MTL - Self-cultivation of Male Supporting Role-Chapter 298 dream generation

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After the two brothers retaliated and called each other's nicknames in front of the little nurse in the ward, in the shattered look on the nurse's face, Big Brother Tang held Younger Lu's hand and said nothing to each other.

What should I say about this, generally speaking, in the eyes of these two brothers, not calling each other by nicknames outside is to give each other the greatest respect.

The two fell in love and killed each other.

Big Brother Tang waved his hand to send out the little nurse who suspected that he had a hearing problem, and then pursed his lips and explained, "You clearly know that I didn't mean it."

When I see my little brother awake, people are too excited, and when I get excited, I go bald.

Shi Yan admitted with a bachelor's degree: "Yeah, I know, but I did it on purpose."

Big Brother Tang raised Shi Yan as his son, and when he is here, he is treated like Big Brother Tang's five-year-old son, Tang Nong. It can be said that how Big Brother Tang raised Shi Yan back then, and how he raises Tang Nong now, is the same. out of a template.

Seeing Shi Yan like this, I really couldn't be angry, so I decided to quietly forgive my brother for this inadvertent little mistake.

Then he changed the topic very naturally: "Did something happen recently? Why did you make yourself sick? Can't you go home and tell me if you can't solve it?

You're not a five-year-old Tang Cong, you don't know that just a little wine can make you lose a layer of skin. But tossing yourself hard is not your style. "

As for the shameful thing that I almost got weak legs while waiting for the test results, I should not mention it in front of my younger brother, so as not to ruin my image of heroism in my younger brother's heart.

"I called and asked Nian Xiyu and Zhou Zhu. Nian Xiyu didn't know. Zhou Zhu said you were in a bad mood recently." This blocked Shi Yan's way of lying.

Nian Xiyu is the person in charge of Xiyuan Entertainment and Tang Shicheng's college classmate. Although the two are classmates, they could only be regarded as nodding acquaintances before. The situation of Nian's family is chaotic. Now the old man is still in charge of the family, but the Tang family has been upgraded to a higher level in Tang Shicheng's hands. The two are not the same person at all. Tang Shicheng does not like people from the Nian family very much.

Nian Xiyu can condescend to work in a little-known, newly established small entertainment company because he himself is not competitive in Nian's family, and he privately wants to use Xiyuan Entertainment to get in touch with Tang Shicheng. Do your best.

Brother Tang thinks that Nian Xiyu can still be trusted in this regard.

As for Zhou Zhu, not to mention, it was he who had been beaten by Shi Yan in the bar before, and then he secretly tipped off Brother Tang. He was very timid. I explained everything word for word to Brother Tang.

Therefore, Brother Tang has a lot of information now, but he still wants to hear from his brother. If this circle really makes his brother unhappy, then there must be other considerations.

Shi Yan didn't know that his brother already had one, two or three plans in his mind, but he really didn't plan to hide this from Tang Shicheng.

So he sat up slowly, Big Brother Tang put a pillow behind him for him to lean against, and then stared at Shi Yan and drank half a glass of warm water. After doing all this, Shi Yan felt that the pain in his head was much better. Disgusted glanced at the needle on the back of his hand that was in the way.

Sighing silently, he turned to Tang Shicheng and said, "Zhou Zhu told you, brother, in fact, I've been in a bad mood recently, so I asked him to save a game to take me to relax."

Big Brother Tang remained calm, thinking that Zhou Zhu not only said it, but also said that you were in a bad mood because of a woman. Could it be that his own stupid boy finally knows how to slap other people's Chinese cabbage? Don't make this useless, but tell me who the woman is? Big brother is so good to help you palm and eye, lest you be deceived again.

Pian Shiyan just didn't like what he wanted, he changed his voice and asked another thing: "Then big brother, did you hear Nian Xiyu mentioned to you that I asked him to secretly take care of a new female artist? "

Tang Shicheng's brows wrinkled calmly and quickly relaxed again. Nian Xiyu didn't even mention such an important matter to him. You must know that for the sake of his younger brother, he took time out of his busy schedule to talk to Nian Xi the day before yesterday. Yu had a meal!

