MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 752 Xia Ruya's Forbearance

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The report on Xia Ruya's heart-burning poisoning ceased due to the news report of Warm and Ya's abduction and Wen Haowen's derailment scandal. Xia Ruya was also very clever and took advantage of this opportunity to calm down.

Xia Ruya took the Wen family's money and the Wen family's grievances. She did not live well and lost the aura of the high society Miss Qian Jin. She was like an ordinary person and became a third-class person. , Wait to eat, wait to sleep, wait to die! She stands on the street every day, watching the crowd coming and going, she can't help but compare herself with herself!

But she found tragically that she was really no different from those people.

Even if she was wearing famous clothes and wearing valuable bracelets, she was not one of them, and she seemed to be one of them.

Is this life really what she wants?

She kept asking herself.

The little devil inside screamed and shouted: This is not the life I want, I was born to enjoy the dazzling and dazzling heavenly pride, I was born to be the princess who was envied and envyed by Gong Xing Gong Yue. In the pyramid is my real life!

Rather than being like these ants, they are doomed 9 to 5 days a day, with a meager salary, wearing the cheapest clothes, wearing unsuitable hand jewelry, and using inferior makeup. Managed by others, scolded by others, but still have to suffer.

She is a dazzling pearl. Only she can control the destiny of others, and never let anyone manipulate her destiny.

Not even Wen Xinya!

Yes, Wen Xinya is not enough!

Xia Ruya controlled the madness on her face, and the whole person became calm.

She knew that this was not a good time to deal with Wen Xinya. Before that, she was going to use the thugs to deal with Wen Xinya. Who knew that Wen Xinya had a long life and actually escaped. Fortunately, she was not implicated. Then she conspired with Ning Shuqian He used the media to attack the innocent reputation of being kidnapped and attacking Wen Xinya through Wen Xinya encounters, but Xu Chenyu was confused.

All this made her realize clearly that she is no longer Xia Ruya of the past, and now she has nothing and is not a Wen Xinya opponent at all.

So she fell silent.

She watched as Ning Shuqian watched Wen Haowen create a derailment event, keeping her own name of Mrs. Wen, and she was secretly pleased ... Ning Shuqian really did a great job, as long as Ning Shuqian stayed at Wen's house for one day, she could become She deals with Wen Xinya weapons.

Xia Ruya brought fruit to the hospital to see Ning Shuqian, and met Ning Yuya at the door of Ning Shuqian's ward.

Ning Yuya was very happy to meet Xia Ruya: "Ru Ya, why are you here?"

There were reporters squatting outside the hospital entrance. Ruya's identity was sensitive and it was inconvenient to appear in front of the media. She did not expect that she would dare to come and see her mother. This intention moved her very much.

Xia Ruya's face was a little murky: "Of course I came to see Aunt Ning, Uncle Wen ... I'm sorry, I didn't expect Aunt Ning to be so excited, Yuya is sorry!"

There were many reporters squatting outside, and it took her a lot of effort to escape the media reporters.

Speaking of mother, Ning Yuya's face is not very good-looking: "Yu doesn't blame you, Wen Haowen's derailment is so tumultuous, my mother will know sooner or later, don't blame yourself."

They said that the truth was in their troubles. So many things happened to her mother. Ruya always took good care of them. It was too late to be grateful. How could she blame her for some small things.

The look on Xia Ruya's face was better, and she whispered, "How is Aunt Ning's health? There have been too many reporters squatting in the hospital recently. I have never had the opportunity to come to the hospital to see Aunt Ning."

Ning Yuya can naturally understand that she is now a mud bodhisattva who ca n’t protect herself, but she keeps thinking about her mother ’s body. She could n’t help but move: “My mother ’s health is good, just because she was too excited before. I remember too much about what happened before, so if you meet her for a while, don't start in front of her. The doctor said she needs to rest and not think too much. "

She had no idea that her mother really lost her previous memories, but that's okay, and her mother's physical recovery has been good these days.

Xia Ruya was startled: "What, Aunt Ning has amnesia, what is going on?"

Xia Ruya was really surprised. Is it true or false that Ning Shuqian lost her memory? What tricks does she want to play?

Ning Yuya told her what happened and told her the results of the hospital diagnosis.

After hearing Xia Ruya's eyes, a gleam of self-blame flashed in her eyes: "I didn't think that Aunt Ning was actually ... I was too reckless before, otherwise Aunt Ning would not ..."

Her voice choked, but she couldn't keep talking.

Ning Yuya quickly said: "Ru Ya, you must not say that, I know you are also worried about your mother, and the doctor said that her condition is the sequelae of a typical hysteria, but because her mother's previous episodes have been well controlled Therefore, although the condition has deteriorated, it is not too bad, as long as you rest well, you can recover. "

Xia Ruya was slightly more comfortable, reluctantly said, "It is not necessarily a good thing for Aunt Ning to be able to forget those painful memories before. I believe that over time, Aunt Ning's body will definitely recover."

Xia Ruya took a deep breath and pondered it in her heart. She understood Ning Shuqian's calculations. At this time, using amnesia to cover up the ugliest past between Ning Shuqian and Wen Haowen was indeed the best choice.

She had always looked down on Ning Shuqian until now, but she found out that although Ning Shuqian did not have any big strategy, the means were very amazing. Such a person is most suitable as a gunman.

The value of Ning Shuqian has been raised by another level in my heart.

Ning Yuya said: "I think so too. When my mother's condition has completely stabilized, I will cooperate with the psychiatrist for treatment."

Xia Ruya nodded: "When there is anything I can help you, don't be polite, you must tell me."

Ning Yuya is grateful: "Ru Ya, thank you!"

Xia Ruya's face had a smile on her face: "Yuya, what's your kindness with me, I'll go and see Aunt Ning."

Ning Yuya nodded and took the fruit in her hand and said, "Mom just fell asleep, and it is estimated that she will sleep for a while."

In the ward, Ning Shuqian was still sleeping, her messy hair was sticky on her face, and her pale face was a twilight color. Even her bystander couldn't help feeling sad. Does Mrs. Wen's name really help Wen Haowen?

Xia Ruya expressed deep suspicion.

However, thinking of Ning Shuqian's methods, she felt hopeful. She couldn't help thinking in her mind how to help Ning Shuqian's heart once again.

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