MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2356 College entrance examination

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Chapter 2356 College Entrance Examination

There is still one month to go to the college entrance examination.

It’s so loud everywhere.

The educated youths have been in the countryside for ten years, and they have no time to return to the city. There is no news. Many educated youths have chosen to marry and have children in rural areas.

Now suddenly resume the college entrance examination, which educated youth does not want to go to college, do not want to return to the city?

But what can I do if I have established a family in the countryside?

The rural men and women who are combined with educated youth are equally worried about their wives or husbands. They will not come back after returning to the city. Many people have stopped their lover and will not let the other party go to Kao.

Yao Jiajia has escaped from the educated youth who is married in Xiaheshu Village. The cloud painting and Bo Siqing decided to take the college entrance examination early, and no one will stop them. There is also a pair of Chen Hongxing, the daughter of the village party secretary Chen Fushan, and Xie Qingling.

Chen Hongxing was crying and not letting Xie Qingling take the college entrance examination and not let him return to the city.

How could Xie Qingling stay in the countryside?

After Chen Hongxing cried a few times, Xie Qingling moved out of Chen’s family directly and moved back to the educated youth. He had to attend the college entrance examination.

Chen Hongxing blocked the educated youth to yell and said that it was to let the village not give Xie Qingling a registration form.

At this time, attending the college entrance examination also requires an application form. No registration form cannot participate in the college entrance examination.

Xie Qingling was very angry and said that he would divorce Chen Hongxing.

The two had a big fight, and the whole village knew it.

However, the gaffe is still escalating, Chen Hongxing is unsuccessful, and he chose to jump into the river to commit suicide!

Now that the weather is already cold, the water level in Wuli River is high, and Chen Hongxing said that he jumped and jumped.

When Xie Qingling came over from the educated youth, some villagers had already rescued Chen Hongxing.

Chen Hongxing’s brother Chen Hongqi slammed Xie Qingling and brought Chen Hongxing back. Chen Hongxing was born with no love, and he was still crying and committing suicide.

Chen Fushan has no choice but to come to cloud painting.

"Lin Zhiqing, you want to find a way to help me persuade the Red Star, she admire you the most, listen to your words." Chen Fushan one. In the night, a lot of old, the whole person looks sullen.

Parents are always the most sad in their children's affairs.

Chen Fushan was full of tears. "I knew that there was a day to resume the college entrance examination. I should not have followed her intentions at the beginning, and should not be called to marry them."

Cloud painting thought for a moment, "I will try it."

This thing also has her point and effect, but she is really not sure whether she can persuade Chen Hongxing, some people get into the dead end, how can it not come out, unless there is a suitable time for her own approval...

Cloud painting gave a message to Bosi, and went to his home with Chen Fushan.

"Lin Zhiqing is here, sit down, I will pour you tea." Fukuyama is also a look, his eyes are crying.

Chen Hongqi looked resentful. "If the surname is thankful, if you dare not want my sister, I will kill him. I told him not to want to participate in the Raozi college entrance examination in this life!"


Chen Fushan screamed, "Get out, less trouble!"

Chen Hongqi looked dissatisfied and was taken away by Fukuyama.

Chen Fushan pointed to Chen Hongxing’s house. "She is inside, you go in."

Cloud painted nodded and knocked on the door.

No one should.

The cloud painting pushes the door in, and the door is closed again.

In the house, Chen Hongxing was lying on the bed, and she did not speak or act. The whole person was dull.

Cloud painting sighed and poured her over the hot water. "Red Star, I will talk to you."

Chen Hongxing did not respond.

The cloud painting was silent and said, "You know why Xie Zhiqing wants to go to college. Why do you want to go back to the city?"

After hearing the three words of Xie Zhiqing, Chen Hongxing finally reacted. She looked at the cloud painting.

The cloud painting whispered: "Because for him, the city is his home. It is the place where he realizes his ideal ambition and life value. In this decade, many educated youths were forced to come to the countryside, but in fact they were able to There are very few people who adapt to rural life. From the day they started their studies, what they wanted to do was to serve the motherland and achieve a career. They are intellectuals, can this knowledge be carried out in rural areas?"

Chen Hongxing licks her lips.

The cloud painting said faintly: "Their strengths are not in farming, but in other places. They can't lift their shoulders and can't mention them. They are better than farming children than farming. Life in the countryside is frustrating for them, it is life. Failure. They are not willing to do this. Especially men."

