MTL - Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm-Chapter 151 Kill and escape!

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Wei Xuan guessed that what he felt was probably the zombie of the little girl he saw last time, after all, the experience of the last encounter was too vivid for people to remember.

And if there is more than one such existence in the entire city of t... it really makes people feel that the future is dark. So seeing that it was indeed it at this time, Wei Xuan secretly heaved a sigh of relief while being startled.

However, the worry in my heart couldn't help rising again. The last time I saw it, only its parents were around it, but now...there are as many as a dozen special zombies like Du Hang who are closely entrenched around it. There are no fewer than three or four hundred relatively advanced zombies fighting the survivors! There are more zombie security guards than my own community!

If it finds out, even if I and Du Hang can escape, I'm afraid I won't dare to lure them to my own community for the time being. Otherwise, even if I can survive, the safety of the community will be a problem.

With these thoughts in his mind, Wei Xuan couldn't help but turn his eyes to those zombies again, only then did he discover some differences. Before, he only saw that the zombies were able to control their instincts not to eat those humans after catching the living. But looking carefully now, it seems that it is not the same thing.

Those who were injured in the battle and died on the spot had either turned into zombies at this time, or they were all eaten by the surrounding zombies.

Those zombies that retreated, and the zombies that came out with the zombie of the little girl were all staring at the few living people surrounded at this time, each of them had a hideous expression, and they wanted to pounce on them for a few bites, but they saw The little girl showed obvious fear when she was a zombie.

Yes, it is fear! The reason why they don't rush to bite people at this time is not because they can control their instincts, but because they dare not act on their own initiative before they agree!

Wei Xuan slightly squeezed Du Hang's arms which he had been holding all the time. They were indeed different from Du Hang. If there was no zombie of the little girl, they would definitely pounce on them immediately and bite them without hesitation!

But Du Hang was different. Even in his previous life, when he was not around to hold him, Du Hang would show hesitation when catching a living person, and would not directly open his mouth to bite someone. Of course, after that, I will definitely stop him from biting people, but before that, Du Hang can control his actions at critical moments, which is completely different from other zombies.

Just when Wei Xuan was fascinated again and was a little proud of the specialness of his own zombie, a figure suddenly ran up to the little girl's zombie dancing with a nervous smile on his face.

"Your Majesty Queen! How do you want to eat this time? Do you want to make it into raw slices? Or drain the blood and enjoy it slowly? Or..." The man's voice was very loud at this time, although the speed of his speech was a bit fast, he could speak clearly.

The battle below at this time was over, and there was no other sound. After hearing what the man said clearly, Wei Wei couldn't help frowning slightly. Although he had guessed before that this person might also be a type of lunatic, a lunatic who mixed with zombies. But...this kind of behavior of helping zombies eat people, and how to help zombie staff cannibalize people with such high interest... really made Wei Xuan feel sick.

At this time, Wei Xuan actually didn't have any troubles in his heart about humans killing zombies or zombies killing humans. These are all different positions, and he had completely abandoned it when he decided to live with Du Hang. Beyond these so-called psychological bottom lines, as long as you don't provoke him, there is no difference in his eyes whether it is a zombie or a human.

But no matter what, this man's actions really made him feel sick—Wei Xuan had no objection to killing those people, but Wei Xuan couldn't agree with this attitude, as if he wished he could do it himself, to torture and kill living people. It's impossible that these people have some life and death feud with him, right?

At least Wei Xuan didn't see any hatred from that man's face, all he saw was pleasure and excitement, which made his face that looked older than ordinary people look so... wait, this face?

Wei Xuan's heart skipped a beat suddenly, and a strange feeling emerged.

The man had sallow skin and an old face, and his face was wrinkled when he smiled.

This face is very familiar, he is one of the group of people I saw when I was collecting things in the urban area last year! And the reason why he was able to recognize him at that time was because this person, Wei Xuan, had worked with him several times when he left the base in his previous life! Especially the last few times when he left the base, Wei Xuan definitely teamed up with this person!

If last time Wei Xuan was only emotional because he saw a face he had met in his previous life, then at this time, his heart was filled with emotions mixed with surprise, puzzlement, doubt, and doubt.

Although I often went out to do missions in my previous life, I went back alone almost every time.

In the end, the self in his previous life was revealed to have set a trap, and he was caught together with Du Hang, and was taken as a test object and locked up in a research institute privately set up by a certain force in the base.

