MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 753 I am a Phoenix feather

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He stepped into Nine Dragons slowly and warmly, and stopped shortly after entering the lobby. In the huge crystal-polished running water curtain wall, colorful angelfish are kept in the transparent interlayer. The white vertical prisms are lined with gold-plated and silver-plated dragons, with their heads full of anger, as if they might be vacated at any time. The interlaced wall of gold and green looks more luxurious under the orange light.

Zhong Rufeng was standing under the scenery, wearing snow-white shirts, beige casual trousers, and exuding his temperament. Even the beautiful flowing wall became his background.

Wen Ya looked at him and was laughing with a friend, hesitating to go up and say hello to him.

At this time, Zhong Rufeng seemed to be aware of it. He lifted his eyes slightly and saw a Wen Xinya student standing not far from looking at her. The color of the snow blue became more elegant and gorgeous, and he almost It was dazzling and almost thought it was just an illusion.

At this time, the man around him noticed his strangeness, and looked down at him: "Girlfriend?"

Zhong Rufeng then reacted, his smile was as light as water: "Well, female friends!"

His answer was beyond the expectation of the other party, both clarifying the relationship between them and expressing his intentions without disguise: "It's beautiful! The temperament is also good!"

Female friends, isn't it just for chasing after?

The smile on Zhong Rufeng's face was deeper: "Sorry, I'm not here!"

The man patted his shoulder and smiled brightly: "Hahaha, I understand, I understand, don't be sorry, just invite me to dinner in the future."

At this time, the Wen Xinya were not tangled. Anyway, she had already been seen by Zhong Rufeng. If she didn't go to say hello, she would be extremely impolite, so she stepped forward and walked over there.

When contacted by the man opposite Zhong Rufeng, the meaning of joking glance was unknown, Wen Xinya felt a little strange, but the other party was not malicious, and she smiled politely.

By the time Warm and Ya passed, the man had gone.

Zhong Rufeng came to her and said, "What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet here."

Xinya was abducted before, and the news was held by the military. It was already a few days after he got the news. When he hurried to the hospital, he looked at her pale and weak lying on the bed, and even laughed at him like that. Vulnerable and reluctant, his pain at the time seemed to go deep into the bone marrow.

Wen Xinya smile: "I made an appointment with Tianyu, and they will eat here. Would you like to be together?"

Zhong Rufeng helped her a lot, and she was very grateful to him, but recently he seemed very busy, so he never had the opportunity to invite him to dinner.

Zhong Rufeng said: "Since you are sincerely invited, I am not respectful."

He has been busy with community activities recently, and has not seen her for several days. Although he will take time to supplement her homework every day, it is rare that he cannot afford to miss this opportunity to get along with her.

"How is your body recovering?"

"Brother, please let go, you've asked many times."

"You took a half-month vacation before, and the review progress has definitely fallen a lot. I have been relatively free recently. If you have any questions about homework, you can always ask me."

"I'm not polite."

"Your dad ..."

"You have reminded me to focus on the review and not to affect your emotions because of these things."

Zhong Rufeng felt a large # sign hanging on his forehead.

Wen Xinya opened the door of the private room, Zhou Tianyu was chasing Gu Junlin in the private room, Ling Qingxuan and Xu Tongxuan clapped and applauded.

First of all, it was Xu Tongxuan who was Wen Xinya and Zhong Rufeng: "Xin Ya, you are here ..." Then she widened her eyes and looked at Zhong Rufeng incredulously: "Zhong Xuechang, you ... why are you here?"

Zhong Rufeng's legend continued to the university. When he was a sophomore, he was elected as the president of the student council of Beihua University and became a character of Beihua University. However, he is already a senior in this semester and is rarely in the school. See him.

Zhong Rufeng smiled and turned his head to look at the Wen Xinya side, and smiled warmly: "I met Brother Zhong in the lobby, so I invited him to come here."

At this time, Zhou Tianyu and Gu Junlin also stopped joking, Zhou Tianyu seemed very happy to step forward to hold his Wen Xinya arms, and also do not avoid bells such as the wind, and warm and bite the ears: "Xin Ya, you can do it! You can actually come to the bell Dean, he is our favorite figure at Beihua University, and the most famous student president. He participated in the national political debate last year. He won the championship and won the championship. Old Hu has praised him. He will surely become a bright political star in the future. "

Warm Yapo looked helplessly towards Zhong Rufeng.

Zhong Rufeng's lips smiled Qing Jun, and Zhou Tianyu's behavior was crisp, instead of using him as an outsider, it alleviated his sudden embarrassment by a lot.

Several girls held great enthusiasm for Zhong Rufeng, especially Zhou Tianyu and Xu Tongxuan, who were at the same school as Zhong Rufeng, and they chatted with Zhong Rufeng on the spot.

Gu Junlin and Ling Qingxuan were not very happy because of the arrival of Zhong Rufeng.

As soon as the bell hits the wind, the hatred has been spurred, and the girls' attention has been completely drawn to the past. This is not to tell them plainly that their charm is not as good as him!

In addition, from the position of Xu Er, Zhong Rufeng's thoughts on Xinya are known to everyone in Sima Zhao's heart, of course ... In addition to being Wen Xinya, Xu Er and Zhong Rufeng are love rivals Although Xinya didn't call Xu Er, from the standpoint of her friends, she also wanted to be a god.

Especially Gu Junlin, staring at Zhong Rufeng, can't wait to spot a hole in his body.

So Gu Junlin said casually: "Xin Ya, your dad's scandal has begun to be whitewashed, shouldn't your Wen family also take action?"

Wen Haowen's derailment scandal has been exposed. Except for Wen Haowen who was arrested in bed and made some remarks, the Wen family has remained silent for so many days. If the scandal goes in a good direction, the Wen family will naturally show their stand. .

Sure enough, Gu Junlin's words successfully diverted the attention of several girls, warmly and indifferently: "That's what my grandpa and Wen Haowen should worry about. What they do, I just look at it."

The solution that Yang Ziyu proposed before was not to let the reputation of the Wen family follow Wen Haowen. Now that things are under control, she is naturally reluctant to control it.

Zhou Tianyu said, "Whether you're right or not, this kind of pickled thing is exhausting. You are just a junior. If you step in and get involved in the media, it is not good for you."

Xu Tongxuan nodded and said, "Tian Yu is right, it is not a glorious thing in the end. You must not commit any foolishness or ridicule."

Wen Xinya smile: "You can rest assured! I really cherish my phoenix feather."

Ling Qingxuan couldn't help laughing: "Xin Ya, the media reporter said that you are a nine-day phoenix, and then you hang yourself with the phoenix. Don't be too narcissistic!"

Zhong Rufeng shook casually with a glass of red wine, listened to them, you laughed and scolded me without saying a word, but my eyes fell on the Wen Xinya body from time to time, full of tenderness.