Chen Hongxing red eyes. "What can I do? He wants to go back to the city. What should I do?"

Cloud paintings look at the red star, no snoring.

Chen Hongxing bites her lip. "I know you have to say that I deserve it. When I was going to marry him, you would persuade me to think clearly. I said that I don't regret it... I don't regret it now, I just want to marry him. I don't want him to go back to the city, I want him to be with me forever."

"Do you want to let him go back to the city, or do you want him to leave you?" asked Yun.

"Not all the same?" Chen Hongxing said.

Cloud painting smiled. "Not the same. If you just don't want him to return to the city, then you are too selfish. But if you don't want him to leave you... then it doesn't matter if you don't return to the city."

Chen Hongxing stunned.

Cloud painting said: "Before this, Xie Zhiqing can talk to you about the college entrance examination?"

"He said... I don't want to listen." Chen Hongxing whispered, "He will quarrel with him as soon as he improves his exam. I don't want him to say that he doesn't want him to return to the city."

Cloud painting is somewhat helpless. "Why don't you want to communicate with him? Before that, he thought about talking to you about the college entrance examination and talking about the future of both of you. He didn't ask you to divorce, right? You forced him. Divorce with you."

"I didn't!" Chen Hongxing retorted loudly. "I didn't force him. He is pushing me! He has to take the college entrance exam. He has to go back to the city. He is pushing me!"

The face of the cloud painting is serious. She stares at Chen Hongxing. "Red Star, you calm down and talk about the truth. You know what Xie Zhiqing is like. You are so arrogant that you will only push him farther." Do you want a husband who has no heart in your heart, or a lover who loves to be beautiful and beautiful?"


Chen Hongxing’s tears rolled down instantly.

The voice of cloud painting slowed down again. "What you want is Xie Zhiqing. It doesn't matter if he returns to the city. He can go back to the city, you can go back to the city with him, you are husband and wife! The distance between the city and the countryside, Can't isolate you, or do you want to let Xie Zhiqing stay in the country and give your family a housewife? If you really think so, then Red Star, you and Xie Zhiqing are not all the way, I also advise you to divorce. ”


Chen Hongxing was in a panic. "But he went back to the city, I... how can I go, I can't go to college."

"Who said that only when you go to college can you go to the city? You can have other ways to go to the city." Cloud painting said, "If your family is in good condition and can support you to live in the city, then move to live, and then find a way. Looking for a job in the city. But if this is too much for your family, you should consider letting Xie Zhiqing go to school first, and then slowly follow the past. Of course, it is more difficult to test your own university. ""

"How can I get it?" Chen Hongxing looked depressed.

Cloud painting said, "The year is not tested, there is still the third year of the second year, there is no age limit for the college entrance examination, even if the seven old and the eighty can take the test. You can not test in one year, can not test in three years? You like Xie Educated Youth, don't you like the taste of the intellectuals in him? Similarly, Xie Zhiqing would like a rural village aunt, or the same intellectual? You are a village girl, but you can also become an intellectual. If you really Like Xie Zhiqing, if you really want to continue to maintain your marriage, then it is best to keep your pace with Xie Zhiqing, you can really go all the way. Otherwise..."

Cloud painting stood up. "The difference between the two people in marriage is too great. It is not happy. Or walking and walking behind, then your heart will follow further and further away. Red Star, you are less than Xie Zhiqing. At the age of 4, you give yourself a chance to catch up with him."

"If you want to take the college entrance examination, Xie Zhiqing is your good teacher. Don't waste this opportunity. Tomorrow, go talk to Xie Zhiqing."

After leaving Chen Fushan’s home, Yun painting sighed.

In her words, Chen Hongxing should have listened to it, but for a person who does not like to study, it is really difficult for her to study hard and study at the university.

At this time, the policy is still far from open. It is unrealistic for her to go to the city to do small business. Moreover, Chen Hongxing is not necessarily a business.

Cloud painting can only encourage her, let her find ways to learn, college entrance examination.

As for when Chen Hongxing can go to college, and what will happen to Xie Qingling after she actually went to college, this is not within the scope of cloud painting. People must be responsible for their choices.

When I came out from the home of Chen Fushan, it was already very late.