Shi Yan understood the expression on his eldest brother's face, and in his heart, he told himself that he was so skillful that he was a little black, and that he took eye drops, expressing his conviction that he was really a clever little ghost who did his work and loved his work.

I saw Brother Tang as if nothing happened, and nodded calmly: "Is it because of that female artist that you are in a bad mood?"

Otherwise, it will not be mentioned for no reason, and I will ask someone to check it back. If it is the Chinese cabbage that my little brother wants to do, no matter what else, but the character must pass the test, otherwise the IQ of my little brother will be sold. Also help people with money.

Shi Yan nodded calmly, as if he didn't realize that his eldest brother would think crookedly, and said bluntly, "Yes, it's because of her."

Big Brother Tang saw that his younger brother admitted so happily, and his attention to the female artist increased by two degrees. This is the first time that his younger brother has officially admitted a woman in front of him, and he may have moved his sincerity.

In the face of his brother's sweetheart, Tang Shicheng felt that he should retain the respect he deserved. Who made him an enlightened parent who could not interfere with his child's puppy love.

Although this puppy love happened when his younger brother was 20 years old, because Shi Yan was in Big Brother Tang's heart, he was really a foolish white sweet. When a 20-year-old fell in love, he had to worry as much as others. Fifteen or sixteen puppy love comes less often.

After speaking, Shi Yan lowered his head and flipped through his phone, not knowing what Tang Shicheng had been thinking about in such a short period of time. The interface of the mobile phone quickly stopped on a certain photo, Shi Yan pushed the phone in front of the eldest brother very singlely: "Just her, I guarantee that the eldest brother will not be happy when you see it, or even get angry."

Shi Yan showed Tang Shicheng a photo of the heroine Yun Yi'an.

That one is somewhat similar to Shi Yan's mother, Ms. Lu Youwen, and she also used this to hype the heroine Yun Yi'an of the rich and powerful family.

Seeing that appearance, Big Brother Tang really got angry, but he didn't expect things to be completely different from what he thought.

Shi Yan didn't care what Tang Shicheng was thinking, he still held a warm baby that big brother forced to put in his hand, and said everything in one go: "Big brother, you didn't tell me to consider leaving the entertainment industry and do something. Are you doing business?

Originally, I had planned to quit the circle and go home. I would just do as you waited for you to arrange everything for me. As a result, I turned around and met this woman. Brother, you don't know how fast my heart was beating.

I was worried that this person had anything to do with our mother. After all, my mother's heart for a daughter was really...

Then I asked someone to investigate her background, and I was worried that she was really a sister who was abandoned by our mother, so I couldn't help but let Nian Xiyu take care of her a little more secretly. The more I look at it, the more I feel that her eyes and mouth are similar to our mother's. It is strange that she is in a good mood! "

If you directly push this matter to someone like Tang Shicheng who has the ability and skill, why can't you find out? It is because of fear that there will be an emergency, and the original harmony of the family will be destroyed, which is really not advisable in Shi Yan's view.

Even if that happens, there is a tall man like Tang Shicheng, who will weigh the pros and cons, and Shi Yan doesn't need to worry about it.

Sure enough, Tang Shicheng saw Yun Yi'an's photo and listened to his brother's story. He manipulated Shi Yan's mobile phone to upload the photo to his WeChat, clicked Save, and then Forwarded, and pressed the screen a few times. I don't know who gave the order, so I put away the phone, and reached out to rub the inkstone's tufted head.

"I'll leave this matter to the big brother. You decided not to quit the circle because of this person. What about now? When are you going to go home? What do you like to do? Do you have any specific directions? Tell me, big brother, for your reference."

Shi Yan felt that it's true that even a father doesn't have as much heart as Tang Shicheng.

But since the other party said so, Shi Yan was naturally rude: "I thought so before, but it's been a while! My thinking has naturally changed again.

I think the entertainment industry is pretty good now, and I don't plan to retire for the time being. "

Who would have thought that Tang Shicheng said indifferently: "Then let Nian Xiyu help you arrange it, and pick up a few more programs you are interested in. Having fun is the most important thing."

Tsk tsk, Shi Yan's original intention was to test the bottom line of Tang Shicheng's indulgence towards him, but this person seemed to have no bottom line.

