MTL - The Alternate World Is Too Dangerous: I Hide In Reality And Rule!-Chapter 281 you have a big secret

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  Chapter 281 You have a big secret

  Hundred Lakes Mountains.

  The mountains outside Canglan County are called Baihu Mountains by the local people because there are many lakes on the mountains.

  The lake in the center of the mountain range.

  The two figures were floating on the lake in this way.

   "Brother Jing, please enlighten me!"

  Lin Ye, who was wearing a blue shirt, smiled and looked at Jing Yu. Jing Yu nodded and did not reply, raising the Luoxue sword in his hand.

  Snowflakes are falling, eloquently.

  The temperature on the entire lake dropped suddenly, and the lake surface was frosted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Lin Ye glanced at his feet. In three years, Jing Yu's strength has also been improved.

  Back when Jing Yu cast the Snowfall Sword, it took a long time for snow to appear on the ground, let alone for the lake to be frosted so quickly.

  However, I am not who I was three years ago.

  Lin Ye made a tactic with both hands, and the Yutian Sword emerged.

  Different from the original one, there are two Yutian swords above Lin Ye's head at this moment.

  One pure white and one pure black.

  The white sword is controlled by him with the Taoist primordial spirit, while the black sword is condensed by ghost energy and controlled by the seal of the city god.

In the past three years, receiving the gift of the mother spirit of the earth, not only has his primordial spirit grown enough, and he is only one step away from breaking through to the realm of the primordial spirit, even Chenghuang Yin, after absorbing a lot of the mother spirit of the earth, is also There have been changes.

  The seal of the city **** is the treasure of the underworld, controlling the ghosts of a place.

  Because of this, there are also many methods of Yinsi practice on the seal of the City God.

  But these methods of practice will not appear on the seal of the city **** at the beginning, but will be revealed little by little as the incense accumulated in the seal of the city **** continues to increase.

   This method is also an incentive for the city god. If the city **** wants to practice, he must continue to get incense, and he can only guard the people more conscientiously.

  Earth Mother Qi is the purest energy in the world.

  Everything in the world takes the earth as its mother, and the air of the earth can breed everything, which naturally includes the power of the Yin Division's merits and incense.

In the past three years of being wrapped in silkworm cocoons, Lin Ye's consciousness did not enter a state of emptiness, but existed clearly. In the past three years, he had trapped some of the Taoist techniques he knew and the seal of the city **** into the underworld. Supernatural powers are integrated.

  Yu Tianjian is the result of these three years.

  He can now control two Yutian swords at the same time, and with the subtle blessing, the accuracy of the Yutian sword has been greatly improved.

   And there are still two swords.

   If the accuracy is not enough, then make up the quantity.

  Across the lake, when he saw the two long swords floating above Lin Ye's head, Jing Yu's expression was still as calm as before, but his pupils shrank a little. His intuition told him that the power of these two swords was extraordinary.

  However, even with precautions, Jing Yu never thought that the two swords would come so soon.

  Almost as soon as he saw Lin Ye making a mark with his hands, his pupils were filled with two sword lights, one black and one white, so fast that it was too late to make a prediction.

  However, Jing Yu still raised his sword and dropped it.

   Black and white light shines.

  The white light precisely collided with Jing Yu's Luoxue sword, while the black light broke through the range of Luoxue sword, but because of a snowflake falling, it changed its trajectory, and finally passed Jing Yu's arm.

   But even passing by, Jing Yu still left a sword mark on his arm.

   "What a fast sword."

  Jing Yu sincerely admired it.

   "Brother Jing's words made me ashamed, no matter how fast my sword is, it will still be blocked by Brother Jing."

   To be honest, when he saw Jing Yu hit Yu Tianjian, he was a little surprised. Yu Tianjian's main hit was speed, but he didn't expect Jing Yu to be able to block it.

   "It's different, I didn't react in time." Jing Yu had a wry smile on his face, and when he saw Lin Ye's puzzled expression, he explained: "Actually, the sword I swung just now was just a random swing."

   "Swipe randomly?"

   "You can understand that this is some kind of automatic reaction of my body, or it can also be called seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck."

  Lin Ye frowned, he understood the meaning of Jing Yu's words, that is to say, Jing Yu had already swung the sword before he shot the Yu Tian Sword.

  Is this a prophet?

   Could it be?

  Lin Ye's eyes on Jing Yu changed, and he thought of a possibility.

  Taoist practice, if you step into the realm of Yuanshen, it is tantamount to entering another world.

   Yuanshen Realm, comparable to land gods.

  Mu Cangwu may have exaggerated a little bit, but there is definitely a world-shaking difference between Yuanshen Realm and Zangshen Realm.

  The same is true for martial arts.

  Martial arts step into the realm of martial saints, which is completely different from the Jingzhe realm. Once you become a martial saint, you can no longer be called a warrior.

   "Brother Jing has stepped into the realm of martial saint?" Lin Ye couldn't help asking.

   "Not yet, I can only say that I have touched the threshold."

  Lin Ye's eyes lit up. He knew Jing Yu well, and he usually spoke very modestly. If he touched the threshold, he was probably already standing on the threshold, and he was just a step away from breaking through to the realm of martial arts.

