MTL - Red Moscow-Chapter 17 Take the ground, you're the company commander

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  Chapter 17 Take the position, you are the company commander

  From the mouth of a gossiping female villager, Lin Hua knew the reason why Vasily didn't appear during the battle. But he didn't mean to blame the other party at all. He knew very well in his heart that fear of death is a human instinct. If he and Vasily were transposed, they might hide in the house. If Vasily hadn't called his superiors for help, his entire army would have been wiped out. In this way, I should thank him.

  When Lin Hua was leading his comrades to bury the dead comrades, a motorcycle drove over and stopped not far away. The motorcyclist wearing windshield sunglasses asked loudly to the soldiers who were busy: "Who is Sergeant Sokov?"

Lin Hua, who was filling the hole, suddenly heard someone calling him, and quickly stopped his work, handed the shovel to Sergei, and walked towards the motorcyclist: "I am Sokov, what's the matter?" ?"

The motorcyclist took out a folded note from his pocket and handed it to Lin Hua, saying, "This is an order from the division headquarters!" After saying this, he raised his hand and gave Lin Hua a respect. Li, turned around and left on a motorcycle.

  Andrei came over and asked curiously: "Comrade platoon leader, why did the division headquarters give you an order directly?"

  Lin Hua quickly browsed the contents of the telegram, and passed the telegram to Andre: "The division headquarters ordered our platoon to rush to the command post of the 1077 regiment in the east of Kryukovo immediately, and go there to accept the combat mission!"

  After reading the contents of the telegram, Andrei couldn't help frowning. He looked up at Lin Hua and asked, "Comrade Platoon Leader, will we be arranged to fight in Kryukovo next?"

"I think this is for sure. Since we have been placed under the command of the 8th Guards Division, it will be a matter of time before we go to the city to participate in the battle." Lin Hua waved his hand: "Comrade Sergeant, gather all the soldiers together .”

  Following Andre's command, the soldiers who had just finished their work quickly stood in a row. Lin Hua walked to the end of the queue and pulled Assia out: "Assia, you won't go with us this time."

   "Why?" Assia asked puzzledly: "I am also a member of the platoon, why can't I go with you."

  Lin Hua knew that if he joined the battle in the city, the battle would be extremely cruel, and whether anyone in the platoon would survive was unknown, so there was no need for Assia to take the risk with him. After hearing Asiya's question, he pouted towards the barn in the distance: "You stay and take care of the wounded."

"Comrade Platoon Leader," Asiya is also a smart girl. She guessed that Lin Hua left her because she didn't want to be in danger, but she didn't want to leave her comrades like this, so she begged Lin Hua: " Please let me fight with you!"

   "No," Lin Hua said firmly, "Your task is to stay and take care of the wounded, understand?"

   "Understood!" Assia replied in a low voice, then turned and walked slowly towards the barn.

  Lin Hua took his garrison platoon and marched on foot to the east of Kryukovo. He asked several people in a row before he found the regiment command post.

  Seeing Lin Hua walk into the command post, a lieutenant colonel without a military cap immediately walked over and asked first, "You are Corporal Sokov, right? I am Lieutenant Colonel Xiedulin, the regiment leader!"

Lin Hua hurriedly raised his hand to salute Xiedulin, and was about to report to him according to the regulations, but was stopped by the other party with a wave: "Comrade Sukov, after days of fighting in our regiment, the number of troops has been greatly reduced. What kind of defense platoon with combat effectiveness is transferred here. The task of your platoon is..."

  When Lieutenant Colonel Xie Dulin assigned the task, Lin Hua standing beside him was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the other party thought that his troops had no combat effectiveness. If it wasn't for the shortage of soldiers, they would not have been allowed to participate in the battle at all.

Just as he was thinking about how to perform well in this battle, a young major walked in from the outside. He came straight to Xiedulin, raised his hand in salute, and said: "Comrade commander, the German barricade The fortifications are too strong, I think it's better to invite tank troops to cooperate with our attack!"

   After listening, Xie Dulin did not express his opinion, but asked instead: "Where is the current location of your battalion?"

"Our battalion has advanced to Gogol Avenue," the major said to Shedulin, pointing to the city map of Kryukovo on the table, "After the battle, the barricade at the east entrance of the street has been occupied by us. Stand firm on the street The Germans in the barricades of the middle section blocked the whole street with machine guns, and the two charges we organized failed, and a company was lost."

   After the major finished speaking, he suddenly noticed Lin Hua who was poking his head beside him, and asked Xie Dulin curiously: "Comrade commander, who is he and what is he doing here?"

"Major, let me introduce you." Xiedulin pointed to Lin Hua and said to the major: "This is Sergeant Sokov, the platoon leader of the garrison platoon in Kryukovo village. I see that your battalion is fighting The attrition is relatively large, so I will be transferred to strengthen you."

   After the major looked Lin Hua up and down, he asked coldly, "Comrade Sergeant, have you ever fought in a war?"

"Yes, Comrade Major." After hearing the major's question, Lin Hua quickly straightened his body and replied, "I have participated in two small-scale battles, one was to defend Khimki; and the other time," said When he got here, he couldn't help hesitating for a moment, and finally said bravely, "It was in Kryukovo Village last night, fighting against the enemy who was attacking unexpectedly."

   Lieutenant Colonel Xie Dulin heard Lin Hua say that he had fought against the Germans last night, so he couldn't help interjecting and asked, "Comrade Sergeant, how many people are left in your platoon?"

   "Including me, there are twelve people."

"There are only twelve people," the major said to Xiedulin with a wry smile after hearing the number of people Lin Hua said, "comrade commander, it's a little too few. Before they rushed to the barricades, the German machine guns could kill them all." kill."

  When the major was introducing the situation of the troops to Xie Dulin just now, Lin Hua heard clearly from the sidelines that the battalion's attack on the barricade in the middle of the street failed because it adopted a dense formation and charged in the street. In fact, they could have entered the buildings on both sides, blasted through the walls, and approached the enemy's barricades indoors, instead of crowding stupidly in the street as targets for German machine guns.

Hearing that the major treated them as cannon fodder at this moment, he couldn't help but said to Xiedulin: "Comrade report commander, in fact, in my opinion, it is not difficult at all to seize the barricades in the middle of the street. I will lead the soldiers of the garrison platoon , will be able to complete this task satisfactorily.”

"What, Comrade Sergeant, do you know what you're talking about?" After Lin Hua finished speaking, before Xie Dulin could speak, the major said in a contemptuous tone: "We sacrificed a fortification that we didn't even take down, you Can it be taken down with only twelve people?" He turned his head and said to Xiedulin: "Comrade Commander, does this soldier have some brain problems? He actually wants to take down the enemy's position with a dozen people..."

  Du Lin didn't wait for the major to finish, he raised his hand to interrupt him, looked at Lin Hua and asked, "Comrade Sukov, can you really take down the barricade in the middle of the street?"

"Yes, the two commanders." Seeing Xie Dulin looking at him with doubts in his eyes, Lin Hua knew that this was his chance to perform, and quickly said in an affirmative tone: "As long as we can equip us with enough grenades , I am sure to take down the barricades!"

"I believe in you, Comrade Sokov. I will provide you with as many grenades as possible." Seeing that Lin Hua spoke so confidently, Xiedulin also gained confidence in his heart. He nodded and said, "If the fortifications are taken down , I will let you be the company commander!"

  (end of this chapter)