MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 755 Fluttering fruit

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The appearance of the Golden Lion Shiji is really beyond the expectation of red hair.

Strictly speaking, the Golden Lion Shiji is a red-haired predecessor. In the era of Roger, the white beard, the golden lion and the Roger were the three most famous pirates in the world. However, it is a good friend who has been cherishing each other. The Golden Lion Pirates and the Roger Pirates have played so many times. This friendship has not changed.

Xiangx is very familiar with him. The character of Golden Lion Shiji is more wild. Since Roger has been sentenced to death by the world government, even the white beard has no action. Instead, the golden lion Shiji has entered Marin van Gogh and wants Revenge for Roger, the result was caught, and then was imprisoned in the city prison, however, then he became the first man to escape from the history of the city, although he broke his legs, still from the heavily guarded Escaped from the prison.

The last impression of Shanks on the Golden Lion was that he went to the white beard once he escaped, and then disappeared into the eyes of the world, disappeared, and did not know where to go.

Now more than twenty years have passed, Xiangx thinks that this old man is afraid of dying, and occasionally recalls, he still regrets for him.

Unexpectedly, the legendary pirates who thought they were dead would suddenly appear in front of him at this moment.

In shock, Shanks also realized that this incident was afraid of premeditated, so he rushed toward the Golden Lion Shiji, and screamed: "This!!"

Ben Bankman’s voice came from a distance: “It’s already in action!”

The character of Shanks is occasionally confusing, but his deputy captain, Ben Bankman, has always been calm and wise. Before the Shanks and the Golden Lions played a group, Ben Bankman took it. The man went to the position of the devil fruit box that was kicked out by Dover Langming.

However, because of the Golden Lion Shiji blocking the Shanks, Dover Langminge freed his hand, but strangely, he did not try to retrieve the box containing the devil fruit, but stopped the book. · Bankman!

Ben Bankman holds the sailor knife in one hand and the short gun in one hand. The sailor knife blocks the pointed shoes of Dover Langming, and raises his hand to shoot at Dover Langming. The result is Dover Langming. The brother grabbed the thread attached to his finger and directly cut Ben Bullman’s bullet.

The two were in a few seconds and played against each other several times, but they seemed to be evenly matched.

I noticed that Dover Langingo wanted to drag himself. Ben Bankman immediately guessed it. I am afraid there are people on the island who are meeting Dover Langming, or else Dover Langing will never put the box. Far from going.

But Ben Bankman didn't say anything, and played with Dover Langming, because the corner of his eyes, he had seen **** cloth on a tall building nearby, occupying the commanding heights and making a sniper. The preparation, while Lakiru is also rushing toward the box's landing point, the members of the Red Hair Pirates have developed a tacit understanding for many years, do not need to say more, they know how to act.

Now that Dover Langminge wants to hold him down, why doesn't he want to drag Duffy Langmingo?

Standing in the high place of **** cloth, holding a long gun, in his sight, he saw the devil fruit box there, there were three figures, so I didn’t even think about it, three shots in succession. Go out!

As a sniper of the red-haired pirates, Jesus’ sniper ability is quite high. Under the lock of his domineering domineering, the three figures even the dodging route were prejudged by him, so the three shots made three Even if people dodge, they are also hit!

In the three **** splashes, Rakiru and the remaining red-haired pirates also arrived, and rushed toward the three with a sailor knife.

However, when they had not yet rushed to the three figures, the ground suddenly exploded several times in a row, the power of the explosion was not great, but a burst of green smoke spread in all directions.

Rakiru rushed to the front, the first one took a sip of this green smoke, and suddenly a dizzy feeling came, stopped in time and braked, and shouted: "Be careful, this smoke is poisonous!"

The red-haired pirate group quickly grabbed his nose and quickly retreated, and withdrew from the smoke, but in the green smoke, the three figures were the first ones, but took the opportunity to go forward and put the ground The devil fruit box picked up.

Hey, two more gunshots came, and the figure of the person who picked up the box again raised two blood flowers, and his figure trembled.

"It hurts! It hurts!" the man shouted: "Damn! With a domineering bullet... If Van Oka's **** is still alive, let him deal with the sniper of the Red Hair Pirates! ”

Needless to say, these three figures are naturally the only three people in the Black Beard Pirates group, Tickey, Lafayette and the poisonous Q three, and those who resisted the **** cloth bullets and picked up the devil fruit box, It’s this guy!

