MTL - The Counterattack Plan of A Villain With Ten Thousand Fans-Chapter 18

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There was nothing in the pure white space, even the one that 098 had sat in the first place disappeared. At the beginning of the lingering, he smashed some uncomfortable eyes and finally looked at his clean hands.

“Congratulations to the host to complete the initial task, get the energy point 1000, due to unexpected changes in the mission world, the compensation energy point is 2000, the current energy point is 3000. Please note that if the energy point is less than 0, the tasker will be erased, each task fails. Will deduct 1000 energy points." 098's voice has no curvature, "the system store is open, does the host need to buy items?"

Ling Chunan looked at the dazzling array of goods in the eyes, but it was some interest, and then paused in the price. "No, just start the next mission."

Seeing Ling Chunan is so active on the task, 098 has a better attitude. "Good host, please, later, screening the world."

Lingchu Nan was awakened by a sudden bump.

"Sorry for Anan, just a car suddenly came out from the side. There is still a road away from the hotel, you sleep for a while."

The driver's voice was surprisingly familiar. Lingnan was confused for a moment, suddenly woke up, looking at the back of the man in front of the front seat, the pupils were miniature, and took a deep breath after a while.

This is his agent, he actually came back?

Ling Chunan suddenly felt that the throat was a little itchy, and the desire for flesh and blood in his heart reached its highest point in an instant.

"Host, please note that your agent is watching you."

The voice of 098 interrupted Ling’s movement. He pressed his slightly raised arm and lowered his head to pretend to be asleep. “What happened? Why is my original world?”

098: "The mission world is randomly selected. The host is now in the e-world, which is purely coincidental with the original world."

Ling Chunan did not know the letter or not, "Give me the story."

098: "Okay."

This is a female host entertainment circle president, the female name is Yang Qingya, when the 18-year-old just entered the entertainment circle, the president of the game was rolled up and rolled up the sheets. After two months, he found himself pregnant. I went abroad, and returned to the entertainment circle with my two-year-old son three years later. Because of her outstanding appearance, I got a lot of men’s likes. In the end, I experienced a lot of misunderstandings. She finally became a member of Haotian Entertainment’s president. On the throne of the international film, the love industry has a good harvest.

The role played by Ling Chunan in the plot is indeed a villain.

"I have never seen an inexplicable villain like me." Ling Chunan frowned.

It can be said that from the beginning to the end, Lingnannan did not meet with the female host positively. However, the female host’s attention to him was very high. At one time, she reached a near-fanatic attitude. Her family’s work was not her own work, but most of them. It is a poster and a movie starring Ling Nannan.

It is precisely because of this that Ling Chunnan became a thorn in the hearts of many men who loved the female lord, and also created the tragic ending he had.

In the plot, Ling Chunnan was taken back by the agent after being splashed with sulfuric acid. After more than two months, he committed suicide because he could not accept his own appearance.

Because she lost her idol from small to large, the female lord was very sad. The male lord took the opportunity to launch an offensive and warmed the wounded heart of the female lord. The two men complained to each other and together.

It’s ridiculous.

In fact, if it wasn’t for the male owner to provide a place for Ling’s agent and block his information, how could one not find him? Thinking of the last room I stayed in, Ling Chunnan snorted. "Where is the story going?"

098: "The female lord just came back from abroad and re-signed with Haotian Entertainment yesterday."

"my task?"

"Dismantling the men and women, fighting the male main company, let Wu Zichu have nothing." 098 paused and continued, "And, let Zhang Yu die without a place to die."

Wu Zichu? Ling Chunan thought about it for a while, which was the name of the grassroots entrepreneur who had splashed his sulfuric acid. Zhang Wei, who happens to be his agent.

Very interesting.

The car parked in the hotel parking lot, Zhang Hao got off and opened the door to Lingchunan. "Anan, wake up, go to the place."

At the beginning of the early Ling dynasty, Yan opened his eyes. Just as he looked at the past, Zhang Wei also removed his eyes and stopped watching Lingnan. If there was a lesson in Lingnan, he might not see this man’s eyes. Deeply obsessed with obscurity.

At this time, Ling Chunan had completely adjusted his mood, smiled at the agent, got up and got off the bus, and said as he walked forward: "You read my work process to me."

Today, this hotel is for an audition. This film is the finale of the heavyweight director Chen Xianlin in the circle. It is also the last stroke of his impact on the international awards. With the investment of hundreds of millions of mysterious investors, there is no doubt that Today's audition is sure to be star-studded.

The last time Ling Lingnan got the position of male star. It is also a coincidence that it was because of the male actor who appeared in the film that he won the international film singer's crown a year later, and it was also after that that the celebration would ruin him.

098: "Host, do you want to make this movie?"