Chen Fushan wants Chen Hongqi to send her, but for a long time Chen Hongqi did not know where to run and did not come back, Yunxiao said with a smile, her body, not afraid of anything.

However, she came out of Chen Fushan's house. Without taking a few steps, she saw the big tree behind the house, leaning against a man, and holding a small orange lamp in her hand.

The heart of the cloud painting suddenly turned bright and walked quickly.

"Do you do this little orange lamp?" Cloud painted and smiled.

He handed it to her carefully. "It's quite practical, and the windproof effect is good."

“Is there a flashlight?” The cloud painting carries a small orange lamp and asks.

Bosi Qing smiled. "Is this not good?"

"Of course."

Cloud paintings smiled.

The two walked side by side, the autumn wind was bleak, and a small orange lamp made the hearts of both of them warm.

"You come out, toot and go around?" asked the cloud painting.

"Let them wash and sleep."

"Why come out to pick me up?" she said.

Bosi Qingxiao said: "It’s dark, two little guys are afraid that their mother is in danger.”


There was a little bit of loss in the heart of the cloud painting. She bit her lip gently. "It won't be dangerous, my skill... you know."

Bo Siqing smiled softly. "It is true that your skills are very good and will not be dangerous. But... I want to pick you up."

The apex of the heart trembled.

She looked at Bo Siqing a little blankly.

"What, don't know."

The cloud draws a bite on the lip, and the fist is also clenched. "I am just..."

"Be careful, the road is not flat, don't fall."

He took her hand and took her away.

His hands were warm and dry, and her hands wrapped her hands with ease.

Cloud painting only feels my heart and jumps fast.

Unfortunately, the sky was too dark and there was no moonlight. She could not see his expression and could not see his eyes.


Chen Hongxing and Xie Qingling are well.

While Xie Qingling is preparing for the college entrance examination, Chen Hongxing is also preparing for the college entrance examination, but her foundation is too bad, and she can only learn from the most basic.

Xie Qingling did not dislike her, nor did she think that coaching her homework would affect his review.

After all, since he married Chen Hongxing last year, when Yunhua told him to resume the college entrance examination, he has already started to review. His preparation is very sufficient. As long as he keeps the state in the last month, it is not necessary to be like other people. I have never touched the educated youth like a textbook for ten years, and I can't wait to use it every 24 hours a day.

The other educated youths are almost all piled up in the cloud painting and the thin board in these days.

Because all the educated youth in the village, their two knowledge is too solid, it is necessary to take the college entrance examination, there are any questions that the couple can answer, this is very big for the educated educators who prepare for the college entrance examination. happy event.

It is necessary to know that there are many places in the teaching aids at this time. Many educated youths can only learn by themselves if they are reviewing the college entrance examination.

Yunhua and Bo Siqing also know what the exam represents for these people. They put a table directly in the yard. They bring their own chairs and want to ask anything.

In the past ten years, how have you been too long?

But this month, how can it be too short?

Finally, the college entrance examination is still coming.

It’s very cold.

Both Yunhua and Bosiqing are wearing cotton quilts made of new cotton. This is worth the money to find the rest of the quilts. The whole family has made new cotton trousers, hat gloves, cotton boots and so on.

What is too hard and too cold, it is not easy to digest.

The cloud painting steamed a pot of meat buns, and also boiled the eggs. At noon, you can have a hot meal in the nearby fellow village.


As the subject of the exam is as expected, the mathematical and historical geography is completely difficult for her. Political issues, she is more cautious.

But don't worry about it at all, her score is definitely in the forefront of the province.

The title of the college entrance examination is autonomously based on the provinces. As long as you can rank in the province, you can go to the university you want to go to.

After the final exam, when she came out, Bo Siqing had already waited for her outside.

As soon as she came over, he gave her a baked sweet potato.

The skin is browned, the inside is soft and the aroma is tangy.

Cloud painting opened half to him.

Bo Siqing did not refuse, and took a bite after taking it, and it was very hot.

Cloud painting can't be laughed, and it is followed by sweet potato.

"do not move."

He says.

He leaned in and reached for a scrape on her nose.

The heart of the cloud painting jumps fast.

"What?" She stared at him with wide eyes.

He smiled and rubbed his eyes. "It's black and gray, but what to do, the more you rub, the more you become a cat."


(End of this chapter)