MTL - Record of Mortal’s Journey to Immortality: Immortal World-Chapter 18 request

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From the gray coat, the man suddenly appeared and attacked Han Li at the same time as the evil spirit youth, and went to Han Li to kill the two, but only two or three breaths.

The two unsuccessful monks of the Danish period were so easily fallen, which made everyone around the family, including the black man and the black man, stunned.

In particular, the last white light ejected from Han Likou came without a trace, but in the blink of an eye, the evil spirits who had fled to the horizon were killed in one fell swoop, plus the one who did not know who shouted "Repair", let the group of black people cracked their livers and gallbladders, no longer dare to stay, they have to sacrifice the instruments, flying like also want to escape Yufu.

You must know that in the Lingbi boundary sword repair can easily crush the same level of monks, and the flying sword is extremely fast, can kill people invisible, if you don't leave at the moment, you will not be able to walk away.

For a time, Yufu’s main house was in the courtyard, and the instruments were light, and dozens of shuttles rushed to the sky, fleeing in all directions.

Han Li did not look at these people, but looked at the corpse of the evil youth, his brow slightly picked, his face was a trace of thoughtful color.

In this way, the rest of the family of the Yu family, no one dare to speak out, as for the young women in black and other three offerings, at this moment, the atmosphere is not afraid to take a breath.

It was a real person of Shiraishi, who sneaked a glimpse of Han Li, and hesitated, and slammed the right hand to the black monks who fled.

I saw that the sleeves were slightly drummed, and a golden long rope suddenly flew out like a viper, and suddenly swept in the air, and quickly flew back.

A bang was heard.

A long-skinned black monk was photographed back by the golden rope, tied like a scorpion, and squatted on the ground in front of Han Li.

"Rao...forgiveness..." The black monk fell to the ground, and he did not care for the pain. He saw Han Li in front of him and immediately struggled for mercy.

"Do you know the ghosts of this day?" Han Li did not go to see the black monk in front of him, and asked him to turn to Bai Shizhen.

"The Heavenly Ghosts and the Cold Flames are the most popular in the spiritual world." After seeing the Miss Seven, Bai Shizhen, he carefully looked back.

"How many people did the Heavenly Ghosts send to Mingyuan City?" Han nodded and looked down at the black man.

"Starting...Starting the predecessors, as far as I know, there are only those people who come to Yufu." The black monk struggled to sit up and rush back.

As a result, the voice just fell, and it suddenly felt a cold, such as falling ice.

He only saw the tall young man in front of him, staring at his own eyes suddenly became very cold, and the dark scorpions seemed to suddenly become extremely huge, turning into two bottomless black whirlpools, as long as they dare to be smart. Speaking a half-lie, it will be swallowed up immediately.

This feeling is just a fleeting moment, but he is swelled and his back is also soaked in cold sweat.

"Predecessors are angry, and what they say in the following is true! I am only a disciple of the sect inside and outside. I am only ordered to act in the prime minister's office. As for whether there are other disciples in the city, I really don't know." The black monk wants to kneel down. Shantou, but can not be done because of the golden rope, can only deeply buried the head.

"Following the order! His order?" Han Li looked at the evil body of the young man in the distance, asked faintly.

"Yes, he...he is Qi Minghao. He is a disciple of this sect. He is very talented and very important. He has a cousin of the same family. He is the elder of this sect. He has this refuge. I don't dare to Listening to his orders, if I knew that Yufu had a predecessor's shelter, I would borrow one hundred of my orders, and I would never dare to step into the Yufu half-step." The black monk nodded and continued to plead.

Miss Seven did not know when she had come over, and her eyes were reddish and asked: "What did Qi Minghao say before, are they true? My fathers have already..."

"Fengdu's business, I am not qualified to participate in the foreign disciples, but as far as I know, it is similar to Qi Minghao." The black monk replied with some fear.

Miss Yu Qi listened, her eyes closed, and two teardrops quickly fell from the corner of her eye.

In the rest of the house, there was another burst of low weeping.

