MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 844 two forces

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  Chapter 844 Two major forces

  Being responsible for such a righteous speech by Gryzlov, Kolov was a little bit embarrassed.

   His face was flushed red, he stretched out his hand and scratched his head, his gray hair was messed up.

   Several times in the middle, I wanted to interrupt Gryzlov, but unfortunately Gryzlov didn't give him the chance.

   After finally waiting for Gryzlov to finish speaking, he couldn't wait to defend himself:

   "You can't blame me for this!

  Everyone understands that a weak country has no diplomacy.

  Looking at the economic development of our country over the years, and looking at the total GDP, it ranks outside the top ten in the world!

  In addition to our previous national system, it has a hostile relationship with European and American countries.

  So even now we have become a free and democratic society like European and American countries, but acceptance still needs a process, and it will take time..."

   Before he finished speaking, Zhirinov, who didn't deal with him very much, sneered and said:

   "Weak country?

  Why, in the eyes of Comrade Kolov, Russia has become a weak country!

   No wonder when developing diplomatic relations, you are always looking forward and backward and submissive, and you can’t speak hard, so how can others think highly of you!

   If you want me to say, the main reason is that you, the person in charge, are too soft-boned and don’t have the backbone of us Russians, so you are looked down upon everywhere in the international community, and your posture is getting lower and lower!

   On this point, I think Mikhail is countless times stronger than you.

  He is full of passion for work, he is neither humble nor overbearing when facing anyone, and he also fights for the interests of our country with reason, and he will not give up at first!

  This is the quality that a qualified diplomat should possess!

  So, I am in favor of Mikhail being the director of the Foreign Affairs Committee. No matter what, he will do a better job than you! "

   These words really didn't save any face, and Kolov's face turned blue and red when he said it directly.

  The leaders of the other four small factions also expressed their agreement with Gryzlov and Zhirinov, and agreed that Mikhail would take over as the director of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

  Korov was full of despair, he finally realized what it means to be pushed down by everyone, this is it!

   Isn't it because in this general election, the strength of their Moscow faction has been greatly reduced, and they only won 60 Duma seats.

   directly dropped from the original second place to the fourth place.

  The "sequelae" of the disastrous election defeat have begun to appear...

  The leaders of all other factions have reached a consensus to support Mikhail to take over as the director of the Foreign Affairs Committee. No matter how unwilling he is, it is useless.

  Because even if this matter is brought to the Duma Assembly and all Duma members vote, it is impossible for me to get enough votes.

   The Petersburg faction and the Mikhail faction alone have more than 300 votes!

  This will only make your situation more embarrassing...

  Since there is no way to do anything, Kolov no longer stubbornly resists. He rolled his eyes, forced a smile on his face, and said:

  "Since everyone thinks so, I won't say anything anymore, the minority obeys the majority.

  However, after Mikhail took over as the director of the Foreign Affairs Committee, the director of the Economic Committee would be vacant.

   It just so happens that I am familiar with economic work, having worked in government departments for many years.

   It's better for the two of us to switch, and I will be the director of the Economic Committee! "

  He is also a bachelor, and he has no clue to the end.

  In order to recover some losses, they simply settled for the next best thing and sought the position of director of the economic committee.

  Although the Economic Committee is slightly weaker than the Foreign Affairs Committee in terms of influence in state affairs, it is not much worse.

  After all, the Economic Commission is actually responsible for domestic economic policies and approving government department financial budgets.

   There is also a lot of space for activities!


   Unfortunately, Kolov's wishful thinking did not succeed.

   Gryzlov said dismissively:

"just you?

   I am also ashamed to be in charge of the economic committee!

  I would like to ask you, in the field of economics, whether you have served in the government department or when you worked in the Duma, have you made any achievements?

  Comrade Kolov, before you speak, please think about it first.

  Look at how much Mikhail has contributed to the country's economic development over the past year as the director of the Economic Council!

  Are you really confident to achieve his achievement? "

  Koloff was dumbfounded. He really didn't expect that Gryzlov would be so disrespectful to himself.

   Immediately, he patted the conference table from embarrassment, stared and said:

   "I am not suitable for the Economic Committee, so I want to ask you, who else is suitable!

   Could it be Zhirinov?

  I can tell everyone responsibly that if he is in charge of the Economic Committee, he is not as good as me! "

  According to Duma practice, the chairmen of the three major economic committees can only be served by the speakers.

  Now there are only four chairpersons and deputy speakers. Gryzlov will be the most important committee director, and Wang Ye will take over as the director of the Foreign Affairs Committee. The only remaining economic committee directors are Zhirinov and Kolov.

   In comparison, Kolov does understand the economy better.

  He has done related work anyway, and Zhirinov has never been exposed to economic work at all!

   Zhirinov blushed. He was indeed not very familiar with economic work, but he was still a little unconvinced by what Kolov said.

   Immediately retorted: "Maybe I am suitable, or I may not be suitable, but I haven't tried it yet. But you have already determined that it won't work! So from this perspective, I seem to be more suitable than you."

   Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Gryzlov quickly stopped:

   "Okay, there is no need for you to argue, Mikhail has done such a good job, no one else can achieve this result except him, including me!

  So, of course, he will continue to be the director of the economic committee. Isn't it normal to be the director of two committees at the same time?

  Besides, Mikhail is so young, so he should naturally share more work, we can’t let us old men do more work than him, haha..."

  Actually, Gryzlov has changed the concept a bit here.

   Indeed, sometimes the speaker or the deputy speaker will serve as the director of two or more committees.

   But the problem is, the three major committees are different from those small committees!

  Under normal circumstances, it would not be the case that one person concurrently serves as the director of the two committees...

   However, except for Kolov who expressed dissatisfaction with Gryzlov's proposal, no one else objected.

