MTL - Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!-Chapter 1312 all seeing eye

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, the fastest update of Road Survival, I have the latest chapter of the prompt system!

"Why is something so difficult to deal with?"

Zhang Tuohai used all his strength to activate the runes of the chain of conviction. The red runes shone brightly and made a buzzing sound, absorbing them faster and faster.

The surrounding air began to gather towards the chain of conviction, forming vortex-shaped cyclones, and even the magma and stones on the ground were drained of energy, turning into dust and drifting with the wind.

The monster wrapped in the chains of condemnation also stopped growing in size and began to shrink again.

"Finally under control." Zhang Tuohai let out a sigh of relief.

Since he got the chain of conviction, he hasn't dealt with such a difficult monster.

He always felt that this monster seemed to be beyond the level of this world.

How can the chain of conviction be able to pry open the mantle, dig out a monster as big as one-third of the planet from the star core and kill it, and now a monster that drilled out of the crack and is only a few kilometers high is actually I started to struggle and almost overturned the car, which is really unacceptable.

However, at this moment, the hazy sky suddenly cleared, and a twinkling starlight lit up.

Zhang Tuohai looked up at the starlight. Although it was shining, it exuded an astonishing chill. Even at such a distance, Zhang Tuohai could still feel the chill.


Zhang Tuohai let the chain of conviction absorb the monster quickly, while waiting for it.

The speed of the starlight is very fast, getting closer and brighter.

The light was so dazzling that Zhang Tuohai had to squint his eyes.

When Zhang Tuohai drained the monster dry, the starlight also fell in front of Zhang Tuohai.

Zhang Tuohai took back the chain of conviction and stood in front of him, being on guard.

The light gradually dissipated, revealing the existence inside.

It was a humanoid creature, wrapped in a black cloak, the hood was pressed down very low, and a large shadow covered the face, making it difficult to see what it looked like.

Next to the humanoid creature is a huge eye made of runes.

"The all-seeing eye!"

Although Zhang Tuohai had never seen the All-Seeing Eye before, the moment he saw it, he thought of the name.

"This is the all-seeing eye, so who is this person with the all-seeing eye? The king of the three-eyed clan?"

Zhang Tuohai guessed.

"What is your purpose?"

Zhang Tuohai tried to communicate.


Responding to Zhang Tuohai was the all-seeing eye's buzzing reputation.

The black runes shone bright red.

"Do it!"

Seeing this, Zhang Tuohai quickly injected energy into the chain of conviction.

The chain of condemnation was divided into dozens of pieces, half of which stood in front of him, and the other half grabbed at the omniscient eye.


A white light shot out from the all-seeing eye.

When the chain of condemnation entered the range of white light, it was like a mud cow entering the sea. Immediately, he felt a sense of blockage, and he had to bear extremely huge resistance if he wanted to move forward half a point.

Not only that, Zhang Tuohai could also feel a clear sense of erosion from the chains of conviction, as if something was eating away at the chains of conviction.

"It's such a strong thing. I have to find a way to break the situation."

With a thought, Zhang Tuohai separated dozens of chains of condemnation, forming a big net and enveloping the omniscient eye and the man in black.

At the same time, several condemnation chains were inserted into the ground, ready to sneak attack from below.

As if aware of Zhang Tuohai's movements, the omniscient eye's radiance became stronger, and the aperture expanded several times, resisting the chain of conviction at the periphery.

Although the chain of conviction enshrouded the All-Seeing Eye and the man in black like a big net, it couldn't penetrate half a point.

The two sides were so deadlocked.

"It's really difficult."

Zhang Tuohai exhausted all his strength, but there was no change at all, and he was still unable to break through the opponent's defense.

Zhang Tuohai scanned his skill list, looking for skills that could break the game.

"Forget it, try one by one."

Zhang Tuohai was the first to take out the endless jug, opened his mouth, and spewed raging flames at the omniscient eye.

However, the flame was also blocked outside the aperture, unable to enter at all.

"Try this."

Zhang Tuohai took out another shotgun, replaced it with a slug, and kept pulling the trigger against the aperture.

After emptying a box of bombs in a row, the aperture did not move at all.

Zhang Tuohai changed the electric shock gloves again, and the silver-plated machete had no effect.

"Try the skills of a warlock."

Zhang Tuohai tried to use the Petrified Child and Plague Cloud again.

The petrified light and the plague were also blocked outside the aperture, unable to penetrate at all.

"Is he really the Iron King?"

Zhang Tuohai frowned and stared at the aperture.

Suddenly, he had an idea.

"This thing can't be opened from the outside, can you try it from the inside?"

Zhang Tuohai found the magical skill to bypass obstacles and give you a punch.


Zhang Tuohai punched out in the air.


The black-robed man let out a muffled snort, and his figure shook.


Zhang Tuohai's eyes lit up, and he finally found a way to break the situation.

He uses skills one after another.

Give you a punch, give you a punch.

bang bang bang.

The man in black was hit hard one after another.

The figure is a little unstable.

"There are eyebrows!"

A look of joy appeared on Zhang Tuohai's face, he took a deep breath, and was about to use his skills again.

Suddenly, I felt a huge force coming from the chain of conviction.

Zhang Tuohai turned his head to look, and found that the white light suddenly became larger, and the chain of condemnation that condensed the power of a world suddenly burst, and the light quickly hit Zhang Tuohai's direction.

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Wherever the white light passes, everything turns into nothingness.

Not turning into dust, but nothingness that doesn't even exist.

It's like being erased by an eraser, leaving no trace.

Zhang Tuohai was shocked, and he quickly stepped back, knocking on the anti-wolf boots under his feet, and there were several nozzles in the boots, and plasma flames came out.

Zhang Tuohai flew out directly, leaping thousands of meters away.

This is what Zhang Tuohai asked Lilith to help modify, and it is a life-saving device.

The opportunity that I thought would never be used, did not expect to be used on today's occasion.

Zhang Tuohai got up from the ground, just about to run away, but saw the ball of white light already in front of him.

"It's over this time."

Zhang Tuohai no longer has the skills in his hands to deal with the next situation. UU reading

"I didn't expect to die here."

Zhang Tuohai felt a little powerless, he didn't have any unfulfilled wishes, he had experienced all the delicious and fun things in this world, and the only regret in his heart was that he couldn't see Lilith again.

He knew that he was powerless to make a comeback, so in order to die with dignity, he decided to give him a middle finger.

The strong light was getting closer and more dazzling, Zhang Tuohai couldn't help covering his eyes with his arms.

However, the feeling of the body turning into nothingness did not come, and the strong light gradually dissipated.

A voice rang in Zhang Tuohai's ear.

"Dad, it's not a good habit to give up casually."