However, there was something even more extreme. Half an hour later, Tang Shicheng directly asked the secretary to move all the office materials to Shi Yan's ward, and worked in the small living room of the VIP ward.

Peeling an apple for a while, pouring a glass of water for a while, taking your temperature for a while, and asking if you want to go to the toilet for a while.

Shi Yan was tossed around and suspected that he was not a small after-effect of drinking, but a cancer that he couldn't take care of himself, but it turned out that he was taken care of by Tang Shicheng since he was a child, even if it was a small cold. , under Tang Shicheng's meticulous care, it can also give people a sense of sight that is about to die soon.

This is Tang Shicheng's personal characteristic. It is only for Shi Yan, his younger brother, and there is no way to change it.

Shi Yan still had some pain in his head, so he simply lay in bed for a day and was taken care of by his eldest brother. After the doctor's examination in the evening, when he said that Shi Yan could be discharged at any time, the secretary just came in and whispered a few words to Tang Shicheng. He restrained himself and glanced at Shi Yan, who was so bored that he was digging his feet while lying on the bed.

Shi Yanzheng sighed that it was such a joy to have a clear head and no pain.

As if he didn't show any interest in his eldest brother's business, he listened to the eldest brother: "Let my aunt cook your favorite dish, go home first!"

The only thing Shi Yan cares about: "Has Auntie Pang gone home?"

Tang Shicheng gave a very obvious chuckle: "I'm back. Not only did Aunt Pang come back, but our parents also booked a ticket for tonight to fly to Hangcheng to visit my grandparents."

Shi Yan was completely relieved, he really couldn't face the mother who always wanted him to wear women's clothes. The key point was that the other party's way of grasping Shi Yan made him a headache. He didn't cry, didn't make trouble, and looked at him with eyes full of hope and grievance. He once made Shi Yan suspect that his mother is the one who should really win the Oscar.

This acting is unbelievable.

Shi Yan's acting skills are nothing in front of his mother Ms. Lu, not even a younger brother, and not worthy of carrying shoes for others.

Shi Yan was still sighing until he went home to eat and wash and lay on the bed. This time, his status is really beneficial for people to be salted.

So before going to bed, Shi Yan made up his mind to be a salted fish for the rest of his life.

As a result, the next morning, Nian Xiyu called and asked Shi Yan: "An actor recorded in this episode of "I Am an Actor" temporarily had some problems and was unable to participate, and I wanted to ask you to come and save the scene.

The broadcast starts at one o'clock in the afternoon, and that identity has only two lines. Basically, there is no time for you to rehearse. Would you like to go and play? "

That's right, from Nian Xiyu's point of view, all Shi Yan's work is only accepted if he finds it interesting and fun.

Otherwise, those big productions that can harvest the box office, win awards, or become popular and hone their acting skills, as long as Shi Yan doesn't like it, thinks it's boring and not fun, even if it's because he's working hard and drinking with people When negotiating contracts on the table and drinking the chance of stomach bleeding, Shi Yan also refused without hesitation.

This fact made Nian Xiyu very desperate for a time, but he was a ruthless man, he soon changed his mind and followed in Shi Yan's footsteps.

Just like this recording of "I Am an Actor", those who normally attend are either powerful actors who are out of breath and promote themselves, or fresh meat with traffic and topicality, and those who have no chance and are unknown. The actor hopes to use this opportunity to turn around.

Either you have real acting skills, or you are really thick-skinned, no matter what kind, the team of the previous artist must take all aspects into consideration.

But what Nian Xiyu has to consider is very simple. There is only one thing: will Shi Yan find it funny. He laid out the conditions clearly, and it was up to Shi Yan to decide whether to go or not.

Shi Yan, who wants to make salted fish, is of course.


A salted fish must have the attitude of a salted fish. An actor with two lines sounds like a salted fish when he hears it, without any pursuit.

The driver came to pick him up, Nian Xiyu followed uneasy, the two sat in the back row, Nian Xiyu simply handed the script to Shi Yan, and told him: "I drew the middle part of the forty pages with a red line. These two sentences are your part. First read it in general, and have a good idea in your heart.

