MTL - Red Moscow-Chapter 16 timely reinforcements

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  Chapter 16 Reinforcements arrived in time

  Although Vasily didn't know how many enemies came to the village, judging from the dense gunfire, there must be a lot of German troops. The landlady's tears melted Vasily's courage like snow in the sun. He hastily closed the door tightly, gripped his pistol tightly, leaned against the wall together with the landlady, and looked out the window nervously, fearing that some Germans would come here by mistake.

  The battle that is expected to take place in the barn at this moment has entered a white-hot state. Due to the fierce firepower of the German army, the soldiers who rushed out of the barn were suppressed by the rain of bullets on the ground. Just as they raised their heads to fight back, the bullets flying from the opposite side hit the snowdrift in front of them, splashing mud and snow powder on the ground. On the face and head, the soldiers couldn't open their eyes. They could only stretch out the guns in their hands, put their heads down and raised their wrists slightly, pulled the trigger based on feeling, and shot towards the opposite side in vain. Rather than fighting back, it was more accurate to say it for courage.

The machine gun that was originally in the ruins of a nearby house could still attract the firepower of the German army, but at some point it became silent, so that the German army could turn more firepower around, continue to rely on the superiority of firepower, and deal with the inferior firepower. The Soviet army suppressed.

Lin Hua, who was hiding behind a tree stump, noticed that the machine gun hadn't fired, and quickly shook his head vigorously, shaking off all the snow powder that fell on the military cap, and then shouted at the top of his voice: "Xie Liaosha, Xie Liaosha, Where did you die?"

Sergesha, who was hiding not far away, heard Lin Hua's cry, first confirmed his location, rolled a few times on the spot, rolled to Lin Hua's side, and asked loudly: "Misha, What's up?"

  Lin Hua pointed to the spot where he was, and said loudly to Sergey: "Sergesha, the machine gun over there may be out of ammunition, hurry up and send him the ammunition."

   In order to prevent being hit by German bullets, Sergey did not get up when going to the barn, but rolled into the barn on the spot. After finding a box of ammunition in the corner, he crawled out of the barn on all fours, toward the machine gun emplacement. It wasn't until he climbed into the ruins of the house that he realized why the machine gun stopped firing. It turned out that not only had the bullets been fired, but even the machine gunner had died.

  The deputy shooter with a wounded arm was sitting in a corner bandaging his wound. Seeing Seryozha dragging a box of bullets in, he couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he didn't care about continuing to bandage the wound, but asked excitedly, "Seryozha, you brought me the ammunition!"

   Serezha put down the ammunition and was going to help the deputy shooter bandage the wound. But the deputy shooter waved his hand, got up straight and walked to the ammunition box, bent down to open the box, took out a round magazine, skillfully installed it on the gun body, and then put the machine gun on the burnt black window frame, He pulled the trigger decisively.

  Frank saw that the Soviet army was suppressed by his own firepower and could not raise his head, so he raised his hand and waved forward, signaling the surrounding soldiers to press up and kill all the Soviet troops on the opposite side. Several soldiers came out of their hiding place immediately, they pressed their submachine guns to their stomachs, bent over, and rushed forward quickly. Unexpectedly, at this time, the sound of "da da da" suddenly came from the side, and the firepower of the machine gun that had been silent for a long time suddenly came back to life. The German soldiers fell down like cut rice without even humming. on the ground.

  The German army had to mobilize another part of its firepower to suppress and shoot at the firepower of the Soviet army's machine guns. When the two sides were fighting inextricably, suddenly a ball of flames burst out where the German army was hiding, and then there was an explosion. The German soldiers near the explosion point were uprooted from the ground by the blast, thrown into the air, and then fell down hard.

  Lin Hua, who was hiding behind the tree stump, couldn't help being taken aback when he saw this situation, and thought to himself: What's going on? Could it be that someone threw the grenade, which is as powerful as a mortar.

  He had just thought of this when there was another explosion from the German army's hiding place. With the help of the flames of the explosion, several Germans could be seen blown to pieces.

"Comrade platoon leader," Andrei, who was lying not far from Lin Hua, shouted excitedly, "It's a tank gun. It's our tanks firing. Our reinforcements are here!" Lin Hua turned his head and saw a A T-34 tank was slowly driving along the road between the villages from the east of the village, followed by many soldiers in white camouflage uniforms.