  Because everyone recognizes Mikhail's economic ability!

  As Gryzlov said, in the economic field, since the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, there is absolutely no one better than Mikhail in the past ten years!

  Look at how many practical things he has done in the past year as the economic committee!

  Especially in the past two years, the country's economy has been improving rapidly, but the foundation is too weak, so the total amount is not large enough.

   But give Mikhail a few more years, maybe he really has the ability to lead this country to prosperity!

   Even if he can’t, no one else can do it better than him...


   Vote again, seven in favor except Kolov.

  Wang Ye's continuing to serve as the director of the Economic Committee has been settled!

  Zhirinov and Kolov, they were only assigned the insignificant post of director of the small committee, and received the same treatment as the other four party leaders...

  Although the first meeting of the new Duma has not yet been held, all faction leaders present here clearly understand it.

  In the future Duma, there will only be two major forces!

   The Petersburg faction represented by Gryzlov, the **** Kremlin, is a big force.

  The "pan-liberal" faction headed by Mikhail is close to the Kremlin, but it is not a **** faction. It is also a big force, and it can even surpass the Petersburg faction in the new Duma!

Why is it called the "pan-liberal" faction? Because Mikhail's faction concept is relatively vague. It is both left and right. It also emphasizes that the government must have strong control and restrain certain industries...

   Therefore, it is difficult to give a qualitative definition of Wang Ye's faction philosophy.

  High EQ to describe, it is pan-freedom!

  Low EQ points, then you can have both sides...

  The original Moscow faction has completely "degenerated", and it is difficult for them to become a big "mountain" on their own, but there are no other factions close to them, so if they want to do something, they must rely on the two major factions.

   Compared with Gryzlov and the others, the Moscow faction is more willing to get closer to Mikhail.

  Although they and Mikhail had many conflicts before, and even fought secretly, at least the two sides have not torn faces in the open, and they are not the kind of endless enemies.

   But they are completely different from the Petersburg faction, and the contradictions are irreconcilable!

  So, in most cases, they will be on Mikhail's side.

   Not only for self-protection, but also for the "disgusting" Petersburg faction.

  As for Zhirinov and the others, it is a new faction with Hovchenko as the core, and Hovchenko is Mikhail's uncle!

   Unless when it comes to Khovchenko, maybe Zhirinov will not agree with Mikhail, and in everything else, he should follow Mikhail's footsteps!

   Based on such an analysis, among the top four factions, Wang Ye can "unite" to the third and fourth factions.

  Gryzlov and the others, although they occupy the title of "first faction", are actually isolated and helpless...

From this, it can be clearly analyzed that in the new Dumane, among the four major speakers, the one with the most weight and influence is not the speaker Gryzlov, but the first deputy speaker Mikhail. you!

  After the meeting, Zhirinov and several small faction leaders congratulated Wang Ye. Even Kolov hesitated and came over to have a few polite words with Wang Ye.

  Because Wang Ye’s harvest is the biggest, the director of the three major committees, he won two!

   It is not too much to say that the Duma is a state of power...


  The impact of the complete victory in the Duma election is not only reflected in the fact that Wang Ye has gained more real power.

   It also includes the attitude of everyone around him towards him, which is even more obvious!

  Puding personally called and invited Wang Ye and Rosiana over for dinner.

   You know, Wang Ye has been there many times before, but it was always Gebrev who called. This is the first time Puding called him...

  It was still the familiar small restaurant, with the same four people, Puding, Wang Ye, Rosiana, and Gobrev.

   It's not too obvious, but Wang Ye also felt it, that is, Puding's attitude towards himself is more "friendly", and when he sees himself, he smiles more than before...

   "Misha, congratulations!

   I never expected that you are not only talented in business, but also in politics.

  The result of the Duma election this time has surprised many people.

  The small faction that was originally unknown has become the backbone of the Duma under your leadership.

   Seriously, before the election, I already overestimated you and your faction, and thought you should get a hundred seats this time.

  But it turned out that I still underestimated you, haha..."

  As soon as we met, Puding put his arms around Wang Ye's shoulders with a smile on his face, congratulating him half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Wang Ye showed his signature shy smile on his face, and said modestly: "This is all due to the members of the faction, and has nothing to do with me. I just provided some logistical support for everyone, and... a little money. "

Gebrev smiled and shook his head beside him and said, "You are a bit hypocritical. In this general election of the Duma, who doesn't know that your faction has the most abundant resources and the most abundant funds! Even in the later stage, even Grezlow Husbands are going to ask you for help and some publicity resources."

   This is really true.

  Before and during the election, Wang Ye invested in the constituencies planned by Wang Ye and the members of the factions he tried to protect.

  There are enough publicity resources, and the funds can be spent freely!

  Whether the competitor is from Yang or Yin, Wang Ye will accompany him to the end!

  Election is not just a show. It requires not only capable candidates, but also the investment of various resources and funds.

   On this point, Wang Ye, the leader of the party, will definitely make the leaders of all other factions feel ashamed.

  This is why Wang Ye's faction has expanded so many people in a short period of time, but it is still the best among all factions in terms of unity and stability.

  Because most of the members are convinced of Wang Ye, the party leader!

   In contrast, Gryzlov’s Petersburg faction needless to say, was originally mixed with fish and dragons, and the funds were relatively limited, so they couldn’t compete with Wang Ye and Hovchenko.

  The Moscow faction faced the joint "encirclement and suppression" of the two major factions, and was targeted everywhere, which is why they lost so badly.

   As for Hovchenko’s faction, of course there is no problem in terms of funding, but after all, the newly established faction still suffers in terms of personnel, background, and popularity. To get so many seats now is considered to be an extraordinary performance!

  The rest of the small factions are not worth mentioning.


  (end of this chapter)