhere. As soon as we left, the other party took the opportunity to destroy the formation!" I sneered.

"What should I do now? Huh... my cousin... How can my cousin deal with it alone!" Lan Cheng immediately cried anxiously.

Lan Ran was originally her cousin, so she blurted out when she was in a hurry.

"It's okay, even if the formation is destroyed, Lan Ran is still a **** master, and she won't be easily defeated by the enemy at home."

"But she may not know that what Ye Xuan wants is the entire God Realm!"

"Well, now I can only hurry there as soon as possible." After I finished speaking, I didn't care about anything else, summoned the golden tower, and ran all the way with the blue amaranth!

It's a pity that even though they rushed quickly, they couldn't get to God's Domain before the accident happened!

At this moment, there are traces of being ravaged by war everywhere!

Undersea plants are floating in the sea water, debris and ruins are muddying the sea area, and light spots are constantly flashing in the domain of the gods. The intensity of the previous war is far beyond imagination!

My expression was serious, and Lan Cheng said with tears in her eyes: "Little Ye Xuan! You actually lied to us, woo woo... It's because my cousin doesn't want to listen to me, what can I do?"

"Don't worry, go to the secret realm of God's Domain first, Lan Ran will be fine!" I comforted quickly.

While wiping tears, Lan Cheng said pitifully: "I failed to protect my cousin, how can I explain to my husband... woo... If only he was here..."

Seeing her remorse, I couldn't help feeling heartbroken, and even wanted to tell her my true identity.

But thinking that I don't even know if Lan Ran is green or not, I suppressed this thought.

And telling Lan Cheng the truth now can't change the current situation, the only thing to do is to save people first.