MTL - Record of Mortal’s Journey to Immortality: Immortal World-Chapter 15 Token

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Yujia main house.

The original flowery house completely turned into a piece of shackles, and looked up. The eyes were full of dead bodies, blood flow everywhere, the air was filled with blood and suffocation.

Nowadays, most of the survivors of Yujia are gathered here. There are only 20 people in appearance, there are old and young, Miss Yu Qi, Yu Er Shaoye and others are among them.

Everyone is a look of horror, a few graceful women are more trembling, only a few of Miss Yu and so on, the face can still be a bit calm.

There are a lot of black people here, and there are nearly 30 people in appearance. They are surrounded by three sides and trapped in the house. These people are divided into small groups in groups of three, most of them holding various instruments. They are all monks.

Fortunately, the rest of the Yu family’s offerings finally arrived, and they protected Yu Jiayi and others.

After all, Yu Jia is the Prime Minister of Fengguo, and the monks who support him are offering good strength. Especially a middle-aged monk in the red robe in front of the rest of the family, with a face and five short bodies, seemingly inconspicuous, but the whole body is red. It lingers and exudes a huge pressure on the knot.

There is a red-red fireball magic weapon floating above his head. There are several red fireballs flying around in the vicinity, and the momentum is amazing.

The other three Yujia are dedicated to two men and one woman. Although they are not as good as the former, they look extraordinary. One of the young women with a fine facial features, but a scarred black woman on the face, and another tall man with a thin body and a deep eye socket, were divided into two sides of the red robe monk.

The last one with rough hands and feet and dark skin, like the old-fashioned old man in the countryside, stood in a later position.

Although there are monks in the Dan, they only have four people, and they have to be distracted to protect the rest of the family. For a time, they are in a stalemate with the surrounding black monks.

"It’s not a way to go on like this. You will protect Miss Seven and they will see the opportunity to rush out!" The red robe middle-aged man was a monk of the Dan, and he asked a few times, and after all the black people answered, he finally became angry. When they rushed to the other three offerings, they smashed their hands and squirted a red light into the red fireball.

The red fireball suddenly increased in speed and became blurred.

In the sound of a "squeaky" sound, more than a dozen huge fireballs whirl out from them, quickly blending together and turning into a large fire dragon with more than ten feet.


The fire dragon's body is red and clear, and roaring, the claws of the claws are thrown into the black crowd in front.


When the first team of black people could not prevent it, they were directly hit by the fire dragon, and two of them directly turned into ashes.

Then the dragon and the dragon slammed into a layer of fire waves, and the crowds around him saw them and rushed back.

After a riot, the black monk suddenly reacted, and various instruments and techniques immediately fell on the fire dragon.

The huge body of the dragon was swaying from the bombardment, and the flames rolled over, but it did not hurt the roots. It was still rushing around. There were a few black and white people who were not dead or injured.


The red robe monk shouted at the black woman and other people.

However, at this time, the sound of "嗖", a blur of black light and incomparable flying, such as a black lightning, the position of the fire dragon's lower abdomen.


The black light was deeply pierced into the body of the dragon, but it was a long black arrow, and the arrow was faintly engraved with black runes.


The arrow on the rune suddenly burst into black light, bursting open, as if hit a dry thunder, bursting out a huge red-black mushroom cloud, the ground nearby trembled.

The fire dragon's lower abdomen was suddenly blown out of a big hole, and the whole body was flashing.

Seeing this situation, the red robe monk and the other three offerings were shocked!

Not far from the gate, I do not know when a black man appeared, holding a black bow, and the black light around him, it was the peak of the foundation period.

The darkness behind him moved out of the four black men, all of which were the peaks of the foundation period. They also held black bows, bent arrows and arrows, and pulled the strings.


Four black-and-white arrows flowed like a meteor, and crossed the road in the night sky, like a thunderstorm.

The red robe monk's hands were changed in a row, driving the fire dragon to escape, but the body was too large, and the archery of those people was fine, only one arrow was escaped, and the other three arrows hit all.


Three branch arrows burst into bursts!

The body of the fire dragon was suddenly blown out of three large holes, and it was no longer able to maintain its shape. It collapsed into a red flame and disappeared.

The red robe monk snorted and his body swayed.

At this moment, another scream of screaming and screaming, a pale radiance emerged from the darkness, and the speed was several times faster than those few arrows, and it was in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Under the robes of the red robe, the red fireballs on the top of the head immediately flew out and greeted the white light. They flew away, and with one hand, a blue light and a red light flew out, but it was a blue one. The little sword and a red flying fork also hit the white light.

The white light flashed, and the body appeared, but it was a three-foot long bone knife surrounded by a gale.

The bone knife slammed, and a large piece of faint black silk appeared on the top, wrapped around the red fireball, the blue little sword, and the red flying fork.

The surface of the three magic weapons was faint, and immediately became stagnant and crumbling.

As soon as the bone knife swayed, it passed through the middle of the three magic weapons, and then appeared in the vicinity of the head of the red robe monk, which was like a lightning bolt.


The red robe monk screamed in the mouth and immediately stopped, his head slammed and fell from his neck.

A blood spring spurted out and spewed a few feet high. The headless body swayed and fell to the ground.

"Red robe is a man!"

The rest of the family exclaimed.

The three women in black and other three enshrines are also amnesty. They have stepped back a few steps and some are at a loss.

Then, a sinister youth walked out of the crowd slowly. It was the person who had previously peeked out in Mingyuan City, but the gray man was not by his side.

The black people around him saw the evil spirits appearing, and immediately stopped their hands and stood up.

The evil spirits had a single hand, and the white bone knife suddenly flew back, and the three magic weapons of the red robe monk were also brought back by the bone knife.

His eyes were swept away on the three magic weapons, revealing a trace of disdain, but still waved his hand, and this looked at the Yujia people, said coldly:

"All killed, no one left."

"Yes!" The black men quickly promised and stepped forward.

The three Yujia’s faces were ugly, but they did not stop.

Yufu’s daughter-in-law saw this and suddenly burst into tears. On the spot, there were also soft people on the ground. Some unbearable people were incontinent on the spot.

"And slow!"

A pleasing sound came out, and one person came out in the crowd. It was Miss Seven.

At this moment she replaced the men's clothing again, but still could not hide the soft color of the eyebrows.

"It's you"

The evil spirits of the youth are bright, and the obscenity is turning on the seven Miss.

Miss Seven is pale, but she can barely keep calm, and resists the urge to dig out the other's eyes. She takes out a purple gold token from her arms and shines out.

The token is engraved with a purple gold flame pattern that is lifelike.

"Whose people are you, dare to slaughter my Yufu, don't put cold flames in your eyes!"


^^ Forgetting WeChat public number (wang--yu----) has launched a virtual dynamic 3D "Han Li" image.

Replying to "Seeing Han Li", the incredible scene appears instantly!

In the future, there will be 3D images of Nangong Temple, Ziling, Soul Beast, and Golden Snake.