MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2574 2576【Goodbye Liangkun】

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   Chapter 2574 2576 [Goodbye Liangkun]

   "Help, put me down, help~" Xiao Jieba was tied to the roof of the car, frightened and frightened, screaming again and again.

  However, Xiangjiang society has always adhered to the creed of "everyone sweeps the snow in front of his own door, and don't care about the frost on others", so even if she shouted her throat, no one would pay attention.

  The group of them drove all the way, and finally reached the top of Fei'e Mountain.

  This place is uninhabited and dark, and I am usually afraid. What's more, she was still tied up.

So after getting out of the car, Xiao Jieba stammered, "You don't mess around, my big brother Fei Fei Feihong is very powerful. If you touch me, he will chop...into nine sections. "

   "If your elder brother knows that you stole my car, he will cut you into nine sections first." Xiang Nan laughed, "Do you know that Bakuan in Causeway Bay was killed by me?"

   "How do I know that the car is yours? I thought it belonged to someone Kaizi." Little stuttered, startled, and said without tears.

  As a gangster on the road, she has naturally heard of Bakuan's name, and also knows that he was suddenly killed a few days ago. But she didn't know that it was Chen Haonan who killed him.

   "What, you take me as a winner?" Xiang Nan shouted.

   "Then I'm in a hurry to use the money. It's an emergency, so be careful." Xiao Jieba tried his best to defend himself.

   "Emergency in Jianghu?! Then why don't you sell it! There are a lot of men waiting for your emergency." Pheasant yelled.

   "Then what exactly do you want?" Xiao stammered speechlessly, trembling with fright.

"We'll give you two choices. One is to accompany each of us once for eight hours; the other is to eat up all these barbecued pork buns." Baopi smiled, and immediately removed several baskets of barbecued pork buns from the car, " I certainly don't want you to choose the second one."

   Xiao stuttered and had no choice but to choose to eat buns.

   "Okay, I've got the car back, I'll teach you a lesson, lest you really think I'm Kaizi." Xiang Nan said, "Be smarter in the future, and look at people with wide-eyed eyes."

   Afterwards, he left with Pheasant, Baopi and others, and left Xiaojieba on the top of the mountain.

  If she wants to go down the mountain, she has to walk at least five kilometers on the mountain road, and she can bear it.

   "Chen Haonan, you are amazing, I remember you!" Seeing this, the little stammer couldn't help shouting angrily.


   Turning around, the stuttering big brother Feihong asked big brother B to negotiate on the grounds that his student was humiliated.

   "Yo, Feihong, you're here so early." Big Brother B was naturally not afraid, and brought Xiang Nan and others to the meeting as scheduled.

   Arriving at the agreed restaurant, I saw that Feihong had arrived early, and brought a group of younger brothers, all of them painted dragons and phoenixes, and they behaved evilly, and they looked quite majestic.

  Xiao Jieba was sitting next to Feihong, and when he saw Xiang Nan and his group, his eyeballs almost bleed.

  She flew down Goose Mountain last night and walked all night. Not only did she get blisters on her feet, but she was almost bitten by wild dogs on the mountain. It's been so long since I've been out, it's the first time I'm so embarrassed. Naturally, she wanted to say this.

  Xiang Nan noticed the look in her eyes, so naturally he didn't care at all.

"It's all my own territory, so what's too late." Feihong pouted and said, "Brother B, your little brother doesn't think much of us Changle. People who bully me take the car back without a penny." Come on, how do you settle this account?"

   "Feihong, everyone is out to mess around. Your people stole my younger brother's car, and my younger brother can get the car back because of their own ability." Boss B laughed, "There is no account to settle."

   "Hey, then they messed with me... how will I settle the debt?" Xiao stammered and immediately said angrily.

   "What are you doing, what are you doing, what are you doing?"

   "Go to hell!" Xiao stammered and stood up, pointing at the pheasant and cursing

   "Fuck, shit, shit~" Pheasant didn't show any weakness, and also got up and scolded her.

  The people on Feihong's side all stood up. Seeing this, Xiang Nan, Baopi, Chaopi, and Datian Er all stood up together, looking at each other with disdain, and the scuffle was about to break out.

   "Enough, what are you doing, make a big show? Sit down for me." Seeing this, Feihong immediately roared, and then looked at the boss B, "Brother B, are you really sincere?"

   "Of course I have, otherwise I wouldn't have come." Big Brother B smiled, "Peasant, bring two bottles of beer."

   "Brother B, beer." Pheasant immediately brought the beer.

"Feihong, let's blow a bottle each, so let's forget about it! I'll do it first!" Big Brother B laughed, raised the bottle and drank it down, then looked at Feihong and smiled, " When it comes to fighting, we, Hong Xing, are really not afraid."

   Feihong hesitated for a moment with a cold face, and finally drank the beer, then looked at Xiang Nan and said coldly, "Boy, you are lucky this time, it will not be so easy next time."

  Xiang Nan smiled, he didn't care about Feihong's threat at all, instead he smiled at Xiaoba.

  Because Changle is a small society, there is no comparison with Hong Xing at all, and Feihong's power is also incomparable with Big Brother B.

  In the rivers and lakes, big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat dried shrimps. A small force like him is destined to be trampled to death, and if he dares to resist, he will be wiped out.

  Feihong said a few harsh words before leaving, but he just wanted to save some face, but it exposed his stern nature. For a person like this, even if Xiang Nan doesn't know martial arts, he won't be afraid of him.

  Little stuttered seeing the two big bosses negotiating, and she was fine after only drinking a bottle of wine.

   "Fuck, they said they were going to kill the whole family, but it turned out that blowing the bottle of wine was fine." She couldn't help complaining.

"What the **** are you talking about, I'll sell you to make chickens sooner or later, don't think I'm joking. Mad, idiot!" Feihong was also suffocating, and had nowhere to vent his anger. He slapped him immediately.

  Little stammer was stunned by the beating, feeling wronged and annoyed at the same time, tears almost fell down.


   Two days later, Xiang Nan received a call from Liang Kun, asking him to go to Qian Kun Film Company to have a talk.

  Li Qiankun's real name is Li Qiankun. Five years ago, taking advantage of the hot movie market, she followed suit and started a movie company. But he made all salty films, not a single serious one.

   "Anan, we brothers must have a good talk today." Liang Kun said to Xiang Nan.

   "What kind of brothers, the seniority is different." Xiang Nan waved his hand.

  Jing Kun is of the same generation as Big Brother B, while Xiang Nan is of the younger generation.

   "Don't be modest, who doesn't know, Hong Xing's best is you now, and you will soon climb to my position." Liang Kun laughed.

   "You don't need to go around in circles, just say what you have to say." Xiang Nan curled his lips and said, he didn't want to deal with Liang Kun.

  Because this person is sinister and despicable, ruthless and ungrateful. Bakuan was his sworn brother, but after being hacked to death, he didn't shed a single tear, only thinking that the 20 million loan would not be paid back.

   "Okay, it's refreshing enough, then I'll be straight." Liang Kun said immediately, "A'nan, come and follow me. I promise you will be rich, rich and beautiful."

  (end of this chapter)