   "Brother Jing's talent in martial arts is really surprising."

It's only been three years, and the prospect of three years is not even a half-step Martial Saint. It's only three years before he stepped into the realm of Martial Saint. A supreme elder, who has stayed in the half-step martial saint realm for decades, if he hadn't really been unable to break through, he would not have embarked on that evil path.

   "Brother Lin, why bother to be self-effacing, you are just one step away from the primordial spirit, and you are still a dual practitioner of Taoism and martial arts. In comparison, your talent is higher than mine."

Jing Yu's words are not modest, he has never doubted his martial arts talent, even if the heart of the sword was damaged, he didn't have too many emotional ups and downs, because he knew clearly that as long as he stepped out, the door of the Martial Saint would be facing him wide open.

  In the past three years, he has been cultivating Jianxin more, so that he can regain his perfection. This is the reason why he has been able to reach the current state in three years.

  However, after seeing Lin Ye, he suddenly felt that he was not a genius anymore.

  In terms of age, he is more than a round older than Lin Ye. Although Lin Ye is only at the Waking of Insects realm in martial arts, his Taoist practice is about to break through the Yuanshen realm, which is no worse than his talent.

   "Brother Jing, shall we continue?"

   "Forget it, you and I have to compete for a victory, I'm afraid the Baihu Mountains will be destroyed."

Faced with Lin Ye's question, Jing Yu shook his head. There is no need to compete. One of the two is one step away from the Primordial Spirit Realm, and the other is one step away from the Martial Saint Realm. If they want to compete to win, it must be a fierce battle , and the relationship between the two is destined to be impossible to fight to the death, and the final result can only be the destruction of the Baihu Mountain Range.

  Of course, if the two of them have stepped into Yuanshen Realm and Martial Saint Realm, then there is no need to worry about these.

  Once you step into this realm, you will have more ways to learn from each other, and you will be able to control your own energy well.

  Using a more ambiguous sentence, you can directly decide the outcome of the battle without fighting.

  A match ended before it even started. The two looked at each other and smiled and left the lake and the Baihu Mountain Range. After the two left, many trembling monsters in the Baihu Mountain Range also breathed a sigh of relief.

  The two evil stars finally left, but fortunately, their homeland was saved.



   "Tai Sui?"

   "I don't know much about this aspect. In fact, although there are many rumors about Tai Sui, not many people have actually seen Tai Sui."

   "Once the Tai Sui appears in the world, it will inevitably lead to pursuit, and if there is a lucky one who gets the Tai Sui, it will not be announced."

   Lin Ye, who returned to his residence in Canglan County, looked at Tai Sui in the colorful cocoon, feeling a little helpless.

   On the way back from Baihu Mountains, he asked Jing Yu about Tai Sui, but the result was not satisfactory.

Jing Yu didn't know much about Tai Sui, and he learned from Jing Yu's mouth that in fact, warriors didn't know much about Tai Sui. Fighting by warriors, but these rumors of Tai Sui's whereabouts finally disappeared.

  In fact, Lin Ye could also understand that no matter who got Tai Sui in the end, he would not disclose the news, which meant that most of the information about Tai Sui was just rumors.

  Jing Yu didn't get the answer he wanted. Although Lin Ye was a little disappointed, he quickly calmed down. He had another conversation to ask, and that was Shipan.

  The stone plate used to be the seal of the mountain god, so you may know something about Tai Sui.

  Thinking of this, Lin Ye didn't hesitate any longer. He changed his mind and chose to return to the real world.

real world.

  The moment he came back, Lin Ye was still in the basement.

   This means that he hung up the phone for three years this time, and what happened in the past three years also appeared in his mind in an instant.

   Nothing particularly significant happened.

At the beginning, Zhong Shan sent a lot of messages. They were all from some salon gatherings among the consultants asking if he would like to participate. Later, he learned that he hadn’t sent any messages after retreating. one time.

  The other people are roughly the same, but the message that the person who hung up the phone replied to was a little different.

  Like the phone calls and messages from my uncle and aunt including Chen Xi, what I told them was that I was studying abroad.

  After confirming that nothing serious happened, Lin Ye tore off the talisman attached to his chest.

   "You kid is really not a good thing, actually... No... Fuck, did you eat the elixir?"

  The moment the talisman was taken down, Shipan's voice came out, but in the second half of the sentence, Shipan's tone changed from anger to shock.

   "Old Shi, what do you mean by that? I've worked so hard to retreat for three years and made a breakthrough in my cultivation. How did it become something like eating elixir for nothing in your mouth?"

  Lin Ye expressed his dissatisfaction.

   "Bah, even if the environment of the world has not changed, it is impossible for you to make such rapid progress by relying on the Spirit Gathering Formation."

Shipan didn't save Lin Ye any face at all: "Even those so-called geniuses back then couldn't do this, let alone you, who has mediocre cultivation talent...but you are really evil, and in the current world environment With your talent, your cultivation level three years ago is unbelievable."

   "You must have a big secret."

  (end of this chapter)