MTL - The Alternate World Is Too Dangerous: I Hide In Reality And Rule!-Chapter 289 Granny calm down

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  Chapter 289 The old lady appeases her anger

  Xie Dinghua used a set of praise words, changed a few words at will, and applied them to the two people, and even in front of the two people.

  However, instead of being angry, Li Xian had a flattering smile on his face: "Uncle Xie, I can't afford your praise."

   "I'm telling the truth. I'm a stranger at a young age, and my future is limitless."

Xie Dinghua laughed, but Lin Ye interrupted and said, "Li Xian is indeed very good. Brother Li told me at that time that the proudest thing in his life was that he gave birth to Li Xian. As a son, Li Xian gave him a good reputation. .”

   "That's true. If I had such a son, I would be proud of it." Xie Dinghua continued Lin Ye's words.

  In fact, Xie Dinghua was a little puzzled in his heart. He just praised him out of politeness. Why did Mr. Lin accept it? Mr. Lin couldn't come to Xie's house, but to show off that Li's family has produced a good offspring.

  The next generation of the Xie family has four different people, and they have nothing to envy the Li family.

"You don't have to be proud of your son." When Lin Ye said this, Xie Dinghua and Lu He looked at Lin Ye with some puzzled expressions, but Lin Ye didn't explain, but changed the subject: "You can't Let the old lady wait for too long, go to greet the old lady first."

   "Yes, yes, my mother is already waiting in the main hall, please, Mr. Lin."

  Xie Dinghua also reacted and led the way ahead, while Li Xian glanced at Lin Ye with gratitude in his eyes, Lin Ye smiled and walked forward.

  He will talk to Xie Dinghua for a few words, the reason is very simple, Li Xian's girlfriend is Xie Xiaoqi, Xie Dinghua's daughter, Xie Dinghua is Li Xian's future father-in-law.

Guide Xie Dinghua to praise Li Xian, so that when he expresses his intentions, Xie Dinghua will not be able to speak out against it. As for whether Xie Dinghua will stare at Li Xian's son-in-law because of this matter, then it is none of his business .

   Entering the hall, Lin Ye met Mrs. Xie, the head of the Xie family.

  The old matriarch sat on the main seat, with a dignified appearance, exuding majesty from top to bottom.

  Lin Ye had read the information about Mrs. Xie from the appraisal office. She was the only other person in the generation of Xie's family, and she was a woman. The Xie family was about to fall apart.

  In order to stabilize the Xie family and at the same time convince the Xie family members, Mrs. Xie is decisive, whether it is internal or external, after many years, she has this coercive aura on her body.

   "Mother, Mr. Lin is here."

  Xie Dinghua, who was still smiling before, behaved very well when he entered the hall. From this point, it also verified the laboratory's analysis of Mrs. Xie.

   "At the end of the school, I went to Lin Ye and met the old lady."

  Lin Ye cupped his fists to salute, the old lady smiled and said: "Mr. Lin, you are polite, please sit down quickly."

   First invite Lin Ye to take a seat, Mrs. Xie looked at Lu He again: "Mr. Lu and my Xie family are also acquaintances, so there is no need for such red tape."

   "The old lady is a senior, and the etiquette cannot be broken." Lu He also hugged the old lady Xie before sitting down on the seat under Lin Ye.

   Li Xian is still standing in the hall.

   "What should I call this young hero?" Mrs. Xie looked at Li Xian and asked with a smile.

   "Junior Li Xian from the Li family, I have met Mrs. Xie." Li Xian saluted respectfully.

   "The Li family, is it the Li family from Daci Town? I don't know Li Zhenhai and you?"

   "Back to the old lady, that's my grandfather. Before I came, my grandfather asked me to say hello to you."

   "You are the grandson of Li Zhenhai, yes, your Li family also has successors."

Mrs. Xie had a smile on her face, and Li Xian's face flashed with hesitation, but after a while his expression became resolute, and he said: "Mr. Madam, this time the junior came to the Li family to propose marriage to the Xie family. "

Mrs. Xie's smile remained unchanged at Li Xian's words, but Xie Dinghua's heart suddenly jumped. Thinking of Mr. Lin exaggerating Li Xian's words in front of him outside the door, he suddenly felt a bad feeling. premonition.

"The younger generation was in the same class as Xiaoqi when they were in college. After several encounters, they developed a love for Xiaoqi. When they found out that Xiaoqi was the granddaughter of the old lady, they reported to the elders in the family. The elders scolded me. Fantastic, the toad wanted to eat swan meat, but in the end grandpa took pity on him and asked the younger generation to come to Xie's house..."

  Listening to Li Xian's words, Lin Ye was also moved in his heart. He deserved to be a child of a big family, and what he said was nice.

Li Xian didn't mention the love relationship between him and Xie Xiaoqi, but only said that he admired Xie Xiaoqi, and the elders in the family scolded him for wanting to eat swan meat, but he couldn't change his mind. In the end, he had no choice but to let him Come to the Xie family and leave the decision to the Xie family.

   These words not only preserved Xie Xiaoqi's innocence as a woman, but also flattered the Xie family, but the Xie family must have guessed the truth behind it.

  If Xie Xiaoqi and Li Xian were just ordinary classmates, Li Xian would not know Xie Xiaoqi's identity, and Li Xian dared to come to the door, it must be a girl who has already established a relationship.

   "This kid is very clear about important matters. If I were to thank the old lady, I would not refuse this marriage."

  Lin Ye was about to ask to help, but when he saw Mrs. Xie's expression, his eyes narrowed slightly, and things were going a bit wrong.

  The smile on Mrs. Xie's face disappeared, and was even replaced by a rather awkward expression. Although this awkward expression only appeared for a moment, he still captured it.

