MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 845 Do my part

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  Chapter 845 Doing my part

   Puding is obviously quite satisfied with Wang Ye's plan on how to carry out diplomacy.

  He smiled and said:

   "It seems that you are the right choice to serve as the director of the Duma Foreign Affairs Committee.

  Koloff has been working for several years, and his work performance can only be described as mediocrity!

   It’s better for you young people, who are more passionate about work, have a broad vision, and have an international mindset.

  In the future, our government needs to make officials younger as much as possible, so that the country can develop faster and better..."

After saying some words of praise for Wang Ye, he changed the subject and asked Wang Ye again: "It is a systematic work to carry out foreign affairs, and your Duma alone will definitely not work. It is best for the Duma, the government, and the Kremlin to work together." The three sides of the palace formed a fixed working group to systematically plan the country's foreign affairs! Only in this way can our foreign affairs be coherent and unified, and we will not have several voices abroad like some European and American countries."

  Of course he understands what he said.

  Because of the relationship between the power structure, in some western countries, the parliament and the government are independent. Even in terms of foreign relations, the government has one attitude, while the parliament has another attitude.

  To give a simple example, if the Kremlin and the government take a wooing and supportive attitude towards Ermao and announce various preferential policies for Ermao.

  But the Duma did not approve of it. Instead, it issued various laws and regulations to restrict Ermao, and also rejected the preferential policies given by the government.

  Then Er Mao is going to be confused, whether Da Mao is good or bad to him, and his next step should be to get close to Da Mao or stay away from Da Mao...

   This is caused by the confusion in foreign affairs!

  Puding's proposal is to avoid this situation.

  Now he is still facing various challenges and competitors in the domestic political arena, and he is still far from being able to "speak the truth"!

  Especially with the sudden rise of Wang Ye in the Duma, and he is also deliberately cultivating Wang Ye, it is natural that he will not use some means to deprive the Duma of its corresponding power.

   He even wanted to give Wang Ye more power, so he made this suggestion!


  Wang Ye's heart moved, and he pushed the boat along the way: "This is really good! The three parties are linked, so that a consistent voice can be formed within the working group, and all departments in external affairs are in step with each other. The efficiency will be higher and the effect will be better."

Gobrev also joined in the fun and said: "It can't be called a working group, it seems too low-level, or it can be called... the State Foreign Affairs Committee! Included in the sequence of state institutions, the members are composed of the Duma Foreign Affairs Committee, the Kremlin Foreign Affairs Office, and the government. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is jointly formed. Misha serves as the director of this committee, and the representative of the Kremlin and the foreign minister of the government serve as the deputy chairmen.”

  Don’t mention it, with the prefix of “country”, this institution will appear taller.

   Actually, Wang Ye didn’t care what it was called. What he cared about was that after the establishment of this committee, its power would naturally be much greater than that of the Foreign Affairs Committee within the Duma!

  In the past, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Duma was only responsible for reviewing and drafting corresponding diplomatic regulations, and basically did not have the power to directly communicate with foreign countries, because that was the responsibility of the foreign department.

   But now that the so-called "National Foreign Affairs Committee" is established, the power will be unlimited!

   It can be said that it directly represents the attitude of the country to the outside world...

  After serving as the director of this committee, some of Wang Ye's plans can be carried out smoothly.

Puting thought for a moment, then nodded and said: "This opinion is fine! In the next period of time, I also need to concentrate on campaigning, so Misha and you can only take care of foreign affairs. Especially those you mentioned Neighboring country relations need to be dealt with as soon as possible, the sooner the better! For the Kremlin, let Gobrev be the representative, he is seasoned and prudent, and he just complements young people like you, Misha."

  He proposed to let Gobrev join the State Foreign Affairs Committee, which did not meet Wang Ye's expectations.

   After all, this committee also needs to "implement" some common external ideas, and it is impossible to let Wang Ye be the master alone.

  Goblev is his representative, he can convey his thoughts, and he can also keep an eye on Wang Ye to prevent him from messing around...

   But generally speaking, Puding's trust in Wang Ye has definitely improved significantly!

