MTL - Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder-Chapter 18 square seven

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Chen Qiyue quickly got on the bus, started the car, and when he heard the sound of "Ugly~" coming from inside the car, he immediately stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out instantly.

"Fortunately, fortunately, when I was just over 18 years old in my second year of high school, I used the weekend to learn to drive, otherwise I would definitely not be able to escape this time."

Chen Qiyue looked at the man in the rearview mirror who was still struggling at the entrance, smiled "hehe", closed the car window, and drove forward quickly.

By the way, take out your phone and navigate.

However, looking at the man lying on the ground looking at him angrily, why does he feel that something is wrong.


Just as Chen Qiyue was thinking, the giant ugly fish called out from the back seat.

"Well, Zai Zai, why are you calling me?"

Chen Qiyue was in a good mood for the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

At this time, he not only got 200,000 from Wang Xinqiu, but also got 500,000 from the driver.

A full 700,000!

Hehe, quit the rent immediately when you go back, and find a rental house near Qingda University on the North Shore.

Then change the mobile phone number, the sky is free for me to travel, how can Wang Xinqiu find herself.

Besides, the order she asked me to accept has been completed, and her uncle is back.

As for the driver, he didn't kill him, and he had nothing to do with him.

Thinking of this, Chen Qiyue turned around happily, just about to praise his precious fish.

"Zai Zai, you broke the broken pipe just in time, go back and buy it for you..."

Then, all the words he wanted to say got stuck in his throat, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

Chen Qiyue turned his head in a daze, turned the steering wheel, and got on the high-speed road.

He probably didn't have a good rest recently and had hallucinations.

No, how could that egg appear in the arms of my baby fish? Will not.

"Ugly~" The giant ugly fish was slightly taken aback when it saw that its own animal envoy had just glanced at it before turning its head away.

The cloud supported her body, and the fiery red egg beside her floated to the co-pilot together.

"Ugly~" The giant ugly fish proudly patted the eggshell with its small fins, as if asking for credit.

Chen Qiyue's hands trembled instantly, the steering wheel tilted, and a harsh horn sounded from behind.

He straightened the steering wheel expressionlessly, and stepped on the accelerator.

Great, he should consider a different outfit, or...

Fuck, that guy doesn't look like a good guy.

There is also that woman Wang Xinqiu, who knows that she has been admitted to Qingda University, as long as she checks her name, she will be arrested immediately.

In fact, if the egg hadn't been taken, the man wouldn't have been staring at him.

After all, he doesn't know who the other party is, and the specific situation, he just needs to leave far away.

but now…

Chen Qiyue has a headache, return the egg?

He glanced at the flaming red egg. Just from the egg's appearance, it was not an ordinary phantom beast egg.

He made money all his life and didn't know if he could get such a phantom beast egg.

Especially the way that person killed his companion as soon as he came out, it must be how important this egg is.

Emmm, he was moved.

Chen Qiyue swallowed his saliva, stepped on the accelerator and flew up, even the speeding flash beside him couldn't bring him back from his thoughts.

Yes, such an important egg.

That person even killed his own companion, so he will definitely not let him go.

Even if he didn't take the egg, he might be hunted down.

Chen Qiyue took a deep breath, suppressing the urge to sign this egg.

But he knew it wasn't realistic.

My first Eudemons is B-level, and it will take at least two months before I sign the contract for the second time.

Moreover, the sign that the beast master can sign a second phantom beast is that the beast master space is upgraded, and a second empty space appears.

He has just owned the Beast Familiar Space, so it is impossible to sign a second Eudemons.

For most of the beast masters, when the first phantom beast reaches the primary level, the beast master space will evolve, and one more grid will appear.

This means that the second Eudemons can be signed.

Chen Qiyue stretched out his hand and licked the ugly fish's head.

The smooth scales also carry the fruity aroma of the previous massage, which feels first-class.

"Thank you, Zai Zai, those people might be bad guys who stole this phantom beast egg."

Chen Qiyue said with a smile, "Our Zai Zai is really good. Not only did we grasp the timing well, but we were able to **** this phantom beast egg from the bad guys. It's amazing!"

"Ugly~" Two blushes rose from the cheeks of the giant ugly fish.

Ah, my Beastmaster praised her~

Chen Qiyue slammed on the accelerator again, "Okay, Zai Zai, sit in the back, this time I will definitely take you back safely!"

At this time, on the sandy ground, beside the instrument, there were many more people.

Wang Yuan's face was full of resentment at this time, he lay on the ground and punched him hard to the ground.

Around him, there were two people in white coats and pure white masks who were re-opening the passage.

On the suction cup of that tube, there is a furry phantom at this time.

And beside it, a giant cicada with double pincers was lying there covered with scars.

"Damn it, if these two phantom beasts hadn't withdrawn their phantom beast energy at the same time, I would have come out a long time ago."

Wang Yuan gritted his teeth and said, UU reading www. "Have you found it? That car and that person."

Another person was on the phone not far away. On the pure white mask he was wearing, there was a red square mark, and there was a bright red number 7 next to the mark.

"Found it, that person's name is Chen Qiyue, who has just been admitted by Qingda University." Square 7 said coldly, not being polite to Wang Yuan at all.

"If you hadn't brought back the dragon egg, just because you just killed the contact person for no reason, it would be enough to pay for your life."

Wang Yuan snorted coldly, "I brought back the dragon egg. I am a hero, but just a low-level contact person. The organization will not condemn me."

"Yes, otherwise I wouldn't let them come to rescue you." Square 7 sneered, "However, your leg has been clamped for such a long time, and the passage is closed."

"If you hadn't signed a Swing Snake with space ability, your leg might be useless."

The tunnel was opened again, and Wang Yuan's leg was finally seen again.

He stood up trembling.

If he didn't want to take it for himself, how could Qin Ren contact his own niece to find someone to help him instead of directly looking for the organization.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that the bamboo basket fetched water in vain.

"Chen Qiyue..." Wang Yuan muttered the name angrily.

At this time, Chen Qiyue had already driven into the urban area.

He bought a big backpack and a set of clothes directly from a small shop next to the street, and put the phantom beast egg in it.

Then put the giant ugly fish into the space of the beast.

Immediately afterwards, he abandoned the car and squeezed into the subway entrance.

Chen Qiyue lifted the mask on his face and the new clothes on his body, and stood at the gate of the Phantom Beast Alliance inspection office, sneering in his heart,

"Hmph, let me see if you dare to come to me!"