When we drove over, the show basically started recording. When you went in, someone would do your makeup. When you were ready, you would almost end up on stage. There was absolutely no rehearsal time for you.

The program team does not have high requirements on you, as long as you can answer the call smoothly when the time comes. "

Shi Yan glanced at it and felt that this was a very deep drama, with several transitions, but the role he played can be said to be optional. Forcibly deleting such a person has no effect on the whole scene. .

Shi Yan estimated that the program team invited him to come because it seemed that he had huge traffic value, but Shi Yan felt that the abacus of the program team might be wrong this time. You must know that since his debut, the number of black fans is twice that of serious fans. When the program is broadcast, it is hard to say whether the traffic it attracts is what the program team wants.

However, when Nian Xiyu pushed him to the stage, Shi Yan realized that it was a worthwhile trip. Chu Mengmeng and Yun Yi'an played opposite him on stage, and Nian Tingpei was one of the four mentors off stage.

Shi Yan took a meaningful look in the direction of Nian Xiyu offstage. If Nian Xiyu himself didn't know about today's scene, it would be a joke.

Shi Yan once asked Nian Xiyu to secretly help Yun Yi'an, who just debuted. As for the extent of the help, it is up to Nian Xiyu himself. Originally, he used the company's resources to secretly help others, which was what Shi Yan himself ordered. The matter must be reported to Tang Shicheng, the eldest brother, but Nian Xiyu did not let Tang Shicheng know about it.

This can explain a lot of problems.

Nian Xiyu was standing under the stage, looking at someone above obsessively, and suddenly felt an uncomfortable look at him, which should have come from the stage. Just as I was about to look carefully, that feeling disappeared.

Nian Xiyu felt that maybe he thought too much. He had to know that the position he was standing was pitch-dark, and the stand was very clear, but it was almost impossible to see himself on the stage.

Shi Yan slowly retracted his gaze, just in time for his performance.

The mother played by Chu Mengmeng is looking at the daughter played by Yun Yi'an with loving eyes. The mother is holding her daughter's hand and trying to persuade her not to work too hard: "NanNan, isn't it just a mid-term thesis! You are just information You checked for a week and stayed up until three or four in the morning every day before going to bed.

This can't be done. Sleeping for three hours a day is not good for your health. Listen to your mother's words, don't endure it like this, go back to your mother and say hello to your mentor and let him take care of you as a girl.

If you feel ashamed at school, Mom asks graduate students to help you write it, and then invites people to dinner at home to ensure that the paper is as good as you are. Do you think this will work? "

As he spoke, he glared at Shi Yan, who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa and playing games without heart. Shi Yan plays a ignorant son who is spoiled by his parents.

Mother suddenly grabbed Shi Yan's ear, pointed at Shi Yan's forehead and asked, "Is what Mom said right? You don't know what your sister has been through, and you don't know how distressed you are. Help mom to persuade your sister!"

Shi Yan threw the game console in his hand, regained the initiative of the ear from his mother, and said to his mother with a wicked look: "I will give you all the academic misconduct!"

The place fell into a dead silence.

Because what Shi Yan was supposed to answer here was very simple, he just had to play the game very carelessly and perfunctory: "Yes, you are right, what kind of family are we, why do you have to work so hard to do this kind of thing? A thankless thing?

My sister just can't think about it. She spends all her time on reading, and she reads like a fool. Isn't it bad to be like me? "

But the director didn't stop and the performance could only continue. The mother played by Chu Mengmeng glared at Shi Yan, the son, and then continued to persuade her daughter.

When Shi Yan's mission was over, he wanted to pat his **** and leave immediately, but the assistant director told Shi Yan, "There will be a mentor's comment later, so I can't be absent."

Well, Xianyu should also have professionalism, so Shi Yan sat in the dressing room and continued the game that had not ended on the stage just now.

Nian Xiyu sat directly opposite Shi Yan, his face was a little ugly, and he resisted the impatience in his heart and said to Shi Yan: "Ayan, didn't we all agree on the way here? Why did you suddenly embarrass people on stage? ah?