   This discovery made him not in a hurry to start a conversation. In fact, what Li Xian said, and the fact that he brought Li Xian to the Xie family, the Xie family should know the purpose of coming here.

  I came here to be a matchmaker for Li Xian.

   "Please take a seat first."

   Li Xian looked up at Mrs. Xie, but did not move.

"Ahem, nephew Li Xian, this is your fault. I know that Xiaoqi is the granddaughter whom the old matriarch loves the most, and also brother Dinghua's favorite. If you make a sudden attack, if it were me, I'm afraid my heart can't bear it, so come and sit down."

   It was Lu He who spoke. Feeling the awkward atmosphere in the hall, he spoke to Li Xian to relieve him.

   "What Uncle Lu said is that the younger generation is reckless."

   Li Xian apologized, and then sat under Lu He, but his eyes never left Mrs. Xie.

  Old Madam Xie was silent, the reason for the silence was because she was a little embarrassed at the moment.

  If Li Xian is interested in her other granddaughters, no matter which one, with Mr. Lin willing to be a matchmaker, plus Li Xian's own talent and background, she is willing to have such a grandson-in-law.

  Ke Xiaoqi's situation is different.

   "Li Xian, it's Xiaoqi's blessing that you can fall in love with Xiaoqi, but Xiaoqi already had a marriage contract when she was young."

In the end, Mrs. Xie made a decision. Although she would offend Mr. Lin and the Li family if she rejected Li Xian, she would not be an enemy, but if she chose Li Xian, then the Xie family would offend them. ruthless.

The Xie family couldn't bear the anger over there, and neither could the Li family. As for Mr. Lin, she was not sure, because she had never seen Mr. Lin take action, and Mr. Lin's deeds were also done over there. get.

   What's more, Mr. Lin is just a matchmaker, and he doesn't necessarily have a close relationship with the Li family. The Li family may have paid a certain price to hire Mr. Lin. It's hard to say whether Mr. Lin will intervene in the follow-up matter.

   "The old lady..."

  Li Xian was a little anxious, and he didn't care about being polite. Xiaoqi was engaged since she was a child. How come he never heard of Xiaoqi?

  Xie Dinghua also looked at his mother in shock. He, as a father, had never heard of the engagement of his daughter.

   Could it be that mother made such an excuse to reject Li Xiancai?

   But it shouldn't be, this kind of excuse will be exposed easily.

"Even if it's in the clan, not many people know about it. It was ordered by the old man after Xiaoqi was born. Even Dinghua didn't know about it. He originally waited for Xiaoqi to graduate before telling Xiaoqi. "

  Old Madam Xie explained something, Lin Ye pondered for a while, and finally confirmed that Madam Xie was telling the truth.

  Because Mrs. Xie wants to refuse, there are many reasons, but this reason is the easiest to be exposed.

  The Xie family is not an ordinary family. Even if Xie Xiaoqi did not marry Li Xian, she would marry someone in the future, so she would not be able to hide who the other party was, and she would be able to know whether she had engaged in a baby marriage.

  Once exposed, Mrs. Xie would have severely offended the Li family and herself.

  But Lin Ye figured it out, and Lu He figured out the joints, but Li Xian couldn't figure it out. He was the person involved, and he couldn't sit still when he heard Mrs. Xie's words.

   "Old Madam, Xiaoqi and I really love each other..."

  At this time, Li Xian didn't care about the explanations of the elders in his family, and he couldn't care about other things, so he had to tell the truth.


  Old Madam Xie directly interrupted Li Xian's words, because her granddaughter's reputation was related, especially if this matter spread over there, it would bring unnecessary trouble to the Xie family.

   "Li Xian, you should know what kind of family my Xie family is. Since we have made a baby marriage appointment, it will definitely not be cancelled, so don't mention it again."

   After finishing speaking, Mrs. Xie's tone also became tactful: "Based on your conditions, you can find better girls in the future."

If it's just Li Xian himself, Mrs. Xie can force Li Xian to give up, and even force Li Xian not to spread the matter with Xiaoqi after leaving Xie's house, but with Lin Ye and Lu He present, Mrs. Xie I have to persuade.

   "Grandma, I won't promise my baby, I have my own choice."

  However, just as Mrs. Xie was about to persuade Li Xian, a beautiful figure walked in the door, looking directly at Mrs. Xie.

   "Xiaoqi, why are you talking to grandma?"

  Xie Dinghua saw his daughter contradicting her mother, and quickly scolded her.

   "Dad, if grandma had told me that there was an engagement for me, I might have accepted it, but now that I'm in a relationship with Li Xian, if grandma tells me again, I can't accept it."

  Lin Ye looked at Xie Xiaoqi, this girl has a very straightforward temperament, not to mention, she is quite a good match with Li Xian.

  Li Xian is a soft-tempered character, and the soft and the strong complement each other very well.

   "Asshole, it's because grandma loves you so much that you have lost your dignity."

   Mrs. Xie did not expect her granddaughter to appear at this time, and dare to contradict herself. In Xie's house, she has always kept her word, and no one has ever dared to contradict her.

   "Dinghua, take your daughter down and discipline her properly, don't embarrass our Xie family in front of outsiders."

   "Grandma, I won't go!"

  Xie Xiaoqi was very determined, ignored the winks that Xie Dinghua gave her, and even took the initiative to walk up to Li Xian and held Li Xian's hand.

   "Okay, okay, the wings are really hard, and I feel like I can fly."

  Old Madam Xie slapped the armrest of the chair heavily with her skinny palm, and stood up from the chair. Lin Ye, who was sitting on the right, smiled and said at this moment:

   "Please calm down the old lady."

  (end of this chapter)