MTL - Steel, Guns and the Industrial Party Across the World-Chapter 526 babor village

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At the entrance of Babor Village, several people dressed as knights were sitting on their horses and looking at the road to the east from a distance.

"Lord Fergus."

A younger knight asked the leader, "Do you think Paul Greenman will come?"

Fergus glanced at him, "Chacon, Master Graham is a person who strictly abides by the agreement. Since I have received his reply, and the letter is still affirmative, then he will definitely come on the agreed date. .”

The young knight stopped talking and continued to look at the end of the road.

At this time, as far as their line of sight could reach, a puff of dust rose up.

Gradually, the flying dust became more and more diffuse, as if a team was coming here.

"Here we come, we are here under the banner of the lord's family." The man with good eyesight clamored to confirm.

Fergus's heart sank, as if a stone hanging from a high place finally fell down and fell heavily on his heart.

He said in a deep voice: "Everyone, the lord is here, hide your little thoughts now, and entertain you carefully later, and don't show any lies in advance."

"Don't worry, Lord Fergus."

Everyone patted their chests and responded one after another.

The team got closer and closer, and everyone finally saw the size of the team. Fergus roughly estimated that there were more than 50 people.

His heart was clenched tightly again. what happened? Why are there so many people here.

Is the lord here to hunt, or...or...or to arrest people?

He knew that the bodyguards guarding the lord were all masters of martial arts, and these fifty people could hit five hundred people on his side.

But now that the bow and arrow are on the bowstring, he has no way out.

Fergus bit the bullet and flicked the rein lightly. The mount under the crotch seemed to be able to perceive the complex mood of the owner, and instead of stepping on the horse's hooves obediently as usual, it turned around uneasily.

"Shaq! Weird, be obedient."

Fergus touched the horse's neck to calm the restless mount. In the end, the horse still took four hooves and ran forward in small steps.

When he was about a hundred yards away from the team, two knights galloped out of the team.

"The people in front stop! Report your identity." One of the knights shouted at Fergus.

"I am Fergus, the knight of the Graman family! Your lord recognizes me."

Fergus also responded loudly, feeling a little unhappy. However, it has been a few years since I left Huxin Town. These two people may be newcomers and don't know him.

The team had stopped, and Paul recognized Fergus, and he shouted to the front: "It's okay, let him come over."

Only then did the two knights flash to the sides, making way for Fergus.

Fergus urged the horse and quickly came in front of Paul. He jumped off the horse and saluted Paul—using the traditional etiquette for a knight to meet his lord.

"Thank you for coming to the appointment, Lord Graman, my friends and I will be proud of your presence today."

"Long time no see, Fergus!" Paul laughed out loud. He wanted to get off his horse and hug Fergus, but he was immediately reminded by a sharp look from the captain of the guard, Victor.

A while ago, Cecil, the head of the intelligence department, and Victor, the captain of the guards, repeatedly reminded Paul not to get close to people who he didn't have much contact with, no matter how familiar and trusting he was before.

Considering the sensitivity of what he had done recently, Paul decided to follow their advice.

He glanced apologetically at the former family knight.

"It should be me who wants to thank you for inviting me to such an interesting event. Oh, I was too busy a few days ago, so I can only shirk your invitations a few times. I'm very sorry. Hahaha!"

"Where!" Fergus replied with a smile, "It is a great honor for Mr. Graham to come. It's just..."

He glanced at the long line, and there was a hint of doubt in his words.

"Oh! It's all Victor's fault."

Paul put his hat on the head of the captain of the guard without hesitation, "I said it was just a visit to my own territory, and I didn't go to Jingyao to meet the king. There is no need to make such a big noise, but he didn't listen. Don't do that."

There was still some resentment in his tone.

Victor got off his horse without changing his expression, and gave Fergus a bear hug forward.

"Long time no see, Lord Fergus."

"It's been a long time, Victor, you've matured. Are you in charge of Lord Graman's guard now?"


"Where's Russ?"

"Master Hayden is now the director of the Department of Public Safety, and he drove me to the shelves."

Victor and Fergus were old acquaintances. He explained the reason why he brought so many guards, "Master Fergus, you have been living in the country and have little contact with the outside world, but the current Arda is not the remote and desolate place it used to be. I don’t know how many people out there covet Lord Graeman’s power and wealth, and of course his life. That’s why I have to arrange so many people when Lord Graeman travels.”

He put on a complaining expression, "Oh, you know, I'm under a lot of pressure now." He brushed his hair again, "Look at my hair now, isn't it thinner than when we last met? A lot."

Fergus's hanging heart was slightly relieved. Listening to the two people's words, it seemed that he didn't bring so many people here on purpose.

"Please, Lord Graman, come to my manor first, and I will take care of you and drive away your exhaustion from traveling all the way."

Fergus smiled and invited Paul, "Oh, yes." He pointed to the people who were still waiting at the entrance of the village.

"There are a few friends who came with me to welcome me introduce you later."

Paul nodded, "Okay! Take me to your manor, my Fergus."

Fergus then remounted his horse and led Paul's team towards the village.

"Greyman is here!"

At the entrance of the village, the rest of the knights watched as Fergus ran over to contact the lord's team.

The young man named Chacon by Fergus said with a bit of trepidation, "Why did he bring so many people with him? Could it be that he knew something in advance?"

"We'll see what Lord Fergus wants to do later."

It was another young man slightly older than Chacon who answered him, "Hmph! What's the use of bringing more people? This is our territory, and we have to decide when we come. To be buried with Laiman."

The young man looked at the team with cold eyes.