MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 1217 The calculation is so wicked

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"On this point, you don't have to worry about the talents of the Qianjin ladies who participated in the Qianjin feast. Presumably you know better than me, and I have met the owner of Boya Xuan, who has once discussed with me Wen Xinya is a case in point. Wen Xinya is more than enough to deal with these people. "

Xia Ruya's heart was cold and Lin Yan's eyes were shallow. She regarded everyone in the world as superficial and thought that everyone was not as good as her. They don't know that there is a talent in this world called "genius". There is this Wen Xinya person. There is a unique talent in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, coupled with the guidance of a famous teacher, so that in a short period of time, they can leave everyone behind.

Even though she was unwilling, she had to admit that Wen Xinya was excellent.

It is also because she knows that she is excellent, so she is so unjealous and even resentful.

Lin Puxin's pupils shrank, and some were unbelievable: "You know the owner of Boya Xuan!"

This is probably Xia Ruya's biggest hole card in this matter, so she will have the confidence, and there is no shame in the calculation of Wen Xinya, the owner of Boya Xuan, just need to do something on the invitation list, Let Wen Xinya win in one fell swoop.

Xia Ruya but smiled.

Boya Xuan is one of her friendly cards to deal with Wen Xinya. She doesn't mind letting Lin Yixin know. Lin Yixin became a golden feast, of course ... It can also be defeated by the golden feast. She knows the interest relationship better than anyone else. , Naturally dare not easily tell others.

In addition, Lin Qianxin is the main character at the Qianjin Banquet. If she does not give her a peace of mind, she will be afraid that her calculations will be broken by then.

Lin Yingxin's heart shocked under his own pressure, calmed his emotions, and thought: "Since the Wen Xinya is so powerful, even the owner of Boya Xuan is so praised, then how can you maintain, I can be in the warm After Ya won the top prize, did she win her in the fight with her? If I accidentally lose, I will lose my reputation. "

Having said that, Lin Minxin has straightened her attitude and become serious. This Xia Ruya has more thought and means and a hole card than she imagined. It is good to choose to cooperate with her. Wrong choice.

However, this time cooperation, Xia Ruya is the person behind the calculations, and she is the main character, and the risks are naturally huge. If she accidentally loses to Wen Ya, then she loses and has no hard work to calculate The reputation that comes is completely for the Wen Xinya wedding dress, so you must ask carefully.

Xia Ruya smiled more and more innocently, just like a girl who is not ignorant of the world: "Have you ever heard of Chinese medicine like mandala?"

Wen Ya and Du Gong learned medicine, and she also learned a lot of medicine. She asked herself that she learned nothing less than Wen Xinya, and she knew that she would not be worse than Wen Xinya.

In Lin Minxin's mind, a sentence appeared: the face of the angel, the heart of the devil, could not help but a look of hair and bones, looked at her blankly: "Datura is a flower!"

She was still a little uncertain.

Of course, Xia Ruya suspended her appetite and did not continue to sell Guanzi: "Datura is a flower, beautiful and enchanting, noble and gorgeous. It is also a widely used medicine, including antispasmodic, sedative, analgesic, The efficacy of anesthesia. Of course it is also poisonous !!! "

The last word of "poison" spit out from Xia Ruyaojia's red lips, with a bit of chewing, which made her afraid.

Lin Yan was panting in her heart, and her breathing was quick, and she shook her head with a pale face: "No ... No, I don't do anything illegal."

Xia Ruya laughed with a "giggle", and her clear voice sounded like a silver bell: "What are you panicking about, and I haven't let anyone do anything illegal, even if we cooperate, this poisonous thing is not yours." Yes, it has nothing to do with you, what else do you fear? "

Her laughter was clear and crisp, but in Lin Min's mind, it seemed like a magic bell to seduce the soul: "You ... what do you want to do? You don't want to involve me."

Suddenly she regretted and agreed to cooperate with Xia Ruya.

Xia Ruya smiled silently: "Giggle, I am amusing you to play, and you do n’t want to do anything illegal, how can I do it, in order to get revenge on a person, I lost myself, I pay Not so stupid. "

Of course, except in the case of last resort.

Lin Yan's nervous heartstrings suddenly relaxed: "What do you mean?"

What she said just now could not be a whim.

Xia Ruya said: "Ingestion of a small amount of Datura powder is not harmful to the human body, but excessive amounts will be toxic, which will cause mental fatigue, hallucinations, and in severe cases, sympathetic nerves will be highly excited, which can stimulate brain cells to develop strong The turmoil caused mania, but the toxicity of the mandala usually disappears within 4-6 hours. As long as the evidence is destroyed, no trace will be found. "

"That's it." Lin Yixin understood her mind and used the poison of Datura to disturb the Wen Xinya spirit. She had full confidence in the fighting art.

Xia Ruya continued: "To be on the safe side, I put a small amount of Datura powder in Wen Xinya pastries and tea, and neither the amount of pastry nor the amount of Datura powder in the tea is enough to make people aware. , It will not cause any impact on the human body, but once the tea is consumed with the cake, it will be different. "

She didn't forget that Warm and Ya learned medical science together with Du Gong, and she was more cautious because she was afraid that Wen Ya would notice something different.

"Okay, I accept your cooperation." Lin Min thought it over carefully, and felt that there was no loss to her for this cooperation. Xia Ruya was so well-organized that she had no reason not to agree.

Xia Ruya sneered slowly. When the Wen Xinya fighting art failed, the toxicity of the mandala broke out. By then, Wen Xinya would become irritable, out of control, and emotionally crazy. Others would not doubt that someone was eating and drinking warmly and elegantly. Li did something, but just thought that Wen Xinya lost the test, and became angry and shameless, without any temperament and demeanour as everyone's gold, and lost his temper on the spot.

Anyway, Wen Xinya was a little **** the street at this time. At this time, Wen Xinya behaved like this. Everyone would believe that Wen Xinya is easy to change, and her nature is difficult to change.

At the time of introduction, Warm and Ya lost her reputation. Everyone knew that Warm and Ya was a master in disguise, and she had various notorieties such as "ingratitude" and "heart and heart poison".

At that time, she bothered to arrange it, and her reputation was white, it was only a matter of time.

That was all she had in mind.