MTL - Steel Shell System-v2 Chapter 315 Real artifact

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For a few days, the old money was madly killed, and the experience value was increasing as fast as riding a train or riding a rocket. Such a terrible speed, even Qian Lingfeng himself was startled.

It is itself a powerful range attacking mage, coupled with a powerful artifact-level wand, it is simply a superpower to clear the monsters, and the experience value increases greatly. In addition, Qian Lingfeng is also prepared to learn similar to Xiaobawang Machines such as props and items that can improve the efficiency of getting monsters for experience value, and the experience value is not increasing fast, it is just a hell.

As before the fifth turn, once again there were no restrictions or obstacles to level upgrade. Qian Lingfeng opened the kill and looked for a large number of monster groups to snipe.

Every time I find those powerful marine mutant beasts or other monster army, rushing up is directly a powerful map cannon skill, the horrible flame system curse is simply a magic weapon to kill everything! !!

From India, the situation in India is quite miserable. The survivors have already died a lot, and the monsters on the land have almost been killed by the mutant sea beasts.

India was originally the second most populous country in addition to China, but now, it is even more terrifying than the horrors of colonial **** that killed and killed the plains in India in the past. The remains of killing are everywhere. Swallowed by a monster.

The whole of India was raged by marine mutant beasts from the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean. In that place, Qian Lingfeng could meet a large number of marine mutant beasts from time to time without even searching for them.

At the beginning, although Qian Lingfeng's strength improved rapidly. However, alone, the old money is still a bit sceptic about worrying about being caught in the army of marine mutant beasts. A large number of top experts even **** and ambush.

But soon, when the level of the old money reached seven revolutions, the old money was already fearless, and began to kill the large group army of the marine mutant beast army! !!

After breaking through the seven turns, the old money will combine his original dark gold-level staff with the seven-turn firebird staff previously obtained.

The seven-revolution dark gold-level weapon inlaid scroll is not cheap, but there are still some money and old money to kill so many monsters. Countless items and items were obtained, because they were not available, and there was no way to deal with them. Old money sells them all directly to the system for money.

Earlier, old money was synthesized several times. Although they were able to synthesize successfully, the basic staff used did not match the crystal core of the undead bird. But this time I got this same flame property. It is even a weapon dropped by a flame-based bird. For the combination of these two items, Qian Lingfeng is quite looking forward to it! !!

Scroll synthesis, the two items were attracted together by a mysterious force, the intense reddish light burst out instantly, and then the power of the horrible flame wrapped everything! !!

Flame is the force of destruction, and it also represents destruction! Fire element is also the most lively and irritable existence in the basic element system! !!

The power of the horrible fire was restless. Burning everything and spreading the world into ashes. Deep at that moment next to this staff, Qian Lingfeng was completely shocked by the terrible power of this staff that seemed to destroy everything.

The endless elements of fire begin to converge, golden living powder begins to fly in the sky, the entire world, the original color is slowly wrapped in a touch of red, and the background of the entire world begins to spread a touch of fire red .

Waving gently, the power of endless flames spread over the entire earth, the temperature of the entire world began to rise, the earth began to crack, and a fiery red beam of light rose into the sky!

Above the sky, a horrible column of fiery red light reddened the sky for a long time. A curly tornado cloud appeared over the staff. The terror's power stirred, and something seemed to be brewing! !!

The dark and deep inside of the tornado cloud, the horrible thunders surrounding it flickered, exterminating everything! !!

The new staff has not appeared yet, but the powerful breath has enveloped the whole world! !!

"Ding !! Congratulations to the Heart of Flames for being successfully upgraded to the artifact-level Flame Heart Scepter * 1 !!"

The abrupt reminder sounded suddenly, then the original flame power and the red pillar of light suddenly disappeared, and immediately above the sky, the terrible tornado cloud suddenly fell to the next terror extinction thunder! !!

The pressure to exterminate all the horrors fell, as if to kill this newly appeared staff with Qian Lingfeng below.

But holding this scepter of flame heart tightly, a similarly horrible flame power rose into the sky, the horrible flame power turned into a sword light that burned and destroyed everything, the next moment, penetrated everything The extinct thunder was instantly annihilated, and above the sky, that huge tornado cloud was also split in half in an instant! !!

Artifact-level Staff! !! This is the real artifact-level wand! !! With this staff, Qian Lingfeng can feel that his strength is really beyond imagination! !!

His eyes were deep, and in the distance a powerful marine mutant beast approached in the distance! !! It seems to have been disturbed by the movement of the Flame Heart Scepter ~ ~ and accompanied by it, there are three other powerful seven-turn marine mutants! !!

Eight revolutions of dark yellow level, plus one seven revolutions of silver quality level, and two seven revolutions of deep yellow quality, four of this powerful series of monsters struck. If it was before, Qian Lingfeng Definitely frowning.

With his seven-turn power, plus a set of equipment, including a five-turn dark gold-quality staff, I am afraid that it can be equal to a seven-turn silver-quality fan, and a tie is at best, or at best Be a little stronger and use all the means to kill your opponent.

But when four powerful ones came in one breath, the old money could only escape, but now it is different! !! With this powerful real artifact-level seven-turn staff, old money has the confidence to kill them all, all easily. !!

In front of the four sea mutant beasts that rushed over, Qian Lingfeng raised his staff. The next moment, the surrounding fire elements suddenly stagnated, and the endless fire elements suddenly shrank, followed by the surrounding fire shadow With a shock, four crimson ghost images were shot out.

The horrible flame ghosts were transformed into a ghost of red arrows. (To be continued ...)