"Since your Heavenly Ghosts have taken over Fengguo, the original royal family is controlled. Why do you want to destroy my Yu family?" After Miss Seven opened the beauty, she asked with a painful look.

"This is the custom of Zong Nei. In order to completely control the Fengguo, the royal family members who had been associated with the Cold Flames and the family members who were loyal to the original royal family will be baptized in all. The rest of the family belongs to this class. Don't blame me for talking about it. The elders in the door are extremely prosperous in the door. The grandson is killed. He will surely pursue the end. It is the same foreign disciple who will be implicated in his anger. Killing." The black monk suddenly thought of something, and he replied with a fearful trembling voice.

When Yufu people heard this, they suddenly became very scared, and the three young women in black and other portraits became extremely difficult to look at.

"Seven sisters, still said so much, we will leave soon. Are you still a master in the cold flames? Go to her, she will certainly take us." Yufu second master, where is the moment There is also the original appearance of the Tsing Yi Confucian shirt, the tears of the face, almost crying and pleading.

Miss Seven ignored him, lifted her sleeves and wiped the tears on her cheeks. She went to Han Li, Liu Leer and Bai Shizhen three people, and gave a gift, respectfully said: "Thank you for the three life-saving graces."

Han Li did not speak, and accepted it.

Shiraishi really just nodded and said nothing.

"Seven Miss..."

Liu Leer, who has also experienced the tragic death of his relatives, is inevitably somewhat touched and hurts at the moment. He wants to say a few words of comfort, but he does not know what to say. He can only call this sentence and he will not have the following.

Miss Seven nodded at her and barely smiled.

Then, her face slowly sank, and the previous sadness gradually faded away, and her face gradually became firmer, as if she had changed from Seven Misses to seven sons.

In her hand, the white light flashed a smudged dagger, which was the handle that had been shot down by Han Li, and stabbed to the chest of the black monk without saying anything.


With a screaming scream, the long dagger was barely stalked.

The black monk fell in a pool of blood, and after a few twitching, he no longer moved.

Other people in Yufu can see this and can’t help but face each other.

At this time, Miss Qi looked at the more than ten people who survived the robbery and said with resoluteness:

"Yufu’s suffering has become a reality. Even if there is a cold flame, it’s not a day or two. It’s not a day or two. I will go to the cold flames with me. The rest, I don’t want to follow. After a while, you can take away the money from the Treasury in the government and disperse it yourself."

The rest of the family, who had already been so worried that they had reached the extreme, really stabilized their minds and stopped whispering and gradually settled down.

Han Li saw this and couldn't help but see the young lady.

"As for a few devotions, today I am desperate to protect my Yufu relatives. It is already a great grace. If you want to leave, you can choose a few pieces to take away. You can continue to **** us to the cold flames, in the future. I will also thank you again." Then Miss Nyan again turned her eyes on a few women in black, and said.

A few women in black clothes listened and looked at each other, looking very hesitant, and their eyes were swayed to Han Li and Shiraishi.

When Miss Seven saw her, she couldn’t help but look at Han Li’s eyes. When she felt a turn, she immediately walked a few steps and said after a tribute.

"Liu Big Brother, although I don't know your origins, I can see that you are a true predecessor, and ordinary treasures may not be able to enter your eyes. I am willing to do it with a sacred pearl that has been passed down from generation to generation. Remuneration, I hope you can **** me to go to the cold flames." Miss Qi looked straight into Han Li, sincerely said.


Shiraishi’s real-life man’s eyebrows evoked a greedy color, but when the corner of his eye glanced at Han Li, the thought in his heart suddenly vanished.

"Seven sisters, are you crazy? Can you tell me about the Yuanzhu?" Yu Jia's second master was shocked and cried.

"Yufu has to be gone, what is the name of a Yuanzhuzhu in the district? As long as Liu Dage promised, Xiaomei will go to the library to get the beads, how?" Miss Seven ignored it, and a pair of beautiful women also Looking at Han Li without hesitation, calmly said.