  Even such an important position was handed over to Wang Ye without hesitation. Diplomacy is an important weapon of the country, and he would never let others get involved in the past.

  Perhaps this is one of the invisible "benefits" brought about by Wang Ye and Rosiana's engagement.

  In the past, Puding might not have had such trust in Wang Ye.

   But it's completely different now. Speaking of it, Wang Ye and him can be regarded as close relatives, so he also confidently and boldly delegated some things to Wang Ye.

  Wang Ye naturally did his part. Even if Gebrev didn't propose to let him take up this position, Wang Ye would fight for it himself.

   Otherwise, he would rather not participate in this so-called committee.

  If you want him to join and cooperate, you must let him take the lead!

He smiled and nodded and said: "I have no problem. After the committee is established, I will start to arrange the next step. The first thing is to visit the surrounding countries, get in touch with them, and find out what they think of us. , and then formulate a targeted diplomatic strategy."

   "Well, tomorrow I will ask the office to draft the document and send it to the Duma for discussion and approval." Pu Ding said without hesitation.

  In a few words, a major national event was finalized, which would even affect the future fate of several surrounding countries!

  This is where power is more addictive...


  On the third day after the Kremlin dinner, a proposal titled "Proposed Establishment of a State Foreign Affairs Committee" was sent to the Duma.

   Obviously, this is the result of Wang Ye's conversation with Pu Ding that night.

  The content of the plan is exactly the same as what the two talked about.

  The Kremlin pointed out that in order to cope with the increasingly complex international environment, it is necessary to set up a full-time department in charge of foreign relations to be responsible for collecting, researching, and making decisions on the country's overall foreign policy and affairs!

  The members are the Duma Foreign Affairs Committee, the Foreign Affairs Office of the Kremlin, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs!

  Committee Director Mikhail.

  Deputy Director, Gobrev and Foreign Minister Raklov!

  After the establishment of the committee, all departments and agencies must follow the guidelines and plans specified by the committee when it comes to foreign relations...

  When he saw this plan, Gryzlov's expression changed.

   It’s not that this plan hindered him, but that he was shocked by the Kremlin’s trust in Mikhail!

   This is almost equivalent to the fact that the Kremlin has given part of his power to Mikhail...

   It also means that after the establishment of the National Foreign Affairs Committee, Wang Ye will be the one who can make the final decision on foreign affairs!

  In any country, this is basically the power that only the person in the highest position can have...

  Honestly, he couldn't believe it.

  But the plan was right in front of him, and he couldn't help but not believe it.

   After hesitating again and again, Gryzlov went to Wang Ye's office with the plan, wanting to find out what Wang Ye said.


   "Mikhail, you should have received this item, right? This is..." Gryzlov asked tentatively after clapping the plan in his hand.

  Before the meeting, this plan will definitely be sent to the hands of several speakers for them to have a look first.

  In addition, Wang Ye is also the director of the Duma Foreign Affairs Committee, so he will definitely receive it.

   What Gryzlov asked was whether Wang Ye knew about this in advance!

  Wang Ye also knew the meaning of Gryzlov's coming, so he smiled slightly and responded: "Well, I discussed this matter with Mr. Puding, and it is my opinion."

   Gryzlov felt a little lost for no reason.

  At any rate, he is also the official speaker, and even the leader of the first faction!

   As a result, whether in the eyes of many members of the Duma or in the eyes of the Kremlin, I am no more important than Mikhail...

   After all, he is an old oil in the political arena. Although Gryzlov was disappointed, his face remained calm, and he said with a smile: "Congratulations, after the establishment of this committee, you will be busy."

Wang Ye shook his head and said helplessly: "Hey, there is no way, I actually don't want to. But who asked me to be the director of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Duma, and I want to help our country improve the international environment, so I can only insist on it." Scalp to do something."

  Seeing Wang Ye’s good manners despite being cheap, Gryzlov really wanted to tell him that if he didn’t want to be the chairman of the committee, then he didn’t mind working hard for him!

  Of course, this must not be said...