Why would you be targeted? It's nothing more than because every time I go out, I can come back safely every time.

But who would pay special attention to a person like himself who doesn't have a team as his background? And why would someone be able to set that trap after discovering their relationship with Du Hang?

There is no doubt that the person who doubts himself the most is likely to be someone who has a similar experience to himself!

Seeing that person excitedly surrounding the little girl's zombie and calling "My Lady Queen", Wei Xuan felt his mind go blank, and the sound of his heartbeat came into his eardrums. At this moment, he could no longer feel everything around him, only the man in his eyes.

He really wanted to rush out immediately, grab that man and ask if he was the one who reported on him in his previous life? But it is very clear that it is absolutely impossible for me in this life to get the answer.

But as long as you think about it for a while, you can understand that if there is no deviation in that person's life trajectory, then he must be living between the base and the city at this time. Cooperate with them to catch the survivors who go out to do the mission.

It doesn't matter what the reason is, the important thing is that people with such a background absolutely don't want the same kind to exist! Because what he did was absolutely invisible, and he was also living in the base and abandoned urban areas at that time. If the other party accidentally saw him among the zombies, if the other party could be sure that he was the same as him every time. If I come back alone and unharmed...

Those who have cooperated with him can definitely recognize themselves at a glance! And when I usually go out, I never pay attention to what a zombie looks like! What's more, he may have found himself by accident while hiding in some buildings...

Sometimes once a certain idea arises, it is very difficult for a person to get out of this idea in a short time. Wei Xuan is like this now, although he also wants to calm down, think about the problem from other angles, and guess whether it is possible that someone else set a trap for him for some reason. But now, no matter how he thinks about it, he feels that it is very likely that this person did it.

Perhaps it was because the hatred that gradually emerged in Wei Xuan's line of sight was too obvious, or maybe it was because the anger burning in his heart was too great, Du Hang, who was sitting by the window with him in his arms, looked at Wei Xuan and then at the picture below. For that group of zombies and humans, suddenly, a little golden glow flew out from the side of Wei Xuan's face, almost just for a moment, the man below who had already pulled out a knife to make a raw slice suddenly stopped, and with a "plop", he fell to the ground. sorry...

Wei Xuan was stunned for a moment, before the anger in his heart could be released, he was shocked to find that his target person had... died? ?

He turned his head to look back with a look of astonishment, and saw Du Hang still raised one hand, and saw himself tilt his head to look at himself when he turned his head.

"...Do you think you'll be fine if you're cute after you kill someone?" Wei Xuan's voice was squeezed out from between his teeth, and he hurriedly turned his head to look out the window, and saw the group of zombies outside because they smelled of fresh blood It got excited when it came out, and the little girl zombie was already standing on the ground, tilting her head to look at the man who died at its feet, and then turned her head to look at herself!

After looking at the eyes that were obviously different from ordinary zombies, Wei Xuan felt his scalp tingling for a while, and he immediately pulled Du Hang's arm: "Go! Go immediately, the farther the better!"

The windows without glass windows allowed almost everyone to pass through. Du Hang jumped out with Wei Xuan in his arms, and after a few steps, he was out of sight of the group of zombies.

Those zombies didn't catch up, because they couldn't feel human breath on either Du Hang or Wei Xuan.

The little girl zombie just tilted her head to look at the two people who left, and then looked at the dead man on the ground with a disappointed gaze. The man's body suddenly twitched a few times, and then he stood up slowly, with a longing roar coming from his throat Looking at the living people who collapsed on the ground - this guy has become an ordinary zombie with no memory and no wisdom at all.

The little girl suddenly raised her hand and pointed at the new zombie who instinctively wanted to rush to the living person to bite a few bites. A zombie beside it suddenly jumped out, and chopped off the new zombie's head with a single claw. It fell to the ground with a sound.

The attacking zombie took two steps forward, dug out the newly formed, transparent crystal nucleus from its head, and turned to look at the little girl zombie with longing in his eyes.

The little girl zombie didn't pay attention to it, but it seemed to have received some instructions, and stuffed the red, white and white crystal nucleus into its mouth with excitement, attracting the eager eyes of other zombies around.

A few girls hopped to the side of the still or, but unable to move living people in the field, looked around, walked up to a man with the strongest body, and took a bite - the easy food will be gone later, but , it doesn't matter.

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