MTL - The Alternate World Is Too Dangerous: I Hide In Reality And Rule!-Chapter 288 hero out boy

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  Chen Jun!

   (To complain, place names can’t be mentioned too much now, so I have to use ancient names. Under my influence, book friends will become experts in ancient names of major cities in the country in the future.)

  A convoy drove into this ancient city with a long history although it is not very developed.

   "Don't be nervous, the relationship is confirmed, it's more than half done."

  In the car, seeing Li Xian's increasingly serious face, Lin Ye couldn't help but comfort him.

   "Mr. Lin, I... I... I watched a lot of videos of boys going to their mother-in-law's natal house last night on the Internet. The more I watched, the more nervous I became. Many boys ended up miserable."

   Li Xian smiled wryly. Originally, he planned to watch some videos of boys going to the woman's house for the first time to find experience, but the more he watched, the more frightened he became.

   "The videos on the Internet don't have much reference. As for some boys who go to their girlfriend's house and don't get the approval of the woman's elders, the problem lies with the boys themselves, and it has nothing to do with the boys' words."

  Lin Ye smiled, Li Xian had fallen into a misunderstanding. In most cases, the woman's elders would not have too many opinions on the behavior of the boys who came to the door.

  Many boys all over the world are cautious when they go to their mother-in-law’s home for the first time, and what makes the elders of the woman dissatisfied with the boy is the information about the boy that he learned from the girl before coming.

  Before the boy came, the elders already had an opinion.

Therefore, many boys are very confident. Knowing from their girlfriends that their parents are not very satisfied with them, they have to go to the girl's house forcibly, thinking that they can persuade their girlfriend's parents with their politeness and words. silly idea.

  The woman's parents will be dissatisfied with the boy, and they can't be moved by words, because they are all experienced and know how unreliable the so-called promise is.

  If you have confirmed from your girlfriend that the girl's parents are dissatisfied with him, what the boy has to do is not to go to the door to convince the girl's parents, but to work harder and need facts to prove himself.

  Because of persuasion, the girlfriend must have told her parents, but the parents are still not satisfied, which means that your current status and even your efforts cannot satisfy the girl’s parents.

   No parent will marry their daughter to a boy who can only make promises.

  This is the real reason why those who said on the Internet that they went to their mother-in-law’s natal home were rejected and even kicked out.

  People who are poor have to rush to be delivered to their door and be humiliated. Do you really think you are the protagonist in a novel?

  Even if the protagonist in the novel was slapped in the face by the woman's parents and broke up with the woman because she was disgusted by the woman, if there is no gold finger like rebirth or the system, it is almost difficult to slap her in the face and go back.

   "Ah, then I am not the same as those boys on the Internet?"

  After hearing Lin Ye's analysis, Li Xian became even more afraid.

   You really are a simple young man.

   Lin Ye sighed in his heart, Li Xian's situation is definitely different from the one on the Internet. First of all, the background of Xie's family and Li's family determines that no matter which party it is, they don't have to think about making a living. There is no such problem.

  Although the Li family is not as good as the Xie family, it is actually not as good. The most important thing is that Li Xian is already a different person.

   Li Xian's identity as a different person is more valuable than Li Xian's identity as the grandson of the Li family.

  Whether it is the Li family or the Xie family, it is impossible to ensure that every member of the clan is a different person. At most, it is guaranteed that two or three members of the clan are different people. This information is included in the information given by the appraisal office.

The reason why Mrs. Xie is the head of Mrs. Xie's family is because Mrs. Mrs. Xie was the only one who became a foreigner in Mrs. Xie's generation, but the younger generation of the Xie family suddenly exploded in character, with four strangers and three males. , and Li Xian's girlfriend is the only female alien.

In the alien family, if Li Xian's girlfriend is not an alien, no matter how much she is loved by Xie's elders, in matters of marriage, it is very likely that Xie's elders will decide, but if she is an alien, then it is not only To be loved by the elders is more to have the right to speak, not just to be treated as a loved junior.

With these prerequisites in place, Lin Ye thought the marriage proposal this time was a sure thing, and the Li family would let him come to be a matchmaker. In fact, they felt that the marriage had a high probability of success, otherwise the success rate would be low. If you want to come to the door to be a matchmaker, if the Xie family refuses, then the Li family will offend you and the Xie family.

  The Xie family would resent the Li family for inviting him to be a matchmaker and put pressure on them, but he would lose face when he was rejected, and he would also complain about the Li family in his heart.

   This kind of family that can exist for more than hundreds of years is not only supported by aliens. Everything they do is thought through in all aspects, and a decision is made after weighing the pros and cons.

  But since the elders of Li's family didn't make this clear to Li Xian, Lin Ye naturally wouldn't point it out.

  The convoy stopped on the side of a street, Lin Ye opened the car door, and the middle-aged man standing on the side of the road smiled and got into the car.

   "Consultant Lin, I have known your name for a long time. I have already greeted the Xie family. The Xie family welcomes you very much. The Xie family swept the couch to welcome you."

   "Thank you, Consultant Lu."

  To be a matchmaker, Lin Ye contacted Lu He, a consultant from the Chen County Appraisal Office, in advance, and the other party also sent the news to Xie's house.

  Of course Lin Ye didn't say on the phone that he was a matchmaker, but just said that he would come to visit, and that Lu He would follow to Xie's house in a while.

   "Consultant Lu, let me introduce you, this is Li Xian from Daci Li's family."

   After seeing Lu He getting into the car, he glanced at Li Xian, and Lin Ye introduced Li Xian's identity.

   "Hello, Consultant Lu."

   "Nice to meet you."

Because of things hidden in his heart and nervousness, Li Xian didn't have the heart to communicate with Lu He too much. Naturally, Lu He would not ask more questions, but he was also guessing in his heart. Consultant Lin came to Xie's house to visit, and took the head of the Li family with him. What does grandson come mean?

   Half an hour later, under the guidance of Lu He, the convoy arrived in front of Xie's house.

  Different from Li’s house, Xie’s is a manor, the convoy drove directly in, and finally stopped at the center of the manor.

  Lu He got off the car first, followed by Lin Ye, and Li Xian was the third to get off.

   "This is Mr. Lin!"

  When Lin Ye got out of the car, a fifty-year-old man walked up to him. Lu He introduced, "This Xie Dinghua, the eldest son of Mrs. Xie."

   "Thank you, brother."

  Although the other party was around fifty years old, Lin Ye also called him uncle, because his strength lay here.

   Only old people like Li Lao who are over seventy years old, out of respect for the elderly, Lin Ye would call himself a junior.

   "Consultant Lin's name has been heard for a long time, and I have always wanted to see it. I didn't expect that today my wish has finally come true. It really is a well-deserved name, and the son is like jade."

  Xie Dinghua was very face-saving, and he praised him, and then his eyes fell on Li Xian, who was standing behind Lin Ye, with some doubts in his eyes. What was this young man doing with his flattering smile, as if he was his creditor?

   "Brother Xie, let me introduce you, this is Li Xian, the grandson of the head of the Daci Li family."

   "It turned out to be Li Xian's nephew. I've heard that there is a genius in the Li family. I've always wanted to meet him, but I didn't expect my wish today... Haha, a hero comes out of a boy."

  Lin Ye: ...


  Lee Hyun:...