"Of course." At the beginning of the early year, the southern corner of the eye was confident. "Why not?"

The film is a healing theme for a single man, telling the story of how a blind autistic teenager becomes an internationally renowned pianist.

In the early days of Lingnan, in order to win this role, I had a whole month of eyes, but fortunately, the hard work pays off, although the end result is somewhat regrettable, but he is very enjoyable in the process.

The top lobby of the hotel is now full of stars. Although Lingnan is young, it is considered to be an old man in the circle. Many people have seen him get up and say hello. Lingnan has returned to the past one by one, smiling and kind. .

098: "Host, your agent looks very strange."

At the beginning of the first year of the Ling Dynasty, he blinked his eyes and saw his strong possessiveness and deep dark emotions in his eyes. To be honest, Zhang Hao looked bad, but he did not Too ugly, it is an ordinary category, but the inexplicable Ling Chunan feels that he is particularly irritating at this moment.

After a glance, Lingnan’s southern face shook hands with the screaming teenager, and said to 098: “Don’t worry, he won’t be with me for the time being.”

Undoubtedly, Ling Chunan once again got the male role of the film, and the director made a decision on the spot.

After accepting everyone's sincere or false congratulations, Ling Chunan turned around and saw the fleeting feelings of his agent's fleeting feelings. He couldn't help feeling a little bored. "I went to the bathroom."

"So obvious emotions I didn't notice in my previous life." Lingchu Nan opened the faucet, put his hand underneath, and his look was a little annoyed.

098 comforted: "It may be because the host is too familiar with him, so he lost his vigilance."

"When he was my agent, I was ten years old." Lingchu Nan frowned, and could not help but be grateful for his private life to have a babysitter to handle, did not let the brokers get involved, "Is there any last time the medical treatment?"

098 paused, "Yes."

Did not pursue the last sentence that was said before the death of No. 098 before the death, Ling Chunnan raised his arm.

Xu was suppressed for a long time and the appetite was finally satisfied. Ling Yunan’s feeling of depression after returning to the original world was finally a lot better. The wound medicine provided by 098 was put on the **** arms, and the wound healed instantly. He slowly washed away the remaining blood on his hands, rubbed the red color of his lips, and determined that there was no flaw in his body, and opened the door of the bathroom.

Just out of the corner, Ling Chunan slammed into the arms of a person.

The man was nearly one head taller than Lingnan. When he saw Lingnan, he almost fell backwards. He reached for the back of Lingnannan. "Are you okay?"

"The sound is really nice." At the beginning of the Ling Dynasty, the Southern Dynasty 098, "The smell smells good, how to do it, I seem to be hungry."


In the early days of the Southern and Southern Dynasties, he stepped out of the man's arms. "Thank you, I am fine."

At this time, Ling Nannan finally saw the other party's appearance, blue eyes, high nose, thin lips, deep outline, if not the neat black hair and yellow skin, it is completely a foreign handsome.

When I saw the moment of Lingchunan, the man’s eyes lit up. "You are beautiful. My name is Chu Yunge. I am from the Italian country. I am a mixed-race. I am 28 years old. I am unmarried. Can I know your name? ?"

098: "Host, how do I think he is... blind date?" When it comes to the last two words, the tone of 098 is a bit strange.

Ling Chunnan reached out and held the man's hand. "My name is Ling Chunan."

"Anan, time is not early, it is time to go back."

Just as Lingnan was still waiting to say something, Zhang Wei’s voice came from afar. Ling Nannan smiled apologetically. “My agent called me, I’m sorry to have hit you, I’ll ask you to eat next time, I’ll Let me quit."

"Well, see you next time." Chu Yunge held the hand of Ling Nannan and let go, laughing and watching him leave.

Until the early days of the early morning disappeared, the smile on Chu Yunge's face suddenly rose, and the thin lips were scornful and looked very fierce.

When he came to the bathroom, he frowned, then dialed a phone and sent out the information of Ling Chunan to my mailbox.

It is certainly a politeness to invite people to eat. It is a pity that there is no deep communication with Chu Yunge. After all, he smelled the taste of food on him.

Ling Chunan thought of a strange place. "How can he have no sound when he walks?"

098 replies: "In fact, there is sound, it is very quiet."

"Why don't you remind me?"

"...I was only aware of it when you were only two steps away from him. I didn't have time."

After a while, Ling Chunan asked: "Who is he?"

098: "The person's information cannot be found in the plot."

Ling Chunnan, who had already reviewed the story once again, did not get the answer he wanted. He looked at the window with a squint and the doubts in his heart popped up again. I don't know if it is an illusion. Just a moment ago, he felt that this Chu Yun Ge is very similar to Zeng Wuyue. 2k novel reading network