MTL - Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder-Chapter 16 So much money!

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Chen Qiyue took a look at the pipe in his hand, and there was something like a suction cup on the gray-white pipe mouth.

"Wang...Xinqiu told me that we only need to input 3 Hz of energy. If it exceeds, we need to pay more."

Chen Qiyue felt that it would be better to ask more clearly, in case this machine sucked away all the phantom energy of the giant ugly fish, it would be over.

"Haha, 3 Hz is enough. If you really need more than 1 Hz, I'll give you 100,000, okay? This is because you are Xinqiu's classmate."

The driver laughed, looking easy to talk to.

Chen Qiyue was slightly relieved, and summoned the giant ugly fish.

"Oh, it's a giant ugly fish. Quite a few people have signed it. You're not an appearanceist. That's good."

The driver was also a little surprised when he saw that Chen Qiyue's phantom beast turned out to be a giant ugly fish, "Don't judge phantom beasts by their appearance. Among young people, you are considered relatively stable."

Chen Qiyue coughed lightly and didn't speak. He just held the tube in his hand and gesticulated on the giant ugly fish, not knowing how to operate it.

"Just stick the suction cup on its skin, and the machine will automatically extract its Eudemons energy."

Seeing Chen Qiyue's strange look, the driver reminded him aloud.

It seems that he is really a high school student who has just obtained the Eudemons. In this case, it would be great if he can trade smoothly.

Things have happened frequently recently, and it is easy to find out if there are too many attacks.

The expression behind the driver's sunglasses relaxed slightly.

Chen Qiyue nodded, and stuck the suction cup on the mouth of the tube to the skin on the back of the giant ugly fish, and comforted him,

"Zai Zai, wait a moment, this pipe will extract your 3 Hertz Eudemons energy, don't move it."

"Ugly~" the giant ugly fish responded obediently.

These instruments looked familiar, similar to the instruments used to detect those testicles before, and there should be no danger.

What's more, the beast master told her not to move, and the giant ugly fish was still very obedient.

The Beastmaster will definitely not harm her.

The driver quickly operated on the screen of the machine, and soon an icon of a clown fish appeared on it, and the level was displayed below it.

Seeing the big word "B Grade", the driver was relieved.

Just in case, he checked the level of the giant ugly fish.

After confirming that it is a B-level, it starts to extract energy.

He reached out and pressed the green run button, and the pipe began to make a "humming" sound.

A blue light began to flow from the suction cup to the tube.

On the screen, a progress bar appeared, engraved with a scale of 1, 2, 3….

When the progress bar absorbed 3 Hz, it stopped.

At the same time, a red origin appeared at the entrance of the circular channel with ripples on the other side.

When the driver turned his head and saw the red origin, he exclaimed excitedly, "Successful, ready to respond!"

Chen Qiyue was slightly stunned, and saw the driver hurried to the car, took a self-inflating cushion, quickly unfolded it, and placed it at the entrance of the passage.

Then he stared straight at the entrance of the passage, looked at the red dot, and waited for the other party to come out from the exit of the passage.

The red dots began to gradually enlarge, and then became bigger and bigger.

Chen Qiyue glanced at the giant ugly fish, then at the Eudemons energy stagnant at 3 Hz on the screen, and his heart relaxed slightly.

He ran his fingers over the phone in his pocket.

Should I send a text message now to ask Wang Xinqiu to transfer the money to him?

He was afraid that if he succeeded, the driver would turn his back on him, and then he would run away with the giant ugly fish, and Wang Xinqiu's money would be wasted.

Thinking of this, Chen Qiyue's expression froze suddenly, he seemed to have overlooked something before.

He subconsciously glanced at the driver, then quickly turned sideways, avoiding the driver's sight, took out his mobile phone and quickly sent a text message to Wang Xinqiu.

"The task is almost completed, please send 200,000 yuan to my account as soon as possible, otherwise I will directly disconnect the ugly fish!"

After sending the text message, Chen Qiyue put the phone back in his pocket, and looked at the exit of the passage leisurely.

The driver's full attention was on the red dot, and he didn't pay attention to Chen Qiyue's small movements at all.

Wang Xinqiu, who had just received the text message, was already itching with hatred.

It was her own uncle who responded. If the giant ugly fish really cut off the supply of phantom energy, Chen Qiyue would no longer be able to provide it.

She once thought, since Chen Qiyue has already gone to that place, should she just give the money directly.

When the time comes, let uncle simply kill him.

But now...

"Ding!" Another text message came, and it was from Chen Qiyue.

"I didn't see the transfer after 1 minute, so the energy was cut off."

Wang Xinqiu gritted his teeth, and angrily transferred the 200,000 yuan.

Seeing the 200,000 credited into the account prompted by the phone, Chen Qiyue burst into a smile.

With so much money, it's worth taking a little risk.

The red dot at the exit of the passage is getting bigger and bigger, and it is about to cover the entire passage opening.

But at this moment, the machine on the side screamed crazily.

"The opponent encounters an energy attack and needs to increase the energy to respond. Do you want to extract energy?!"

The driver was taken aback for a moment, and then the pupils behind the sunglasses shrank, and he was about to rush towards the machine.

A figure was faster than him and instantly blocked the button.

The driver suddenly raised his head and saw Chen Qiyue's smiling face, "Give me the money first!"

At this moment, the driver only felt that he was about to suffer a myocardial infarction. UU reading

Although this is a poor high school student, he is really poor, and he needs money at critical moments!

The eyes behind the sunglasses narrowed instantly.

kill him?

No, the giant cicada with double pincers is still maintaining the channel.

This guy did it on purpose!

Deliberately pick at this moment and ask him for money!

Fuck, isn't he afraid that he will burp his fart afterwards?

The driver weighed the pros and cons.

If he pounces on him now, this high school student is definitely not his opponent.

But... His pupils suddenly shrank again,

Because he saw it, Chen Qiyue pressed his hand on the red button.

"Your speed is definitely not as fast as mine. If I press this button, what will happen?"

Chen Qiyue licked his lips, "I just want money, you know that."

"Zai Zai, if he doesn't pay, you can break free from that sucker and come help me."

"Ugly~" the giant ugly fish responded immediately, she found that the current situation seemed a little strange.

Fuck, the driver is going to scold his mother.

Wait for a while, he must tear this kid into pieces!

In fact, Chen Qiyue could not do this, and calmly accept that the phantom energy of the giant ugly fish was extracted, and then get more money.

However, this result only exists when the other party still has a conscience.

Although the driver kept saying that he was Wang Xinqiu's classmate, he wouldn't do anything to him.

But he finally understood what he had always felt was wrong.

This led him to make such a choice...

The driver's eyes under the sunglasses gleamed coldly, silently and quickly took out his phone, and quickly transferred 300,000 to Chen Qiyue.