MTL - Super Manufacturing Force-Chapter 520 Run away

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During the talk, the seven shadows had flew over and surrounded the spaceship regiment. It was headed by Apollo. They were already the Ark Holy Retreat, and now they are the only members left.

Apollo looked at the spacecraft floating in front and asked coldly, "Who are you? How dare you break into the Ark Retreat and roll down immediately, otherwise don't blame me!"

"Haha, if it wasn't for the time, I would really like to see how you're welcome, but unfortunately, I didn't have time to play with you today, get away, the seven little bugs also want to block me, it's almost death!"

Kilo's voice came from the spacecraft, and the spacecraft flew directly upwards in a roar.

Seeing that the spacecraft was about to hit the top of the base, but saw a huge force shot from the spacecraft, breaking a huge crack directly on the top of the base, and the spacecraft flew out like lightning.

"Damn, I dare to ignore our Ark Saint Secret Society so I can stop him!" Apollo was furious, his body flashed into a stream of golden light, and he led his followers out.

In the dense jungle, the ground was suddenly broken by a huge gap, and a deafening roar came out, and then a spaceship whistled from the crack.

When the spacecraft ascended to nearly 100 meters in the air, it was a golden light flow, suddenly rising from the crack, and instantly blocked the spacecraft above.

When Jin Guang turned into Apollo, he slammed the ship's head fiercely with a punch, before the attack, the billowing heat waves had caused the surface of the ship's head to show some signs of melting.

"I don't know why!"

A cold hum came, and then the spacecraft's hatch suddenly opened. The next moment, dozens of Kilo's avatars rushed out, directly blocking the spacecraft.

These avatars surrounded the Apollo group and launched a joint attack.

"Bang bang bang ..." Just listening to a muffled sound, Apollo had already fought with dozens of clones in a few moments.

Looking at the opponents who looked exactly the same in front of him, Apollo's face was so incomparable: "Is that you? Are you the same kind of **** Kilo Zhao Xu is looking for?"

"Ha ha ha ha, I didn't expect you to have some insight, you can actually recognize me as a split race, but unfortunately, you really shouldn't chase it out, and die now!"

Kilo laughed, and then dozens of avatars became more fierce.


Apollo's face changed greatly. The split race was the second most powerful race among all prehistoric civilizations. Although it was only two ranks higher than the Sun Protoss, its combat effectiveness was completely different.

Although he is the strongest of the Sun Protoss, but facing the endless avatar of the split race, he is definitely not an opponent, but he must fight, otherwise he and several of his men will die here today.

Taking a deep breath, Apollo suddenly flashed a strong golden light.

At the next moment, a howling sound suddenly reminded me that Apollo's whole body swelled quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into an undead bird emitting a billowing flame.

"Hmm ..."

There was another howling, the undead bird opened its huge wings, and whistled towards dozens of clones of Kilo, and saw layers of heat waves like a tide, endlessly surging. When it touched the body, Dozens of avatars immediately burned.



Dozens of screams in pain and struggle, but struggling hard, could not escape the envelope of the heat wave, and all were turned to ashes in the end.

Then the undead bird turned around and re-emerged as Apollo, but his face was pale at this moment. Apparently, the incarnation of the undead bird cost him a lot of money.

"A little skill, actually I can kill these avatars, but it is a pity that the power of the split people is far from what you can imagine. If you have the abilities, you can also burn out my avatars!" Kilo snorted, tight. Then, endless clones poured out of the cabin.

Just a moment, thousands of avatars filled the forest.

Apollo's face changed drastically. He used dozens of avatars to solve it with a trick. The thousands of avatars could not be dealt with by killing them.

His face was ugly and threatened: "Kilo, don't be too proud of yourself. What happened here must be known by Zhao Xu. He will be here soon. I'll see how you run?"

"Well, you threatened me with Zhao Xu, but you really have a chance, but thanks for your reminder, I really can't mess with Zhao Xu, so I will leave first, hahahaha, enjoy it here!"

Kilo laughed and controlled the spacecraft, flew towards the sky, and quickly disappeared into the sky, while Apollo followed the six men he had just chased out, surrounded by thousands of corps.

"What are you waiting for, run!"

Apollo roared, suddenly turned into a golden streamer and went straight up into the sky, fleeing, and the other six Ark Saint Secrets also quickly followed.

"Where to run?" Thousands of avatars were furious and followed closely like countless detached arrows.

This chase fled, and soon flew out of the Amazon rainforest, rushed out of South America, and flew into the sea.

If it was only Apollo himself, it was not difficult to get rid of those avatars at his speed, but he still had to take care of six men, so the speed was slowed down.

Seeing thousands of avatars chasing closer and closer, Apollo was anxious. These six men were already the last members of the Ark Holy Retreat. He really couldn't bear to let them go, but ...

At a time when the situation was becoming more and more critical, suddenly, a sound like a thunder rolled from the edge of the sky, and I saw the clouds turning there, like a sea blowing a twelve hurricane.

The next moment, a figure suddenly broke through the clouds, and instantly came over the crowd.

"Zhao Xu?" Apollo was overjoyed and called out quickly: "Quick, Zhao Xu, save us!"

"Apollo, didn't expect you to be so embarrassed?" Zhao Xu laughed.

"You guys, when are you kidding? Life and death are at stake!" Apollo couldn't laugh or cry.

"Why nervous, a bunch of little fish, look at you!"

"Little miscellaneous fish?" Apollo despondently wanted to vomit blood, and we were almost killed by this group of "little miscellaneous fish". I know you are terrific, but can you not hit people like this?

"Whether you can't do anything, it's all a acquaintance, how can you never see death?" Apollo smiled bitterly.

"Okay, am I the kind of person who can't help but die?" Zhao Xu poked his mouth, took a deep breath, and suddenly burst into bright blue light, and then spread downward at a very fast speed. Everyone has been shrouded in it.

For a moment, I saw the blue ocean, echoing the blue light above, very beautiful, but it revealed a strong killing.

The next moment, I saw the blue light surging, and the thousands of sorrows were mourning all at once, and then fell apart in the blink of an eye, all turned into the most basic particles, and dissipated in the air. 2k novel reading network