Do you know how many people you would offend if your opponent couldn't catch you just now? "

At the end of the game, Shi Yan raised the white flag and surrendered directly to his opponent. Only then did he put away his phone in satisfaction and gave Nian Xiyu a look: "But you didn't tell me she was here too!"

Nian Xiyu knew who Shi Yan was talking about.

He explained calmly: "Outsiders don't understand rumors, can I still not know? It's not like I haven't seen Aunt Lu, you are just curious.

Since you are not that interested in other girls, why do you avoid meeting her? "

Shi Yan shook his head: "I'm not talking about this."

Nian Xiyu was stunned for a moment, and then he felt that Shi Yan in front of him seemed to be different from usual. When he looked closely, he felt that he was still the same person, self-willed, free, but also simple and easy to deceive.

So he put a gentle smile on his face again: "Then what are you talking about?"

Shi Yan stared into Nian Xiyu's eyes and said, "I asked you to take care of people, not to let you take care of her unconditionally. If I remember correctly, she is not qualified to appear on this show in all aspects, right?

It took a lot of work to operate people and choose a role that suits her, right? "

At this time, Yun Yi'an has only one debut work, which is called "Donuts in Love". If nothing else, just the name alone can tell how mindless the plot is.

What's more, the small production and low cost coupled with the inferior costumes and the mindless plot, a second generation in this circle was bored and wanted to experience the life of the crew. The crew that was temporarily formed, randomly set up a team and started shooting online dramas, and sure enough As everyone expected, there was no splash.

But it did give Yun Yi'an, who was still a freshman at the time, a chance to enter the entertainment industry. But Yun Yi'an is a little transparent with no background. Even the company signed the contract under the introduction of Nian Xiyu. It has only been signed for a few days. It doesn't matter what you want. It can even be said that there is no such person's little transparency. , you can get on this stage.

If no one is making great efforts to support, the ghosts will not believe it.

Nian Xiyu was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, as if he didn't expect Shi Yan to talk to him like this, but he still had some scruples, and quickly put on a gentle smile: "Ayan, you asked me to Taking care of her secretly one or two, maybe I didn't grasp the degree of it, I will pay attention to this in the future.

Yes, I admit that she was able to come to this show because of my secret effort, but that is also because our company and the other company have reached an agreement in private, the company will provide her with resources, and will participate in all her film and television revenue sharing in the future. "

Shi Yan didn't know about this, but according to his disregard for everything, it was strange to know.

Shi Yan hummed in his heart, look, look, this is why you are the second male lead. You want to pursue the female lead, but you want to share the money she will earn in the future. People may be grateful at first. But after a long time, seeing the money that he has worked so hard to earn, and flying away before he is hot, who will have no idea in his heart?

The conversation between the two came to an end, and Shi Yan was urged to take the stage to participate in the tutor's commentary session.

Shi Yan didn't care, but when he arrived at Shi Yan, as one of his mentors, Nian Tingpei, a young actor who also had a lot of controversy, picked up the microphone and seemed to be interested and asked him: "Lu Shiyan, I heard about you. He is a well-known second-generation coal generation in the circle, and his behavior is very arrogant, is this true?"

The atmosphere immediately became warm.

Shi Yan raised his eyebrows, thinking it was interesting, so he replied, "I still need to correct one thing, I'm not a second generation, I'm a genuine generation!"

Nian Tingpei asked, "Tell me about it." He looked very curious.

Shi Yan also bluntly revealed his net worth: "I'm only twenty years old this year. There are five houses in the center of Hangzhou, and millions of famous watches cannot fit in the room. In order to park my luxury car, I specially built a few houses in the commercial center of Hangzhou. Qianping underground parking lot, but this is not given to me by my parents, but I got it through my own efforts!"

There was an uproar at the scene.

Nian Tingpei's eyes flickered: "Is it true?"

Shi Yan nodded: "Of course, it's all from my own efforts to dream and dream. Is there a problem with the self-proclaimed Dream Generation?"

Nian Tingpei, including the expressions of many people at the scene, were very interesting after listening to Shi Yan's speech, but the most interesting thing for Shi Yan was that Nian Tingpei didn't know him.

After all, that was also one of the heirs of the Nian family. People in a circle didn't even know him.