MTL - Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress-Chapter 998 came back

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At more than three in the afternoon, the plane landed at the dedicated parking airport at Sheshan Manor.

Warm and gentle slowly got off the helicopter. The propeller of the helicopter turned rapidly, and the huge sound shook the eardrum, and the powerful air flow made her almost want to fly.

She then reacted, and the 12-day E-Country trip marked the end.

This trip to the E country, although not so good, but Wen Xinya still feel happy.

A few days after I first went to Country E, Si Yizheng accompanied her to travel and sightseeing throughout the day. They were so intertwined that they walked along the streets of Country E with history and vicissitudes. He spoke quietly and quietly about this country The history of the city, the changes of the city, the brilliant development of today, his eloquence is very good, and the dry history can always tell the fascinating highlights.

They were in the city, leaving many photos belonging to them.

Si Yizheng will also accompany her to shopping, and take it easy to take her through various famous shopping malls and famous shops, sometimes just to buy a beautiful dress for her, or a suitable hand jewelry, they Like most couples, they hug and kiss on the street.

In the evening, Si Yizheng will take her to watch movies. The out-of-print WWII old movies in Country E are not only explaining the country ’s history, humanities, and their attachment to love, but also telling too much sadness and joy. Seeing tears, he would kiss her tears carefully, and then they hugged together, said love words, and explored each other's body.

Of course, the only flaw is that Si Yizhang will be so attractive that she will have to be a fierce woman and defend her own man!

As for the feast of the Grand Prince of Moville and what happened in Cuya Ge, she consciously cut it off. How can the official event be compared with love and romance, but I really understand that Si Yichen's strong background and even participated in it. She She still has a lot of feelings and is eager to become stronger. It is the only thing she needs to do at present.

Warm and ya took a deep breath, and her thoughts gradually became clear.

Here, she is no longer Lucifer's mother-in-law, Rex's fiancee, she is just Wen Xinya, Miss Wen Jia, future heir, the woman whom Si Yizhen loves.

At this time, Si Yizhen called and said, "Are you here?"

His voice was still elegant, and through the phone, there was an intimate whisper, holding the phone warmly and elegantly, and a smile appeared unconsciously on his face: "Well, when I arrived, my feet touched the ground, your phone Just called over, did you hold your head! "

After speaking, the smile on her face grew brighter.

Si Yi said a faint "um".

Warm and whispered, "What's going on with Lucifer?"

For more than seven hours, a lot can be done.

Secretary Yi also said, "Plan A was successfully implemented, and the situation was under control. There were no problems."

Warm Yasong sighed: "Pay attention to safety, don't get hurt."

Si Yizhen was injured a few times, which made her really scared. The injury on his arm had been removed and the flesh was born. She was not very worried. She was really worried about Lucifer's movements, his old illness, Will it recur.

This time she will go back, she will have a good understanding of the research results of Grandpa Du's side, two or three months, his condition is not good all day, she sleeps and sleeps all day.

Si Yi also said: "I may stay in country E for a while, obediently wait for me to come back!"

Warm and yelled "um", and felt that the answer was not formal enough, and whispered "OK!"

The two talked for a while, and the phone hung up.

At the moment the phone hung up, in the E country manor, Si Yizhen stared at the screen. Xinya's photo was taken for a while, then he turned off the phone, held the black bullet-proof vest, put it on his body, and took it calmly He picked up the dragonfly, put a kiss between his lips, put it on his neck, and then picked up the table, the "slayer" flashing with clear light and turned away from the study.

All this is warm and ya do not know.

At this point, Liu Yanhua has returned to the Wen family with warmth and elegance.

The journey of just over ten days finally marked the end.

When she left, she only carried simple luggage, and when she returned, she had a lot of bags. A few maids helped her to bring back the things she brought back to the room. The things were almost piled up like hills.

Mom Wang laughed: "Miss, it's hard to get a summer vacation, why not play a few more days outside and come back so early."

Wang Ma felt very distressed at the child. After returning to Wen's house, she saw that she had reached her endeavor by relying on her own efforts, and she had never really been relaxed for a day.

Wu Yan laughed: "The young lady returned early because of the loss. The old man has been thinking about you every few days."

Usually I always feel that the old man is too serious for the young lady. The two have not exchanged much, and they are mostly business-oriented. However, since the ten days of the summer vacation, the old man has shown his thoughts on the young lady.

Wen Xinya smile: "I'll go in and see Grandpa."

Cozy and elegant entered the living room, and a servant greeted her along the way, and she smiled right.

As soon as she entered the living room, she saw her grandfather sitting on the sofa and reading a magazine. She walked over with a smile: "Grandpa, your granddaughter is back."

Mr. Wen put down his financial magazine: "Come and sit down."

Grandpa Wen was very happy when her granddaughter returned. The expression on her face completely stretched out, and even the wrinkles on her face seemed to have faded.

Wen Xinya sitting next to Grandpa: "During the days when Grandpa was away, I ordered the kitchen to take the medicated meals you made every day on time? Did the hospital's medicine continue to be taken? Is there any discomfort in the body? "

Grandpa Wen laughed: "Look at you, you are a full-fledged little housekeeper. When you come back, you begin to question Grandpa's health. My old man at home is not the same."

I usually look under the same roof, but I do n’t think it ’s okay to look up, but this time Xinya traveled abroad for more than ten days, and she was missing her companion, she always felt like something was missing, and she was missing at home. The figure has also become much quieter, making him quite unaccustomed.

Wen Xinya smiled: "I am also afraid that Grandpa has devoted most of his energy to the preparation of the charity fund recently and is tired."

Grandpa is old, and he is becoming more and more enthusiastic about charity. Even a few like-minded old friends from time to time go to the welfare home to volunteer.

Mr. Wen said: "I have a sense of size. You went to country E for more than ten days, and it looks like you have lost some weight. Country E is not fun? It's hard to travel, so why not play for a few more days?"

Wen Xinya: "It's fun, but I have the college entrance examination in my heart, so I came back early."

No one but her grandfather knew that she was traveling to E-Country with Si Yizhen.

Mr. Wen asked a few more questions about her travels in Country E, and she warmly and yelled at her own experience, picking and picking up a few chats with her grandfather, and she still couldn't afford the company!

Read The Duke's Passion