   After holding back for a long time, he finally squeezed out a sentence, "Actually, if you think about it carefully, you are the most suitable position. After all, the center of our country's diplomacy is still within Europe, so your identity has a natural advantage!"

   It seems that Gryzlov is not stupid, he finally figured out why Wang Ye can sit in such a high position.

  Besides that Wang Ye himself has a good reputation, and his performance in the past few years has been seen by Ke Gong, his "messy" relationship also played a big role.

   Among other things, the status of "the husband of the Grand Duchess Romanov" can make Wang Ye related to the royal families of many European countries.

   Don't feel that this relationship is a "joke". At certain critical moments, it can really work!


   This matter, brought to the Duma for discussion is just a formality, because no one will object.

   There are a total of four speakers. Of course, Gryzlov cannot object, because this is something that was brought out by the Kremlin.

  Wang Ye is even less likely to object, this in itself is his idea.

   Zhirinov will not object, this matter has nothing to do with him but it is beneficial to Wang Ye...

  The only one who might object is Kolov and his faction.

  It's a pity that their faction suffered a disastrous defeat in the new Duma election. With so few seats now, it is impossible for them to cause any disturbances by themselves.

   Therefore, the plan was successfully passed at the Duma Assembly, with 450 votes and 432 votes in favor, 15 votes abstained, and only three MPs opposed it.

  After the plan was approved, Gobrev immediately took action, and the work was very efficient.

   It took only three days to go through all the procedures for the establishment of the organization, and even found an office!

  Because it is an independent institution with a very high level, and it also involves cross-departmental cooperation, the office is located in the Kremlin.

  Goblev found a small building alone, and put up a big sign of "State Foreign Affairs Committee"!

  As the director of the committee, it means that Wang Ye also has his own office in the Kremlin...


  The first meeting after the establishment of the National Foreign Affairs Committee, only three people attended.

   That is, Director Mikhail, Deputy Director Gobrev and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

  The current Minister of Foreign Affairs is named Raklov. He is in his early fifties this year, about the same size as Gobrev.

  Slightly chubby figure, ruddy face, pale golden curly hair, looks benevolent, and seems to have a good temper.

  Wang Ye hadn’t dealt with him much before, but he had been introduced by Gobrev, saying that Raklov was a good person and had a good reputation.

  However, Raklof doesn't care much about how he is king, because in this committee, it is not Raklof's turn to dictate.

  Anything, as long as he can reach an agreement with the Kremlin, then Lacroft only needs to implement it.

  After the three of them met, the first thing they discussed was the eastward expansion of North Y that happened last month!

  Although both the Kremlin and the foreign affairs department have protested or something, that is just an attitude, and there is no real substantive action yet.

  What Wang Ye wants to discuss now is how to make a substantive response.

  He repeated the plan he proposed during the meal in the Kremlin, and finally said firmly:

   "This is already the most direct and effective response we can make!

  It is impossible for us to really go to war with North Y or those countries because of this incident, and it is also impossible to treat it as if it didn’t happen.

  So, the deployment of strategic weapons in Kaliningrad will make all the countries involved understand our attitude and determination, and there is no need to say anything more. "

  The reason why I mention it again is because this is an official meeting of the National Foreign Affairs Committee.

   represents the "official" opinion!

  Once a resolution is formed at this meeting, it will go directly to the process, and even the Kremlin will not be able to stop it.

   Obviously, Gobrev was still a little hesitant. It is estimated that the Kremlin had not yet made a final decision on this matter.

   On the contrary, Racroft's eyes lit up, and he immediately agreed:

   "I think Director Mikhail's response is very appropriate!

   It not only warns the other party, but also makes them understand our determination and bottom line, and at the same time prevents conflicts from going off.

   If you want to ease the relationship later, it is also very convenient. You only need to withdraw the strategic weapons.

  Of course, if they want us to withdraw, they must show enough sincerity. "

  Wang Ye was a little surprised. I didn’t expect that Racroft could draw inferences from one instance and guessed something that he didn’t say clearly...

  (end of this chapter)