From the sight, the devil fruit box was taken away, and **** cloth was anxious. It was shot again. Tiki was shot again. Although he tried to avoid his key points, he still could not help but make a ghost. Lafayette screamed in the back: "Captain! Hurry! Wait until the poison of the poisonous Q is gone!"

At the same time as he made a sound, several axes of axe were thrown over the poison gas range. Rakiru was unable to get close because of the poisonous gas, but the weapon in his hand was directly pulled out. Tiki just took the box at this time. Opened and took out the fruit, I couldn’t avoid it. I had to turn my back and use these backs to pick up the flying axe. At the same time, I endured the pain and bite the fruit of the soul!

Hey! Although Tickey had eaten the devil's fruit, he still paid the price. The axe that Rakiru had thrown, some cut on his back, and one fell on his ass, Tickey's darkness The fruit could not be elementalized, even if it did not carry domineering, it was also cut into entities.

These thrown axes still slashed the guy, but they angered him. The boundless darkness at his feet suddenly appeared, spreading toward the red-haired pirates!

Rakiru found that they were not good. They quickly got out of the battlefield. The streets around them were paralyzed. A large number of houses were pulled into the dark by the dark fruit power of Tickey. The scene was quickly cleared out of a huge open space.

Without the occlusion of these buildings, the Shanks, who are playing with the Golden Lions, naturally saw Tiki’s figure.

"Tickey!!? It turned out to be you!?" When Shanks saw the black beard, the huge anger rose, and with a strong force, he waved a sword toward the golden lion.

This sword, even the Golden Lion Shiji dare to harden, can only sideways, the powerful sword directly destroyed the large block behind the Golden Lion Shiji.

With this opportunity, Shanks dropped the Golden Lion Shiji and rushed toward Tiki!

"Red hair!!" Tiki looked at Shanks, and it was also a face full of embarrassed expressions. The two were also enemies. They met the red-eyed ones, so they greeted the sharks, Tickey’s right hand. Opened, violently released the buildings that had been shattered by him before he was thrown into the darkness, and released them to Xiangx!

Countless huge gravel, with strong force from the black hole, but can not stop the attack of the Shanks, he waved a sword with the wind, the gravel was smashed and shattered, although the Shanks were also splashed The gravel scratched the corner of the eye, but it came to Ticchi smoothly, and the sword fell!

clang! ! A loud bang came, and Tiki crossed his arms. The black armed color was domineering on his arms, and he held the sniper of the Shanks. The strong shock wave spread and spread the smoke around him.

At the same time a burst of sound came, and the floor where Tickey stood was crushed, and his half body was pressed into the ground!

Shanks took the sword back and stabbed forward, straight into the chest position where Tiki’s arms were exposed. Tickey was half-squatting at this time, unable to dodge, but the two figures appeared suddenly, Lafayette grip His Western sword stabbed toward Xiangx, and Dover Langming, he did not know when he had left the battle with Ben Bankman, came to rescue Tiki, kicked and kicked. Come, hit the sword of Shanks and smash his attack!

Lafayette's stabbing sword pointed to the Shanks, but was blocked by domineering, but Shanks did not stab Tiki.

"Get out of the way!" The power of Shanks broke out, and a sword swayed Dover Langming, while the feet of the slippers were on the belly of Lafayette!

boom! Lafayette was kicked out like a cannonball. He also spit out blood in midair, and Dover Langming used the domineering to block the slash of Shanks, but his right hand was also Was numb.

However, there were two people blocking this effort, and Tiki had jumped out of the ground.

"Captain! The big thing is not good!" Not waiting for Shanks to continue to pursue Tiki, but there was a shout from Ben Bankman, and Shanks looked back at but see Ben· Bankman, and the rest of the Red Hair Pirates, looked up at the sky with a shocked look!

Xiangx looked up and found that in the sky above Kastom, I don’t know when there was a floating island!

The island is small in size and less than one-tenth the size of the island of Kastom, but it makes Chicks inexplicable! Because he saw that this small island was controlled by the golden lion Shiji floating in midair!

Ben Bankman just noticed the shadow above, which made Dover Longminge take the opportunity to break away from the battle...

"Hello, hahaha!" Golden Lion Shiki floated in midair and laughed at the members of Shanks and his red-haired pirates. "The red-haired kid, I heard that this country is under your protection. Then what do you think, if my island falls, what will happen to this country!?"

"Don't mess around!" Shanks shouted at the Golden Lion.

"Hey! The old man won't listen to you!" Golden Lion Shiki slammed his hand down and took control of the island towards Kastom! Nt

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