MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 1216 Put on the heart

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Boya Xuan's flower cakes are exquisite and unique and have been praised by everyone. Warm and natural also want to taste it. This must be Boya Xuan's special dessert.

The action of eating snacks is very natural and inconspicuous, but it was caught by Xia Ruya and Lin Zhexin's unscrupulous eyes. This was not discovered by Warm and Ya.

Lin Minxin picked up the tea cup, and covered her secret attention to the Wen Xinya movements through the tea drinking space. The tea cup slightly blocked her face and made people see clearly. Her mood at this time was just the corner of her eyes. Light, with a stab of sharpness, slightly tilted upwards, with a slight arc of success, almost imagined the smile on her face at this moment.

Compared with Lin Hsiao's cryptic heart, Xia Ruya will be much brighter. She just faintly gave a Wen Xinya glance, then looked away, took the flower cake in front of her, and ate it elegantly and implicitly. All emotions are hidden in the slippery and cold eyes and the eyes are drooping, which completely blocks everyone's search.

Compared to Lin Zhi's vague heart, she is better at grasping emotions, and also better at hiding and disguising herself.

Boya Xuan's flower cakes are indeed very unique in taste. Coupled with specially made tea, it seems that the taste is sublimated to a new level, giving people a sense of taste.

I ate the cake and drank the tea. Xia Ruya's lips were lifted, and her jaw said: "The cake is fragrant and silky, the mouth melts, the tea is fragrant and fresh, and the taste is refreshing.

Isn't it Wen Xinya? Dressed well, grabbed the limelight, and received the praise of the owner of Boya Xuan, also relying on the identity of Mo Gong, won the first seat.

But what about it?

Soon, these limelights will come to naught.

Xia Ruya is good at manipulating people's hearts, but in her hands, Jiang Ruoyin, Jiang Yuqian, and Xia Ruxue have completely lost their use value and become abandoned children. If they want to deal with Wen Xinya, they need to calculate again.

Yan Menglu is one of her goals, but this woman is very self-proclaimed and not easy to fiddle with, which makes her a little distressed, so she transferred her main goal to this woman, Ji Lin's heart.

Although Lin Zhixin is clever and not at the mercy of this man, but this woman's ambition is greedy, and she is just the best candidate, and she happens to be the best at calculating people's hearts.

Lin Yixin said cautiously: "Your proposal is very good, but it is not foolproof. I heard that this Wen Xinya woman has deep thoughts and means, but it is not easy to deal with. I want to step on her position. ! "

The family has fallen, Lin Yixin resolutely went north, relying on the Ye family, Lin Yixin quickly saw the tip of the iceberg of the top family aristocracy in Beijing, and was fascinated by the capital's prosperous prosperity and wealth. This gave her an opportunity to expand her ambition, and also allowed her to thoroughly determine her goal, and to climb up by all means.

Over the years, she has been doing very well, but if she wants to go further, there is no family support behind it, and it is almost impossible for her to go northward alone.

At this time, Xia Ruya approached her and provided her with a shortcut, which made her excited.

However, although she has been in Beijing for many years, although she has not been in contact with Nuo Ya, she also knows that Nuo Ya is not so easy to deal with, and offends her, and there is still hesitation and doubt in her heart.

Xia Ruya naturally knew that Lin Yan ’s heart could climb to where he is today. Naturally, he was not a white-headed person: "Sister Lin Xue's hesitation is only because the cooperation chips are not enough. Do n’t rush to reject it first, and get to know me well. Plan, you might be more interested. "

Dealing with ambitious and greedy people like Lin Yingxin has always been her masterpiece. She can even control Ning Shuqian in her heart, and she can do whatever she wants, not to mention Lin Youxin.

Lin Yun hesitated and nodded: "Since Miss Xia is so sincere, then I just listen to it. I'd like to take a look. Miss Xia said in his mouth that it was not worth my cooperation with you. "

Although Lin Yixin is quick and quick, and ambitious and greedy, she is not stupid. The grudge between Xia Ruya and Warm Ya, who in the capital does not know, she is afraid that Xia Ruya used her to pit her, and she is busy behind Xia Ruya In the end, no benefit will be achieved, and cooperation will be necessary, that is, mutual benefit.

Lin Yixin's promise was in her expectation. If she was not sure, she would not find Lin Yixin: "At the golden banquet, Wen Xinya as Mo Gong's granddaughter daughter, will inevitably attract much attention. There will definitely be many people looking for her fighting arts. As long as Wen Xinya wins the title and obtains the title of talented woman, then you will be the leader of the Qianjin Banquet and propose Wen Xinya fighting arts. "

Xia Ru Yadun spoke, and his eyes meant to look at Lin Yixin's heart. He did not miss Lin Yixin's twinkling gaze, so he continued: "If you win the Wen Xinya, when the Wen Xinya won the top, then what? I was overwhelmed by you, and as many scenery as possible were taken away by you. The so-called talented woman's reputation is nothing but your reputation. She was Wen Xinya, but she finally made a wedding dress for you. "

Lin Ye's heart is hot and she won the first prize of Qian Jin Yan. Then her fame will be loud, but she has not been blinded by her fiery ambitions, she has completely lost her mind, and she still has a sense of clarity in her mind.

She insisted on pressing her heart's excitement and fieryness, and asked with a tremor: "Miss Xia, you have a good plan, but I have a few questions to ask you."

Xia Ruya nodded: "Excuse me!"

She came prepared to come to Lin Yixin, so she thought of everything, and naturally she was not afraid to ask questions.

After a short period of excitement, Lin Ye's heart was hot and cooled down little by little, she calmly asked: "How can you guarantee that Wen Xinya will win the gold medal feast? As far as I know, Wen Xinya It ’s only been more than three years since I returned to the Wen family. If I really talked about it, I have only studied for more than three years. Even if I am suspicious and have a teacher like Mo Gong, how about Can you confidently win it, those ladies who have learned Qian Qian from their childhood? "

How difficult is Qin Qi calligraphy and painting to learn, she knows better than anyone else. Her talents are already excellent in the eyes of the Lin family, and she is not confident enough to defeat everyone at the Qianjin Banquet and become the chief. To win the top prize at the Qianjin Banquet is merely speculation.

What is Wen Xinya? Can you compare with her? In Lin Yixin's view, this is simply whimsical, so Xia Ruya's condition does not hold.