MTL - Steel Shell System-v2 Chapter 316 Beat 1 cut

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Four powerful marine mutant beasts came fiercely, raging on this Indian land, they killed all the enemies they saw, and no one is their one enemy!

When Qian Lingfeng's powerful waves spread out far away, they were shocked, but also excited, and finally had a little interesting toy. .

But where do they know, this time it is not a game for them to decide, but a killing! !!

The four phantoms passed through in an instant, the four arrows and the four mutant beasts shook their heads. They are both powerful mutant beasts. Although the phantoms of these four arrows are a bit powerful, in their eyes, Those little fluctuations of power really can't break their defense.

"It's ridiculous and generally weak." The thoughts of the four marine mutant beasts rose up inconsistently.

The next moment, the phantoms of the four flaming arrows penetrated, and they easily shot through the four mutant beasts. The horrible flame shocked, and the four incredible marine mutant beasts were directly turned into ashes. Already.

"Forbidden-Flame Sniper!"

Summon the projection of powerful flame power, and snip **** few targets. Each phantom of the flame power contains a powerful force that can easily destroy everything. The target that is hit will be powerful flame power. Force annihilation! !!

But this power is completely condensed in the flame projection, and the fluctuation of energy is completely suppressed!

Seems weak, but in fact terrifying! This is the characteristic of this skill! !!

Instantly killed four powerful marine mutant beasts, Qian Lingfeng also stayed for a while. Although I knew the power of this artifact-level wand, it was easy to kill four powerful seven and eight turns. The degree is super, the old money still feels extremely shocked! !!

"The choice of using that vulnerable code to break the barrier to upgrade was indeed correct!" I couldn't help it, the old money's heart was full of excitement! !!

In the end, is it a bug to allow Alaret to continue to use the vulnerable code to create the Devil's Depth of Mist Sea model, or to use this piece of code to break through the obstacle of his own upgrade? This old money is also considered for a long time.

There are too many risks and unknowns, and there are too many things to bear, and Qian Lingfeng cannot be ignored!

But now, such a powerful power is in his own hands. Old money knows that his decision is correct. Now he may not be able to save the world by his own strength! !!

Of course, old money still doesn't think he can kill the most powerful existence of marine mutant beasts. The entire ocean is so huge. The leader level of a coastal area has a powerful strength of eight turns of deep yellow, so he really controls the entire marine mutation. How powerful should the beast be? !! !!

Although I now have a powerful force that can easily kill the eight-turn dark yellow quality, this strength is far from enough! I need to be stronger! !!

Qian Lingfeng once again looked at the marine mutants on the entire Indian continent! !!

These are your own experience points. Just like killing them all, you may not be able to advance to eight or even nine! !! At that time, with this artifact-level wand, I am afraid I can really compete with the overlord in the sea! !!

With the powerful ability to kill eight turns of the dark yellow marine mutant beast, against those marine mutant beasts, the old money no longer needs to dodge the spark, and directly start the real wanton killing! !!

The huge number of marine mutant beasts often don't know what happened, and a cloud of sky fire comes over, and they are directly sent to the west, all turned into ashes.

Of course, there are also powerful troops, but these guys, facing the powerful Qian Lingfeng, casually dropped two skills, and they were killed every second. The entire Indian continent has no old money at all. enemy! !!

Soon, more than half of the marine mutant beasts were almost killed by Qian Lingfeng on the entire Indian continent, and the level of the old money also quickly increased, reaching the peak of eight turns, close to the level of nine turns! !!

How vast the entire Indian continent is, and even the number of mutant sea beasts killed by Qian Lingfeng is not even clear to him.

However, the higher the level, the more the experience is needed, although there is no restriction on the transfer certificate. !! Even to the point of being outrageous! !!

Most of the marine mutant beast units on the Indian mainland were killed by old money, and how much experience they got, but even so, the old money only increased to the peak of eight turns. There is a gap in the experience value. The horror of people is speechless.

Even the old money had thought, fuck, did the guy who set the system have the idea of ​​raising the number to nine turns in the mind, or maybe he just set the numbers there blindly! !!

Looking at the long series of numbers, Qian Lingfeng's intuitive eyes had to be spent for a while, and he couldn't see exactly how many digits there were, anyway, it was many, amazing! !!

Fortunately, there are enough monsters! Enough to improve to nine turns! !!

Old money thinks so!

These monsters invade the land, so that's exactly what you guys use as an upgrade experience! !! Is it true that so-called karma? !! !!

However, when Lao Qian was thinking about killing all the marine mutant beasts on the entire Indian continent in one breath ~ ~ Zhao Yexia's communication request came.

Soon, the old money also knew everything, the land coalition and the marine mutant beast slaughtered, the strength of the marine mutant beast suddenly increased tenfold, the coalition defeated, and it was about to be wiped out! !!

The killer flickered in his eyes, and the old money knew that it was time for him to play! !!

The temporary eight-turn silver-quality mermaid is just a blow to the old money. What really cares about the old money is the one hiding in the ground, the level reaching nine turns dark yellow. King of Dragons! !!

The appearance of the Ninth Turn, no doubt, even Qian Lingfeng was taken aback! !! But soon, the old money calmed down.

The dark yellow quality of the nine revolutions, the old money is confident, and it should be possible to kill him now, but what really cares for the old money is that the battle with this nine revolutions, I am afraid, the entire earth will be ruined! !!

And kill this one, is it over? You must have the strength to withstand the strongest revenge of the marine mutant beast! !! Can defeat the strength of the ocean's strongest overlord! !! (To be continued.)