MTL - Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder-Chapter 17 life matters

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The driver didn't ask Chen Qiyue how much he wanted, because it would be too late to talk any further.

Anyway, after a while, he will take the little boy's bones apart one by one.

There was a fierce light shining behind the sunglasses.

Seeing the incoming text message on the mobile phone, Chen Qiyue simply stepped aside, took a step back, and walked to the side of the giant ugly fish.

There is a bus not far behind him.

The driver suddenly pressed the green confirmation button quickly, and ignored Chen Qiyue, but looked nervously at the entrance of the passage again.

The original 3 Hz on the screen began to change slowly, 4, 5...

The blue phantom beast energy was pulled away again, and the body of the clownfish began to tremble slightly.

After all, she is a young creature, and she still feels a little tired after being deprived of more than half of the phantom beast energy.

But because of this, the red dot at the entrance of the passage began to expand again, and soon it would cover the entire entrance of the passage.

At the entrance of the passage, one could already see an illusory figure coming out with something in his hand.

The driver showed joy, but now, he suddenly looked at Chen Qiyue, staring at his giant ugly fish.

His hands hung by his sides, his fingers moving slightly.

Now is the critical moment, if Chen Qiyue dares to make any changes, he will use the dagger hidden on both sides of his thigh to give him a fatal blow.

Chen Qiyue didn't make any movements, but just looked at the entrance of the passage expressionlessly.

The figure at the entrance of the passage became clearer and clearer. That person seemed to be holding a red egg in one hand, and a dagger in the other.

The appearance of that person also gradually became clear.

It was also a middle-aged man, wearing a black and gray combat uniform. The key point was that the clothes on his body were tattered and had traces of being burned by flames.

At this moment, his face was covered with smoke and dust, so he couldn't see clearly.

But those eyes were extremely gloomy, with a strong killing intent.

Suddenly, he glanced towards Chen Qiyue and the driver.

Just this one glance made Chen Qiyue's heart beat wildly.

He had seen that kind of human eyes before.

He had seen it before the world didn't change, or before he crossed over.

A man who stole a mobile phone was discovered by the owner of the phone. The woman had quick eyesight and quick hands, so she grabbed the man and prevented him from running away, even yelling loudly.

As a result, the man's heart became ruthless, and he directly pulled out a knife and stabbed it into the woman's chest.

At that time, the man's eyes were exactly the same as the man who was about to come out of the passage.

Chen Qiyue was sitting on the bus at the time, and when he saw this scene, he was completely shocked.

The knife was covered with blood, which spattered out like this.

just like... now...

"Pfft!" Blood splashed onto his face.

Chen Qiyue's pupils suddenly shrank.

I saw the driver standing next to the instrument with a dagger stuck in his neck, and a drop of blood splashed all over his face.

And that dagger looked very familiar, it was thrown by the man at the passageway.

The driver looked at the man in astonishment, his eyes under the sunglasses were full of surprise and anger.

Obviously he didn't expect that it was his own people who attacked him!

"Cub!" Chen Qiyue yelled, "Run!"

The giant ugly fish is not stupid either, when he saw that the driver was killed, he already noticed that something was wrong.

With a flick of her tail, she directly slapped off the suction cup on her body, and the clouds and mist around her instantly dragged her body, and quickly ran towards Chen Qiyue.

That person obviously didn't expect that the giant ugly fish would move so fast.

The point is, he thinks this giant ugly fish should be the driver's new Eudemons.

The reason why he directly recognized the dagger to kill the driver was very simple.

This time, what he brought back was too important.

And to be able to take him back, at least a B-level phantom beast is required, so the giant ugly fish poses the greatest threat to him.

You know, all his phantom beasts were seriously injured and he kept them in his beast-fearing space.

Furthermore, Chen Qiyue was really too young, and he didn't look like a person with a B-rank Eudemons.

Therefore, he directly chose to attack the driver, and aimed directly at his neck.

As long as he was killed, no, pierced through his neck, he couldn't give orders to the Eudemons.

Even if he held on and ran over to tear off the pipe, this time was enough for him to come out of the passage.

It just so happens that the passage can be closed in an instant to prevent the phantom beasts from rushing out.

The man's plan was very good, but what he didn't expect was that the giant ugly fish belonged to Chen Qiyue and not the driver.

More importantly, the giant ugly fish is an extremely proactive phantom beast, and Chen Qiyue had reminded her before.

Once there is any abnormality, just tear off the suction cup on the tube.

Now that there was a change, she did it right away.

These are good, the passage that was supposed to be open is just stuck there, and there is even a tendency to gradually close and close.

"You are so admired!"

In his heart, the man had already scolded Chen Qiyue and the eighteen generations of his giant ugly fish's ancestors.

This time, his face no longer had the composure he had before, and he hurriedly squeezed out of the passage, not forgetting the red phantom beast egg in his hand.

At this time, Chen Qiyue did not run immediately, but quickly rushed to the side of the driver, and took out the car keys from his trouser pocket.

By the way, wipe it on the bulging area on the side of the thigh.

With this touch, UU read books a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Sure enough, the guy had a dagger hidden in his leg.

The driver covered his neck with his trembling hands, he didn't die for a while, his eyes widened, and he just watched Chen Qiyue pull out the dagger from his trouser pocket.

Why, this kid would know that he hid a dagger here.

When Chen Qiyue looked at the driver by the car window, he felt that something was wrong.

The driver's trousers are military trousers similar to those with small feet, and there is a bag on both sides to put things.

However, if you put something or not, you can't tell when you stand there.

But when sitting there, there was still something strange.

Especially the dagger, the handle is metal, with a little reflection.

Chen Qiyue felt a little strange at the time, but didn't think much about it.

Later, when he saw the driver reaching out to rub the pocket from time to time, he thought of it instantly, and his heart skipped a beat.

It would be great if everything can be traded smoothly.

But if the driver hadn't planned to let him go in the first place...

Chen Qiyue turned his head instantly, took the dagger and the key, and ran towards the bus without looking back.

"Ugly~" The giant ugly fish was about to follow behind Chen Qiyue, but at this moment, she seemed to sense something and looked back.

I happened to see the man lying on the pillar below the passage opening, and one of his feet was stuck on the closed passage opening.

The giant cicada with double pincers on the side disappeared at some point.

In the man's arms, a flaming egg seemed to move.

"Ugly~" A blue light flashed in the eyes of the giant ugly fish, and the thoughts fluctuated instantly.