  Seeing the arrival of the Soviet reinforcements, the German machine guns and submachine guns immediately turned their muzzles and fired at the tanks. Although the bullets hit the armor plate of the tank like hail, they couldn't cause any decent damage, and the Soviet tanks still maintained their original speed and approached.

  Maybe it was the crazy shooting of the German army, which angered the Soviet tank driver. He stopped the tank, aimed at the German hiding place and fired another shot. After the explosion sounded, the German firing almost completely stopped. Seeing this, Lin Hua jumped up from the ground, raised the rifle in his hand high above his head, and shouted: "Comrades, go!"

  The battle ended after twenty minutes, and several captured German soldiers stood by the roadside with their hands raised. A Soviet captain came over and asked the soldiers in the garrison loudly, "Who is the commander here?"

  Lin Hua hurried out of the line and raised his hand to salute him: "Comrade Captain, I am Sergeant Sokov, the garrison platoon leader. We were attacked by the German army. If you hadn't arrived in time, we probably would have been finished."

  The captain shook hands with Lin Hua, and said: "Comrade sergeant, the division commander ordered our company to come for reinforcements. Without the assistance of the tank soldiers, it is estimated that the battle could not be resolved so quickly. How about it, did you suffer heavy casualties?"

  Although there is no time to count the specific casualties, Lin Hua still knows that more than half of the soldiers in the defense platoon have been lost. He replied with a wry smile: "It is estimated that more than 20 people were killed and injured."

  The captain nodded after hearing this, "It's really not easy for you to persist for such a long time when you were attacked by the German army." Then he pointed to the prisoners next to him, "How to deal with these prisoners?"

"Comrade Captain," Lin Hua said magnanimously when he saw that there were seven captured German soldiers, including an officer, and he had only a dozen or so left. Leave it all to you!"

  After the captain's troops escorted the prisoners away, Assia, covered in blood, appeared from nowhere. Seeing her like this, Lin Hua couldn't help being taken aback, and quickly asked with concern: "Asiya, what's wrong with you, are you injured?"

Asiya shook her head and said, "It's not my blood, it's the blood of the wounded and sacrificed soldiers." Just as she said this, she suddenly saw blood oozing from Lin Hua's left arm, and she couldn't help but exclaimed, "You are hurt?"

  Lin Hua looked down at his left arm, and found that he was hit by a bullet at some point. He moved his arm and found that although the wound was still bleeding, he was able to move freely. There should be no bones injured, so he said disapprovingly, "It's okay, I just scratched the skin."

  Axia hurriedly helped Lin Hua take off his military overcoat, and began to bandage his wound. While bandaging the wound, Lin Hua looked around to see who was still alive: the deputy platoon leader Andre was alive, the three squad leaders were still alive, even Christopher and Oleg were alive.

  Lin Hua looked at it, and suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen Second Lieutenant Vasily for so long. This is his immediate superior. If there is something wrong with him, he will also be in trouble. He hurriedly shouted at Andre: "Hey, Andre, have you seen Second Lieutenant Vasily?"

   "No." Andre shook his head, then turned to ask the other three monitors: "Have you seen Second Lieutenant Vasily?"

  The three of them also shook their heads at the same time, indicating that they did not see Vasily.

"Then what are you still doing here?" Hearing that no one saw Second Lieutenant Vasily, Lin Hua became even more worried. He was deeply afraid that the other party had already been murdered by the Germans, so he quickly ordered, "Hurry up and look for him everywhere." Look for it, if you want to see people, if you want to see people, if you want to see dead bodies."

   "Don't move, I'm still bandaging the wound." Seeing Lin Hua dancing with excitement, Assia quickly grabbed his arm and bandaged the wound for him.

When everyone dispersed to look for the missing Vasily, Lin Hua looked at the house where Vasily lived in the distance, and thought to himself: He would not hear the Germans rushing into the village, and he has been hiding in the house and did not dare to come out Bar? But he quickly overturned his own thinking: No, Vasily has also fought a lot of battles, and he will never see a few Germans and hide in the house too scared to come out, it must be I think too much.

  (end of this chapter)